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Community Engagement_HUMSS8_Anoos (January 7, 2022)

1. What is the first prerequisite characteristic of a community?

2. Where is a rural community typically located?
Agricultural areas
3. Which of the following is a feature of urban communities?
Advanced infrastructure
4. What community characteristic is being described in the situation below?
The residents of a tribe situated in a mountainous province came from an
untraceable lineage and the generations of people who resided there hundreds of
years ago.
5. An online community in a social networking site called BounceBack PH was
created to pool business owners to help each other recover from the economic crisis
brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
What dimension of a community is evident in the statement above?
6. The community where Basty lives celebrates the feast of their patron saint on a
yearly basis, highlighted by solemn rituals, ceremonies, and elaborate processions.
What dimension of a community does the statement fall under?
7. All of Carlo’s neighborhood friends own the latest model of mobile phones that
they use to chat and check on each other on a daily basis.
What dimension of a community does the statement fall under?
8. Which of the following is not in agreement with the “no legal status” characteristic
of communities?
Communities do not exist unless with government approval
9. Which of the following characteristics is necessary to be able to call a group of
people a community?
They should consist of people connected by a common identity
10. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2017 classified barangays as urban if
they meet any of the following characteristics:
● Barangays with a population size of 5,000 or more, or
● Barangays with at least one establishment with a minimum of 100 employees,
● Barangays with five or more establishments with 10 to 99 employees, and five
or more facilities within a two-kilometer radius from the barangay hall.
Using these criteria, PSA declared that all barangays in Metro Manila are urban
communities. Which of the following dimensions is this definition of an urban
community based on?
Geographical, economic, and political

Community Structural Elements (January 7, 2022)

1. Where do members of a particular group join in collective action and seek
solutions to problems?
2. Which of the following statements provides the best definition of socialization?
It is a process of learning about one culture and immersing in its day-to-day
3. When were communities in the Philippines established?
Since pre-colonial times
4. Donna is a local social welfare officer who aims to make her neighborhood more
aware of her community’s socio-political structure and related activities. Which of the
following activities could she facilitate in order to meet this particular goal?
Invite community members to in-house forums that tackle the community’s
programs and issues
5. Basty is a private school teacher from Pampanga. As a Kapampangan, he is
well-known by his peers as an excellent home cook. He utilizes this skill for the
greater good by regularly volunteering to cook for soup kitchens and orphanages
around his area. Which of the following information about Basty showcases his
participation in the community’s economic structure?

