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Living and non living systems in system development

In system development, living and non living systems are both important. Non living systems
include things like computer programs, hardware, and the environment. Living systems include
things like people, animals, plants, and microbes. One way to think about system development is
to consider how the different types of systems interact with each other. For example, a computer
system might need to be able to communicate with other computers in order to function properly.
Similarly, a human body needs to be able to communicate with its environment in order to
survive BIn system development, living and non living systems are often considered to be two
different types of entities. Living systems are those that can reproduce, grow, and evolve. Non
living systems are those that do not reproduce, grow, or evolve. Development is the process of
creating a system from scratch, or modifying an existing system.
It's worth noting that in the context of living systems, the distinction between open and closed
systems is also important. Living organisms can be seen as open systems because they exchange
matter and energy with their surroundings. They take in food and oxygen, and release waste
products and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, non-living systems are closed systems because
they do not exchange matter or energy with their surroundings, unless they are designed to do so.

Living and non living systems in computer science

in computer science, the study of living and non living systems is important for understanding
how computers work and for designing efficient algorithms. For example, a computer system
may need to decide which file to open next. If the system only knew about files that were alive, it
would have to check each file one by one. However, if the system knew about files that were
inactive (or dead), it could skip over those files and open the one that was actually need.
There are many different types of systems in computer science, including living and non living
systems. Living systems are those that can reproduce themselves, such as plants or animals. Non
living systems are those that do not reproduce, such as computers or networks.

What is a System?
Within the fields of science, technology, and engineering systems are important to define and
understand. Scientists tend to study physical systems or sets of interconnected parts that
comprise a cohesive whole. Systems can be described or modeled as having boundaries between
them and the rest of the world around them. Systems are physically and mathematically modeled
to describe their parts and how they are connected, contingent on one another, or work together
causally. Much of the goal of science is to understand natural systems so that they can be
explained and modeled to make predictions and even find utility. Engineers for example try to
understand systems of natural laws so that they themselves can create their own mechanical,
electrical, hydraulic, and other physical systems to achieve some purpose or solve a problem.
Open systems can be further divided into two categories: isolated systems and thermodynamic
systems. Isolated systems do not exchange matter or energy with their surroundings, while
thermodynamic systems exchange energy but not matter. A closed system can also be an
isolated system if it does not exchange matter or energy with its surroundings.
The distinction between open and closed systems is important in understanding the behavior and
interactions of systems in various fields such as thermodynamics, ecology, and engineering.
Open systems are often found in natural systems such as ecosystems, while closed systems are
more commonly found in man-made systems such as sealed containers or machines.
In addition, in systems theory, open systems are considered more adaptable and resilient than
closed systems because they can continually exchange matter and energy with their
surroundings, which allows them to adapt to changing conditions.
An open system is one in which its components are accessible to and usable by other components
of the system. For example, a computer might be an open system if its central processing unit
(CPU) is accessible to other components of the system, such as the memory and input/output
devices. In contrast, a closed system is one in which its components are inaccessible to and
unusable by other components of the system. For example, a computer might be a closed system
if its CPU is inaccessible to other components of the system.
What is an open in information systems?
Closed systems are the internal sub-units of the organization that do not interact with the external
environment. Open systems are internal sub-units that interact with other systems (or sub-units
within other systems) that are outside of the organization. In effect, all organizations are open
What are open in social work?
An open system describes a society with mobility between different social classes. Individuals
can move up or down in the social rankings; this is unlike closed systems, where individuals are
set in one social position for life despite their achievements.
Open system technology in finance ?
Open Systems Technologies is a tier-one vendor for the world's most competitive financial and
technology companies, offering both fulltime and contract recruiting services across the country.
We offer a positive, entrepreneurial, high performing culture where all employees have the
unique opportunity to run a full desk. Our office looks, feels, and operates like a start-up, but
with the stability, clientele, and resources that only an industry veteran can provide. At our core,
we are structured to be flexible. With 31 years of experience, OST has been able to stand the test
of time and remains the leading provider of IT staffing solutions in NY due to our forward
thinking and adaptability through fluctuating job markets and evolving work cultures. What is
Ost technology?
OST is an integrated, cross-functional business technology firm bringing together strategy &
insights, digital experiences, connected products, data center transformation and enterprise
managed services as we work alongside clients to optimize and grow their businesses.
Open Systems Technologies is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All decisions regarding
employment will be made without regard to age, race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, marital status, the presence of any
physical or mental disability, or any other status or characteristic protected by federal, state or
local law.
Open systems 
are computer system  that provide some combination of interoperability, portability, and open
software standards.
The term was popularized in the early 1980s, mainly to describe systems based on Unix,
especially in contrast to the more entrenched mainframes and minicomputers in use at that time.
Unlike older legacy systems, the newer generation of Unix systems featured standardized
programming interfaces and peripheral interconnects; third party development of hardware and
software was encouraged, a significant departure from the norm of the time, which saw
companies such as Amdahl and Hitachi going to court for the right to sell systems and
peripherals that were compatible with IBM's mainframes.
The definition of "open system" can be said to have become more formalized in the 1990s with
the emergence of independently administered software standards such as The Open
Group's Single UNIX Specification.
Although computer users today are used to a high degree of both hardware and software
interoperability, in the 20th century the open systems concept could be promoted by Unix
vendors as a significant differentiator. IBM and other companies resisted the trend for decades,
exemplified by a now-famous warning in 1991 by an IBM account executive that one should be
"careful about getting locked into open systems".[1]
However, in the first part of the 21st century many of these same legacy system vendors,
particularly IBM and Hewlett-Packard, began to adopt Linux as part of their overall sales
strategy, with "open source" marketed as trumping "open system". Consequently, an IBM
mainframe with Linux on IBM Z is marketed as being more of an open system than commodity
computers using closed-source Microsoft Windows—or even those using Unix, despite its open
systems heritage. In response, more companies are opening the source code to their products,
with a notable example being Sun Microsystems and their creation of
the and OpenSolaris projects, based on their formerly closed-
source StarOffice and Solaris software products.
Examples of Open System
 Living Being's Body.
 Air Compressor.
 Turbine.
 Automobile Engines.
 Soup Boiling in an Open Cooking Pan.
 Beaker Filled with Water.
What Are Open Networks?
Open social networks allow internet users to view content through search engines and interact
with anyone who uses the platform. Pinterest is a great example of an open social network. Let’s
say that you type “wedding dėcor” in Google’s search engine. One of the top search results
comes from Pinterest. Those who have Pinterest accounts can then comment on the posts, repin
them or save them for later despite not being in the network of the post’s owner.
In contrast, closed social media networks are restricted. They set limits on who can see your
content and you won’t find content on those networks unless you specifically search for them.
Facebook and LinkedIn are examples of closed networks depending on the personalized setting
you use on each site.

