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American Journal of Mathematics, 134 (2012), no. 4, 915–947.

Published by Johns Hopkins University Press





Abstract. We propose two constructions extending the Chern-Moser normal form

to non-integrable Levi-nondegenerate (hypersurface type) almost CR structures. One
of them translates the Chern-Moser normalization into pure intrinsic setting, whereas
the other directly extends the (extrinsic) Chern-Moser normal form by allowing non-
CR embeddings that are in some sense “maximally CR”. One of the main differences
with the classical integrable case is the presence of the non-integrability tensor at the
same order as the Levi form, making impossible a good quadric approximation - a key
tool in the Chern-Moser theory. Partial normal forms are obtained for general almost
CR structures of any CR codimension, in particular, for almost-complex structures.
Applications are given to the equivalence problem and the Lie group structure of the
group of all CR-diffeomorphisms.

1. Introduction 2
2. Applications of the normal forms 9
3. Almost CR structures 10
3.1. The non-integrability tensor and the Levi form 11
4. Coordinate setting 11
4.1. Preliminary normalization 11
4.2. Complex coordinates of the complexified tangent space 12
4.3. Evaluation along the Euler vector field 12
4.4. Relation with the non-integrability tensor 13
4.5. Coordinate changes and basic identities 14
5. Partial normal form for any CR-dimension and -codimension 14
5.1. First order normalization 14
*Supported in part by the Science Foundation Ireland grant 06/RFP/MAT018.

5.2. Higher order expansion 15

6. Quasi CR embeddings 16
6.1. Induced CR-structure for a graph 17
7. Intrinsic normal form for hypersurface type almost CR structures 19
7.1. Trace decompositions 19
7.2. Weighted expansions 19
7.3. The diagonal terms normalization 20
7.4. Normalization of the terms next to the diagonal 23
7.5. Normalization of the remaining terms 25
7.6. Normalization summarized 27
8. Extrinsic normal form for hypersurface type almost CR structures 27
9. Uniqueness of the normal forms 29
9.1. H-equivalence 29
9.2. Extended adapted frames 30
9.3. Proof of Theorem 2.1 31
References 31

1. Introduction
The main goal of this paper is to extend the Chern-Moser normal form theory [CM74]
to non-integrable (or non-involutive) almost CR structures. Recall that an almost CR
structure on a real manifold M consists of a subbundle H = HM of the tangent bundle
T = T M and a vector bundle automorphism J : H → H satisfying J 2 = −id. Thus J
makes every fiber Hp , p ∈ M , into a complex vector space. Two important special cases
of almost CR structures are almost complex structures corresponding to H = T and
hypersurface type almost CR structures corresponding to H being corank 1 subbundle
of T . Equivalently, an almost CR structure is given by the i-eigenspace subbundle
H 1,0 ⊂ C ⊗ H ⊂ C ⊗ T of (the C-linear extension of) J, which can be chosen as
an arbitrary complex subbundle of C ⊗ T satisfying H 1,0 ∩ H 1,0 = 0. A CR structure
is an almost CR structure satisfying the integrability condition [H 1,0 , H 1,0 ] ⊂ H 1,0 .
The reader is referred to §3 for further basic notions for almost CR structures used
throughout the paper.
The classification problem for CR structures goes back to H. Poincaré [P07] who
realized that the latters have infinitely many local invariants and posed the problem of
finding those invariants. Solutions to this problem for Levi-nondegenerate hypersurface
type CR structures were given by E. Cartan [Ca32] in real dimension 3 and by N.
Tanaka [Ta62] and S.S. Chern and J. Moser [CM74] in the general case. One of the
main tools provided in [CM74] for classification of CR structures and finding their
invariants is a normal form. The latter is a realization of every real-analytic Levi-
nondegenerate hypersurface type CR structure near a given point p as an embedded

real-analytic hypersurface M ⊂ Cn+1 of the form

(1.1) Im w = F (z, z̄, Re w), (z, w) ∈ Cn × C,
with p corresponding to the origin and F having the expansion
(1.2) F (z, z̄, u) = εj |zj |2 + Fkl (z, z̄, u),
j=1 k,l≥2

−1 j ≤ s
(1.3) εj =
1 j>s
for suitable s (the signature of the Levi form) and the summands Fkl (z, z̄, u) are biho-
mogeneous of bidegree (k, l) in (z, z̄) (i.e. Fkl (tz, rz̄, u) = tk rl Fkl (z, z̄, u) for t, r ∈ R)
satisfying the normalization conditions
(1.4) tr F22 ≡ 0, tr 2 F23 ≡ 0, tr 3 F33 ≡ 0,
where tr := nj=1 εj ∂z∂j ∂ z̄j . The CR structure here is induced by the embedding of M

into Cn+1 in the sense that HM = T M ∩ iT M and J is the restriction to HM of

the multiplication by i in Cn+1 . If the given CR structure is merely smooth, it still
admits a formal normal form (1.1) at every point with F being a formal power series
satisfying (1.2) and (1.4). (This is a consequence of the formal CR embeddability, cf.
e.g. [KZ05, Proposition 3.1] and [BER99, Theorem 2.1.11], and the formal normal form
[CM74, Theorem 2.2].) The latter fact explains the significance of formal (almost) CR
structures, i.e. those given by formal power series, that will be considered throughout
this paper. More precisely, a formal almost CR structure on a smooth manifold M at
a point p ∈ M is given in suitable smooth local coordinates (x, y) ∈ Ra × Rb on M
vanishing at p by a formal subbundle H = {dy = h(x, y)dx} and a formal endomorphism
J = j(x, y) : Ra → Ra , where h(x, y) and j(x, y) are matrix-valued formal power series
satisfying j(x, y)2 = −id.
Our goal here is to obtain a normal form of the above type for more general almost CR
structures that may not necessarily satisfy the integrability condition. Such structures
arise naturally, for instance, when one is deforming or glueing CR structures. Another
source of almost CR structures is given by real submanifolds of general almost complex
The first problem one faces when extending the Chern-Moser normal form approach
is that the non-integrable almost CR structures do not admit any realization as real
submanifolds in Cn+1 even at the formal level. Speaking informally, the normal form
(1.1)–(1.4) is extrinsic (i.e. written in the ambient space coordinates of Cn ×C) whereas
almost CR structures are intrinsic (i.e. written in local coordinates of the manifold M

In this paper we suggest two different ways of overcoming this difficulty. The first
way is based on an “intrinsic analogue” of the Chern-Moser normal form. The starting
idea is to impose normalization conditions on the almost CR structure itself rather than
on the defining equation of an embedding. However, almost CR structures are given
by objects of different nature (complex subbundles of C ⊗ T ) than defining functions.
In order to relate both settings we introduce a new function F associated with a given
almost CR structure in given local coordinates on the manifold. Roughly speaking, F
is obtained by “restricting” the almost CR structure to the Euler vector field. More
precisely, consider local coordinates on M that we group as (z, u) ∈ Cn × R, where
the subspace Cn × {0} with its complex structure corresponds to the given almost CR
structure on M at the origin (but not necessarily at other points). Using the standard
complex structure we write the complexification of Cn as the direct sum Cnz ⊕ Cnz̄ of
the spaces of (1, 0) and (0, 1) vectors (i.e. ±i-eigenspaces of J). Then C ⊗ T can be
identified at every point with Cnz ⊕Cnz̄ ⊕Cw with u = Re w and the almost CR structure
is given by a complex subbundle H 1,0 ⊂ C ⊗ T which, at every point p = (z, u) near 0,
is the graph of a uniquely determined complex-linear map P L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ ⊕ Cw .
We consider the Euler (or radial) vector field e(z) = j zj ∂z∂ j on Cnz and define the
“radial part” of L as the evaluation along e(z), i.e.
(1.5) L(z,
e z̄, u) := L(z, z̄, u)(e(z)), L
e = (Lez̄ , L
ew ) ∈ Cnz̄ ⊕ Cw .
Now, in order to write normalization conditions similar to the ones by Chern-Moser,
we consider the Taylor series expansions in (z, z̄, u) at 0 of the functions L and L.
e Since
we consider arbitrary smooth almost CR structures, the corresponding Taylor series
are formal. By a slight abuse of notation, we denote these Taylor series by the same
letters L and L
e respectively. Our goal now is to obtain a formal normal form for L, i.e.
a set of normalization conditions for the coefficients of L achieved by a suitable formal
change of coordinates on M . We first state our main result for almost CR structures
with positive definite Levi form and later explain how it can be extended to more
general nondegenerate Levi forms.
Theorem 1.1. Any (germ of a) smooth hypersurface type almost CR structure with
positive definite Levi form admits a formal normal form in Cnz × Ru given by a formal
map L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ ⊕ Cw with
(1.6) ez̄ ≡ 0, Re L
L ew ≡ 0,
ew satisfying the Chern-Moser normalization conditions (1.2)–(1.4).
and F := Im L
Theorem 1.1 is a direct consequence of Theorem 7.2 below. An important feature
of the normal form in Theorem 1.1 is that different normal forms of the same almost
CR structure are determined precisely by the same set of parameters as the Chern-
Moser normal form, i.e. by the automorphism group of the associated hyperquadric.
cise statement is given in Theorem 1.4 below.

Conditions (1.6) admit a natural geometric interpretation. The tangential component

Lz̄ always automatically vanishes identically for the CR structure of a hypersurface of
the form (1.1), where we consider z and u = Re w as intrinsic coordinates on the
hypersurface. Now the first condition in (1.6) expresses the property that the “radial
part” Lez̄ of the tangential component Lz̄ can still be eliminated in general. Again,
going back to (1.1), we see that the function F corresponds to the imaginary part of
w and is therefore automatically real. On the other hand, the “radial part” L ew of the
transversal component L is complex-valued in general. Then the second condition in
(1.6) asserts that its real part can be completely eliminated and thus L ew is given by
its imaginary part F . The presence of conditions (1.6) reflects the fact that the moduli
space of almost CR structures has additional parameters compared to the moduli
space of (integrable) CR structures, where the purpose of conditions (1.6) is precisely
to restrict those additional parameters.
As a byproduct we also obtain a partial normal form for almost CR structures that
are of arbitrary CR codimension (not necessarily of hypersurface type) and without any
nondegeneracy conditions, see Proposition 5.2 below. It can be seen as an extension to
the non-integrable case of the so-called normal coordinates (see e.g. [BER99]). Propo-
sition 5.2 also describes the degree of uniqueness of the partial normal form. Similarly
to the normal form in Theorem 1.1 being parametrized by the CR-automorphisms of
the hyperquadric, the partial normal form in Proposition 5.2 is parametrized by the
CR-automorophisms of the standard CR structure on Cn × Rd with H = T Cn × {0},
i.e. by (formal) maps (z, u) 7→ (f (z, u), g(u)) preserving the origin with f (z, u) being
holomorphic in z.
In particular, if the CR codimension is zero, i.e. if we are given an almost-complex
structure, it admits at every point a (formal) normal form with vanishing L ez̄ . The
latter condition is equivalent to the almost CR structure being the standard one along
the complex lines through the origin. That is, we obtain a normal form for arbitrary
almost-complex structures. This normal form is characterized by the property that all
complex lines through the origin are pseudo-holomorphic (i.e. the map t ∈ C 7→ tv ∈ Cn
is holomorphic for every v ∈ Cn with the respect to the almost-complex structure on
Cn in its normal form. Specializing the above uniqueness remark to the case of CR
codimension zero, we conclude that the normal form in this case is parametrized by
(formal) biholomorphic self-maps of Cn preserving the origin. (See also [Kr98a, Kr98b,
To08] for other normal forms for almost-complex structures.)
The normal form given by Theorem 1.1 is intrinsic and mimics the Chern-Moser
normalization. However, specializing to CR structures (i.e. the integrable ones), one
obtains here an intrinsic normal form that is different from the (extrinsic) Chern-Moser
normal form of the same CR structure. The goal of our second construction is to obtain
a normal form that directly extends the Chern-Moser one. The idea is to go back to
the extrinsic point of view, using the ambient space coordinates in Cn+1 , where M is