Basty as a private school teacher

6. Which of the following activities showcases a community’s cultural structure?
Setting up a community museum
7. Mr. Hernandez purchased 400 square meters of land to build a large commercial
building. What is the implication of this purchase to the community where the land is
Economic opportunities
8. Mr. Hernandez purchased 400 square meters of land to build a large commercial
building. What is the implication of this purchase to the community where the land is
Volunteering for a search and rescue initiative within the community
9. Which of the following is not an example of a small and medium enterprise?
Convenience store franchise
10. Under which community structure do credit unions belong?
The Community in Various Perspectives (January 10, 2022)
1. We may understand the community using science, the idea of self and others,
functions, groups, and systems. Which statement does not describe any of these
A community in a few faculties may always have a physical area but be
delineated by being a group of individuals with a common interest
2. A human rights-based approach is a conceptual framework used for the process
of human development usually based on international human rights standards and
operationally directed to promoting and protecting human rights. Which community
perspective is dominant in this case?
Civil society perspective
3. Which community perspective seeks to promote development in small-scale
Grassroots level perspective
4. Following the viewpoints of institutionalism, how can members of a community
take part in the implementation of community action initiatives?
Exhibit participatory rural appraisals activity to enumerate the important
issues in the community
5. It is important that the research done using methodological processes plays an
active role in addressing areas of social concern and in explaining the different
facets of a community.
Which perspective about the community best describes the above statement?
Social science perspective
6. Many members aspire to lead a certain community, but there should be a general
consensus on who shall have the authority. From there, the leader shall harmonize
the socio-economic and cultural activities of the community to make it beneficial for
all members.Which perspective does the scenario apply?
Institutional perspective
7. One example of a community drive is conducting a seminar on diabetes and its
effects on the elderly. It should be conducted by a licensed physician in order to
educate the elderly in the community. Through this, it can result in the empowerment
of the members of the community. Which group will most likely initiate this kind of
Professional group
8. It is the function of civil rights groups to promote the protection of all citizens’
rights. How can this initiative be appropriate for indigenous groups?
It is guided by the Indigenous People's Rights Act
9. The concept of community from a sociologist’s view looks at community as a mere
societal construct.
Why is it possible for theorists and scholars to believe in this statement?
Community is unexplainable made by unseen forces
10. A particular civil group from a known institution will provide support to families
affected by earthquakes. Even though the intentions are sound and promising, one
key area left out may lead to a community’s disadvantage. How can this initiative be
possibly dangerous to them?
Stakeholders within the organization should offer what they can as well as
disregard what they hope to get back
The Community in Various Perspective 1.2.1 (January 10, 2022)
1. The structure of the community is connected to the social interaction of its
2. It is a set of interactions and human behaviors that have meaning and
expectations among its members. It is not just an action, but actions based on
shared expectations, values, beliefs, and meanings among
Sociological construct
3. The role of civil groups is to go against the government and businesses whose
only interest is for the benefit of the few.
4. Many people that live near James don’t drives cars because the streets are too
busy. He drives a bus that hundreds of people use to travel quickly across the city.
He lives and works in a(n) _________________ community.
5. From an institutional perspective, community engagement needs a basic view of
human rights l aw. It i s suggested to achieve a rights-based approach.
6. The community concept is a political construct that people are made to believe for
one’s particular goal or interest.
7. From a sociological constructivist point of view, the community i s a set of
interaction that includes human behaviors which have meaning and expectations
among its members.
8. From an institutional perspective, collaboration is relevant because it is part of a
logical approach to improvement.
9. This morning, Elisha and her mom woke up early because they need to travel to a
town nearby for shopping. Elisha and her mom live in a(n) _______________
10. Multiple communities have the potential to accommodate, enable, and
encourage individual differences through a variety of communities. TRUE

Community Dynamics and Actions (January 18, 2022)

1. The term dynamics refers to “a pattern or process of change, or growth, or
Which of the following best describes the concept of community dynamics?
Transformation or progress
2. In community dynamics, which process answers the question “who can wield
power when he so desires?”
Community power relations
3. What is characterized by alterations of cultural attitudes, values, behavior, and
social organization?
Social change
4. One way to implement community action initiatives is through community
Which of the following is an example of community engagement?
Becoming a volunteer for a particular cause
5. Ana experienced trauma due to being exposed to the war in her province.
Who can Ana approach to help her with her current situation?
A counselor
6. Due to power interruption, families stuck inside their homes due to a strong
typhoon were unable to communicate with their relatives to ask for help.
In this situation, who are the professionals that can help with the specific concern
Media practitioners
7. Kristina is unable to go to school because her parents have no stable income, and
they have no permanent residence.
In this scenario, who can help Kristina and other families like hers to have access to
education and other needs?
Social workers
8. Atty. Cruz is a human rights lawyer and activist. His profession motivated him to
also become a community leader in their city.
Which of the characteristics of good leaders best describes Atty. Cruz’s experience?
They are well-experienced and well-versed in matters of the community.
9. Counseling, social work, and communication are disciplines that aim to address
different social issues in a progressive way that fits present-day society.
How do these disciplines apply to social sciences?
They integrate theory and practice in delivering professional services to
10. Supported by the principles of human rights, social justice, inclusion, and
empowerment, applied social sciences work toward the improvement of community
members’ quality of life and well-being.
Which of the following shows a state of well-being as a result of the
above-mentioned principles?
People who are not in any way discriminated against or marginalized

Shared Identity and the Common Good (January 14, 2022)

