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ILAC International College – Interview Tips Workshop (Part 1)

ILAC IC: Interview Tips Workshop

Current times are changing the ways many companies operate and technologies are being integrated
even further into all processes.

Hiring process is not an exception and even though most of the companies has paused theirs, once the
job market revives, chances are that online interviews will play even more important role than they
already have. Skype might have been the pioneer in online interviews, however, with new software such
as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or other emerging platforms, the possibilities are suddenly increasing.

We put together a list of tips that can help you prepare for such interview and we invite you to read
further about this topic on the links we included at the end. Let’s dive into it!

Before the Interview

1. Practice
As simple as that. Practice makes perfect and so just like you rehearse a presentation or
performance, you should rehearse a job interview. Turn on your webcam, record your answers
and replay them to spot how your body language is, how well you pronounce, where you look,
etc. Practice will also help you feel more confident in your replies, since you will prepare some
guidelines or points you want to make sure to address during your answer.

2. Check Your Devices and Connection

Technology plays an important part on our lives and so you want to make sure you look
techsavvy. Test your internet connection, microphone, headset or speakers and your webcam.
Make sure to do this with enough time to make any necessary fixes. You should also familiarize
yourself with the interface of the software or application you will be using.

3. Set the Stage

Just because you have the advantage of familiar surroundings, it does not mean you can conduct
the interview anywhere. Make sure your surroundings look neat, you are in front of a neutral
background and the lightning is flattering. The interviewer wants to see you clearly and so you
should not sit too close or too far from your cam and screen. Make sure the camera is situated
on your eye level and your face is in the center of the picture. Do not forget to make sure
you will not get disturbed during the interview. Put your phone on silent, set up your devise in a
silent room away from any external noise and if there are other people in the same space, ask
them not to disturb you and to keep quite.

4. Research the Company

A simple step expected to be done for any interview, regardless of how it is conducted. You
must show you are aware of what the company does, what is their mission, etc., and connect it
with your resume and application. This way, you will demonstrate that you are the right fit for
them. Company website, LinkedIn, Glassdoor are all perfect choices to gather the information
and read during your preparation for the interview.
ILAC International College – Interview Tips Workshop (Part 1)

5. Create a Folder with Reference Documents

You might need or you might be asked to share your resume or other supporting documents
during the interview. Create a folder on your desktop with documents you might need and make
sure they are named properly. Save all documents in PDF and WORD format, in case the
interviewer will have a preference.

6. Review and Adjust your Profile

What is your Skype account name? This is a good time to make sure it is appropriate and so is
your profile photo. While you might primarily use the software to connect with family and
friends, now you are using it in a professional setting, so make it professional!

7. Add them as a Contact

If your interviewer did not ask you for your account name to add you as a contact, be proactive
and do so yourself. You will save precious time and avoid struggling to find them or vice versa, if
there are multiple accounts with similar name.

8. Don’t be Late
There is no excuse here. While this might be acceptable in critical situations which were not
caused by you for in-person interviews, you must make sure you are sitting ready behind your
device right on time.

9. Dress Appropriately
Similarly to how your surroundings should look professional, so should you! Dress according to
the company culture, just like you would for an in-person interview. And that means pants too,
you never know what is going to happen!

During the Interview

10. Make Eye Contact

It might seem confusing to know where to look at first, but we will make it easy for you. When
you speak, look straight to the camera, so it seems you are talking to your interviewer(s). When
they speak, it is fine to look at the screen.

11. Be Personable
Remember to use real-life examples when discussing your skills and experience! Above all else,
be yourself!

12. Smile
If you had a in-person interview, you would most likely smile upon greeting your interviewer, so
do the same online! Remember that smiling makes you approachable and it can help break the
ice and build rapport with your interviewer.

13. Sit Straight

You might have heard this a lot when being at school or at a family dinner and it certainly applies
for interviews too.
ILAC International College – Interview Tips Workshop (Part 1)

14. Speak Clearly

Make sure to focus on your pronunciation. English is your second or third language, so it is
natural you might have to focus more on your delivery. If there are words that cause you
difficult time, practice them ahead of the interview, do a warmup exercise. Remember to speak
loudly and with natural speed. Have a glass of water ready, in case your throat gets dry,

15. Don’t Interrupt

You need to keep on your mind that it is not possible to talk over someone else, while on an
online call. It is already impolite to do in real life conversations, but online space makes it even
worse. Let the interviewer finish their question or sentence and then proceed with your reply,
so both sides can clearly listen to each other.

16. Ask Questions

You are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you. After all, you both want
to know whether you are a good fit for each other. Make a list of questions you would like to
ask, but keep in mind that the best questions are focused, open-ended ones. In other words,
avoid asking yes or no questions or questions that are so broad they are difficult to answer

17. Use Notes

One of the main advantages of an online interview is that you do not have to remember
everything you want to mention. You can even have notes in front of you – without the
interviewer knowing.

18. Address Tech Problems Immediately

Glitches happen to the best of us and sometimes, we cannot avoid them. If something is not
working as it should, address it immediately, so you do not waste your and the interviewer time.
If it is impossible to resolve the technical difficulties, suggest a regular phone call (maybe with
the webcam still enabled). Be a problem solver!

19. Stay Focused

Just because you are not sitting in front of the interviewer in person, it does not mean you do
not need to be fully focused on the interviewer. Close any unnecessary programs and windows,
especially if they can make a notification noise and avoid typing or clicking your mouse unless
you were asked to do something.

20. Say ‘Thank You’

…but not through skype or chat! Send a quick email with a ‘Thank you’ for the opportunity to
talk to the interviewer(s) and their time. Make sure to include everyone who interviewed you,
whether you do so in a separate email or a group email.

We hope these tips will be useful for you! Some of them might be more or less surprising for you and so
we encourage you to read more on this topic.

The article used as the main recourse was published on Career Addict (click). The Interview Guys made
some good points (click) and so did Indeed (click), and (click)

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