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Promoting employee wellness within an organization, now and post the Covid – 19


COURSE CODE: MAN302 (Fall-2022/ M-14914)
SUBMITTED BY : Roushan Tahir 20211-30157
Syed Ahmed Abbas 20211-31208
Emaan Jawad 20211-30538

In order to finalize my project, I spoke with Dr. Samar Moatter.

Beginning in 2021, when COVID was at its peak, she completed her
MBBS degree. After earning her degree, she worked at Civil Hospital,
Karachi. She is now appearing tests for further training programs, i.e


The impact of COVID-19 on the lowest-earning segments of society is as a result

of the economy slowing down, rising prices, and low employment rates. Street
sellers and small manufacturers were among the first groups heavily impacted by
the tightened lockout regulations.

Significant hardship was brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated
economic effects. Tens of millions of individuals lost their employment in the first
few months of the crisis. Within a few months, employment started to increase
again, but unemployment remained high throughout 2020. The exceedingly high
levels of hardship experienced in the summer of 2020 were significantly reduced
by increased employment and significant alleviation initiatives. Near the end of
2021, there were still a lot of unmet needs, with 10 million homes having unpaid
rent and 20 million households saying that they had not enough to eat in the
previous seven days.
Due to the lessened social shame attached to losing a job, the detrimental effects
of unemployment on subjective well-being are typically less severe during
recessions. Given the current situation, the coronavirus's significant increases in
unemployment and inactivity may mitigate the negative effects of being let go of
your job or cutting back on your hours because unemployment carries less of a
social shame during difficult circumstances. Workers who have COVID-19
difficulties and grow increasingly unhappy may also increase their likelihood of
quitting their jobs or losing them. This relationship may cause vulnerable workers
to have even bigger decreases in wellbeing due to job loss during the pandemic.

The interview we conducted with Dr samar was about how her organization
treated their employees, who were the front line fighter in this pandemic, who
were nursing the sick, who were helping others in this period of crisis.
The Job Characteristics Model offers suggestions for improving the quality of jobs
in companies. Skills variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feed
are among the traits of the JCM.

SKILL VARIETY : There is virtually little skill variety at the intern level. The intern is
essentially at the bottom of the hierarchy, which is why. They are only permitted
to work on projects that their senior assigns.
According to the job characteristics theory, an employee will feel as though they
are performing more meaningful work if their job is more varied and therefore
requires more skills and talents.
TASK IDENTITY :-How much of a task entails performing an entire, recognisable
piece of work with a visible effect as opposed to performing simply a component
of the job
They are limited to a certain goal, and task identity in their situation is quite low.
They can only be used for one type of work.

TASK SIGNIFICANCE :- The relevance of the task is another crucial aspect of a job.
The sense of significance attached to the task is referred to as task significance.
Employees typically find significance in their work when it positively impacts the
lives of others, whether those others are clients, coworkers, or both.
Task significance is Very high in their profession. They dedicate themselves to
helping others. They strive to improve the patients' well-being and condition.
They want to assist everyone that enters the building. They care for, adore, and
are committed to them.

AUTONOMY :- Another essential job feature is autonomy. When given the

option to work alone, employees have autonomy. Due to the fact that those who
work in occupations with greater autonomy typically feel more accountable for
their own decisions, autonomy can contribute to a sense of personal significance
and higher-quality work.
According to Dr. Samar, autonomy is quite low. They are not allowed to operate
alone at all. Senior Doctors provide direction and oversight for their job. They
must carry out the instructions that have been given to them.

FEEDBACK :- According to the approach, providing consistent feedback to your

employees is achieved through performance reviews. Consider including a
rewards system, like as incentives or creating an employee recognition board,
once performance reviews are finished.
Their scenario receives virtually little feedback. They receive an enormous amount
of work, but receive no feedback. There is a lot of critical criticism but no positive
criticism of any type. Positive work does not receive any compensation or
The Job Characteristics Model assists in increasing the attraction, variety, and
difficulty of employees' tasks and employment. Jobs can be changed up and
rotated so that workers use more of their skills and have less repetitive and
monotonous work.

In the JCM, "decentralization" is encouraged. This entails assigning duties to the

lowest organizational level possible while promoting independence,
dependability, and accountability.

Knowledge exchange is a potent driver of advancement. The JCM is a useful tool

for stimulating internal discussion and debate among staff members.

Employees who are happy and driven from within are less inclined to look for
work elsewhere. By correctly implementing the JCM, you'll also aid in lowering
personnel turnover, which is very advantageous to your operational continuity.

The two-factor theory describes the elements that have an impact on a person's
degree of motivation and contentment. They are
I. Hygiene Factors
II. Motivators
HYGIENE FACTORS :- Security, income, justice, and working conditions are
examples of hygiene variables in a job that meet essential needs. Employees are
more at ease and content with their jobs when these demands are met.
According to Dr Samar there are No hygienic factors present. Salary, which is the
most important aspect, was not given to them properly. They received one
month's pay after three months of work.
Basic hygiene is lacking in the workplace, office, and ward, and there are no
security guards to be seen. There is also improper cleaning and seating

MOTIVATORS :- The primary aspects of a job that encourage people to remain in

and advance in a position are motivational factors. The project crew may feel
unsatisfied with their positions if these needs are not met. They might seek out
more demanding positions that will help them advance their careers, pick up new
skills, or handle bigger responsibilities.
That received no credit for the work.
They are unable of making their own decisions and have no independence.
Tasks failed to maintain their interest.
There was not a single opportunity to take on larger project positions, additional
responsibilities, or higher degrees of secrecy.
There was a lack of the capacity to communicate positively with coworkers and
form enduring connections.