1. In the process of forming a shared identity, emotional investments are developed
among community members.
Which of the following best describes emotional investments?
Recognition of emotions expressed among community members
2. Which of the following facets is not involved in the process of formation of
collective identity?
3. Which of the following is an example of shared identity that can be referred to as
the sense of belonging to a state or a nation?
National identity
4. Which of the following talks about how shared identity allows communities to
effectively communicate and collectively respond to the challenges that affect them?
People responding to emergency situations are more efficient because of
shared identity.
5. Which of the following is a benefit gained from the shared identity of Filipino
Having a shared identity increases a sense of unity and cooperation or
collective agency among members of a community
6. The common good can be in the form of material, cultural, or institutional facilities
or resources.
Which of the following is an example of a cultural common good?
7. The common good is based on the belief that people have an obligation to care
about the virtue of sharing relationships with one another.
Which of the following is a way to practice this obligation?
Engaging in public service
8. Which of the following is an act that does not contribute to the attainment of the
common good?
Hoarding resources during a crisis
9. Amelie is a youth volunteer for the LGBTQ+ community in her university. In what
way can Amelie contribute to the common good through her involvement with the
LGBT community?
By treating other people equally and protecting others’ rights against violation
10. Ways of contributing to the common good include protecting the environment,
preventing climate change, and developing sustainable energy sources.
Which of the following is an active way of fulfilling this goal?
Adopting a zero-waste lifestyle
Diversities in Communities (January 24, 2022)
1. Which concept refers to differences existing among individuals and within groups?
2. Diversity in this context includes beliefs, values, traditions, socialization practices,
language, social roles, and normalized ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Which of the following contexts is described by the statement?
3. Diversity in this context refers to a group’s identity based on ancestry and
affiliation to a certain cultural group.
Which of the following contexts is described by the statement?
4. Diversity can be expressed in differences in spiritual beliefs and relationships to
the divine.
Which of the following groups is part of this context of diversity?
Muslim community in the Philippines
5. Diversity can be in the form of differences among the various social classes.
Which of the following groups is part of this context of diversity?
Filipino minimum wage earners
6. Eastern communities are known to be collectivists and prefer the company of
others, while Western communities are individualistic.
Which of the following contexts of diversity is applicable to the statement above?
7. Diversity in a race can often be identified through physical and biological criteria
such as skin color, hair color and texture, and facial features.
Which of the following is an example of racial discrimination?
A luxury brand denies service to a woman who wants to buy shoes after
seeing she is Asian.
8. understanding and recognizing individual and group differences?
Hoarding resources during a crisis
9. Diversity can work to our advantage. Which of the following least supports this
Diversity often results in chaos because of the differences between people.
10. Mark is often teased at work because of his English diction and pronunciation.
His colleagues would always joke that he cannot host company events because he
is Bisaya.
Which of the following can be observed in Mark’s situation?
discrimination against Mark's ethnic background and abilities

Community Dynamics and Process Elements (February 1, 2022)

