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Eric L. Dzimabi
A computer network is two or more computers, or other electronic devices, connected together
so that they can exchange data. For example a network allows computers to share files, users to
message each other, a whole room of computers to share a single printer, etc. The Internet itself
can be considered a computer network

This ranges from school/home networks of only few computers to large networks such as the
internet (which effectively allows any computer connected to it to communicate with any other
computer similarly connected)

Network Media
How are computers joined together?
Network media refers to the communication channels used to interconnect nodes on a
computer network. Typical examples of network media include copper coaxial cable, copper
twisted pair cables and optical fiber cables used in wired networks, and radio waves used in
wireless data communications networks.
In data communication terminology, a transmission medium is a physical path between
the transmitter and the receiver i.e it is the channel through which data is sent from one
place to another
Network connections between computers are typically created using cables (wires for
connections in buildings or same room), radio signals (wireless / wi-fi), for very long
distances, through telephone lines (and modems) and satellite links.

Computer Network Requirements

1. Two or more computers
2. Something to share, like data, printer, etc.
3. Connection through either physical pathway or other transmission medium
4. Follow a set of common communication rules

Advantages Computer Network Environment

1. Expensive peripherals such as printers and scanners can be shared.
2. Software/programs can be shared
3. It enhances communication
4. Access to large amount of information and files
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5. Update and backup of information is done only on one computer
6. Network can be maintained or supported centrally.
7. Use on-line services like online shopping and banking
Disadvantages Computer Network Environment
1. Network equipment such as cables, network cards, servers and telecommunication links
are expensive.
2. If part of the computer network fails (ie network cables, servers,etc) it affects the
whole network
3. Specialists are required to manage and maintain at a higher cost.
4. Viruses can spread across the network very easily and quickly when one computer is
5. Networks that use too few printers can see printing queues develop queues, due to the
number of people trying to print at the same time
6. Increased security risk by hackers when compared to stand-alone computers

There are two types of computers that make up a computer network. These are
1. Servers
2. Clients

What is a server computer?

A server is a powerful computer designed to process requests and deliver data or provide services
to another computer (or client) over the computer network (either internet or a local network.).
Servers control the network and tell the client computers what to do

Some different types of servers and what they do

What are client computers?

A client computer is a computer that connects to and uses the resources of a server. It can be a
desktop PC or laptop.

Types of Network

1. Local Area Network (LAN)

2. Wireless Local Area Network ( WLAN)
3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
4. Bluetooth (Personal) Area Network (PAN)
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LANs are usually within a single
room or one building. An example is a
school network. A typical LAN
consists of a number of computers and
devices that are connected to hub or
One of the hubs or switches will
usually be connected to a router and a
modem to allow the LAN to connect
to the internet; in doing so it then
becomes a part of a WAN

Advantages of LAN
1. Sharing of resources (such as expensive peripherals and application software)
2. Saves cost as each computer on the LAN can share resources
3. Ease of communication between users
4. A network administrator to control and monitor all aspects of the network (eg.
Changing passwords, monitoring internet use ,etc)
Disadvantages of LAN
1. Easier to spread viruses throughout the whole network
2. Printer queues develop, which can be frustrating
3. Increased security risk when compared to stand-alone computers
4. If the main server breakdown , in most cases the network will no longer function

To connect computers to a LAN, you require
1. A server (File, web, print)
2. Network interface card
3. Hub/switches
4. System software.
5. Network cables.

It is the physical arrangements of the nodes in a network. The nodes may be a computer or a
device like a printer.
There are four common types of LAN network topologies:
1. Ring network topology,
2. Bus network topology,
3. Star network topology,
4. Tree network topology.

