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Counselling and Mentoring

Topic: Reverse Mentoring

Group 1

Topic and objective

Topic: Reverse mentoring

Reverse mentoring is just the opposite of traditional mentoring. For example, an executive
can learn about technology, social media, and current trends from a millennial while sharing
their knowledge on critical business skills.

Objective: The goal of this research is to give reverse mentorship to top-level management
or executive-level managers in order to minimise employee turnover in the firm. With this
study, we will poll the firm's workers to determine the primary cause of turnover and why
people leave the organisation so quickly. And then provide the management with possible
solutions and alternatives for the problem.

Designs and methodology: The model's design and approach are mostly based on employee
input and surveys. Initially, we gathered data using WhatsApp polls to determine the primary
cause of turnover among the young generation. Based on that, we will distribute feedback
questionnaires to employees in order to gain a better knowledge of the situation. Finally, we
will devise solutions to the problem and present them to management, as well as assist and
coach them as they implement the ideas.

Specific sample and number: Employees with work ex of 0-3 years; Total sample size is 15

Mock interview: The members of the group explained their expectations from the company
during the mock interview. We interviewed each other and discovered that we were all
searching for an organisation where we could work, learn, and progress while also having a
decent pay and organizational culture and management.

POLLING: We forwarded a poll to understand on which particular topic to focus on. And
through results we came to a conclusion that many of the employees are having problem with
management. So we will carry our further study on Management related issues.
Edited questionnaires to be shared with the target:

1. What age range do you fall into?

18-20 years
21-23 years
24-26 years
27-29 years

2. What industry do you work in?

Other (please specify)

3. Have you left a job in the past year?


4. What was the reason for leaving your job? (Select all that apply)
Poor management
Lack of career advancement opportunities
Low pay
Unfavorable work-life balance
Toxic work environment
Other (please specify)

5. Please specify which management issue(s) led to your departure:

Lack of communication
Lack of support or feedback
Favoritism or discrimination
Poor work-life balance
Other (please specify)

6. How did poor management impact your job satisfaction and motivation?
Greatly decreased my job satisfaction and motivation
Somewhat decreased my job satisfaction and motivation
Had no effect on my job satisfaction and motivation
Somewhat increased my job satisfaction and motivation
Greatly increased my job satisfaction and motivation

7. How important is good management to you when considering a job?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Somewhat unimportant
Not important at all

8. Did your former employer have a system in place for employees to provide feedback
or voice concerns about management?

9. If you answered yes to question 11, how effective did you feel the system was?
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Not very effective
Not at all effective

10. How much impact do you think good management has on an organization's overall
A lot of impact
Some impact
Little impact
No impact
11. In your opinion, what can organizations do to improve management practices and
retain Gen Z employees?
Provide management training and development opportunities
Foster a culture of open communication and transparency
Regularly solicit employee feedback and act on it
Provide competitive compensation and benefits
Other (please specify)

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your satisfaction with your current
employer's management?
1 (Very dissatisfied)
5 (Very satisfied)

13. How would you rate the communication and transparency of your employer's
1 (Very poor)
5 (Very good)

14. Have you discussed your concerns with your supervisor or HR?
Yes, and they have been addressed
Yes, but they have not been addressed
No, I have not discussed my concerns

15. What improvements would you suggest to decrease employee turnover in the
Better communication with management
Improved compensation and benefits
More growth and development opportunities
Improved work-life balance
Other (please specify)

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