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Step One: Find Middle (4 ½ inches down, 5 ½ inches across)

Step two: Make four sections (Drawing a line down the middle from both directions)
Step three: Using a roll of tape, place it in the middle the best you can, making it even and trace
the outer edge to create your eye’s iris (this is where our image will go inside of)
Step four: On the middle line, measure one inch in on both sides, this is where our eye lid lines
will go to.
Step five: Create the shape of your eye by starting at the top of the circle (the iris) and drawing a
curved line to each of those 1 inch marks on your middle line, repeat this step on the bottom.
Step six: Create your pupil (the black dot in the middle of your iris) by creating four curved lines
in each section to create a smaller circle in the eye.

Step seven: Erase the grid lines so you just have the eye.

Step eight: You are free to make the eye look more realistic by adding an eyelid, eye lashes,
bottom eyelashes, or you may leave it as is.

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