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Ring networks Topology
In this topology, every computer in the network is connected in a ring, including the server.
Each device is connected to 2 other devices to for a ring.
Data is transmitted around the ring in one direction, and
each computer only retrieves the data which is relevant
to it. . This allows each computer to send and receive
data since they all have a unique identification/address
1. Cheap to install compare to star network
2. No data collision since data travels in one
3. Ring networks work well under heavy loading.
4. It is possible to create very large networks using
this topology.
1. If there is a fault in the wiring between two computers then the whole network breaks
2. Adding a new device or computer to the network can be difficult since it has to be
placed between two existing devices.
3. The whole network doesn’t work if a single computer in the network is switched off
4. Difficult to identify faults
5. Data must pass through every computer until it gets to its destination. This can make
the network slow

Bus networks Topology

In a bus topology, each computer or device is connected to a common central bus cable or
line. Data travels along this central line until it reaches the computer or device that requires it.
As message/data/information travels along the central line, it is examined by each device to
see if it is meant /intended for it.

The ends of the line have terminators to prevent, for example, signal bounce, which would
cause data interference

1. It is easy to add a new computer or device to the network.
2. If one device or computer fails, it does not affect the rest of the network.
3. Doesn’t need a hub or a switch
4. Requires less cabling than a star network. It therefore also saves on costs.
1. It is difficult to isolate any fault on the network.
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2. If the central line has a fault, the whole network fails.
3. Its performance worsens noticeably as more and more devices/ computers are added.
4. Problem arises when more than one user wishes to send a message at the same time.
To overcome this, the workstation checks first whether the bus is busy. If busy, then
the workstation has to wait

Star Topology
In this topology, each computer or device is connected via a central hub or switch. Data is
sent to the hub which then sends out data along every cable to every computer or device

1. If one computer or device fails, then the rest of the network or other computer is not
2. Problems on the network are easy to identify and work can be carried out on a faulty
device without affecting the rest of the network.
3. It is easy to expand the network.
4. Few data collision as each workstation has its own cable to the server
1. If the central hub breaks down, the whole network crashes.
2. Expensive to install due to many cables
3. Usually needs experts to install. This can add to cost
4. Extra hardware like hub/switch needed. This adds to cost
5. Server crashed and no one can access their files

Tree network Topology

This topology has a central line (just like a bus network) connecting together a series of star
networks, as shown in Figure below. The server is also connected to this central line.
Because of its flexibility, and the fact that it has the advantages of both bus and star networks,
this topology is becoming increasingly popular. The advantages and disadvantages are the
same as for bus and star networks.

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Wide Area Networks are used where
computers or networks are situated in a
long distance from each other
geographically (e.g. in a different city or
country or over 2km apart or
worldwide). A number of LANs in
different geographical regions can be
joined together using a router forms a
WAN. Example of a WAN is the
internet and network of ATMs used by
banks. Connection and communication
can be by telephone lines, satellite or
Some Advantages of WAN
1. Computers can be connected over wide areas such as across cities or even continents
2. Files and data can be shared over a large area
3. People can use their computers to communicated very quickly over a large areas
(sending emails, discussion forums, video conferencing, etc)
Some Disadvantages of WAN

1. It’s very easy for viruses to be downloaded and spread

2. Data is transferred across a WAN at a much slower rate than across a LAN
3. Monitoring a WAN can be difficult compared to a LAN because of the many
computers connections
This type of network is similar to LAN but
there are no wires or cables. They
provide wireless network communication
over fairly short distances using radio or
infrared signals instead of cables

Devices known as Access Points (APs) or

wireless nodes are connected into the wired
network at fixed locations. AP (Access
Point) is a device that transmits and
receives data (or traffic) between the
WLAN and wired network. Because of the
limited range, most commercial LANs (eg.
At college campus or at airport) need
several APs to permit uninterrupted
wireless communication

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Advantages of WLAN
1. All computers can access the same services and resources like printers, scanners,
internet access, from anywhere within the range of the APs
2. As there is no cabling there is improvement and increased flexibility to move around
or less likely to trip over cables
3. Adding new computers and services is very easy (all that is required is a WLAN
4. the costs are reduced since extra cabling isn't needed
Disadvantages of WLAN
1. Problem of interference or Physical obstacles can interfere with signal/can cause
2. Slow data transfer rate, compared to LAN
3. Can easily be hacked
PAN is a wireless networking
technology designed for short-range
connections (typically just a few
meters). The idea of Bluetooth is to
get rid of the need to cables that
connect computers to peripheral
devices such as mouse, keyboard,
printers and so on

