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TOSHIBA {DISCRETE/OPTO? 6 def soszeso ooozasy 1 SILICON PNP TRIPLE DIEFUSED TYPE (PCT PROCESS) unit in em HIGH CURRENT SHITCHING APPLICATIONS. roe uax, 280? POWER ANPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. a PERTURES: rt + High Collector Currant + T¢e-7A + Low Collector Saturation Voltage 0.4 Wax.) at + igh Power Dissipation : Po-60W at Te#25%C ‘ta + Couplenentary to 280844, WAXIMUN RATINGS (ta~25°C) 3) se) ‘cuARAGTRRISTIC snow | wane four] 4 Gollector-Base Voltage Goilector=beite Voltage LPASE | “ 2cotuoroRcuear 81K) Britter-Base Vo! ge Collector Current Enitter Gurrent ‘Collector Power Dissipation 150 55150 Junecion Tenparacuce Storage Temperature Range ELECTRIGAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC Collector cut-off current Enitter Cut-off Current ‘collector-Baiteer Breakdown Voltage (ar) cz0] "FEST CONDETTON |WIN, [TV [ WA [ONT | Wep--50V, Ted = f= fo | oe 5, To=0 Se nit vor-Baae y Breakdown Voltage _ (oR)es0] Te*-10mA, Tox0 brea (hots bre) De Current Gain Goiiector-taitver Saturation Voltage Taitter Voltage Toe Teanoition Frequency 3B 0 pie Gellector Output. Capacteancs——| Gp —| —Vone=10¥, Teed, eM] = [300 [= —[F Voetaat)) To=-4A;Tae-0.44 Wote ; hye) Clas Eieation 0 : TOO ¥ + 1200240 TOSHIGA CORPORATION :iahtnennnsnsnnzHuAuRNOL HA —284— worwchipdocs.com Be sure to visit ChipDocs website for more information TOSHIBA {DISCRETE/OPTO} s& deffsos7eso ooozass 3 EEE Sec Oras OT B3-a) 2SB754 ——— “9097250 TOSHIBA (DISCRETE/OPTO? eTATIO OHARACTERIS7ICS OR AON guRRTOR OUMRENT Ig (A) E“Yorcae) = fo ape # ° FF od . 85 bo cka -arassae 8 i Tur ame 16) 4 ‘ A a ee | GAPE OPERATINO AREA df alot ae a3 “na ] T eon aa ro | 1» Fo 7 earn § [remee 3 gol ometas a Bop fine =| Ee ce ho tnat tw CS pirtintin AS ig L iSURLEE” Ne ae 1 Tr GointOn BITTER VOLTAGE Yor votre Pearenarune te (2) 285— worwchipdocs.com Be sure to visit ChipDocs website for more information /

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