embedded, but to allow embeddings that are not CR. That is, instead of looking for CR
embeddings that may not exist, we consider certain more general embeddings called
here quasi CR embeddings that always exist and are in certain sense “maximally CR”.
More precisely, a quasi CR embedding of M at a point p in Cnz × Cw is an embedding as
a hypersurface M 0 with p = 0, T0 M 0 = Cn × R, and such that the transformed almost
CR structure on M 0 and the one induced by the embedding have equal “radial parts”
e0 for the corresponding (Taylor series expansions of the)
in the sense of (1.5), i.e. L
maps L and L0 , where we regard z and u = Re w as coordinates on M 0 . The latter
property can be rephrased by saying that both almost CR structures coincide along
the Euler vector field e(z).
Theorem 1.2. Any (germ of a) smooth hypersurface type almost CR structure with
positive definite Levi form admits a normal form consisting of a formal quasi CR embed-
ding into Cn+1 as a formal real hypersurface satisfying the Chern-Moser normalization
(1.2)–(1.4). A (formal) quasi CR embedding is an actual CR embedding if and only if
the given almost CR structure is integrable, in which case this normal form coincides
with the Chern-Moser one.
As with the normal form in Theorem 1.1, the one given by Theorem 1.2 has the prop-
erty that different normal forms of the same almost CR structure depend on the same
parameters as the Chern-Moser normal form (see Theorem 1.4 below). Also here we
obtain a partial normal form for almost CR structures of any codimension without any
nondegeneracy assumptions, see Proposition 6.2. It states that any almost CR struc-
ture admits a quasi CR embedding as a generic submanifold in normal coordinates (see
[BER99]). This is another extension of normal coordinates to the non-integrable case
with Remark 6.3 below showing that the two extensions given by Propositions 5.2 and
6.2 are actually different. On the other hand, in the case of almost-complex structures
(CR codimension zero) both normal forms are equal.
Let us now mention the crucial difference between the situations of Theorems 1.1
- 1.2 and the integrable case of Chern-Moser [CM74]. In the latter, the Levi form is
the only second order obstruction for a CR structure from being flat, i.e. induced by
a hyperplane embedding in Cm . Consequently, any CR structure can be approximated
to the third order by the hyperquadric associated with its Levi form (even to the forth
order if the Levi form is nondegenerate). Chern-Moser approach is heavily based on
this approximation. However, in the non-integrable case, it is no more true that the
Levi form is the only lowest order obstruction to the flatness (i.e. being induced by a
hyperplane embedding). Indeed, the non-integrability (Nijenhuis) tensor appears at the
same order and “interferes” with the Levi form in the sense that it arises everywhere
in the transformation formulas along with the Levi form terms. It is no more possible
to separate the “good” Levi form terms from the rest by looking only at their weights.
As a consequence, the decoupled transformation formulas in Chern-Moser case, be-
come non-decoupled in our case and the order in which the normalization proceeds,

becomes essential. The presence of the non-integrability tensor also prevents almost CR
structures from being approximable to the third order by hyperquadrics. It is therefore
remarkable that one can still extend the Chern-Moser approach as in Theorems 1.1 -
1.2 with assumptions put only on the Levi form.
The mentioned difficulties become even more apparent when one tries to extend
Theorems 1.1-1.2 to the case of the Levi form being nondegenerate rather than positive
(or negative) definite. Here, in addition to the nondegeneracy of the Levi form itself,
one also needs the nondegeneracy of a certain linear combination of the Levi form and
the transversal component of the non-integrability tensor. More precisely, given the
function L = (Lz̄ , Lw ) : Cnz → Cnz̄ ⊕ Cw as above defining the almost CR structure, the
Levi form at 0 corresponds, up to an imaginary multiple, to the antihermitian part
¯ η) of the derivative of Lw in z̄, whereas the non-integrability tensor corresponds to
the antisymmetric part N (ξ, η) of the derivative of L in z, and its transversal component
N w (ξ, η) to that of Lw . (In fact, L and N are the only 2nd order obstructions to the
flatness as immediately follows from our normal form.) We now call the almost CR
structure strongly nondegenerate at 0 if it is Levi-nondegenerate and in addition, the
bilinear form 6iL + N w is nondegenerate in the sense that
(1.7) 6iL(ξ, ¯ η) + N w (ξ, η) = 0 for all η =⇒ ξ = 0.
Obviously, for (integrable) CR structures (i.e. with N = 0), strong nondegeneracy
means the same as Levi-nondegeneracy. Furthermore, a strongly pseudoconvex almost
CR structure is automatically strongly nondegenerate. Indeed, since N is antisymmet-
¯ ξ) = 0, which in
ric, substituting η = ξ into the left-hand side of (1.7) leads to L(ξ,
the case Im L is positive definite, implies ξ = 0. However, if the Levi form has mixed
signature, strong nondegeneracy is a stronger property than Levi-nondegeneracy. We
now have the following extensions of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 covering, in particular, all
Levi-nondegenerate (integrable) CR structures:
Theorem 1.3. Conclusions of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 hold for strongly nondegenerate
hypersurface type almost CR structures.
Theorem 1.3 is a direct consequence of Theorems 7.2 and 8.1 below. We conclude by
describing the uniqueness of the above normal forms. As mentioned before, each of the
normal forms of the same almost CR structure is determined by the same parameters as
the one of Chern-Moser. The latter is known to be parameterized by the automorphism
group of the associated hyperquadric. However, this parametrization is not unique.
Instead, we take here a more direct geometric approach describing naturally the needed
First recall that an adapted frame of an (almost) CR structure on M at p ∈ M with
non-degenerate Levi form Lp : Hp × Hp → C ⊗ (Tp /Hp ) of signature s consists of a
complex basis v1 , . . . , vn of Hp M , extended by a vector vn+1 ∈ Tp M \ Hp M , satisfying
(1.8) Lp (vj , vk ) = εj δjk [vn+1 ],

where εj is as in (1.3), δjk is Kronecker delta and [vn+1 ] ∈ Tp /Hp stands for the
equivalence class of vn+1 . In given coordinates (x, y, u) ∈ Rn × Rn × R on M with
H0 M = Cn × {0}, one has the standard adapted frame ∂x∂ 1 , . . . , ∂x∂n , ∂u

at 0. It follows
from Chern-Moser theory [CM74] that any Levi-nondegenerate CR structure can be
always be put into its Chern-Moser normal form with the additional condition that an
arbitrary given adapted frame is transformed into the standard one. However, the latter
condition still does not suffice to make the normal form unique. In order to achieve the
uniqueness, one needs a second order condition, of which we give here the following
geometric version. We here give a brief description and refer the reader to §9.1 for more
Given and adapted frame v1 , . . . , vn , vn+1 at p, consider 2-jets Λ at 0 of real curves
in M , given by equivalence classes of smooth curve germs γ : (R, 0) → (M, p) with
γ(0) = p and γ 0 (0) = vn+1 . We say that two such jets Λ1 and Λ2 are H-equivalent if

(1.9) γ100 (0) − γ200 (0) ∈ Hp M

holds for some represenatives γ1 , γ2 of Λ1 , Λ2 respectively and where the second deriva-
tives are calculated in some local coordinates on M . It follows from the canonical affine
structure on jet bundles that the property (1.9) is independent of both representatives
as well as of the coordinate choice involved (see §9.1). Thus H-equivalence is a well-
defined equivalence relation. We now define an extended adapted frame on M at p to be
any collection v1 , . . . , vn , vn+1 , [Λ], consisting of an adapted frame together with a choice
of an H-equivalence class of 2-jets Λ as above. Given coordinates (x, y, u) as above,
one can naturally complete the standard adapted frame ∂x∂ 1 , . . . , ∂x∂n , ∂u ∂
to the standard
extended adapted frame by taking [Λ] with Λ represented by the curve γ(t) = (0, t). It
now follows from [CM74] that any Levi-nondegenerate (hypersurface type) CR struc-
ture can always be put into its Chern-Moser normal form with the additional condition
that an arbitrary given extended adapted frame is transformed into the standard one.
This time the normal form is uniquely determined. Thus the space of all extended
adapted frames parametrizes precisely the space of all Chern-Moser normal forms of a
given CR structure. The main uniqueness result for our normal forms states that the
latters are parametrized in the same way:

Theorem 1.4. Let (M, p) be a germ of a smooth real manifold with strongly nondegen-
erate hypersurface type almost CR structure. Then for every extended adapted frame
at p, each of the normal forms in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 exists and is unique under the
additional condition that the given extended adapted frame is realized as the standard
one in the normal form.

Theorem 1.4 is a direct consequence of Theorem 9.1 below.


2. Applications of the normal forms

We here state some application of our normal form. The statements are formulated
for strongly nondegenerate CR structures. Recall that any hypersurface type almost
CR structure with positive definite Levi form is automatically strongly nondegenerate.
Also any hypersurface type (integrable) CR structure with nondegenerate Levi form is
automatically strongly nondegenerate.
Given two manifolds M and M 0 of the same dimension and an integer k, we denote
by Gk (M, M 0 ) the space of all k-jets of invertible maps. For a point p ∈ M , denote by
Gkp (M, M 0 ) ⊂ Gk (M, M 0 ) the subset of jets with source p. For any smooth diffeomor-
phism f between open pieces of M and M 0 and any p ∈ M in the domain of definition
of f , we denote by jpk f ∈ Gk (M, M 0 ) the k-jet of f at p.
Recall that a CR-diffeomorphism between two almost CR manifolds is any diffeomor-
phism transforming the almost CR structure of the first manifold into the structure
of the second. Our first application is given by the following complete system type
property of local CR-diffeomorphism.
Theorem 2.1. Let M and M 0 be smooth (resp. real-analytic) strongly nondegenerate
hypersurface type almost CR manifolds of the same dimension. Then for every p0 ∈ M
and Λ0 ∈ G2p0 (M, M 0 ), there exist an open neighborhood Ω of Λ0 in G2 (M, M 0 ) and
a smooth (resp. real-analytic) map Φ : Ω → G3 (M, M 0 ) such that every smooth CR-
diffeomorphism f between open pieces of M and M 0 satisfies the complete differential
(2.1) jp3 f = Φ(jp2 f )
whenever p ∈ M is in the domain of definition of f and jp2 f ∈ Ω.
As an application of Theorem 2.1 we obtain the following unique determination
Corollary 2.2. Let M and M 0 be as in Theorem 2.1. Then CR-diffeomorphisms be-
tween connected open pieces of M and M 0 are uniquely determined by their 2-jets at
any point of M , i.e. if f, g : U ⊂ M → M 0 are CR-diffeomorphisms, U is connected,
p ∈ U and jp2 f = jp2 g, then f ≡ g.
In fact, we have the following stronger property that local CR-diffeomorphisms de-
pend smoothly (resp. analytically) on their 2-jets.
Corollary 2.3. Let M and M 0 be as in Theorem 2.1. Then for every p0 ∈ M and
Λ0 ∈ G2p0 (M, M 0 ), there exist neighborhoods Ω0 of p0 in M , Ω00 of Λ0 in G2 (M, M 0 ),
and a smooth (resp. real-analytic) map Ψ : Ω0 × Ω00 → M 0 such that every smooth
CR-diffeomorphism f between open pieces of M and M 0 satisfies
(2.2) f (q) = Ψ(q, jp2 f ),

whenever q ∈ Ω0 and p ∈ M are in the domain of definition of f and jp2 f ∈ Ω00 .