Bluetooth devices contain small,

low-power radio transmitters and
receivers. When devices are in range
of the Bluetooth devices they detect
each other and can be “paired” or
Uses of Bluetooth
1. Connecting a wireless keyboard to a computer
2. Connecting a wireless mouse to a computer
3. Using a wireless headset with a mobile phone
4. Printing wirelessly from a computer or PDA
5. Transferring data/music from a computer to an MP3 player
6. Transferring photo from a phone/camera to another device
7. Synchronizing calendars on a PDA and computer

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Wi-Fi is short for “Wireless Fidelity”
1. Both offer wireless communication between devices
2. Both use radio frequencies or waves as the carrier of the data transmission
3. Data transmission rate are faster on Wi-Fi, and there is greater range than with

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Because Bluetooth networking only works over very short distances, and with devices
belonging to one user, this type of network is sometimes called a “Personal Area Network”
1. Hub
2. Switch
3. Router
4. Network Interface Card (NIC)
5. Modem
6. Bridge
7. Network Cables
A hub is a hardware device that allows computers and
devices to plug into its ports in order to connect to each other
and share files, data and resources. Often they are used to
connect together a number of devices to form a LAN, eg a
Star Network Topology.

Main task of a hub is to take any data packet (a

group of data being transmitted) received at one of
its ports and broadcast it to every computer in the
network. It means that using hub is not a very
secure or efficient method of data distribution

Switches are similar to hubs, but they are more
efficient. Like hubs, Switches connect a number of
devices or computers together to form a LAN

How do switched work?

a. Each network device has a Media Access
Control (MAC) address, which uniquely identifies
b. Data sent to the switch contains the MAC
address of the sending device and the address of
the receiving device
c. The switch then checks these addresses and
only sends the data to the relevant device rather
than to all devices.
This makes using switches a more secure way of distributing data and considered more
intelligent than hub

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A Bridge is used to connect different networks

together (e.g. star to bus networks) or connect
dissimilar networks to send messages. It is a device
that connect one LAN to another LAN that uses the

same protocol (communication


A bridge is also used to connect

together different parts of a LAN
so that they can function as a
single LAN

A router enables data packets to be routed (or sent) between
the different networks (e.g. to join a LAN to a WAN). A Router
selects the best route to each data packet so that data travels as
quickly as possible to its destination

Typically, routers have an internet

cable plugged into it, and several
cables connecting to computers
and other devices on the LAN

A router is an intelligent device,

which can read data and decide
where to send it using the IP
address of the devices. It also
decide on the fastest route in
which to send data. It also makes
the format of the data suitable for
the network where it is being sent.

FIREWALL A firewall is hardware or a piece of software that is placed

between your computer and the rest of the network.
Firewall protects the computers on the network from
intrusion and hacking attempts on the internet. A firewall
blocks unauthorized connections being made to your
computer or LAN. Broadband routers sit behind a firewall.

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Modem is used to connect a computer or a network to the internet. Modem is
short term for “Modulator Demodulator”. This is device that converts a
computer’s digital signal into analogue signal (modulates) for transmission
over an existing telephone line

It also reverses this process and converts analogue signals from a telephone
line into digital signals (demodulates), to enable the computer to process the
data.Modems contain both ADC and DAC. Modems are essentially used to
allow computers to connect to networks (eg. Internets) over long distances
using existing telephone networks


The NIC is what provides the hardware interface between a computer
and a network. A computer uses a network interface card (NIC) to
become part of a network. The NIC contains the electronic circuitry
required to communicate using a wired connection (e.g., Ethernet) or a
wireless connection (e.g., WiFi). A network interface card is also
known as a network interface controller, network adapter, or Local Area Network (LAN)

Cables are used to connect together different devices to make up a network. They carry more
data-per-second than wireless technology hence they can transfer data faster than wireless,
and they are more secure (less open to hacking) than wireless connections

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This is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary

for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

A proxy server is a computer setup to share a resource, usually an Internet connection.

Other computers can request a web page via the proxy server. The proxy server will then get
the page using its Internet connection, and pass it back to the computer who asked for it.
Proxy servers are often used instead of router since additional software can be easily
installed on the computer such as anti-virus, web filtering etc.

