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The Past Simple Tense With Regular Verbs Test A1 A2 Level Exercises

6. We are sorry for being late. There ___ an accident so

1. A: ___ you finish the book yesterday? B: No, ___. the roads ___ closed. We ___ for three hours.

A) Were / I was A) were / was / wait

B) Were / I wasn't B) were / were / wait
C) Did / I didn't C) was / was / waited
D) Did / I did D) was / were / waited

2. Yesterday we ___ our primary teacher. ___ pleased to 7. Alexander Fleming _____ penicillin in 1920.
see us.
A) discover
A) was / She was B) invent
B) were / They were C) discovered
C) visited / She was D) invented
D) visited / They were

8. Last night Tim ________the piano at the party.

3. A: When ___ from university? B: Last month. Everybody ________ it a lot.

A) did you graduate A) play / like

B) did you graduated B) plays / like
C) were you graduated C) is playing / liked
D) were you graduate D) played / liked

4. A: Why ____ Mrs Blue end the lesson early? B: 9. A: What ___ to do at the weekend? B: They decided to
Because she ____ ill. have a barbecue party.

A) did / was A) do your parents decide

B) did / wasn't B) were your parents decide
C) was / was C) did your parents decided
D) was / wasn't D) did your parents decide

5. Today ___ our wedding anniversary. We ___ ten years 10. My uncle is a fire fighter. Last night he ___ a little girl
ago. from the huge fire.

A) was / married A) rescued

B) was / marry B) did rescued
C) is / married C) did rescued
D) is / marry D) is rescuing

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The Past Simple Tense With Regular Verbs Test A1 A2 Level Exercises

11. It ___ yesterday but it ___ heavily. 14. Last summer, we were on holiday in Spain and we ___
in a luxurious hotel.
A) rained / snowed
B) didn't rain / snowed A) stayed
C) rained / snow B) lived
D) didn't rain / snow C) arrived
D) owned

12. Last weekend we ________ to Ankara by train but the

train ________ late. It ________ after two hours. 15. Frank ________ Sarah into the swimming pool.
He________ a lot but Sarah ________ to shout 'HELP'.
A) travel / was / depart
B) travelled / were / departed A) pushed / laughed / start
C) traveled / was / departed B) pushed / laughed / started
D) travelled / was / departed C) push / laugh / start
D) push / laugh / started

13. Who ___ for you in front of the door last night?
16. Uncle John ___ me with my homework last Friday.
A) did waited
B) did wait A) helped
C) wait B) liked
D) waited C) showed
D) listened

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The Past Simple Tense With Regular Verbs Test A1 A2 Level Exercises

Answer Key:

1: C 9: D
2: C 10: A
3: A 11: B
4: A 12: D
5: C 13: D
6: D 14: A
7: D 15: B
8: D 16: A

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