In particular, if M and M 0 are real-analytic, any smooth CR-diffeomorphism between
them is also real-analytic.
The proofs of Corollaries 2.2 and 2.3 are completely analogous to that of Proposi-
tion 2.2 in [BRWZ04] (see also [E01] and [KZ05]). Corollary 2.3 can be used to obtain
a solution to the CR equivalence problem in the following sense:
Theorem 2.4. Let M and M 0 be as in Theorem 2.1. Then for every p0 ∈ M and
Λ0 ∈ G2p0 (M, M 0 ), there exist an open neighborhood Ω of (p0 , Λ0 ) in M × G2 (M, M 0 )
and a smooth (resp. real-analytic) real function Γ : Ω → R such that there exists a local
CR-diffeomorphism f between an open neighborhood of a point p ∈ M and an open set
in M 0 with (p, jp2 f ) = (p, Λ) ∈ Ω if and only if Γ(·, Λ) vanishes in a neighborhood of p.
The proof is completely analogous to that of Theorem 1.4 in [KZ05]. Finally, as a
direct consequence of Theorem 2.1 above and Theorem 2.3 in [BRWZ04], we obtain
a Lie group structure on the group of all CR-automorphisms in its natural topology.
Recall that the group Diff(M ) of all smooth diffeomorphisms of M carries the natural
topology of uniform convergence on compacta of maps and their inverses together with
all derivatives of the maps and the inverses. We call this topology the compact-open C ∞
topology. Applying Theorem 2.1 and the mentioned result from [BRWZ04], we obtain:
Corollary 2.5. Let M be a smooth connected strongly nondegenerate hypersurface type
almost CR manifold. Then the group of all smooth CR-automorphisms of M , equipped
with the compact-open C ∞ topology, has a (unique) structure as a Lie group acting
smoothly on M .
In case M is real-analytic, the group of all real-analytic CR-automorphisms of M
(which coincides with the group of all smooth CR-automorphisms in view of Corol-
lary 2.3) can also be equipped with the natural compact-open real-analytic topology
(see [BRWZ04] for details). Then Theorem 2.1 can be applied along with Theorem 2.3
in [BRWZ04] to obtain the real-analytic analogue of Corollary 2.5.

3. Almost CR structures
Let M be a real manifold with almost CR structure given by H and J or, equivalently
by a complex subbundle H 1,0 ⊂ C⊗T satisfying H 1,0 ∩H 1,0 = 0. The complex dimension
of the fiber Hp , p ∈ M , is called the CR dimension dimCR M of an almost CR manifold
M and the real codimension of Hp in Tp the CR codimension codimCR M of M . The pair
(dimCR M, codimCR M ) is sometimes called the type of M and in case codimCR M = 1,
M is said to be of hypersurface type.
Many formulas and calculations become simpler when working with the complexified
tangent bundle CT := C⊗T . (For instance, the Nijenhuis tensor of the almost complex
structure is expressed by a linear combination of 4 different brackets of real vector fields

but only one bracket of complexified vector fields.) Here J extends to a complex bundle
automorphism of CH =: C ⊗ H, which splits into direct sum of its (±i)-eigenspaces
H 1,0 := {ξ ∈ CH : Jξ = iξ}, H 0,1 := {ξ ∈ CH : Jξ = −iξ}.
These eigenspaces form complex subbundles of CH satisfying
H 0,1 = H 1,0 , CH = H 1,0 ⊕ H 0,1 ,
and each of them uniquely determines the almost CR structure.
3.1. The non-integrability tensor and the Levi form. Recall that an almost CR
structure is called (formally) integrable or simply a CR structure if the subbundle H 1,0 ⊂
CT (or equivalently H 0,1 ) is closed under taking Lie brackets. Denote by πp0,1 : CTp →
CTp /Hp1,0 the canonical projection. Then the obstruction to integrability is given by
the antisymmetric complex-bilinear map
(3.1) Np : Hp1,0 × Hp1,0 → CTp /Hp1,0
such that Np (Xp , Yp ) = πp0,1 ([X, Y ]p ) holds for any vector fields X, Y ∈ Γ(H 1,0 ), where
Xp denotes the evaluation at p. Then the CR structure is formally integrable if and only
if Np = 0 for all p ∈ M . The map Np generalizes the Nijenhuis tensor of almost complex
structures to arbitrary almost CR structures and is called here the non-integrability
The Levi form is defined for any almost CR structure in a similar fashion. This time
consider the canonical projection πp : CTp → CTp /CHp . Then the Levi form is given
by the sesqui-linear map
L1,0 1,0 1,0
p : Hp × Hp → CTp /CHp
such that L1,0
p (Xp , Yp ) = 2i πp ([X̄, Y ]p ) holds for any vector fields X, Y ∈ Γ(H
) (cf.
e.g. [BER99]). Using the natural identifications H 0,1 1,0
→ H given by ξ 7→ ξ, and¯
1,0 1
H → H given by ξ 7→ 2 (ξ − iJξ), one obtains the corresponding maps
L0,1 0,1 0,1
p : Hp × Hp → CTp /CHp , Lp : Hp × Hp → CTp /CHp ,
of which the first is used in [BER99] and the second one will be used here. (With this
normalization the Levi form of the quadric Im w = |z|2 gives L0 (s∂x , t∂x ) = s̄t∂u , where
z = x + iy, u = Re w, and CTp /CHp is identified with Cw .)

4. Coordinate setting
4.1. Preliminary normalization. Given an almost CR structure (H, J) on M of CR
dimension n and CR codimension d and a reference point p0 ∈ M , we consider a system
of coordinates (z, u) = (x + iy, u) ∈ Cn × Rd on M such that
(4.1) p0 = (0, 0, 0), H0 = Cn × {0}, J0 (ξ, 0) = (iξ, 0).

4.2. Complex coordinates of the complexified tangent space. On the complex-

ified tangent space CTp at a point p ∈ M , we shall consider the complex coordinates
(4.2) ¯ = dx − idy ∈ Cn , dw ∈ Cd with du = Re dw,
dz = dx + idy ∈ Cn , dz z z̄ w

where Cnz and Cnz̄ denote respectively the (1, 0) and (0, 1) spaces with respect to the
standard CR structure on Cn . Then our preliminary normalization (4.1) is expressed

(4.3) H01,0 = Cnz × {0}.

Now consider a general point p ∈ M . If p is sufficiently close to 0, the subspace
Hp1,0 ⊂ CTp is the graph of a uniquely determined complex-linear map
(4.4) L(p) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cdw ,
i.e. Hp1,0 is given by (dz̄, dw) = L(p)dz.
We shall also distinguish the components of L:
(4.5) L(p) = (Lz̄ (p), Lw (p)), Lz̄ (p) : Cnz → Cnz̄ , Lw (p) : Cnz → Cdw .
Then (4.3) can be rewritten as
(4.6) L(0) = (Lz̄ (0), Lw (0)) = 0.
4.3. Evaluation along the Euler vector field. In our normalization the following
Euler (or radial) type vector field will play an important role:
∂ X ∂
(4.7) e = e(z) := z = zj ∈ Tz1,0 Cn .
∂z j
∂z j

We consider L(p) as a formal power series in (z, z̄, u) and evaluate it along e to obtain
a Cnz̄ × Cdw -valued formal power series
(4.8) L(z,
e z̄, u) := L(z, z̄, u)e(z).
We write Lza z̄b uc for the derivative at 0 regarded as a multihomogeneous polynomial of
degree a in z, b in z̄ and c in u, which is given by
(4.9) Lza z̄b uc (z, z̄, u) := Lzi1 ...zia z̄j1 ...z̄jb uk1 ...zkc (0)zi1 · · · zia z̄j1 · · · z̄jb uk1 · · · ukc
in terms of the partial derivatives of L, where the summation is taken over all collections
of indices i1 , . . . , ia , j1 , . . . , jb ∈ {1, . . . , n}, k1 , . . . , kc ∈ {1, . . . , d}. Then
(4.10) L
eza z̄b uc (z, z̄, u) = aLza−1 z̄b uc (z, z̄, u)e(z)
for all integers a, b, c ≥ 0. For the convenience of notation, we shall allow negative
values of a, b, c but always assume hza z̄b uc = 0 for any function h whenever any of a, b, c
is negative.

We shall say that two (formal) almost CR structures on Cn × Rd corresponding to

formal maps L, L0 , coincide along the Euler vector field, if their evaluations along e
e0 .
coincide, i.e. if L
4.4. Relation with the non-integrability tensor. We next calculate the non-
integrability tensor in terms of the above map L defining an almost CR-manifold
(M, H, J), normalized as in (4.6). At a point p ∈ M , it is given by the antisymmetric
map N : Hp1,0 × Hp1,0 → CTp /Hp1,0 in (3.1) induced by the Lie brackets of (1, 0) vector
fields. Using the map (4.4) we can choose (1, 0) vector fields of the form X = (ξ, Lξ)
with ξ being a constant vector field in Cn . Then for X = (ξ, Lξ) and Y = (η, Lη), we
N (X, Y ) = Lz (ξ; η) + Lz̄ (Lz̄ ξ; η) + Lu (Lw ξ; η)
− Lz (η; ξ) − Lz̄ (Lz̄ η; ξ) − Lu (Lw η; ξ),
where we have adapted the notation
(4.12) Lz (ξ; η) = Lz (ξ)η
for the derivative of L in the direction of ξ evaluated at η and analogous notation for
Lz̄ and Lu , and where CTp /Hp1,0 is identified with Cnz̄ × Cdw in the obvious way.
The following lemma shows that when the given almost CR structures is integrable
(i.e. a CR structure), it is completely determined by the evaluation L e along the Euler
vector field.
Lemma 4.1. If two formal CR structures (i.e. integrable ones) of type (n, d) on M =
Cn × Rd are normalized as in (4.3) and coincide along the Euler vector field (4.7), then
they coincide as formal maps.
Proof. Denote by L and L b the formal power series maps (4.4) corresponding to the
given almost CR structures. We shall prove the coincidence of L and L b at 0 up to
order k by induction on k. Suppose that all derivatives of L and L b of order less than k
coincide at the origin. Fix nonnegative integers a, b, c with a + b + c = k and consider
the derivatives
b : (Cnz )a × (Cnz̄ )b × (Rdu )c × Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cd .
Dza z̄b uc L, Dza z̄b uc L w
Then the coincidence of the given CR structures along the Euler vector field e(z) implies
Dza z̄b uc L(z, . . . , z, z̄, . . . , z̄, u, . . . , u; z) = Dza z̄b uc L(z,
b . . . , z, z̄, . . . , z̄, u, . . . , u; z).
In case a = 0, this immediately implies Dz̄b uc L = Dz̄b uc L. b Otherwise we apply the
derivative Dza−1 z̄b uc at the origin to (4.11) written for L and L. b Since L(0) = L(0) b =0
z̄ w
by the assumption, the corresponding derivative of the sum Lz̄ (L ξ; η) + Lu (L ξ; η) −
Lz̄ (Lz̄ η; ξ) − Lu (Lw η; ξ) only involves nonzero contributions of derivatives of L of order
less than k and similar property holds for L. b Thus, by the induction hypothesis, the