A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web
page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the
request as a way to simplify and control its complexity and gets it for the client.
This internet is a worldwide connection of computers and networks that allow users to send
and receive emails, chat online, transfer files from computer to computer (using FTP) or
browse the web
The web is part of the internet which the user can access through a web browser. The web
contains a wide range of information
Uses of the internet
1. View web pages on the WWW
2. Sending and receiving e-mail messages
3. Sharing files and information
4. Video conferencing and VOIP
5. Online banking
6. Play multi-player games
7. Listening to streamed music or watching streamed video
The World Wide Web (or the Web) is a collection of internet resources web documents,
hyperlinked text, audio, and video files, and remote sites that can be accessed and searched
by browsers based on standards such as HTTP and TCP/IP. To access the internet you need a
computer, router and an ISP

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The intranet is a computer network based on internet technology, but designed to meet the
internal needs for sharing information within a single organisation or company. Access to
an intranet is confined to a company or organisation and, unlike internet, is not available to
the general public
Intranets reside behind a firewall and are only accessible internally to members of the

Reasons for adopting Intranet rather than using the internet

1. Safer since there is less chance of hacking or viruses
2. To prevent external links or certain websites
3. Companies can ensure that the information available is specific to their needs
4. Easier to send out sensitive messages in the knowledge that they will remain within
the company
5. Offers better bandwidth
6. An intranet requires password and user ID entry and can only be accessed from
agreed points/computers; the internet can be accessed from anywhere in the world
provided the user has an ISP account
7. Intranet is behind a firewall, which gives some protection against hackers, viruses,
etc; this is more difficult to do with internet access since it is open on an international
8. The internet can be public access, whereas the intranet tend to be private access

Comparing Internet and intranet

Intranet Internet
Comes from the phrase “internal restricted Comes from the phrase “international
access network” network”
Used to give local information relevant to the Internet covers topics of global or general
company or organisation interest.
Possible to block certain websites using the While this is also possible with the internet,
intranet it is more difficult
An intranet requires password and user ID The internet can be accessed from anywhere
entry and can only be accessed from agreed in the world provided the user has an ISP
points/computers account

Intranet is behind a firewall, which gives Not possible to place a firewall on the
some protection against hackers, viruses, etc internet
Information is stored on local servers Information is stored on operator’s servers


A network allows a person who does not have physical access to your computer to gain
access. Others can connect to your computer once you connect to a network
If networks are not secured…

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1. Dishonest staff/people may steal data in order to get back at the company
2. Theft of identity to steal others money
3. Spread of malicious software
4. Hackers may try to get access for fun

The first thing to do to ensure the security of the network is to keep the office doors locked to
prevent unauthorized people from physically accessing it.
Others are the use of:
1. User ID
2. Password (weak and strong)
3. Encryption
4. Authentication techniques (biometrics).


This is the most common method of protecting computer data. User ID is a special sequence
of letters/numbers that limit access to email, systems or file.

User ID usually goes with passwords. This assigns the user privileges once the logon
procedure is successful. For example, on a network, top level privilege would be for an
administrator, who is able to set passwords, delete files from the server, etc., whilst a user
privilege may only allow access to their own work area.

Password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or
access approval to gain access to a resource, which is to be kept confidential.
There are two types
1. Weak password
2. Strong password

A weak password is a password that is easy to guess. They contain only words or numbers.
They are usually the names of people or places

A strong password is a password that is difficult to guess. The consist of texts (upper cases
and lower cases), numbers and special characters.

ENCRYPTION is the converting of data into a code by scrambling it or encoding it. This is
done by employing encryption software (or an encryption key). Since the data is all jumbled
up it appears meaningless to a hacker or anyone who illegally accesses the data. It should be
stressed that this technique does not prevent illegal access, it only makes the data useless to
somebody if they don’t have the necessary decryption software (or decryption key). It is used
to protect sensitive data (such as a person’s banking details).

