Psychology Group Assignment

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Department: Computer Science

Course Name: Psychology
Section: 01

Group Member
Daniel kasaye
Nahom Mesfin
Eyobed Alemu
Yosef Tadese

itted date 10/11/2014
1 brifly axplain the following acadamic skill and demonstration them with example
from life experience

Time management
We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time
than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between
different activities. Get it right, and you'll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done
in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

Since this is a group assignment, we are all talking about a root cause and When it comes to
time management, we use these things to make the most of our time We set goals and
prioritize something over something that needs to be prioritized We set a time limit to
complete any task
And we take a break every now and then We also avoid unnecessary activities And we always
plan ahead

Note taking Methods

Note-taking is one of the most important activities for students. There are a variety of reasons
for it but we only want to highlight the most important one here: Taking notes will help you
recall information that would otherwise be lost. But taking notes the right way isn’t as easy as it
sounds. It isn’t simply about jotting down everything that you hear. Taking notes is about
summarising core concepts as precisely as possible in your own words.

One thing that most successful students have in common is that they use a specific note-taking
method. A note-taking method will help you to prepare before the lecture and to review key
concepts after a class. It will help you to stay focused during the lecture to pay attention and
actively participate. It will help you to organize your notes properly so that you don’t have to
worry about losing the overview once you get back to them to prepare for an exam. In this
article, we give an overview of the best note-taking methods for college students, on how to
apply each and when you should (or shouldn’t use one.

Study Skills/Style
Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new
information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They are discrete techniques
that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study.
Test anxiety
Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam. In fact, a little nervousness can
actually help you perform your best.1 However, when this distress becomes so excessive that it
actually interferes with performance on an exam, it is known as test anxiety

And so, as a group, we have the experience of studying different subjects. We have the
experience of studying in those ways, especially when there is a test, by taking a short note of
the lesson and asking each other what they do not understand. And it helped us a lot

Truth be told, this is the hardest thing for us here When the test comes, all of us in the group
are very worried and very anxious And sometimes we get so overwhelmed that we even
wonder why we don't change the education department and that anxiety is temporary or until
the exam is over and then we forget about it and then we worry again when the next exam
comes. And it is still something that we have not been able to stop worrying about when it
comes to that test.

overcoming Test Anxiety

So now we are looking for different solutions to deal with this test anxiety because I think test
anxiety is the hardest thing and most of all we are losing our answers because of fear. We are
going to get a low score on our test and we are going and we are thinking of trying out what we
think will bring a solution to that.
Watch Self-Talk
Consider how rational we thoughts are and whether there are better things we could say to we

We Don't Tell self this

 I should have studied more."
 I must be stupid."
 I have to do well, everything is on the line."

We Do Tell self this

 We are prepared for this test." 
 Even if we don't do well, it's not the end of the world."
 We are smart enough to do well."
We use Relaxation Strategies
Make we use of relaxation strategies such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation
(PMR), and guided imagery. We Use these strategies in the weeks leading up to a test, and
during the testing situation as needed
Test taking skills

The same thing applies with the above: Most of the above, and our ability to take exams may
not be great, but we can learn from the experience of students who are superior to us.
We Take a deep breath, relax, and We forget about the people around . Make sure to read
directions carefully. Determine types of questions,and We how many points for each, whether
have a choice of questions to answer, etc. Adopt a time budget for each type of question,
allowing extra time for checking.

The following guidelines should be considered in helping to control the emotional self.

1. We Think positively about we self. Before and during a test, many people begin
having doubts about their knowledge and ability. If these doubts are allowed to
persist without being checked and transformed into positive statements, we
anxiety will undoubtedly increase.
2. Dress for success. Often if we feel confident and positive about the way you look,
these feelings will transform into your  actions and thoughts. we are also likely to
acknowledge but then quickly disregard negative self talk that occurs during a test.
3. Come to the test prepared. This does not only apply to academic preparation. Just
as important is the need to bring the materials that will be needed for the test,
including books, notes, concept cards, pencils, paper or any special test response
booklets. If you forget such materials, we could feel less empowered and even
defeated before the test ever begins.

Career Development skill

Professional development is directly related to the goals and objectives set by the individual.
And yet we are not talking about the individual now because it is about the group that starts
with realizing ourselves and evaluating our needs and abilities. Then the needs match the
available options.

We also need to train ourselves to get the skills we need for our chosen option or career path.
Finally, once we have the desired qualification, it must be achieved to achieve the goals and
objectives set by us.

Professional development is directly related to our growth and satisfaction and therefore
professional development helps us to grow not only professionally but also on our own. We
work together to improve our teaching and learning skills and work together to build our
Goal Setting
Well, we do a lot of things as a team And we discuss and discuss how we can make ourselves
more effective in the current educational process We recommend that our team be cohesive,
communicative and committed to the goal We always aim to work together rather than
compete Our goal is to do something that will benefit other people beyond us We are in
school right now and our goal is to finish our education well Then we plan to work together as a
team and have a good income.

4 explaine the following social skills briefly and show them with your own examples

Caltural diversity & diversty managemen

Our perception of cultural diversity So, as Ethiopians, we are children who have grown up in a
culture The situation we are in is not out of line with the culture, that is, we do not intend to do
something that is detrimental to our culture So culture, there are different cultures depending
on the region, and then there are surprises There are also some very interesting and harmful
cultures that should not exist now We, the members of this group, grew up in the city, so in
addition to knowing about the culture, we are not deeply immersed in the culture. And when it
comes to managing culture, it's just us
We see it in 2 ways
1 We must maintain our culture and manage that culture so that it does not disappear. The
question of what role we can play in this is that we, the people around us, need to control and
preserve the cultures that we can preserve.
2 The way to manage it is to manage a culture that is harmful or harmful to human beings
rather than good. So, for the question of how we, the members of this group, can do it, we
need to be able to manage the cultures around us that are more harmful to human beings than
they are to us.

