Humss 3 PT q1 - Abay-Abay

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Name: Alfred F.

Date: 9/25/2021
HUMSS 3 Creative Writing
Performance Task (Quarter 1)
Task Objective:
The goal is to write a short vignette inspired by the images given in the
previous activities. Visualize and relate on the following images and use the
imaginative writing techniques that you have learned in this unit.
Task Requirements:
1. Your vignette should express a moment, mood, aspect, or setting relating to the
character or object in the image provided.
2. Choose two or more literary devices for your vignette: imagery, diction, and figures of
speech. (Kindly underline the lines/statements where you used the literary devices;
imagery, figure of speech, and diction)
3. Make sure to use just one point of view in your writing.
4. Limit your vignette with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 800 words.
5. Add a unique title.

A place and experience that I love

Every place has its beauty. There are so many nice places on the earth. They are scattered
across the country. Every place has its distinct features. Some places have scenic beauty
in abundance while many have buildings and cars. Every person has different tastes,
preferences, and likings. Several people enjoy the sight of scenic beauty and some are
attracted towards places of high buildings and homes of technology.

I live in an urban city. One might say that I am too young and haven’t been around the
world that much. But I like how this city looks, how it smells, and how it feels. I feel well in
the atmosphere of this place and sometimes I think I can feel the pain of the city. It’s hard
to describe, but it’s very distinct and can be easily recognized, the beauty of the city I grew
up in. The buildings look like gigantic creatures, the cars look like they were made out of
magic, and the lively and noisy people, that warms my heart. Thousands of
heads function for the community, everyone works hard for their goals, and you can
still see the smiles on their faces. A very welcoming and warm city. There is always
something going on- a big parade, festival, party, or an event. What makes the city really
special is its people – friendly, warm, open and with passion for their beautiful city. The
people of Davao don’t forget their history, their roots, and their multicultural heritage.

The natural beauty of Davao and its provinces is something that no one should miss. The
beauty of Nature has been a source of inspiration and delight to mankind. It is an endless
source of joy. A breathtaking scenery, full of beauty and love. That one time when we had
a vacation on Davao del Sur, the horizon stretches across my entire field of view in the
most spectacular fashion. A massive field of crystal-clear water is all I can see ahead of
me. The breeze caresses my skin despite the slowly departing sun, it keeps it pleasantly
warm, making me feel as though it is hugging me gently. The lovely color, which appears
to be a combination of orange and pink, covers the dark blue sky and colors the puffy
white clouds. The calm ocean reflects this incredible color in a way that only the sea can. I
was very happy and amazed; I was glad to be part of this vacation. When we arrived at the
beach, I didn't hesitate and immediately went for a swim. On the sandy shore, the waves
gently lull, slowly breaking then receding, always sweetly brushing my toes. We arrived
kinda late already so it was already getting dark. As the sun sets, the sky turns a lovely
purple color, and the first few stars begin to appear, almost as if they are peeking around
a corner, arriving slowly at first, then gradually becoming brighter, a beacon of hope and
happiness. Calling this beautiful would be an understatement, that's what I thought. The
birds are beginning to fly out towards the water as the sun's last rays reach them. The
waves are getting closer to the beach, as they lightly touch my feet. A cold has begun to
replace the warmth of the air. As time passes, the sky darkens to the point that it appears
to be complete darkness. My mother called me for dinner with my relatives. It is also
getting cold, the wind is getting stronger, and the frost it delivers appears to have replaced
my spine with a big block of ice, it felt like completely freezing my entire body. I
immediately got out and went inside then changed clothes.

The next day, I was very excited to swim again because I only had a little time yesterday
because we arrived late but something different happened. The wind picks up, pushing
the raging waves forward and enlarging them even more. I got pushed back in
disbelief. The waves appear to be screaming at me, telling me that fighting back is
pointless. My parents said it was getting dangerous, another wave knocked us down just
as the huge one smashes directly over my head, blinding me. My desperate attempts to
get up are thwarted, and I continue to float around wherever and whenever the enraged
ocean pleases. Thankfully, my father held onto me, and everyone immediately left the
beach. It was a dangerous yet amazing experience.

We gave up on swimming because of the huge waves, we went sightseeing instead. We

traveled again for a short distance and arrived on an island with many tourists. The lovely
morning air flowed through the thick aromatic evergreen forest and over the
summits. There were huge rocks crinkled at the top. The mountain's heaven-touching
peak was bathed in dazzling light. The chirping of birds in trees has a music of its
own. After some time, we eventually went home and the vacation is over.

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