According to the theory of motivation known as equity, employees' feeling of

fairness plays a significant role in what motivates them to do their best at work.
Employees keep track of the inputs and outputs of their work in a mental ledger,
which they use to assess how their inputs and outputs compare to those of

 Working hours are not so flexible
 Their Schedule is Like : Monday to Saturday ( 6-7 Hours )
 They have around 6-8 calls every month
 Calls are basically 24 hour shifts beside your everyday work

 They receive a fixed salary
 No bonus or rewards are given for their extra work

Their input and output are not in balance with one another.
They work overnight shifts and 24-hour shifts without getting paid more or
receiving bonuses.
They don't always get paid; after three months, they may only get paid for one
There is an enormous amount of work to be done.
In comparison to output, input has a far higher weight. It follows that there is no
balance between them.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that explains why people

are motivated to pursue certain wants at different levels. According to the
hypothesis, people are driven to prioritize meeting their wants. The most
fundamental requirements come first, followed by more sophisticated needs.

The Five stages are :-

I. Physiological Needs
II. Safety Needs
III. Belongingness
IV. Esteem Needs
V. Self- Actualization
Physiological requirements are the first of the bottom, id-driven demands in
Maslow's hierarchy. The most fundamental requirements for human survival
are for food and water, enough sleep, clothing and shelter, general health, and
reproduction. According to Maslow, these fundamental physiological
requirements must be met before people may advance to the next stage of
Safety comes next among the more fundamental demands. Protection against
harm and theft, mental stability and wellbeing, financial security, and security
of one's health are all aspects of safety.
The final of the so-called lower requirements, social needs are on the third
level of Maslow's hierarchy and have to do with interpersonal relationships.
Among these requirements are relationships with friends and family, both
biological and adopted. To achieve a sensation of increased kinship, physical
and emotional intimacy, from romantic partnerships to close emotional ties—
is crucial. Additionally, belonging to social groups helps fulfil this desire.
Higher needs are ego-driven demands, starting with esteem. Self-respect and
self-esteem are the foundational components of esteem. Maslow makes it
clear that there are two different kinds of self-esteem: esteem that is based on
the respect and approval of others and esteem that is based on your own
evaluation of yourself. This second kind of self-esteem leads to self-assurance
and independence.
The term "self-actualization" refers to reaching your maximum potential as a
human. Self-actualization needs, also known as self-fulfillment wants, are at the
top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Education, skill development—the honing of
talents in disciplines like music, athletics, design, cuisine, and gardening—caring
for others, and more general objectives like acquiring new skills, seeing the world,
and gaining accolades are all necessary for self-actualization.

Their basic needs and Physiological were partially fulfilled.

There is no suitable workplace, and there are no security provisions for doctors.
They lack a proper sitting area and proper restrooms for the staff.
They lack organisation and devote little consideration to keeping their space tidy.
Food and drinks are not provided; doctors on night hours must plan their own

From the evidences collected and experience shared by Dr Samar we came up to

the conclusion that the following factors are the main reasons for her job
dissatisfaction :- ( on a scale of 10 )
1) PAY ( 10 )---- As mentioned above in various cases the pay they receive does
not do justice to the amount of work they do.
Pay is an essential factor which motivates an employee it is necessary for the
organization to give employees a package that justifies the amount of work they
will be doing.

2) CO-WORKERS ( 9 ) ----- The people who works around you , who work in the
same environment have a major influence on one’s job. In her case the co-
workers are not so co-operative, they kind of creates a negative atmosphere,
which makes its very uncomfortable to work .

3) WORK ( 8 ) ---- Work load is very high, instead of co-operating with them they
load them with even more work.
The work environment is unsatisfactory, the atmosphere is toxic due to various
reasons including co -workers and work space
The working conditions are stressful and terrible, it make the employee
exhausted .
The workload is excessive with no assistance.


If an intern puts forth a lot of effort, they may be further exploited and given
more work to do rather than having their efforts valued and acknowledged.
Seniors do not participate with the work with respect, thus it is not recognised.

The patients were their sole source of inspiration and what drove them to work
more diligently and effectively. The patients make them feel invested in their
work. They strive to provide the patients with the best possible treatment,
ensuring that they leave the hospital in excellent health and with a smile on their
Organizational commitment is low as the factors which are the reason for her job
dissatisfaction are high as compared to factors which keep her motivated and
happy .
According to Dr Samar “ The Job Satisfaction “ is a YES and a NO
YES because :
Your morale is raised and you feel satisfied when you witness a patient's recovery,
restoration of health, and smile.
Receiving patients' blessings and love brings unfathomable joy.
These factors encourage them to put forth extra effort and provide for others.

NO Because :
Particularly, the work environment is not pleasant. It is exceedingly poisonous.
People do not value collaboration.
Young doctors in particular will feel lot better and be more content if they begin
cooperating and developing together.


1) To treat employees like HUMAN BEINGS not robots. Help them with their
objectives and work instead of exploiting them with more work

2) Better communication skills , it will help create a good bond between the
employees. It will create a healthy working atmosphere and everyone will feel
comfortable working in
3) Clean and Tidy workspace, the environment in which an individual works
should be clean and comfortable. Specially in hospitals the tidiness is very
4) A better, Linear salary method; they should consider giving salaries on time and
should understand that for many employees it is the only source of income, they
have expenditures to carry out, Instead of giving it once in three months.

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