derivatives of these sums are the same for L and L. b Now subtracting the derivatives of
(4.11) for L and L and using the assumption that both CR structures are integrable, we
conclude that the multilinear function Dza z̄b uc L−Dza z̄b uc Lb is invariant under exchanging
the first and the last arguments. Hence it is symmetric in all its Cnz -arguments and
therefore (4.13) implies Dza z̄b uc L = Dza z̄b uc L
b as desired. 
4.5. Coordinate changes and basic identities. We consider arbitrary formal power
series coordinate changes of the form
(4.14) z 0 = z + f (z, z̄, u), u0 = u + g(z, z̄, u), (f, g) = O(|(z, z̄, u)|2 ).
We write L0 for the map (4.4) corresponding to the new coordinates (z 0 , z 0 , w0 ). Then
L and L0 are related by the following basic identities:

gz + gz̄ Lz̄ + (id + gu )Lw = L0w (id + fz + fz̄ Lz̄ + fu Lw ),
(4.15) 0
f¯z + (id + f¯z̄ )Lz̄ + f¯u Lw = L0z̄ (id + fz + fz̄ Lz̄ + fu Lw ).
Here the derivatives of f, f¯, g and the maps Lz̄ , Lw are taken at (z, z̄, u) and the maps
0 0
L0z̄ , L0w at (z 0 , z 0 , u0 ) = (z, z̄, u) + (f, f¯, g)(z, z̄, u).
We shall use the evaluation of (4.15) along the Euler vector field:
ez̄ + (id + gu )L
gz e + gz̄ L ew = L0w0 (e + fz e + fz̄ Lez̄ + fu L
ew ),
f¯z e + (id + f¯z̄ )L ew = L0z̄0 (e + fz e + fz̄ L
ez̄ + f¯u L ez̄ + fu L
ew ).

5. Partial normal form for any CR-dimension and -codimension

In the sequel all derivatives will be assumed evaluated at 0 unless specified otherwise.
The derivatives of the maps f and g satisfy the following reality conditions:
(5.1) fza z̄b uc = f¯zb z̄a uc , gza z̄b uc = gzb z̄a uc .
5.1. First order normalization. We first take the derivatives of (4.15) in z̄, evaluate
at 0 and use the vanishing (4.6) for both L and L0 as well as (4.14) to obtain
0 0
(5.2) gzz̄ + Lw = L0w0 , f¯zz̄ + Lz̄ = L0z̄0 .
z̄ z̄ z̄ z̄

In the first equation gzz̄ is an arbitrary hermitian bilinear map in view of (5.1). Hence
we can use it to eliminate the hermitian part of Lw ¯
z̄ (ξ; η) (where we use the same
notation as in (4.12)) and thus assume the latter to be antihermitian. On the other
hand, the term f¯zz̄ in the second equation is completely arbitrary and hence can be
used to eliminate Lz̄z̄ completely.
Similarly we take the derivatives of (4.15) in z, evaluate at 0 and use the vanishing
conditions (4.6) and (4.14) to obtain
0 0
(5.3) gz2 + Lw = L0w0 , f¯z2 + Lz̄ = L0z̄0 .
z z z z

This time both terms gz2 and f¯z2 are arbitrary symmetric and can be used to eliminate
the symmetric parts of the bilinear forms Lw z̄
z (ξ; η) and Lz (ξ; η). Hence we can normalize
both forms to be antisymmetric.
Putting everything together, we obtain the normalization:
¯ η) = 0, Lw (ξ;
Lz̄z̄ (ξ; ¯ η) = −Lw z̄ (η̄; ξ),

(5.4) z̄ z̄ w w
Lz (ξ; η) = −Lz (η; ξ), Lz (ξ; η) = −Lz (η; ξ).
Note that in this normalization, 1i Lwz̄ represents the (hermitian) Levi form of the given
almost CR structure at 0 and 2Lz = (2Lz̄z , 2Lw z ) the (antisymmetric) non-integrability
tensor at 0, i.e.
1 w
(5.5) Lz̄ = L1,0
0 , 2Lz = N0 .
Furthermore, if both L and L0 are normalized as in (5.4), it follows from (5.2) and (5.3)
(5.6) gzz̄ = 0, gz2 = 0, f¯zz̄ = 0, f¯z2 = 0.
In view of (4.10), the normalization (5.4) can also be rewritten in terms of L:

(5.7) ez̄ = 0,
L ew = 0,
Re L L
ez2 = 0.
z z̄ z z̄

5.2. Higher order expansion. We now take arbitrary higher order derivatives of
(4.16) that we regard as multi-homogeneous polynomials in (z, z̄, u) as in (4.9). As
before, each derivative of L
e is taken at 0.
For every a, b, c ≥ 0, we differentiate (4.16) a times in z, b times in z̄ and c times
in u and evaluate at 0. In view of the vanishing in (4.6) and (4.14), all terms in (4.16)
(other than id) vanish at 0. Hence we obtain:
agza z̄b uc + Lewa b c = Le0w0a0 0b 0c + Pa,b,c (f∗ , f¯∗ , g∗ , Le∗ , L0w 0
∗ ),
z z̄ u z z̄ u
af¯za z̄b uc + L e0z̄0a0 0b 0c + Qa,b,c (f∗ , f¯∗ , g∗ , L
ez̄a b c = L e∗ , L0z̄0 ),
z z̄ u z z̄ u ∗

where Pa,b,c (resp. Qa,b,c ) is a polynomial in (the components of) the derivatives (de-
noted by the subscript “∗”) of f , f¯, g and L e of order less than a + b + c and of L0w0
(resp. L0z̄ ) of order less than a + b + c − 1. (Note that the derivatives of L e of order
a + b + c are related to the derivatives of L of order a + b + c − 1 via (4.10).)
Assuming all arguments of Qa,b,c being fixed, we can uniquely choose f¯za z̄b uc in the
second identity to make L e0z̄0a0 0b 0c = 0 for a ≥ 1, whereas we already have Le0z̄0b0 0c = 0 by
z z̄ u z̄ u
(4.10) (recall that all derivatives are taken at 0). This way we can uniquely determine
by induction all derivatives f¯za z̄b uc with a ≥ 1, i.e. all derivatives of f¯ except the pure
ones f¯z̄b uc = fzb uc , the latter being treated as free parameters. Finally we use (4.15) to
determine all derivatives of L0 of order a + b + c − 1 and complete the induction step.
Summarizing, we obtain:

Lemma 5.1. For every choice of the derivatives gza z̄b uc and of pure derivatives fza uc ,
there exists an unique choice of the remaining derivatives fza z̄b uc , b ≥ 1, such that
e0z̄0a0 0b 0c = 0 for all a, b, c ≥ 0, i.e. L
L e0z̄0 ≡ 0.
z z̄ u

We shall next proceed similarly with the first identity in (5.8). In view of the reality
conditions, for each term gza z̄b uc with a 6= b, its conjugate appears in the other idenitity
with (a, b, c) replaced by (b, a, c). Thus we cannot eliminate both terms L e0w0a0 0b 0c and
z z̄ u
e0w0b0 0a 0c simultaneously. However, we can determine gza z̄b uc uniquely by eliminating the
L z z̄ u
sum of the first one and the conjugate of the second, i.e. by making
(5.9) e0w0a0 0b 0c + L
L e0w0b0 0a 0c = 0, a 6= b.
z z̄ u z z̄ u
e0w (z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ).
The sum in (5.9) is a certain derivative of Re L
On the other hand, if b = a > 0, both identities coincide but the derivative gza z̄a uc
e0w0b0 0b 0c :
must be real. Hence it is uniquely determined by eliminating the real part of L z z̄ u
(5.10) e0w
Re Lz 0a z̄ 0a u0c = 0, a ≥ 1.
e0w (z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ).
Again, the real parts in (5.10) appear to be derivatives of Re L
This way we determine all derivatives of g except guc . The latters are to be treated
as free parameters. Finally we use (4.15) to determine all derivatives of L0 of order
a + b + c − 1 and complete the induction step. Summarizing, we obtain:
Proposition 5.2. For every formal power series L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cdw without
constant terms and every formal power series f0 (z, u) and g0 (u) without constant and
linear terms, there exist unique formal power series f (z, z̄, u) and g(z, z̄, u) without
constant and linear terms such that f (z, 0, u) = f0 (z, u) and g(0, 0, u) = g0 (u) and
such that the map id + (f, g) transforms L into L0 satisfying the normalization
(5.11) e0z̄0 (z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ≡ 0, Re L
L e0w0 (z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ≡ 0.

6. Quasi CR embeddings
Recall that any real-analytic (integrable) CR structure of CR dimension n and CR
codimension d admits locally a CR embedding into Cn+d inducing the given CR struc-
ture. Vice versa, any almost CR structure induced by a CR embedding into CN (for
arbitrary N ) is automatically integrable. Hence we clearly cannot have CR embeddings
into any CN for nonintegrable almost CR structures. Here we propose a more general
notion of quasi CR embeddings that works for any almost CR structure and yields
“true” CR embeddings whenever the almost CR structure is integrable.
Definition 6.1. A quasi CR embedding at a point p of an almost CR structure of
CR dimension n and CR codimension d into Cnz × Cdw is a (formal) embedding as a
submanifold M ⊂ Cnz × Cdw with p = 0, T0 M = Cn × Rd , such that the transformed
almost CR structure on M coincides along the Euler vector field e (given by (4.7))

with the one induced by the embedding, where we regard z and u = Re w as intrinsic
coordinates on M . (That is L e0 holds in the notation (4.8) for the corresponding
maps L and L representing the two almost CR structures on M .)
6.1. Induced CR-structure for a graph. Here we consider a formal (generic) sub-
manifold M in Cn+d given as graph of a formal map ϕ : Cn × Rd → Rd , i.e.
M = {(z, w) ∈ Cn × Cd : Im w = ϕ(z, z̄, Re w)}.
Then (1, 0) bundle H 1,0 M = T 1,0 Cn+d ∩ CT M is the annihilator of the (vector-valued)
 w − w̄ w + w̄  1
(6.1) dz̄, ∂ − ϕ z, z̄, = ((id − iϕu )dw − 2iϕz dz).
2i 2 2i
Hence, in terms of (z, z̄, u) with u = Re w regarded as coordinates on M , the bundle
H 1,0 is the annihilator of the pullbacks of the forms (6.1) under the map (z, u) 7→
(z, u + iϕ(z, z̄, u)), i.e. it is the annihilator of the forms
dz̄, (id − iϕu )(id + iϕu )du − (id + iϕu )iϕz dz,
or, equivalently, since id − iϕu and id + iϕu commute, of the forms
(6.2) dz̄, (id − iϕu )du − iϕz dz.
Therefore the map L is given by
L = (Lz̄ , Lw ) = 0, i(id − iϕu )−1 ϕz .

