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Jay Verno may have recently retired Verno said his love of Meadville community and they were mentors to
from business at age 60, but not from and the surrounding area comes out me,” he said of volunteering through
promoting Meadville and the surround- of following a theory of enlightened the Chamber.
ing area. self-interest. Verno cites names like business lead-
With a constant drive to have Mead- “When you do good things for ers Denny Watson, Clark Hoffman and
ville thrive, Verno has earned this year’s others and your community, you’re also Dennis Frampton as people he wanted
Gov. Raymond P. Shafer Award for furthering your own interests — you to emulate as they were involved with
Distinguished Community Service. can be happier, more productive,” Ver- the Chamber as well as other orga-
Named for former Gov. Raymond P. no said. “You do well by doing good. nizations — all in betterment of the
Shafer of Meadville, the award was ini- If you do good things for other people, community.
tiated in 1991 to recognize an individ- ultimately it makes you feel better.” He’s taken on other roles, too,
ual who has made a positive impact on Doing good for Verno has taken including involvement with the Junior
the quality of life in western Crawford many forms during his more than 35 Achievement business program for
County through volunteer service. years in the Meadville area, being students. He’s served on the Meadville
To be eligible, a person must have involved in a number of volunteer and Medical Center Foundation Board,
lived or worked in western Crawford community organizations. been vice chairman of the Crawford
County. Recipients are chosen based “Jay is the consummate Mead- County Convention and Visitors
on the nominee’s volunteer efforts ville-booster,” one person wrote in Bureau. He’s served the Chamber of
and commitment of time, accom- nominating Verno for the award. “His Commerce serving in numerous capac-
plishments, community impact and love for his adopted hometown is ities including as a board member and
enhancement of the lives of others. obvious. He’s made his living here and president of that organization.
Things done as part of a nominee’s has given back of his time, talent and “Because Meadville is a small com-
paid employment are not considered. treasure.” munity you have to try to work with
The award is presented by Allegheny He first got involved with the com- people from all different perspectives
College, the Shafer Law Firm, and the munity in the 1980s with things like and personalities and belief systems,”
Meadville-Western Crawford County coaching youth soccer when his daugh- he said of trying to make the area
Chamber of Commerce. ters were little to service organizations better. “You’ll not be able to please ev-
An Erie native, Verno, the now-re- like the Meadville Jaycees and Sunrise erybody, but you’ve got to try, you’ve
tired president of Hagan Business Kiwanis Club. The Jaycees and Kiwanis got to make the effort.”
Machines of Meadville, said he’s led to his involvement with the Cham- But his best known effort probably
humbled to have been chosen for the ber of Commerce. has been his championing the Mead-
prestigious community award. “I saw a lot of people involved in the ville Area Recreation Complex (MARC),
having served on both its governing
board and its foundation. Verno has
worked for years to make the complex
financially stronger, update equipment
and offer new programming.
“Because of Jay the MARC is in a
much better position than at any other
time,” said Gene Wisiniski, a former
vice chairman of the authority under
Verno. “Today, the people of this
community benefit from the many rec-
reational opportunities Jay has stood
strong to make available.”
“I’ve always tried to be the best
community person I could be within
the roles I was given,” he said.
“It’s supporting not just the business-
es, but the community at large.”

I’ve always tried to be
the best community
person I could be within
the roles I was given.
It’s supporting not just
the businesses, but the
community at large.
Jay Verno

Jay Verno

28 FOUNDATIONS 2022/2023 Diamond Awards

2022 Foundations 56 pages.indd 28 6/9/22 4:31 PM

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