1. Who among the following sociologists is the proponent of the systems
Emile Durkheim
2. Which of the following is a definition of social change?
It refers to changes in a community over time
3. What term is used to describe a person who represents the community?
4. Maria is the community leader of Barangay ABC. One of the problems she is
facing is the hesitation of some parents to vaccinate their children, even when the
cost is free. One day, Maria personally approached the parents and talked to them
with an open heart. After the conversation, all parents agreed to avail the vaccination
for their children.
What leadership skill did Maria utilize in this situation?
Good community
5. Barangay XYZ is a relatively large community. It is the home of 50 small- and
medium-scale businesses and 20 large businesses. Because of this, the barangay is
easily able to influence (indirectly) the city government regarding the city’s
business-related decisions.
Which of the following aspects of community power is reflected in this situation?
6. Mrs. Dela Cruz is the president of ABC Homeowners' Association. She has been
in power since 2010. Since 2017, a group of new homeowners has been trying to
remove Mrs. Dela Cruz from her post, citing her toxic personality as a reason. In
2020, the group was able to convince the board of trustees about their concerns.
The board appointed Mr. Mariano, a human resource executive, to take over the
Why can this scenario be considered an example of social change?
The homeowners continued to reject Mrs. Dela Cruz’s presidency.
7. Sandra, a community leader, wants to help calamity victims from the nearby
barangay. So far, she has collected enough resources to provide basic necessities to
27 families. Unfortunately, there are 49 families that need help, and Sandra does not
have the economic capacity to provide for the needs of the remaining 22 families.
As an effective community leader, what can Sandra do to ensure that the number of
resources needed is met?
Seek donations from members of her barangay and from other communities
8. Which of the following activities does not belong to the group?
9. Which among the following scenarios shows community relationships?
Knowing where a person specifically lives based on his or her surname
10. Which among the following is not an essential leadership skill?
Financial literacy
Community Dynamics and Process Elements (February 2, 2022)
1. Culture, history, and practices are community elements that are
encompassed by social structure.
2. Social change is influenced by social interactions and social relationships.
3. This refers to the end-result of continuous social interactions and
complex social relationships at the community level.
Social change
4. Bayanihan is a phenomenon that showcases the Filipinos’ collectivist
5. In the Philippines, social relationships could influence psychological
6. A community leader should be adaptable, innovative, and competent.
7. The _____________ is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated.
It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an
ethic of reciprocity in some religion,
Golden Rule
8. Effective community leadership allows a community to reach its objectives and
9. Community leadership could be acquired through economic, political, and
structural means.
10. Community power is always tied in with _____________.
Community Action (February 8, 2022)
1. Community action is a collective activity that aims to address the needs of a
community. Which of the following is a modality that involves implementing projects
that aim to establish trust, gain new resources and allies, improve communication,
and enhance the overall health and well-being of communities?
Community engagement
2. There are several benefits of community engagement. How can community
engagement guarantee that information flows effectively between service providers
and the community in need?
Identification of community needs and enhancement in delivering social
3. There are key elements in the process of community engagement. Which of the
following describes the practice of joining organizations and sharing one’s talents
and skills to improve the community’s well-being?
Voluntary work and community participation
4. There are different community action modalities. Which of the following is an
example of community service?
Building houses
5. The country’s premier state university for medicine has a non-stock, non-profit
organization that provides grants, scholarships, and training to the youth. Which of
the following is the community action modality that best describes the said
organization’s goals?
Community education
6. One of the impacts of community engagement is empowerment. Which of the
following best describes empowerment as an impact of community engagement?
Increases volunteerism among individuals and groups
7. A natural calamity can devastate a community and can surely cause decline in its
well-being. As a member of an organization or as a volunteer, what could be the best
way to increase the community well-being of the affected communities immediately
after the calamity?
Improve the physical, economic, and social conditions of the community
8. One impact of community engagement is personal and collective efficacy. How
can the personal experiences of volunteers affect collective action?
People who volunteer learn about leadership and acquire pro-social attitudes
that contribute to their involvement in the community
9. One modality of community action is research. Which of the following best
describes the importance of research in community engagement?
Information and resources gathered from communities can be a basis for
10. Community development can be defined as a collective action in which people
voluntarily and mutually cooperate to improve the physical, social, and economic
conditions of a community. These efforts are grounded on human rights, social
justice, respect for diversity, and equality. Which of the following supports the
definition of community development?
Community development ensures communities have equal access to
opportunities and conditions that would improve their well-being

Community Engagement_Bayanihan (February 11, 2022)

1.A spirit of civic unity and cooperation among Filipinos.
2. The process in which individuals build an ongoing and permanent relationships for
the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community
Community Engagement
3. A community embodies a personality derived from its members.
4. Community engagement is all about connecting to the community and its people.
5. The word "community” was derived from the Latin word “communis”, which means
“common” or “shared”.
Basty as a private school teacher
6. Which of the following activities showcases a community’s cultural structure?
Setting up a community museum
7. Mr. Hernandez purchased 400 square meters of land to build a large commercial
building. What is the implication of this purchase to the community where the land is
Economic opportunities
8. Mr. Hernandez purchased 400 square meters of land to build a large commercial
building. What is the implication of this purchase to the community where the land is
Volunteering for a search and rescue initiative within the community
9. Which of the following is not an example of a small and medium enterprise?
Convenience store franchise
10. Under which community structure do credit unions belong?

