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Jolly 1

Camden Jolly,

February 13th, 2023

This week was a little busier since we had a good number of appointments scheduled.

On Monday we could not come in because some of the people who worked here had family

emergencies, they had to deal with so they suggested we work from home. I worked on a social

media post for Valentine’s Day, which is on Tuesday, about how to have safe relationships.

Since it was somewhat last minute the people in charge of our social media account did not have

time to approve it, but my supervisor suggested I post it on my Instagram page. After I finished

making the graphic, I watched several training videos. One of the videos was a webinar that was

called Intersectional Justice and Safety from Sexual Violence. This webinar was interesting to

me since it talked about information that I have not ever thought of. Some of the subjects that

they talked about in their webinar included strategies to advance a healthy and equitable

approach to sexual violence prevention and how that relates to the CDC’S STOP Sexual

Violence program. It also had facts about efforts to invest in intersectional justice and safety

from sexual violence through internal organizational practices, and campaigns for living wages

that eliminate dependency on tipped wages. It really made me think about safety from sexual

violence in a different way and how income power play into this. After I watched these videos, I

took a break for lunch and to go to the grocery store. When I was done going to the grocery

store, I went to a coffee shop to do some more work. While I was at the coffee shop, I worked on

my infographic that I am going to put up places around town later in March for sexual assault

awareness month in April. After working on the infographic, I started working on my Weebly

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Tuesday I was only in the office for the second half of the day and we did not have much

scheduled. We mainly answered phone calls and did our own work. I posted the infographic I

made for Valentine's Day on my instagram page. I had a few of my friends comment on my post

and say how they liked it and that I was so sweet, and I had a number of likes. Later in the

afternoon we did have a mom and her two kids come in for a counseling appointment. After they

left, we cleaned the lobby since apparently one of them was sick so we made extra sure

everything was cleaned thoroughly. After we cleaned the lobby, it was time to close down the

blinds and everything for the end of the day.

Wednesday is when our instructor came by during the morning to do a little check in with

me and Charlotte and also talked to our supervisor. Soon after we came into the office, we

received a call from Public Safety on Georgia College campus about a college student that was

assaulted on Tuesday while downtown. We were able to have her come in for a medical

examination in the afternoon. Shelley came and talked to us interns and explained what

happened with the college student. The girl was walking back to her dorm with a group of her

friends and a guy came out from another bar and knocked her to the ground. He then proceeded

to give her bruises on her neck, but she had been drinking and did not remember what all

happened or how she got the bruises. Shelley wanted to let us know about what happened in case

we are ever downtown so we can watch out for these types of people and situations. I was

thankful that I was not downtown on Tuesday night, but I am glad the college student is okay. It

is terrifying to have something like this happen to you, especially on Valentine’s day. After she

left, I just worked on my discussion post and my website until it was time to leave.

Thursday happened to be a long and stressful day which was not expected. During the

morning it was somewhat slow as we had one person come in to have a talk with Shelley but that
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did not take much time. In the afternoon however, we had an interview with two elementary age

kids. I was able to hangout with the kids when their grandmother was talking to people who

work here. While I was hanging out with the kids, I noticed how sweet they were and the little

girl happened to tell me how she felt safe being here but that she wanted to be with her mom

right now. Her brother just played on his phone and did not say much to us. After they finished

with their interview and medical examination of the children is when things took a turn for the

worse, which was not expected. Around 5 o'clock while I was cleaning toys that they played with

I was asked to make them a backpack because Shelley, our child advocate, had to leave to go get

her child from school and our counselor was going to act as our child advocate in her place.

When I finished making them their bags, I thought they were about to leave to go home however,

that was not the case. Our interviewer Antoinette came and asked if one of us would sit in her

office with the kids because things were about to go down. Charlotte went back there since I

needed to leave soon. Right before I had to leave, I could hear the grandmother screaming and

crying saying I am going to jail tonight. I thought the kids were safe with their grandmother, but

it turns out that apparently the grandmother had done some things. It was scary and hard to be

here during this type of situation but was a good learning experience.

Friday I was only here during the afternoon, but I was able to watch the interview from

Thursday of the case and that was hard to do but also helpful to better understand all that had

happened. I found out that the grandmother took them from their aunt that was abusing them and

did not have custody of the children. Since Charlotte was able to stay later on Thursday, she told

me that the kids are with their cousin right now and that they feel safe with her. It is sad to see

this happen to these kids when they did not deserve any of it as they are sweet, innocent, little

kids. I am happy they are with someone safe and hopefully nothing else will happen to them. I
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know it is hard working here some days and we have to debrief after, but I never would have

thought I would see someone go to jail right in front of me. This taught me a lot and I hope in

future weeks I do not have another case where the kids have to be taken away from someone

here because they are going to jail. When dealing with these situations it is important to

compartmentalize so I will be taking the weekend to have fun and decompress from all of this so

next week is a better week.

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Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours


Monday, 9am 1-3 5pm 6

February 13th

Tuesday, 12:45pm 5pm 4.25

February 14th

Wednesday, 9am 12:30-1 5pm 7.5

February 15th

Thursday, 9am 5:40pm 8.67

February 16th

Friday, 1pm 5pm 4

February 17th

Total Weekly 30.42


Total Hours 177.92

to Date

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