We now follow this construction backwards, i.e. begin with L and reconstruct the
function ϕ(z, z̄, u). In general, when the given almost CR structure is nonintegrable, we
cannot expect it to be induced by an embedding in a complex vector space. However
we shall see that we can still find ϕ satisfying (6.3) along the Euler vector field. In
accordance with our normalization (4.3), we shall assume
(6.4) ϕ(z, z̄, u) = O(|(z, z̄, u)|2 ).
Then evaluating (6.3) along the Euler vector field (4.7) and differentiating at 0, we
(6.5) Lewa b c = iaϕza z̄b uc + Ra,b,c (ϕ∗ )
z z̄ u
in the notation (4.8), where Ra,b,c is a polynomial in (the components of) the derivatives
ϕ∗ of ϕ at 0 of order less than a + b + c. We shall consider functions ϕ satisfying
(6.6) ϕz̄b uc = 0.
This corresponds to the choice of normal coordinates where the defining equation has
no harmonic terms. Given L ew , we use (6.5) to obtain by induction on a + b + c formulas
for all derivatives ϕza z̄b uc other than those in (6.6), i.e. with a ≥ 1:
1 ew ew
(6.7) ϕza z̄b uc = L a b c + Sa,b,c (L∗ ),
ia z z̄ u

where Sa,b,c is a polynomial in the derivatives of L ew of order less than a + b + c.

We now consider a transformation (4.14) sending L into L0 and look for a Cd -valued
function ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) in the new coordinates providing a local embedding of Cn ×Rd into
Cn × Cd given by (z 0 , u0 ) 7→ (z 0 , u0 + iϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 )), with desired properties. Rewriting
(6.7) for L0 , we obtain, for a ≥ 1,
1 e0w0 e0w0
(6.8) ϕz0a z̄0b u0c = L z 0a z̄ 0b u0c + Sa,b,c (L∗ ).
Solving the first equation in (5.8) for L e0w0a0 0b 0c and substituting into (6.8) we obtain by
z z̄ u
induction on a + b + c:
(6.9) ϕz0a z̄0b u0c = gza z̄b uc + Ta,b,c (f∗ , f¯∗ , g∗ , L e0 ),

where Ta,b,c is a polynomial in the derivatives of f , g of order less than a + b + c and
derivatives of L e0 of order less than a+b+c+1. Here we drop the dependence on L which
is assumed to be given and fixed. We shall now use (6.9) along with the second equation
in (5.8) to determine uniquely the derivatives gza z̄b uc with (a, b) 6= 0 and f¯za z̄b uc with
a 6= 0 as in §5.2 via the normalization conditions
(6.10) e0z̄0 (z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ≡ 0, Im ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ≡ 0.
As before, we complete the induction step by using (4.15) to determine all derivatives
of L0 of order a + b + c − 1.
Summarizing and taking (6.6) into account, we obtain:
Proposition 6.2. For every formal power series L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cdw without
constant terms and f0 (z, u) ∈ Cn and g0 (u) ∈ Rd without constant and linear terms,
there exist unique formal power series f (z, z̄, u) ∈ Cn , g(z, z̄, u) ∈ Rd and ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ∈
Rd without constant and linear terms satisfying f (z, 0, u) = f0 (z, u), g(0, 0, u) = g0 (u)
and ϕ(z 0 , 0, u0 ) = 0, such that the almost CR structure given by L admits the quasi CR
embedding at 0 as the submanifold M 0 ⊂ Cnz0 × Cdw0 given by
Im w0 = ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , Re w0 )
via the map (z, u) 7→ (z+f (z, z̄, u), u+g(z, z̄, u)), where (z 0 , u0 ) are regarded as intrinsic
coordinates on M 0 .
Remark 6.3. Note that even though the normalization conditions of Proposition 6.2
look similar to (5.11), the two normalizations are different in general. For instance,
consider the hypersurface given by Im w = ϕ(z, z̄, u) with ϕ(z, z̄, u) = z z̄ + uz 4 z̄ 4 . It is
in the normal form of Proposition 6.2 but
ew = iϕz e i(z z̄ + 4uz 4 z̄ 4 )
L =
1 − iϕu 1 − iz 4 z̄ 4
does not satisfy (5.11).

7. Intrinsic normal form for hypersurface type almost CR structures

We now restrict our study the almost CR structures of hypersurface type, i.e. those
with CR codimension 1.
Definition 7.1. We call an almost CR structure of hypersurface type strongly nonde-
generate if both its Levi form and the linear combination 6iL + N w are nondegenerate,
i.e. if, in addition to the nondegeneracy of the Levi form L, one has
(7.1) ¯ η) + N w (ξ, η) = 0 for all η ⇒ ξ = 0,
where we assume the normalization (5.4).
If the Levi form is positive definite, the almost CR structure is always strongly
nondegenerate. Indeed, if ξ is such that 6iL(ξ,¯ η) + N w (ξ, η) = 0 for all η, we have,
¯ ξ) + N w (ξ, ξ) = 0. Since N is antisymmetric, N (ξ, ξ) = 0 and
in particular, 6iL(ξ,
¯ ξ) = 0. In view of L being positive definite, we obtain ξ = 0 as desired.
therefore L(ξ,
7.1. Trace decompositions. We here recall trace decompositions that play a funda-
mental role in [CM74]. Recall that the trace operator associated with the nondegen-
P jk ∂ 2
erate Levi form 1i L
ew jk
z z̄ = jk cjk dz̄j ⊗ dzk is given by tr := jk c ∂ z̄j ∂zk , where (c )
is the inverse matrix of (cjk ). (In particular, if L ew = i P εj dz̄j ⊗ dzj for ε = ±1,
z z̄ j
then tr = j εj ∂ z̄∂j ∂zj .) Then, for any integer l ≥ 1, any formal power series p(z, z̄, u)

admits an unique decomposition

(7.2) ew (z, z̄))l + h(z, z̄, u),
p(z, z̄, u) = q(z, z̄, u)(L z z̄

where q and h are further power series and h satisfies tr l h ≡ 0. Here tr l stands for tr
applied l times. Moreover, if p is bihomogeneous of bidegree (a, b) in (z, z̄), then h is
also bihomogeneous of the same degree and q is bihomogeneous of degree (a − l, b − l)
(and is zero if min(a − l, b − l) < 0). As in [CM74], we shall use (7.2) for p of bidegrees
(2, 2), (3, 2) and (3, 3) in (z, z̄) and l equal 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
7.2. Weighted expansions. As in [CM74] we assign weight 1 to z, z̄ and weight 2 to
w. We shall assume the partial normalization as in Lemma 5.2. For every a, b, c ≥ 0,
we differentiate (4.16) a times in z, b times in z̄ and c times in w and evaluate at 0. As
before, we shall assume each derivative evaluated at 0. Then in view of the vanishing
in (4.6) and (4.14) we obtain
(7.3) agza z̄b uc + abgza−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 L ew e0w0 ¯ 0w0
z z̄ + Lz a z̄ b uc = Lz 0a z̄ 0b u0c + Pa,b,c (f∗ , f∗ , g∗ , L∗ , L∗ )+
0 0 0
abL0w0 (z̄; fza z̄b−1 uc ) + aL0w0 (f¯za−1 z̄b uc ; z) + a(a − 2)L0w0 (z; fza−1 z̄b uc )+
z̄ z̄ z
0 0
ab(b − 1)L0w ew
z̄ 0 (z̄; fz a−1 z̄ b−2 uc+1 )Lz z̄ + ab(a − 1)L0w ew
z 0 (z; fz a−2 z̄ b−1 uc+1 )Lz z̄ ,

(7.4) af¯za z̄b uc + abf¯za−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 L

ew + L e0z̄0a0 0b 0c + Qa,b,c (f∗ , f¯∗ , g∗ , L
ez̄a b c = L e∗ , L0z̄0 ),
z z̄ z z̄ u z z̄ u ∗

where Pa,b,c (resp. Qa,b,c ) is a polynomial in (the components of) the derivatives of f , f¯
and L0w of weight less than a + b + 2c − 1 and of g and L e of weight less than a + b + 2c
(resp. of L0z̄ of weight less than a + b + 2c − 1 and f , f¯, g and L e of weight less than
a + b + 2c). Here we have used the antisymmetry of Lz (·; ·) and L0z0 (·; ·) implying the
ez2 = 2Lz (z; z) = 0, L0 0 (fza−1 z̄b uc ; z) + L0 0 (z; fza−1 z̄b uc ) = 0.
L z z
We have also used (5.6) (to avoid terms like L gzz̄ etc.). Also recall that any
z 0a−1 z̄ 0b−1 u0c+1
derivative hza z̄b uc with either of a, b, c negative is assumed to be zero.
As before, assuming the arguments of Qa,b,c in (7.4) being given, the non-pure deriva-
tives f¯za z̄b uc (i.e. those with a ≥ 1) are uniquely determined by the first identity of our
partial normalization (5.11), i.e. from
1 ez̄ 1 0z̄ 0
(7.5) f¯za z̄b uc = −bf¯za−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 L
ew ¯
z z̄ − Lz a z̄ b uc + Qa,b,c (f∗ , f∗ , g∗ , L∗ , L∗ ).
a a
However, this time we no more regard the pure derivatives fza uc as free parameters but
rather want to determine them from the identity (7.3) by adding further normalization
conditions. We shall assume L being given and determine the derivatives of g of a fixed
weight k and of f of weight k − 1. Then we use (4.15) to determine all derivatives of
0 0
L0w of weight k − 1 and of L0z̄ of weight k − 2. Thus our main inductive hypothesis
for an integer k ≥ 3, will be that we have already determined all derivatives of g of
0 0
weight less than k and all derivatives of f and L0w of weight less than k − 1 and of L0z̄
of weight less than k − 2. Our goal is then to determine the corresponding derivatives
of the next following weights.
7.3. The diagonal terms normalization. We begin by considering the identities
(7.3) corresponding to (a, b, c) equal (1, 1, s + 1), (2, 2, s) and (3, 3, s − 1). Here s ≥ 0
is such that 4 + 2s = k (i.e. the weight a + b + 2c is k). (In case s = 0 we only have the
first two identities and regard the third idenity as void.) We obtain
0 0
(7.6) gzz̄us+1 + gus+2 L ew e0w ¯ 0w
z z̄ + Lz z̄us+1 = Lz 0 z̄ 0 u0s+1 + P1,1,s+1 (f∗ , f∗ , g∗ , L∗ , L∗ )+
0 0 0
L0w0 (z̄; fzus+1 ) + L0w0 (f¯z̄us+1 ; z) − L0w0 (z; fz̄us+1 ),
z̄ z̄ z

(7.7) 2gz2 z̄2 us + 4gzz̄us+1 Lw ew e0w0 ¯ 0w0

z z̄ + Lz 2 z̄ 2 us = Lz 02 z̄ 02 u0s + P2,2,s (f∗ , f∗ , g∗ , L∗ , L∗ )+
0 0 0
4L0w0 (z̄; fz2 z̄us ) + 2L0w0 (f¯zz̄2 us ; z) + 4L0w0 (z̄; fzus+1 )L ew + 4L0w0 0 (z; fz̄us+1 )L
ew ,
z̄ z̄ z̄ z z̄ z z z̄

(7.8) 3gz3 z̄3 us−1 + 9gz2 z̄2 us L ew ew e0w0 ¯ 0w0

z z̄ + Lz 3 z̄ 3 us−1 = Lz 03 z̄ 03 u0s−1 + P3,3,s−1 (f∗ , f∗ , g∗ , L∗ , L∗ )+
0 0 0
9L0w0 (z̄; fz3 z̄2 us−1 ) + 3L0w0 (f¯z2 z̄3 us−1 ; z) + 3L0w0 (z; fz2 z̄3 us−1 )+
z̄ z̄ z
0 0
18L0w ew
z̄ 0 (z̄; fz 2 z̄us )Lz z̄ + 18L0w ew
z 0 (z; fz z̄ 2 us )Lz z̄ .