Solidarity and Citizenship (February 18, 2022)

1. Which of the following best supports the sociological theory of George Herbert
Mead explaining the interrelationship of the self and the community?
The self is formed through social interaction
2. Which of the following describes solidarity as a responsibility?
We should act in solidarity knowing that our actions can have consequences
that can affect us.
3. In solidarity in communities, which of the following is characterized by bond, unity,
responsibility, and community spirit?
Solidarity in local communities
4. James is an active member of a youth group that volunteers to protect the
Which of the following describes solidarity as a responsibility as exemplified by
James coordinating with his fellow members?
They act in solidarity knowing that these can have consequences that can
affect them
5. In the principle of citizen participation, which example can best show how social
change is made possible?
Conducting mass demonstrations and protests
6. Carla participates in her barangay’s weekend cleanup drive in cooperation with
her neighbors.
Which among the following promotes bond, unity, responsibility, and community spirit
exemplified by Carla and her neighbors?
Solidarity in local communities
7. Our national heroes were united against the Spaniards, and they fought for
Philippine independence with their lives.f
Which of the following can be observed as a result of our national heroes’ sense of
8. In the principle of citizen participation, how can social change be possible in
promoting ways of taking care of the environment?
Organizing social movements that call for environmental sustainability and
9. Why is leadership important as a factor in community action readiness?
To witness how officials in charge respond to the issues at hand
10.What is the possible consequence of being unable to assess the community
action readiness of a particular community?
Issues will not be addressed immediately and efficiently

Solidarity and Citizenship (February 18, 2022)

1. Solidarity as a virtue refers to being aware of the social injustices and
inequalities experienced by people and the responsibility to act in solidarity knowing
that these can have consequences that can also affect us.
2. The attitudes of a community can be understood by an individual even if he or she
is not a member of that community.
3. Citizen participation pertains to the social responsibility that citizenship
recognizes—that people have a moral responsibility to the self, others, and the
4. Citizenship is the belief that everyone is equal and deserving of the same
opportunities, freedom, rights, and treatment.
5.Community action readiness refers to the degree to which a community is capable
of addressing issues affecting it.
6. As a citizen, a person is expected to fulfill certain duties and protect his or her
7. Solidarity in a nation is characterized by love, commitment, and sacrifice.
8. Cooperation with others is unnecessary for community well-being.
9. The self cannot be complete apart from a community.
10. Volunteering in organizations signifies the willingness to engage in the
community and show feelings of solidarity beyond one’s obligations.

Concepts in Community Action Initiatives (March 4, 2022)

1. Which of the following is defined as a basic individual entitlement?
Human rights
2. Which of the following best explains participatory development?
All sectors of the community are engaged in a project
3. What are the two modes of community engagement that promote social change?
Advocacy and empowerment
4. The United Nations has Convention on the Rights of the Child providing the list of
the primary rights that each child is born with. Which of the following rights is violated
in the closing of Lumad schools?
The right to education
5. Which of the following statements is true?
Human rights are universal
6. Which of the following statements is true?
Only a few locals from the community are hand-picked to prove their
participatory credentials
7. Which of the following is not a challenge to advocacy and empowerment?
Lowering the cost of basic commodities
8. Which of the following does not follow the system of social justice?
Continuing institutions and structures that strengthen inequality
9. The youth volunteers have been campaigning for a sustainable cleanup drive in
Marikina River. What is the best way to encourage the community to be involved in
the project?
1. Establish local chapters.
2. Question their capacity.
3. Create seminars related to the project.
1 and 3 only
10. To promote human rights without resulting in conflict, people must exercise social
justice. Which of the following is needed to attain it?
1. Equal rights
2. Equal opportunity
3. Equal treatment
1, 2, and 3
Concepts in Community Action Initiatives II (March 4, 2022)
1. Arrange the jumbled letters to identify the words being described by each
It will take place if there are equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment for
every member of the community.
2. These are rights inherent to all human beings.
3. It has the obligation to safeguard every person from any form of abuse.
4. Men are superior to women.
5. Humans are all equal regardless of gender, religion, race, and
Concepts in Community Action Initiatives III (March 4, 2022)
1. Is it your human right to have an education
2. Is it your human right to have a mobile phone?
3. Which isn't one of the children's rights? The right to ... .
Disrespect others
4. Look at the picture. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
the Child, which right isn't met? The right to ... isn't met.