What is a closed system in social work?

A closed system refers to a self-contained family system that employs impervious boundaries
with the outside world (Simon et al. 1985). Due to its impermeable boundary system with
extrafamilial contexts, a closed system resists influences to change.
What is an open system in social work?
In social sciences, schematically, if there is an interaction or feedback loop between ideal and
material or subjective and objective then the system is an open system, otherwise it is a closed
What is an example of an open system organization?
Google is one of the best examples of an open systems organization in the global information
market. The company maintains one of the highest levels of organizational transparency and
provides a remarkable opportunity for every employee with a talent for creativity and

What is an example of an closed system organization?

A good example of a closed organization is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). This agency is responsible for America’s space and aerospace research. The
organization handles critical and sensitive information.
Open systems are systems which allow users to contribute, manipulate, edit, use, reuse, mashup,
and in some way actually create or after content o and/or the actual programming of the system
While the coding language may be proprietary (FBML is Facebook specific morkup language)
the actual software encourages user contributions
Examples of open systems include WordPress and Unix; to a lesser extent Facebook. If you can
mod (modify it) the software, it is probably an open system, collaboration.
Closed system in natural matter
A closed system is one where some measurable unit, quantity, or group of such cannot enter or
leave the system. These systems are also called isolated systems. Within the natural sciences,
there is no truly closed or isolated system, as energy is always allowed to escape. A concrete box
with walls a million kilometers thick would still transfer thermal energy or heat in and out of the
box. Therefore, the concept of a closed system is usually used in the abstract or as a calculation
that describes how proximate a system is to being closed. For example, Earth's biosphere can be
described as open to other systems on Earth such as the organisms breathing the atmosphere, but
Earth's biosphere is largely closed to the rest of the universe. Though matter and energy can and
does enter and leave Earth, the organisms on Earth rarely leave Earth.
A closed system can be either secure or insecure. A secure closed system is one in which
all of its components are protected from unauthorized access or modification. An
insecure closed system is one in which some or all of its components are not protected
from unauthorized access or modification. For example, a computer might be an insecure
closed system if its CPU is not protected from unauthorized access or modification.
• Closed systems are systems which allow users to use content as is, with minimal to
modification to the actual system or program. Users may email content, but the amount of
what can be done is very small
• Content can sometimes be created but under very tight restrictions and generally does not
actually alter the system or program or create content in a public space.
• Examples of closed systems include many library catalog softwares, email software such
as listservs Microsoft Office, web browsers, etc.
• Many pay to play, proprietary software are closed systems.
• Unfortunately, many systems are a mix of closed and open. You can often do some
creation/alteration but you can't actually change the program
• For example> Add, edit, delete entries in Wikipedia,but you are not actually altering the
software, just the website
• However, if you Install the Opensource software MediaWiki (used by Wikipedia) then
you can it ad the system.
• Opensource is software that is released and licensed to the public for use and
modification. It may be developed by one developer, a team, or a community.
Modifications may be supported. It may or may not be open system.
• • Community source is software that is developed by a community or group. Community
source does not necessarily mean opensource..but in order for all of the things to work
and talk to each other and be open....

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