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October 13, 2022

Building No 14, ABC St. XYZ area

Subject: Attest my colleague’s Skills
Dear Mr HR,
Greetings, Sir. I hope everything is wonderful with you. I was
informed that Miss Noor will shortly begin her career with the
company, and I am delighted to have her on board. Noor will be a
fantastic addition to the team, as I can attest from my long-standing
connection with her. I want to add emphasis to the traits she possesses
and the contributions she will make to the team.
-) Noor is a specialist in a number of remarkable skill sets. When a task
is within her purview, she is efficient in addressing and executing it.
-) She is exceptionally talented and devoted to accomplishing the
objectives. She works very hard and is committed to her goals.
-) Experience, which she acquired through a number of internships, is
one of her finest qualities.
-) Her honesty and willingness to help others are positive attributes that
I have seen in Noor since the first day one, therefore she will get along
with other employees pretty easily.
Noor will be a valuable asset to the organization because she is
talented, diligent, humble, and kind. She has more admirable
characteristics than I've listed, I can assure you of that. Therefore,
hiring Noor is undoubtedly a win-win situation.
Roushan Tahir

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