a safe place to live

5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
It's time we banned discrimination at work.
Gender Equality in Community Action Initiatives (March 7, 2022)
1. We must learn to ___________ each other
2. Women empowerment is when men and women have equal rights,
freedoms, conditions, and opportunities. False
3. Women empowerment is when men and women have equal rights, True
4. Gender inequality violates human rights and fundamental freedoms in political,
economic, social, cultural, and civil rights on the basis of one’s gender. Which of the
following is an example of violating one’s economic rights? Lower pay for women
5. Gender inequality violates human rights and fundamental freedoms in political,
economic, social, cultural, and civil rights on the basis of one’s gender. Which of the
following is an example of violating one’s civil rights? Women not being allowed to
vote for elections
6. Women empowerment is one of the world’s major movements that fight against
discrimination and violence toward women. Which of the following groups belong to
women empowerment movements?
Feminist movements
7. Participatory development aims to engage every member of the population in
community development, specifically in initiatives and projects that benefit them.
Which of the following is an example of an initiative that focuses on the concept of
gender equality in participatory development?
Educating communities about maternal health
8. Gender equality aims to give both genders equal access to productive assets and
resources in society. How can this help communities?
It will increase community participation
9. Women empowerment focuses on promoting women’s self-worth. How can
women’s self-esteem be increased through this movement?
By gaining the capacity to decide for themselves
10. Women empowerment is one of the major movements in the world. Why do you
think this movement is important?
This movement fights against gender inequality, particularly discrimination
and violence toward women
Gender Equality 4.4.2 (March 7, 2022)
1. Gender equality means that all human beings are free to hone their capacities and
make choices without the limitations set by socially constructed gender norms.
Which of the following agrees with the previous statement?
Both genders’ needs are valued and met
2. There are distinctions, exclusions, or restrictions made on the basis of sex which
has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or
exercises of women.Which of the following refers to this phenomenon? Gender
3. Participatory development aims to engage every member of the
population in community development, specifically in initiatives and
projects that benefit them. True
4. Gender equality is the exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex that has
the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise
of rights by women. False
5. Gender equality is the exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex that has
the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise
of rights by women. True
6. Today, there are as many women as men representing offices. False
7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
They were "qualified" for the job, but they were not recruited.
8. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs, and priorities of both genders
are taken into account, and the diversity of different groups of women and men is
9. Gender equality is an indicator of development.
10. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
It's time we banned discrimination at work.
Participatory Development in Community Action Initiatives (March 14,
1. This is a process that aims to give every population, with a special focus on the
poor, marginalized, and vulnerable members, a part in initiatives and projects that
are implemented by various organizations. What is this phenomenon in community
action? Participatory development
2. In community action, it holds the principle that without the commitment, creativity,
and efforts of the people, development may take longer to accomplish. What process
is described in this statement? Participatory development
3. Active participation can result in conflicts, which are rooted in the struggles
between powerful or vulnerable members of the population. In what way can this be
possible? Engaging in activism, protests, or lobbying against certain policies
4. The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) is the government
agency that protects the rights of indigenous and other cultural minorities in the
country. How does NCIP help promote participatory development?
By encouraging indigenous people to take part in programs
5. Every barangay has an established Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) or a youth
council that represents the young members of the community.
How does SK help promote participatory development? By serving as a local-level
support group
6. During the global pandemic, aside from the government’s provision of subsidy,
private individuals also donated money and goods to different organizations that
initiated to give relief packs to poor families in Metro Manila.
How does this initiative promote participatory development?
By being involved in non-government organizations
7. The Alternative Learning System or ALS is a national learning system under the
Department of Education, given as an option for those who do not have opportunities
for formal instruction such as out-of-school youth in the country.
Anna is involved in this project. How does Anna actively participate in community
By being involved in government initiatives
8. How does participation become a force that triggers citizenship within
Citizens become cohesive and cooperative through participation
9. How does participation promote the well-being of community members?
When the poor and marginalized are educated and included, they feel
10. Active participation refers to co-determining and power-sharing among
community members throughout the whole implementation of a program or an
initiative. Why is it important to take part in the decision-making and implementation
of a community action initiative?
Involving the stakeholders makes them more committed and the goals will be
achieved more efficiently
Empowerment and Advocacy in Community Action Initiatives (March 14,
1. When people are encouraged to use their knowledge, strengths, and skills, they
become more active in addressing their concerns. What is this phenomenon in
community action?
2. In community action, it is one form of mobilization in which networks and
relationships are built to form alliances and create social movements. What activity is
described in this statement?
3. Advocacy can be done by influencing organizations, businesses, or private
individuals who can influence the government. In what way can this be possible?
By lobbying or attempting to influence certain legislation in the government
4. Environmental groups post videos about how single-use plastics potentially harm
marine life. Which of the following refers to their advocacy to protect the oceans?
Public advocacy
5. In policy advocacy, lobbying is when organizations attempt to influence certain
legislation or policies in the government.
Which of the following issues concern policy advocacy?
Same-sex marriage
6. Critical awareness occurs when individuals and groups identify personal and
contextual factors that can also empower other people and communities. Which of
the following is an example of heightened critical awareness?
Women educating young girls about women’s rights
7. Empowerment and advocacy result in a community that can manage its resources
and community members who can exercise control over the factors affecting them
within and outside their communities. Which of the following is an example of an
empowered community?
A disaster-prone community has members with sufficient knowledge about
disaster risk reduction management
8. Advocacy can be done through media campaigns, public demonstrations or
protests, and online petitions. How do these activities address the issues of their
By influencing policymakers and the general public in order to create social
9. Societal empowerment means that there is a fair and equal distribution of
resources in society. How can social empowerment be evident in a community?
Community members desire to fight discrimination and social injustice
10. Affected communities surrounding Taal Volcano have been educated about
precautionary measures to observe in case of volcanic eruptions. Likewise, mental
health volunteers also address possible psychosocial concerns experienced by
affected communities.