As shown above, there are many ways in which a computer user can prove who they are.
This is called authentication, and a type of authentication is used in the banking example
that follows. Most systems adopt the following authentication logic:
something you know – e.g. PIN/password
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something belonging to you – e.g. your bank card
something unique to you – e.g. your fingerprints.
At least two of these are needed at the moment when a user has to prove who they are.
For example, the following banking example uses:
something you know – surname, reference number, PIN, date last logged on
something belonging to you – card put into card reader to produce the 8-digit code.

In future, the third feature will be introduced (such as a fingerprint scanner attached to a
computer to uniquely identify the user).

Many methods of communication using networks exist. These include
1. Fax,
2. Email,
3. Video conferencing and
4. VOIP.

The term fax is short for the word ‘facsimile’. With this system, documents are scanned
electronically and converted into a bit map image (a bit is a binary digit and is a 1 or a 0).
This is then transmitted over a telephone line as a series of electrical signals through the
telephone network. The receiving fax machine converts this electronic image and prints it out
on paper.

Fax/modem software in the computer converts the image into a form recognised by a fax
machine. However, this is not as efficient as the email system where the electronic copy is
sent and is then stored electronically thus permitting the document to be edited, for example.
1. Fax documents cannot be hacked whilst it is being transmitted
2. Fax documents cannot be affected by viruses
3. Fax signed documents are legally accepted
1. Paper can jam in the fax machine
2. Receiving fax line may be engaged continually
3. Receiving fax may be out of paper
4. Fax document can be sent to one place at a time
5. There is loss of quality in transmission (not so clear)
This is an electronic method for sending text and attachments from one computer to another
over a network
The advantages of using email include:
1. the speed of sending and receiving replies using the email system
2. the low cost, since stamps, paper and envelopes are not needed
3. not needing to leave home to send the mail.
Disadvantages include:
1. the possibility of virus threats and hacking
2. the need for the email address to be completely correct
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3. the inability to send bulky objects via emails.

This is a communication method that uses both video and sound. It is a substitute for face-to-
face conferences between a number of people, who may be in a different part of the country
or live overseas. It is carried out in real time and makes use of some form of network. The
delegates at one end speak into a microphone and look at a webcam. The other delegates can
see them and hear them using large monitors and speakers
Hardware includes:
1. Webcam
2. Large monitors/television screens
3. Microphones
4. speakers
Potential issues with video conferencing
1. Potential time lag in responses (delays when talking)
2. Jerking images
3. Very expensive to set up in the first place
4. Difference in time zones can cause scheduling problems
5. Training cost
6. Bad network connection can make the conference unsuccessful
Advantages of Video conferencing
1. Possibility of holding conferences at short notices (conference date can be set up
within a few hours as no person needs to travel far)
2. Not travelling physically to meeting reduces travelling cost
3. Helps people with disability
4. No need to pay for hotel accommodation or venue hire
5. Reduces the cost of taking people away from their work for 2 or 3 days to travel
(people are still paid their wages even though they were not in the office, so this is a
large hidden cost)
6. Better to use video conferencing than have delegates travel to potentially unsafe
places around the world
The system also uses special software such as:
1. CODEC, which converts and compresses analogue data into digital data to send down
digital lines
2. Echo cancellation software, which allows talking in real time and synchronises


Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) is a method used to talk to people using the internet
instead of the normal telephone network. VOIP converts sound (picked up by the computer
microphone or special VOIP telephone plugged into the USB port of the computer) into
discrete digital packets which can be sent to their destination via the internet.
The most well-known public VOIP service is Skype.

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1. is that it is either free (if the talking is done computer to computer, i.e. both computers
have VOIP telephones or use their built-in/plugged-in microphones and speakers) or
at a local rate to anywhere in the world
2. No telephone line is needed. To work in real time this system requires a broadband
3. Can include video
1. Are usually sound quality (echo and ‘weird sounds’ are both common faults).
2. Not as reliable as normal phone calls, so cannot be relied upon for emergency calls.
3. Security is also a main concern with VOIP, as it is with other internet technologies.
The most prominent security issues over VOIP are:
i. identity and service theft
ii. viruses and malware (malicious software)
iii. spamming (sending junk mail)
iv. phishing attacks (the act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an
established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam them.

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