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Proposed For
Karachi, Pakistan

Prepared by :
Hania Sheikh (20211-30264)
Dureshahwar Bibi (20212-29148)
Mehreen Faisal (20212-29169)
Roushan Tahir ( 20211-30157)

1) Letter of Transmittal

2) Executive Summary

3) Introduction

4) Key Features

5) Feasibility of the Business

6) Foreseeable Challenge

7) Advantages

8) Major Findings

10) Conclusion
(021) 35680111

Institute of Business Management,

Dear Madam,
A business proposal for our suggestion on the availability of fruits and vegetables
in the Pakistani market is included in the report that is attached below. We are
trying to shift the conventional methods of obtaining produce from the market to a
more effective manner that will be made available through our mobile application
service when the market dynamics change. Our company's main advantages will
● Fresh
● Affordable
● Convenient
Through our app, we hope to transform the way people regularly consume their
greens. Everyone, as we all know, leads a quick and busy life, leaving little time
for daily trips to the market to buy fresh produce.
Consequently, using our services will make it simpler for consumers to purchase
these items hassle-free and for a reasonable price. We as a group of undergraduates
will require funding to implement our proposal. Therefore, in order for this to be a
success, we would appreciate it if you would join us in this effort so that we can be
led in the correct direction.
Sincerely ,

We provide our users an app that is simple to use in light of the shifting market.
Users can choose the fruits or vegetables they desire and add them to their basket
with the help of the app. After that, the products in your shopping cart will be
transferred to a checkout page where you may choose your method of payment and
submit your transaction.
According to the statistics, the market for this product (fruits and vegetables) is
expected to develop at a pace of 5.9% through 2027, indicating that there are many
opportunities in this industry. As a result, we would benefit from joining this
market because doing so won't lead us to become stagnant and will give us access
to a sizable market.
Our goal is to give our clients the best deals on the market. People receive greater
rates for their goods in regular bazaars all throughout the nation since the
traditional vegetable selling method uses a B2B protocol that involves numerous
traders and raises pricing. On the other hand, we adhere to a B2C business protocol
to cut out all of these middlemen and deliver our products straight to the consumer
from our own farms, which helps to lower our rates.
In addition, we'll use cutting-edge preservation techniques to keep the fruits and
veggies fresher for longer. While some market vendors employ toxic chemicals
and artificial colouring to keep their food fresh, which has a negative impact on
health, others use different techniques to preserve the products' natural freshness.

Phalzie was conceived at Covid, a time when everything was moving online. We
made the decision to develop a system that will make it simpler and more
affordable for individuals to meet their basic requirements, such as buying veggies
and fruits.
The figures show that there are numerous prospects in this industry, making it
favorable for us to enter this market, and that the market for freshly produced fruits
and vegetables is anticipated to grow at a pace of 5.6% through 2027.
Phalzie offers a platform where people can purchase fresh and nourishing fruits
and vegetables at a very reasonable price, taking into consideration the present
economic situation where it is becoming harder for people to obtain their basic
necessities due to inflation. This is made feasible by the B2C business model we
use, which eliminates any intermediaries and allows us to deliver our products
directly to customers from our own farms while also lowering our pricing. People
can place orders for fruits and vegetables by logging into our website or using our
app, which is available on the Google Play Store and the Apple Play Store. It is a
quick and easy process.
In their designated zones, our teams of riders are accessible around-the-clock so
that the order can be delivered timely

1. Inflation: As a result of inflation, prices are extremely high. People are having
trouble affording basic essentials like fruits and vegetables.
2. Compromise on freshness: In Pakistan, 90% of the fruits and vegetables are sold
outside on carts. As a result, in our opinion, certain veggies' quality and freshness
have been diminished.
There is a significant unemployment problem in Pakistan as a result of the
country's serious political and economic turmoil. Creating employment chances for
our nation's lower middle class is one of our goals.

By delivering fresh, wholesome fruits and veggies to your home and becoming
Pakistan's top online grocery store

1. Simple to use Application
We provide our clients a mobile application solution that makes buying fruits and
vegetables straightforward. Customers can become permanent members and take
advantage of our exclusive offers and discounts on religious and cultural festivals
by logging in with their email addresses on our app. Customers will be able to use
the app wallet to pay online. The ability to track the rider's whereabouts up until
the order is delivered is another perk.