How will these efforts contribute to community empowerment?

The efforts prioritized the mental well-being of the people and educated the
communities to enable them to prepare and protect themselves

Partnership Building with Local Groups (March 21, 2022)

1. Which method of partnership building focuses on augmenting public policies for
the betterment of the community?
2. Which approach involves more engagement from partners and strategic
decision-making to incorporate the ideas of community leaders?
3. Which involves the process of formulating and expanding the programs and
actions of a community in partnership with local groups?.
Program development
4. Johnny is an idealistic community leader who aims to minimize youth apathy in the
community. He has heard of an NGO that also shares the same view.
Among the processes of partnership building, which should Johnny do first to start
his plan?
Connect with the leader of the NGO
5. Currently, Barangay Masaya has a partnership with a local blood bank that uses
the barangay hall as a venue for blood donation drives. The barangay captain has
noticed that lately, a number of households have been consulting the barangay
health center for dental concerns. The barangay captain then formed a partnership
with a dental clinic to help those who have dental problems. They also use the
barangay hall as a venue.
Which step of partnership building is evident in this case?
Build new partnerships and maintain existing ones
6. The community leaders have set a meeting with their local group partner to
propose a program that involves mothers in the community. During the meeting, they
found out that the local group that focuses on helping the elderly have a means of
earning. Both parties were not able to come up with any program that matches their
Among the different processes of partnership building, which was not emphasized to
both parties?
Identifying and prioritizing goals
7. Antonio is one of the community leaders designated as an evaluator of a
partnership program with a local group. He constantly provides reports and feedback
to the leaders of the local group.
Which step of partnership building is evident in this case?
Monitor and maintain the progress of shared programs
8. Between the two approaches of partnership building with local groups, why is
participation considered the best option for a local government unit sustainability
The content in a local government unit sustainability plan is limited to the local
government’s jurisdiction
9. Community leaders and local group partners prioritize the pressing needs of
community members.
Why are collected data and needs assessment results significant in proposing
programs and actions for the community?
They ensure that the proposed programs and activities match with what the
community needs
10. In building partnerships with local groups, communities must consider the goals
and objectives that they aim to achieve. This involves the delegation of important
tasks to the different members of both parties.
How can both parties ensure that they have accomplished their tasks?
Both parties must be transparent and provide reports to each other to monitor
their accomplishments.
5.2 Partnership Building with Local Groups (March 21, 2022)
1. In stakeholder consultation, the implementation of a plan is usually done by the
local government unit.
2. Community leaders should have the same mindset as their partner organizations.
3. Collected data and needs assessment results are not essential in creating
programs for the community.
4. Communities must be bound to their current local group partner until a change in
leadership occurs.
5. Only the community partners are responsible for the accomplishment of reports for
collaborative programs.