The first identity has the non-pure derivative fz̄us+1 that we can substitute from
(7.5), where all unknown terms on the right-hand side are of lower weights and hence
are already determined. We now impose the condition
(7.9) e0w0 0 0 0s+1 = 0
L z z̄ u

(rather than requiring to vanish only the real part as in (5.11)). Taking real and imagi-
nary parts of (7.6) and using reality (5.1) as well as the facts that Re Lew = 0 and that
z z̄
Lz̄0 (·; ·) is nondegenerate and antihermitian (see (5.4)), we see that by choosing gzz̄us+1
and fzus+1 suitably, (7.9) can always be achieved and uniquely determines gzz̄us+1 as
well as the expression
ew 0w0
(7.10) E1 := gus+2 Lz z̄ − 2iIm Lz̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ).

The next identity (7.7) has the non-pure derivatives fz2 z̄us , f¯zz̄2 us and fz̄us+1 that we
can substitute from (7.5). After the substitution, the identity becomes
2gz2 z̄2 us + 4gzz̄us+1 Lw ew
z z̄ + Lz 2 z̄ 2 us
=L e0w020 02 0s + (12L0w 0 0w0 ¯ ew
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ) − 4Lz̄ 0 (fz̄us+1 ; z))Lz z̄ + . . . ,
z z̄ u

where the dots stand for the terms already determined. The derivative gzz̄us+1 has also
been determined from the previous identity. Taking the imaginary parts of both sides
in (7.11) we see that Im L e0w020 02 0s is determined up to addition of a multiple of
z z̄ u
0 0w0
Im L0w w
z̄ 0 (z̄; f zu s+1 )L
z z̄ = −i Re Lz̄ 0 (z̄; f zu s+1 ) L
e ,
z z̄
ew is purely imaginary. Since the Levi form 1 L0w0 (·; ·) is nondegenerate, we can
as L z z̄ i z̄
always achieve the normalization
e0w020 02 0s ) = 0,
tr (Im L z z̄ u

which determines uniquely the expression

(7.12) E2 := Re L0w
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ).
Here we have used the fact that both real and imaginary parts of L0w z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ) can be
arbitrarily prescribed independently of each other by suitably choosing fzus+1 .
Next, suitably choosing gz2 z̄2 us in the real part of (7.11), we can also achieve
e0w02 02 0s = 0.
Re L z z̄ u

The latter condition determines uniquely the expression

2E3 : = 2gz2 z̄2 us − 8Re (L0w ew
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 )Lz z̄ )
(7.13) 0
= 2gz2 z̄2 us − (8iIm L0w ew
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ))Lz z̄ .

Solving for gz2 z̄2 us and using (7.10) we obtain

(7.14) ew )2 − E1 L
gz2 z̄2 us = gus+2 (L ew + E3 .
z z̄ z z̄

Then, in case s = 0, the derivative gu2 determines gz2 z̄2 us and via (7.10) and (7.12) both
0 0w0
real and imaginary parts of L0w z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ). Since Lz̄ 0 (·; ·) is assumed nondegenerate,
the latters uniquely determine fzus+1 . Thus we have determined all derivatives involved
except gu2 , which is treated as free parameter.
Finally, in case s ≥ 1, we analyse the last identity (7.8). Using (7.5) as before to
substitute for all non-pure derivatives of f , we obtain
ew + L
(7.15) 3gz3 z̄3 us−1 + 9gz2 z̄2 us L e0w030 03 0s−1 +
ew3 3 s−1 = L
z z̄ z z̄ u z z̄ u
0 0w0 ¯
(90L0w ew 2
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 ) + 18Lz̄ 0 (fz̄us+1 ; z))(Lz z̄ ) + . . . .

Taking real parts of both sides and choosing gz3 z̄3 us−1 suitably, we see that the condition
(7.16) e0w03 03 0s−1 = 0
Re L z z̄ u

can be fulfilled and determines uniquely the expression

(7.17) E4 := 3gz3 z̄3 us−1 − 72Re L0w ew 2
z̄ 0 (z̄; fzus+1 )(Lz z̄ ) .

Furthermore, since (7.12) is determined, we conclude that we have determined gz3 z̄3 us−1 .
We now take the imaginary parts of both sides of (7.15), where we substitute gz2 z̄2 us
from (7.13) and Im Lz̄0w0 (z̄; fzus+1 ) from (7.10):
(7.18) Im L e0w030 03 0s−1 − 36igus+2 (L
ew3 3 s−1 = Im L ew )3 + . . . .
z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄

We see that Im L e0w030 03 0s−1 is determined up to a multiple of igus+2 (L

ew )3 . Hence, choosing
z z̄ u z z̄
suitably gus+2 , we can always achieve
(7.19) e0w030 03 0s−1 ) = 0
tr 3 (Im Lz z̄ u

that determines gus+2 uniquely. As in case s = 0 above, we see that gus+2 in turn
determines gz2 z̄2 us via (7.14) and fzus+1 via (7.10) and (7.12), where the nondegeneracy
of L0w
z̄ 0 (·; ·) has been used.
We finally consider the remaining diagonal term expansions, i.e. the identities (7.3)
for (a, b, c) with a = b ≥ 4. All derivatives of f involved there have either been already
determined or can be determined using (7.5). We then obtain the identities of the form
(7.20) agza z̄a uc + a2 gza−1 z̄a−1 uc+1 L
ew ew e0w0
z z̄ + Lz a z̄ a uc = Lz 0a z̄ 0a u0c + . . . ,

where as before the dots stand for the terms that have been previously determined.
We can argue by induction on a to see that there is an unique choice of the derivatives
gza z̄a uc such that
(7.21) e0w0a 0a 0c = 0.
Re Lz z̄ u

Summarizing, we have uniquely determined the derivatives fza z̄b uc with |a − b| = 1

of weight k − 1 as well as gza z̄a uc of weight k except the free parameter gu2 , by the

conditions L e0z̄0 ≡ 0 and

e0w0a0 0a 0c = 0, Im L
Re L e0w0 0 0 0c+1 = 0, e0w020 02 0c ) = 0,
tr (Im L e0w030 03 0c ) = 0.
tr 3 (Im L
z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ u

7.4. Normalization of the terms next to the diagonal. Here we are going to
normalize the terms of (7.3) that correspond to |a − b| = 1. We begin by considering
the identities for (a, b, c) equal to (1, 0, s+1), (2, 1, s), (1, 2, s), (3, 2, s−1) and (2, 3, s−1)
with s ≥ 0 and 2s + 3 = k (i.e. the weight a + b + 2c = k as in the previous section). In
case s = 0 the last two idenitities are not present. Using (7.5) to eliminate all non-pure
derivatives of f as before in §7.3, we obtain the identities
gzus+1 + L e0w0 0 0s+1 + L0w0 0 (f¯us+1 ; z) − L0w0 0 (z; fus+1 ) + . . . ,
ew s+1 =L
zu zu z̄ z
0 0
2gz2 z̄us ew + L
+ 2gzus+1 L ew2 s =Le0w02 0 0s + 2L0w0 (z̄; fz2 us )
z z̄ z z̄u z z̄ u z̄
0w0 ¯ 0
+ (−2L 0 (fus+1 ; z) + 2L0w0 (z; fus+1 ))L

ew + . . . ,
z z z̄

gzz̄2 us + ew
2gz̄us+1 L + ew 2 s
L e0w0 0 02 0s
=L + L0w
¯ 4L0w
z z̄ z z̄ u z z̄ u z̄ 0 (fz̄ 2 us ; z)
+ + ..., z̄ 0 (z̄; fus+1 )Lz z̄

3gz3 z̄2 us−1 ew + L

+ 6gz2 z̄us L e0w030 02 0s−1 + 24L0w0 0 (z̄; fz2 us )L
ew3 2 s−1 =L ew
z z̄ z z̄ u z z̄ u z̄ z z̄
0w0 ¯ 0w0 ew )2 + . . . ,
+ (6L 0 (fus+1 ; z) + 18L 0 (z; fus+1 ))(L
z̄ z z z̄
0w0 0w0
ew + L
2gz2 z̄3 us−1 + 6gzz̄2 us Lz z̄
ew2 3 s−1 =L
z z̄ u
e − 6L (f¯z̄2 us ; z)L
z 02 z̄ 03 u0s−1
z̄ 0
z z̄
0w0 w 2
+ 24L 0 (z̄; fus+1 )(L ) + . . . ,

z z̄

where as before the dots stand for the terms that have been already determined.
Our next normalization condition is

(7.24) e0w0 0 0s+1 = 0,


which can always be achieved in view of the first identity in (7.23) by suitably choosing
gzus+1 , and determines uniquely the quantity
0 0w0
(7.25) E1 := gzus+1 − L0w ¯
z̄ 0 (fus+1 ; z) + Lz 0 (z; fus+1 ).

e0w0 (0, z̄, u) ≡ 0 (following from the definition), (7.24) is equivalent to

Since L

(7.26) e0w0 0 0s+1 + L

L e0w0 0 0s+1 = 0,
zu z̄ u

where the second term vanishes.

We next consider the second identity in (7.23) and twice the conjugate of the third.
Using the reality properties (5.1) of g and the antihermitian properties of L0w
z̄ 0 (·; ·) and

ew , we obtain
L z z̄

e w + (L
(7.27) 4gz2 z̄us − 2gzus+1 L ew2 s + 2L
ew 2 s ) =
z z̄ z z̄u z z̄ u

e0w020 0 0s + 2L
(L e0w0 0 02 0s ) + (6L0w0 0 (f¯us+1 ; z) + 2L0w0 0 (z; fus+1 ))L
ew + . . . .
z z̄ u z z̄ u z̄ z z z̄

Similarly, substracting twice the conjugate of the third identity in (7.23) from the
second, we obtain
(7.28) 6gzus+1 L ew ew
z z̄ + (Lz 2 z̄us − 2Lz z̄ 2 us ) =

e0w020 0 0s − 2L
(L e0w0 0 02 0s ) + 4Lz̄0w0 0 (z̄; fz2 us ) + (−10L0w 0
¯ 0w0 ew
z̄ 0 (fus+1 ; z) + 2Lz 0 (z; fus+1 ))Lz z̄ + . . . .
z z̄ u z z̄ u
Using the freedom in the choice of gz2 z̄us in (7.27) and of fz2 us in (7.28) together with
nondegeneracy of Lz̄0w0 (·; ·) we can achieve the normalization
(7.29) e0w020 0 0s ± 2L
L e0w0 0 02 0s = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u
which determines uniquely the expressions
ew 0w0 ¯ 0w0 ew
E2 := 4gz2 z̄us − 2gzus+1 L z z̄ − (6Lz̄ 0 (fus+1 ; z) + 2Lz 0 (z; fus+1 ))Lz z̄ ,
E3 := 6gzus+1 L ew − 4L0w0 0 (z̄; fz2 us ) + (10L0w0 0 (f¯us+1 ; z) − 2L0w0 0 (z; fus+1 ))L
ew ,
z z̄ z̄ z̄ z z z̄