2. Location Tracking Software

Our advanced tracking tool in this software makes it simple to track down the
locations of customers and transmit the produced order to the warehouse in that
region. We genuinely care about our customers' privacy, thus we never disclose
their whereabouts to any other party.

3. High-quality goods
Utilizing an ultrasonic method to clean all fruits and vegetables, we guarantee the
highest quality possible.

4. Free shipping
For the convenience of the consumers, we make sure that the order is delivered at
their doorstep. There is no charge for delivery.
5. Customer Support
We really care about our customers, if any inconvenience happens customers can
directly connect with our customer support. We will try our best to solve their
issues and give any kind of compensation to make their experience better.


Financial Possibility:

The price of fruits and vegetables rises due to the B2B business model, which uses
numerous dealers as middlemen between farms and clients. We are able to give our
customers the greatest pricing because we cut out all of the middlemen and deliver
the fresh product straight from the farms.

Environmentally Viable:

We refrain from using pesticides on our farms in order to improve nutrition and
lower the risk to the general public's health. Our organic farms adhere strictly to
the rules in order to preserve the soil's long-term fertility.


Every new business faces initial difficulties, and PHALZIE is no exception. We

have faith that we can overcome these obstacles and keep developing.
Let's look at our predicted difficulties.
It will be difficult for us to raise awareness in Pakistan because people are used to
purchasing fruits and vegetables from carts. When it comes to marketing, it will
also be very expensive.

Getting Customers:
While using modern methods to acquire and sell goods may come naturally to the
current age, folks from prior generations are still having a hard time adjusting. It
will be challenging to win their faith and confidence that we can deliver exactly
what they require because the bulk of consumers who purchase fruits and
vegetables enjoy haggling and inspecting the fruit before adding it to the basket.

Keeping our customers' trust:

As a young company with limited experience, we run the risk of losing them with
even a small error. As people are not accustomed to these, one negative experience
could cause them to lose faith and confidence in PHALZIE

Finding locations for warehouses:

If we promise that "Your Order will be delivered within 20 minutes," then we
should establish a warehouse in every location where we can provide this service.
Finding the perfect place where we can put up everything we want while still being
cost-effective will be difficult for us in that regard.
It's difficult for us to raise awareness because many still prefer the traditional
methods of buying, but what if we said that PHALZIE could give consumers a lot
of advantages and benefits? People will then undoubtedly become inquisitive.
Here are some advantages that our clients will experience once they begin using

It Saves Time:
Typically, folks who need to buy fruits and veggies get out of bed comfortably, get
ready, and drive or ride their motorcycle into the sweltering heat to haggle over the
price. Well, PHALZIE can handle this, guaranteeing that our customers will
receive their orders in a timely manner and in the highest possible quality. Thus, it
saves a tonne of time.

Avoid Traffic:
We are aware of the conditions in outdoor fruit and vegetable markets. There is a
large number of people, which causes traffic issues. Traffic in Karachi is a huge
problem because there are more and more individuals there who own cars on a
daily basis. By providing clients with what they need at their doorsteps, our
platform allows us to make a little contribution toward reducing traffic and
Low Prices :
Due to inflation, the cost of fruits and vegetables is rising daily. This is due to the
fact that in outdoor markets, the vendor does not raise his own produce; instead, he
purchases it from a different company, which in turn purchases it from a different
company. This develops a network of firms, and as profits are made, the price of
the ultimate product rises. PHALZIE values its clients, which is why we own our
own farms where we grow the products we offer. As a result, we can guarantee that
our prices will be far lower than those of our competitors.

PHALZIE can save your money :

People may incur expenses when they go to the market, such as gas, parking, and
other lost opportunities. Shopping online with PHALZIE can help you save money
in a variety of ways because it will frequently provide special events discounts and
weekly discounts for its loyal clients. It implies that in addition to reduced rates,
you can also get discounts, which is really excellent.

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