5.3 Partnership Building with Local Groups (March 21, 2022)

1. Both parties should share a common goal and coordinate with each other for their
programs to become successful.
2. Community leaders and local groups should evaluate whether their programs and
actions are still relevant or not.
3. Community partners are the only ones providing resources for the
community's programs and actions.
4. Community leaders have the final decision in the management of their programs
with their partners.
5. Collaboration involves more engagement from organizations and local group
Community Profiling (March 30, 2022)
1. What document describes the community’s land use, natural environment,
economy, cultural traditions, and history?
2. Who is involved in the planning process of community profiling, thereby helping
them deepen their understanding of the community and also teaching them new
Community members
3. What should leaders take into account in the development of the community?
Members’ vision
4. Karlo has started to write short stories about the folk legends about their
hometown, which was shared to him by his grandfather.
In which theme of information can Karlo’s works be included?
5. Barangay Masagana has started to catalog the local food vendors selling in every
street of the barangay. This data will be used to ask for aid from an NGO to improve
their food carts.
In which theme of information can the gathered data be included?
6. Jessa and her classmates have started collecting information about the number of
pre-school and elementary pupils enrolled in their local school. They will use this
information for their research which will be presented to the Department of
In which theme of information can Jessa’s research be included?
Social aspects
7. Antonio is one of the community leaders designated to meet with the owner of a
solar energy company. He will present information on the current activities of the
community that affects their electrical supply.
In which theme of information can Antonio’s presentation be included?
8. In gathering information, why is storytelling from the older generation a valuable
source of data?
They have gained more experience in the community as they age
9. Why is the accuracy and relevance of collected data important in creating a
community profile?
This allows potential partners to assess how they can provide help and other
services to the community
10. Communities are complex, and a rich and diverse picture may be developed
through a community profile.
Why is it important to consider how different information can be managed?
Proper management of information will help sustain the community for future
Community Profiling 2 (March 30, 2022)
1. Climate and weather patterns in the community
2. Health and well-being of community members
social aspects
3. History of the community
4. Dominant business sectors in the commun
economic profile
5. Attendance code wassapguys

Career Goal (March 30, 2022)

1. Career opportunities requires you to research prospect in you major that
correspond with your goals and priorities.
2. When you find a career that seems interesting, you do not need to do
3. The less you know about a given occupation, the more effectively you will be able
to describe how your skills line up with the position.
4. As you explore your interest, skills, and abilities, your goals may change.
5. During _________ stage, you will need to explore both yourself and potential
6. Before an Interview, do not practice answering commonly asked interview
7. During the interview, criticize your former teachers or employers able to show your
8. A dream is born from _____________
9. Your statement is a simple way to present to someone else a balanced
understanding of who you are.
Me in 30 seconds
10. The first step toward finding the kind of employment you want is_________.
Setting goals

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