Notice that in case s = 0, we have fus+1 = fu = 0 in view of (4.14). Then gzus+1

is uniquely determined from (7.25) and both derivatives gz2 z̄us and fz2 us are uniquely
determined from respectively the first and the second identity (7.30).
In case s ≥ 1 we have the last two identities in (7.23). We consider the sum of the
first of them and the conjugate of the second as well as the difference between 2 times
the first and 3 times the conjugate of the second:
ew3 2 s−1 + L
5gz3 z̄2 us−1 + (L ew2 3 s−1 )
z z̄ u z z̄ u

e0w030 02 0s−1 + L
= (L e0w020 03 0s−1 ) + 18L0w 0
z̄ 0 (z̄; fz 2 us )Lz z̄
z z̄ u z z̄ u
0 0
+ (−18L0w0 (f¯us+1 ; z) + 18L0w0 (z; fus+1 ))(L
z̄ z
ew )2 + . . . ,
z z̄
30gz2 z̄us L ew ew
z z̄ + (2Lz 3 z̄ 2 us−1 − 3Lz 2 z̄ 3 us−1 )

e0w030 02 0s−1 − 3L
= (2L e0w020 03 0s−1 ) + 66L0w0 0 (z̄; fz2 us )L
z z̄ u z z̄ u z̄ z z̄
0w0 ¯ 0w0 w 2
+ (12 · 7L 0 (fus+1 ; z) + 36L 0 (z; fus+1 ))(L ) + . . . ,
z̄ z
z z̄

Using the freedom in the choice of gz3 z̄2 us−1 we can achieve
(7.32) ew3 2 s−1 + L
L ew2 3 s−1 = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u
which uniquely determines the expression
ew +(18L0w0 0 (f¯us+1 ; z)−18L0w0 0 (z; fus+1 ))(L
(7.33) E4 := 5gz3 z̄2 us−1 −18L0w0 (z̄; fz2 us )L e w )2 .
z̄ z z̄ z̄ z z z̄

The normalization of the difference (Le0w030 02 0s−1 − L

e0w020 03 0s−1 ) is trickier. Solving (7.25)
z z̄ u z z̄ u
for gzus+1 and the identities in (7.30) for gz2 z̄us and L0w z̄ 0 (z̄; fz 2 us ) respectively and sub-
stituting into the second identity in (7.31), we obtain

0 0
−96 3Lz̄0w0 (f¯us+1 ; z) + L0w
 w 2
ew ew
z 0 (fus+1 ; z) (Lz z̄ ) + (2Lz 3 z̄ 2 us−1 − 3Lz 2 z̄ 3 us−1 )
(7.34) 0
e0w03 02 0s−1 − 3L
= (2L
e0w02 03 0s−1 ) + . . . ,
z z̄ u z z̄ u

where we have used the antisymmetry of L0w z 0 (·; ·). Now, if the given almost CR structure
is strongly nondegenerate (see Definition 7.1 and relation (5.5)), we can choose uniquely
fus+1 to satisfy the normalization condition

e0w03 02 0s−1 − 3L
tr 2 (2L
e0w02 03 0s−1 ) = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u

which in view of (7.32) is equivalent to

(7.35) e0w030 02 0s−1 − L

tr 2 (L e0w020 03 0s−1 ) = 0.
z z̄ u z z̄ u

Once fus+1 is determined, gzus+1 is determined via (7.25), gz2 z̄us and fz2 us via (7.30)
and subsequently gz3 z̄2 us−1 via (7.33).
The remaining terms gza+1 z̄a uc are normalized inductively in the same way as in the
previous subsection by the conditions

(7.36) e0w0a+1
L e0w0
z z̄ 0a u0c + Lz 0a z̄ 0a+1 u0c = 0.

Summarizing we have obtained the normalization conditions

L e0w0 e0w020 0 0c − L
e0w0 0 02 0c = 0,
z z̄ 0a u0c +Lz 0a z̄ 0a+1 u0c = 0, L z z̄ u z z̄ u
e0w030 02 0c − L
tr 2 (L e0w020 03 0c ) = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u

that uniquely determine the derivatives fuc and fz2 uc of weight k − 1 as well as gza+1 z̄a uc
of weight k.

7.5. Normalization of the remaining terms. We now consider the identities (7.3)
that haven’t been previously used, i.e. those corresponding to (a, b, c) with |a − b| ≥
2 and a + b + 2c = k. We begin with the identitites for (a, b, c) equal to (a, 0, c),
(a + 1, 1, c − 1), (1, a + 1, c − 1) (with a ≥ 2), where we use (7.5) as before to eliminate

the non-pure derivatives of f :

e0w0a0 0c + a(a − 2)L0w0 0 (z; fza−1 uc ) + . . . ,
ewa c = L
agza uc + Lz u z u z

(a+1)gza+1 z̄uc−1 + (a + 1)gza uc L ew + L ewa+1 c−1

z z̄ z z̄u
0 0w0
=Lz z̄ 0 u0c−1 + (a + 1)Lz̄ 0 (z̄; fz a+1 uc−1 )
0 0
+ (a + 1)(a − 1)L0w 0w ew
z 0 (z; fz a z̄uc−1 ) + (a + 1)aLz 0 (z; fz a−1 uc )Lz z̄ + . . . ,

gzz̄a+1 uc−1 ew + L
+ (a + 1)gz̄a uc L ew a+1 c−1
z z̄ z z̄ u
e0w0 0 0a+1 0c−1
=L +
Lz̄0w0 (f¯z̄a+1 uc−1 ; z) + ...,
z̄ z u

where as before the dots stand for the terms already determined. Furthermore, proceed-
ing by induction on a, we may also assume that the derivatives fza−1 uc , and therefore
also fza z̄uc−1 in view of (7.5), are already determined and will include them in the dot
The derivatives gza uc , a ≥ 2, are uniquely determined by the conditions
L z 0a u0c = 0,

or, equivalently,
e0w0a0 0c + L
L e0w0a0 0c = 0.
z u z̄ u

We shall now include gza uc in the dot terms assuming them being determined by induc-
tion on a. In case c ≥ 1 we consider the sum and the difference of the second identity
in (7.38) divided by (a + 1) and the conjugate of the third identity there:
w w
2gza+1 z̄uc−1 + L a+1 c−1 + Lzz̄a+1 uc−1
e e
a + 1 z z̄u
 1 0

= Le0w0a+1 0 0c−1 + L
e0w0a+1 0c−1 + ...
a + 1 z z̄ u z u
(7.39)  1 
Lewa+1 c−1 − L ew a+1 c−1
a + 1 z z̄u z z̄ u
0w0 0
= Lz0a+1 z̄0 u0c−1 − Lz0 z0a+1 u0c−1 + 2L0w
e e 0w0
z̄ 0 (z̄; fz a+1 uc−1 ).
Then the derivatives gza+1 z̄uc−1 and fza+1 uc−1 are uniquely determined by the normal-
e0w0a+1 e0w0
(7.40) L z z̄ 0 u0c−1 ± Lz 0 z̄ 0a+1 u0c−1 = 0.

By now we have determined all pure derivatives of f of weight k − 1 and shall include
them in the dots.

Finally, for a ≥ b + 2, b ≥ 2, we have

ew + L
agza z̄b uc + abgza−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 L e0w0a0 0b 0c + . . . ,
ewa b c = L
z z̄ z z̄ u z z̄ u
bgzb z̄a uc + abgzb−1 z̄a−1 uc+1 L w w
e b a c=L
ezz̄ + L e0w0b0 0a 0c + . . . ,
z z̄ u z z̄ u

from where gza z̄b uc is uniquely determined by the condition

(7.42) e0w0a0 0b 0c + L
L e0w0b0 0a 0c = 0.
z z̄ u z z̄ u

Thus we have determined all derivatives of g of weight k.

Summarizing, we have determined all derivatives of g of weight not greater than k,
and of f of weight not greater than k−1. We finally use (7.5) to determine the non-pure
derivatives fz0a z̄0b u0c of weight k via the normalization
(7.43) e0z̄0a0 0b 0c = 0,
L z z̄ u

and as the last step, determine all derivatives of L0 of weight k − 1 from (4.15).

7.6. Normalization summarized. Collecting and simplifying our normalization

(7.22), (8.4), (7.42) and (7.43) we obtain a normal form for strongly nondegenerate
almost CR structures:
Theorem 7.2. For every formal power series L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cw without con-
stant terms corresponding to a strongly nondegenerate almost CR structure and every
r ∈ R, there exist unique formal power series f (z, z̄, u) ∈ Cn and g(z, z̄, u) ∈ R without
constant and linear terms such that gu2 (0) = r and the map h = id + (f, g) transforms
L into L0 satisfying the normalization
e0z̄0a0 0b 0c = 0,
L z z̄ u

(7.44) e0w0a0 0b 0c + L
L e0w0b0 0a 0c = 0, L e0w0 0 0 0c+1 = 0, L 0
z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ 0 u0c = 0,
0 0
tr (L e0w02 02 0c ) = 0, tr 2 (L e0w03 02 0c ) = 0, tr 3 (Le0w030 03 0c ) = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ u

for all a, b, c ≥ 0. Furthermore, each partial derivative of L0 , f , g at 0 is given by an

universal polynomial in r and (finitely many) derivatives of L.

8. Extrinsic normal form for hypersurface type almost CR structures

Following the idea of quasi CR embeddings in §6 we refine the extrinsic normalization
of Proposition 6.2 similarly to the intrinsic approach of §7. As in §6 we assume L to
be given and look for a real function ϕ(z, z̄, u) normalized as in (6.4) and (6.6) and
a transformation h = id + (f, g) sending L into L0 such that (6.3) is satisfied with L
replaced by L0 along the Euler vector field (4.7). To simplify the notation we shall drop
from the variables when indicating the derivatives and components of L0 , e.g. we shall
write L0w
zu instead of Lz 0 u0 .

Thus we evaluate (6.3) with L replaced by L0 along the Euler vector field e:
e0z̄ , L
e0w ) = 0, i(id − iϕu )−1 ϕz e .