Gender & social inclusion

The empowerment of women and girls in all aspects of life, with the engagement of men and
boys, is vital to ensure safe, productive and fair societies. Gender-based violence, harmful
traditional practices and entrenched social norms mean women and girls are disproportionately
affected by the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and workers.

Persistent inequalities in access to opportunities and fair outcomes for women, girls and other
marginalised groups undermines both their wellbeing and their contributions to economic and
social progress at all levels of society. Our work addresses a cross-section of global gender
inequality and inclusion challenges, and spans all of our topics, from women’s economic
empowerment to addressing violence against women in families, workplaces and communities.
So, our view of gender is not often seen as gender equality And when we start with ourselves,
we need to value human beings, not their gender, but their thinking If we have sex with our
friends, it will not make a difference in our friendship.

Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Conflict, arguments, and change are natural parts of our lives, as well as the lives of every
agency, organization, and nation. Conflict resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a
peaceful solution to a disagreement among them. The disagreement may be personal, financial,
political, or emotional.

Conflict Resolution Strategies We Have No Experience The same is true of human beings,
whether they like it or not. Conflicts occur at different times and in different ways. When you
play a video game, the words that come out of your mouth can lead to conflicts and
disagreements, and there is a way to resolve that conflict. So let's sit down peacefully and try to
resolve that conflict by lovingly working together.

Interpersonal communication Skill

is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal
and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication.

Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said - the language used -
but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expressions,
gestures and body language.
Individual relationships, then, include communication and language, and it is important to
strengthen relationships. It also has other benefits, including sharing a variety of genera

Reacting to social influence

Social impact, then, is something that happens to us from a lot of things Let's mention some of

1. Informational 
When you decide based on information that someone else provided, that is
informational social influence. This social influence comes from your desire to be
correct. You adjust your opinions to the way people think in the hopes of proper
2. Normative 
Normative social influence is a person’s desire to change because they want to
be accepted or fit in. Peer pressure is one of the most common examples of this
social influence. Individuals who are influenced by normative factors engage in
vices. For example, smoking, drinking, or other misbehavior practices to gain the
bullies’ approval.
3. Conformity
When individuals change their behavior or beliefs to be accepted, impress or
gain a sense of acceptance, conformity occurs. Whether a person has the same
opinions or not to a group, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that truly matters to
them is to gain admiration from the people they hope to impress.
4. Compliance
If an individual changes the way they behave, that is compliance. However,
compliance is not in congruence with obedience. Compliance is usually seen
when a friend asks you for a favor, and you agree.
5. Obedience
Compared to compliance, where a person changes their behavior because of a
peer or an equal. In contrast, the power dynamics in obedience are changed. In
obedience, a person changes because of a person of authority..

The different social influences affect how we act, whether it is evident to us or not. A person’s
standing in society can determine how much they will conform with an individual. A teacher
will be respected and obeyed by his students. A student will comply with their classmates’
request for a piece of their snack

Handling peer pressure

Wanting to ‘fit in’ and be accepted by their peers is a powerful motivator for children to
indulge in inappropriate, illegal, and sometimes even dangerous behaviour. Cheating in exams,
shoplifting, vandalizing public property, smoking and doing drugs, consuming alcohol, taking
part in bullying or eve-teasing, having sex, etc. are all activities that are undertaken by the
youth who want to fit in with the crowd and become popular. If these activities go undetected
by the parents, the children’s lives could go on a downward spiral and studies could go for a
toss. That is why, it is important to look out for concerning behaviours by children and teach
them about peer pressure and how to overcome it.

Don’t Overreact When your child talks to you about school and what his or her friends are
doing, you may hear some upsetting things. At such times it is important not to yell, blame, or
lecture your child. Instead, stay calm and don’t jump to conclusions.

Assertiveness is a social skill that relies heavily on effective communication while
simultaneously respecting the thoughts and wishes of others. People who are assertive clearly
and respectfully communicate their wants, needs, positions, and boundaries to others. There’s
no question of where they stand, no matter what the topic.

Individuals who are high in assertiveness don't shy away from defending their points of view
or goals, or from trying to influence others to see their side. They are open to both
compliments and constructive criticism. People can improve their assertiveness through
practical exercises and experience.
Some people are introverts, so collaborating with others can be a stressful experience. A group
project might be a scary announcement for many students, which is understandable.
Teamwork can help sensitive students overcome their fears and learn how to deal with critique.
Teenagers can be vulnerable, but active involvement in social activities is essential to overcome
peer pressure effectively.
The more you take part in a team and contribute, the more confident you become. Making an
effort to do your best in collaboration with others is essential for your development. This will
help you in your future career.
Teamwork is a great chance to contribute to the project you are involved in, and, most
importantly, it can show your unique strengths and abilities.

One of the benefits of teamwork is the psychology assignment hereCollaborating, sharing

knowledge, telling one child what he or she does not know In this way, doing a job with
teamwork makes the job easier

Overcoming Risky Behaviors

We believe that overcoming harmful behavior is the most important thing we must do in our
lives It is impossible to get where we want to go if we do not control our dangerous behavior,
so the first thing we need to do is to overcome our dangerous behavior. Of course the
members of this group we all have a dangerous character We are addicted to video games and
that addiction is making a big difference in our education and our lives.
At first, we started to miss classes or not to play video games, but that would put us back in
Secondly, our handling of birr has doubled and this is leading to an economic crisis.And we have
not been able to overcome this dangerous behavior. Maybe you, as a psychology teacher,
would be happy to give us one day of counseling.

You read it patiently Thank you very much.

We Love You! TG

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