(8.1) (L
We differentiate (8.1) at 0, this time writing explicitly all terms of the maximum weight:
(8.2) Le0wa b c = ia(ϕza z̄b uc + ibϕza−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 ϕzz̄ ) + R0 (ϕ∗ ),
z z̄ u a,b,c
where Ra,b,c (ϕ∗ )
is a polynomial in the derivatives ϕ∗ of ϕ at 0 of weight less than
a + b + 2c. As before we assume (6.6) for ϕ. We obtain ϕzz̄ = 1i L e0w = 1 L
ew and
z z̄ i z z̄
1 e0w ew 1 0 e0w
(8.3) iϕza z̄b uc = L z a z̄ b uc − ibϕz a−1 z̄ b−1 uc+1 Lz z̄ − Sa,b,c (L∗ ),
a a
0 e0w ) is a polynomial in the
directly following from (8.2) by induction, where Sa,b,c (L ∗
0w 0w
derivatives L∗ of L at 0 of weight less than a + b + 2c.
e e
As in §6 we look for transformations (4.14) normalizing L e0z̄ and ϕ, where ϕ is a priori
complex-valued and its reality will be imposed as part of the normalization. We also
assume the conditions (5.4) for both L and L0 and therefore also (5.6). In particular,
we have L0z = Lz , L0z̄ = Lz̄ and L e0 = L
z z̄
ezz̄ . We follow the strategy of §7 and assume
for an integer k ≥ 3, that we have determined all derivatives of ϕ and g of weight less
than k and all derivatives of f of weight less than k − 1. As before, the dots will stand
for the terms already determined. The terms involving only L are fixed and will also
be included in the dots.
We first claim that in view of (8.1), the normalization conditions
e0wa b c = 0, min(a, b) ≤ 1, (a, b, c) 6= (1, 1, 0),
Lz z̄ u
e0w2 2 c ) = 0, tr 2 (L
tr (L e0w3 2 c ) = 0, tr 3 (L e0w3 3 c ) = 0,
z z̄ u z z̄ u z z̄ u

(which is a part of (7.44)), are equivalent to

ϕza z̄b uc = 0, min(a, b) ≤ 1, (a, b, c) 6= (1, 1, 0),
tr (ϕz2 z̄2 uc ) = 0, tr 2 (ϕz3 z̄2 uc ) = 0, tr 3 (ϕz3 z̄3 uc ) = 0.
Indeed, we assume either of (8.4) and (8.5) and prove the other set of conditions by the
induction on the weight. Differentiating (8.1) as above and using (8.5) for terms of lower
weight by either the assumption or the induction assumption, we obtain Ra,b,c (ϕ∗ ) = 0
in (8.2) whenever either min(a, b) ≤ 1 or max(a, b) ≤ 3 and (a, b) 6= (3, 3). Since we
have ϕza−1 z̄b−1 uc+1 = 0 for (a, b) in this range, (8.2) reduces to L e0wa b c = iaϕza z̄b uc ,
z z̄ u
implying the induction step for those (a, b, c). In particular, we have tr (ϕz2 z̄2 uc ) = 0
implying tr 3 (ϕz2 z̄2 uc ϕzz̄ ) = 0 (i.e. by the uniqueness of the decomposition (7.2)). Then
differentiating (8.1) 3 times in each of z and z̄ and taking tr 3 of both sides, we conclude
e0w3 3 c ) = tr 3 (ϕz3 z̄3 uc ), completing the proof of the induction step and thus proving
tr 3 (L z z̄ u
the claim.

We now continue our strategy following the lines of §7 and consider (7.20) for a ≥ 4.
Assuming gza−1 z̄a−1 uc+1 and ϕza−1 z̄a−1 uc+1 being determined by induction on a and using
(8.3), we obtain iϕza z̄a uc = gza z̄a uc + . . .. Then it is clear that the reality condition
Im ϕza z̄a uc = 0 uniquely determines gza z̄a uc and ϕza z̄a uc .
Finally, the normalization of the remaining terms is straightforward following the
strategy of §7 and is given by the remaining reality conditions of the form ϕza z̄b uc −
ϕzb z̄a uc = 0. Summarizing we obtain:
Theorem 8.1. For every formal power series L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cw without con-
stant terms corresponding to a strongly nondegenerate almost CR structure and every
r ∈ R, there exist unique formal power series f (z, z̄, u) ∈ Cn , g(z, z̄, u) ∈ R and
ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , u0 ) ∈ R without constant and linear terms satisfying the Chern-Moser normal-
ϕz0a u0c = 0, ϕz0 z̄0 u0c+1 = 0, ϕz0a+2 z̄0 u0c = 0,
tr (ϕz02 z̄02 u0c ) = 0, tr 2 (ϕz03 z̄02 u0c ) = 0, tr 3 (ϕz03 z̄03 u0c ) = 0
for all a, b, c ≥ 0, and such that gu2 (0) = r and the almost CR structure given by L
admits a quasi CR embedding at 0 as the hypersurface M 0 ⊂ Cnz0 × Cw0 given by
Im w0 = ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , Re w0 )
via the map (z, u) 7→ (z+f (z, z̄, u), u+g(z, z̄, u)), where (z 0 , u0 ) are regarded as intrinsic
coordinates on M 0 . Furthermore, each partial derivative of f , g, ϕ at 0 is given by an
universal polynomial in r and (finitely many) derivatives of L.
Note that in view of Remark 6.3 the normal form in Theorem 8.1 is different from
that of Theorem 7.2.

9. Uniqueness of the normal forms

We here provide the details to the construction of extended adapted frames described
in §1 as well as the proof of Theorem 1.4.
k 0
9.1. H-equivalence. Let Jp,p 0 (M, M ) denote the space of all k-jets of smooth maps

between real manifolds M and M 0 with source p ∈ M and target p0 ∈ M 0 . In local

coordinates a k-jet in J k (M, M 0 ) is represented by a kth order polynomial map. Write
J k (M, M 0 ) for the union of Jp,p
k 0 0 k k 0
0 (M, M ) for all p and p . Denote by πk−1 : J (M, M ) →

J k−1 (M, M 0 ) the natural projection. We shall make use of the well-known fact that for
each Λ ∈ J k−1 (M, M 0 ), the fiber (πk−1 k
)−1 (Λ) has a canonical structure of an affine
space modeled on the space of all symmetric k-linear maps from Tp M × · · · × Tp M
into Tp0 M 0 , where p and p0 are respectively the source and the target of Λ. The latter
fact immediately follows from the chain rule. Indeed, in local coordinates, points of
(πk−1 )−1 (Λ) are represented by the kth derivatives Dpk f of smooth maps f : M → M 0

representing the jets. Then coordinate changes Φ and Ψ on M and M 0 respectively

lead to the change
(9.1) Dpk f 7→ Dpk (Ψ ◦ f ◦ Φ−1 ) = Φ∗ ◦ Dpk f ◦ (Φ−1 −1 k−1
∗ , . . . , Φ∗ ) + P (jp f ),
where P (jpk−1 f ) is a polynomial in the (k − 1)-jet variables (that depends on Φ and Ψ).
Thus one obtains an affine transformation rule for Dpk f when jpk−1 f is fixed as claimed.
Let now M be an almost CR-manifold and consider the second jet space J0,p (R, M )
with fixed source 0 ∈ R and target p ∈ M . Obviously the first jet space J0,p (R, M )
can be identified with the tangent space Tp M . Then for a tanget vector ξ ∈ Tp M , the
fiber (π12 )−1 (ξ) ⊂ J(0,p)
(R, M ) has the canonical structure of an affine space modeled
on the space of all symmetric bilinear maps from R × R into Tp M , which is canonically
isomorphic to Tp M . Hence for Λ1 , Λ2 ∈ (π12 )−1 (ξ), we can consider the difference Λ1 −
Λ2 ∈ Tp M . We say that Λ1 and Λ2 are Hp M -equivalent (or simply H-equivalent)
if Λ1 − Λ2 ∈ Hp M . This obviously defines an equivalence relation that we call H-
9.2. Extended adapted frames. Recall from §1 that an extended adapted frame on
M at p consists of a C-basis v1 , . . . , vn of Hp M , a vector vn+1 ∈ Tp M \ Hp M satisfying
(1.8) and an Hp M -equivalence class [Λ] ⊂ J0,p (R, M ) with π01 Λ = vn+1 . The standard
extended adapted frame on Cn × R at 0 (with any almost CR structure satisfying
H0 = Cn × {0}) consists of the unit vectors ∂x∂ 1 , . . . , ∂x∂n , ∂u

and the H0 M0 -equivalence
class represented by the linear curve γ(t) = (0, t) ∈ Cn × R.
Theorem 9.1. Let L(z, z̄, u) : Cnz → Cnz̄ × Cw be a formal power series map without
constant terms defining a strongly nondegenerate hypersurface type almost CR structure
on Cn × R (in the formal sense) with a given extended adapted frame at 0. Then the
following hold.
(i) There exists an unique formal map h(z, z̄, u) ∈ Cn × R without constant terms
transforming the given extended adapted frame into the standard one and L into
the normal form given by Theorem 7.2.
(ii) There exists an unique formal map h(z, z̄, u) ∈ Cn × R without constant terms
transforming the given extended adapted frame into the standard one and real-
izing a quasi CR embedding of the given almost CR structure as a hypersurface
Im w0 = ϕ(z 0 , z̄ 0 , Re w) as in Theorem 8.1.
Furthermore, each partial derivative of h and L0 corresponding to the normal form
in each of (i) and (ii) is given by a (universal) real-analytic function in the partial
derivatives of L and the components of the given extended adapted frame.
Proof. Let v1 , . . . , vn , vn+1 , [Λ] be the given extended adapted frame. Applying a linear
transformation, we may assume that v1 , . . . , vn , vn+1 is the standard adapted frame.
Then the statements in (i) and (ii) are given by Theorems 7.2 and 8.1 respectively,
where the class [Λ] uniquely determines the parameter r = gu2 (0). 

9.3. Proof of Theorem 2.1. Fix a point p0 ∈ M and an extended adapted frame Fp
at each point p in a neighborhood U of p0 in M . If M is smooth (resp. real-analytic),
we may choose U and Fp that depends smoothly (resp. real-analytically) on p. In view
of Theorem 9.1, for every p ∈ U , the almost CR structure of M at the reference point
p can be mapped via a map hp formally and uniquely into its normal form L0p given
by Theorem 7.2 such that Fp is mapped into the standard extended adapted frame at
0. Furthermore, the last statement of Theorem 9.1 implies that the coefficients of hp
and L0p depend smoothly (resp. real-analytically) on p. In order to show the desired
conclusion, we consider two cases.
Case 1. The given 2-jet Λ0 ∈ G2p0 (M, M 0 ) does not send the chosen extended adapted
frame at p0 into any extended adapted frame in M 0 . In that case Λ0 cannot be a 2-jet
of a CR-diffeomorphism and furthermore a neighborhood Ω of Λ in G2 (M, M 0 ) can be
chosen such that no 2-jet in Ω is a 2-jet of a CR-diffeomorphism. Then the property
jp2 f ∈ Ω is never satisfied for a CR-diffeomorphism f and hence the conclusion (2.1)
holds trivially with any choice of the map Φ.
Case 2. The given 2-jet Λ0 ∈ G2p0 (M, M 0 ) sends the chosen extended adapted frame
at p0 into an extended adapted frame in M 0 . We first construct the map Φ only for
2-jets Λ ∈ G2p,p0 (M, M 0 ) such that p ∈ U and Λ sends Fp into some extended adapted
frame Fp0 on M 0 at p0 . Note that the set S of such Λ is a smooth (resp. real-analytic)
submanifold of G2 (M, M 0 ). Applying again Theorem 9.1 for the almost CR structure
of M 0 at the reference point p0 and the frame Fp0 , we obtain an uniquely determined
map hΛ , depending on Λ, sending M 0 into its normal form MΛ0 such that Fp0 is sent to
the standard extended adapted frame. Then, for any p ∈ U and CR-diffeomorphism f
between open pieces of M and M 0 , defined in a neighborhood of p, the formal maps
hp and hjp2 f ◦ fe must coincide by the uniqueness in Theorem 9.1. Here fe denotes the
formal map given by the Taylor series of f at p. Hence fe = h−1 2 ◦ hp and, in particular,
jp f
jp3 f= jp3 fe = jp3 (h−1
◦ hp ). We then set Φ(Λ) :=
jp2 f jp3 (h−1
◦ hp ). It remains to choose any
2 0
open neighborhood Ω of Λ in G (M, M ) with a smooth (resp. real-analytic) retraction
r : Ω → S ∩ Ω and replace Φ by Φ ◦ r, now defined in Ω. The proof is complete.

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D. Zaitsev: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland

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