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INTRODUCTION Background Lecture Field Work Experience Program (KK-PPL), an integrated program carried out in S1 FKIP Jember University is one of the culminating point or estuary program that provides opportunities for students to establish mastery of pedagogical competence, personality, professionally and socially in an integrated manner in accordance with the demands of the Law no. 14/2005. In addition, KK-integrated PPL Education is also intended to improve or enhance the quality of learning in the classroom and to improve the quality of educational performance of non-teaching that can optimize the learning achievement conducted by the teacher. Management of learning in the classroom is one of the teachers work professionally oriented towards the needs of learners. Therefore to run the KK-PPL is required mastery of a number of competencies that support, namely pedagogical competence, professional competence, personal competence and social competence. Competencies possessed by students in KK-PPL acquired through education and training in a systematic and reliable by the competent institutions. The process of acquiring competence through a lot of meaningful educational interaction, namely interaction between students, student and teacher officials, students and lecturers, students and student, student and teaching materials. Competence is then enriched also by giving students practical experience in management / school management, organizational development students, and the increase in competitive graduate school, so pencapaaian four competencies of teachers are expected to be more optimal and relevant to professional duties, both as teachers and as managers of learning in school. Therefore, the implementation of the KK-PPL Education for S1 students must provide opportunities for these interactions occur which will cultivate the necessary competencies possessed by a professional teacher. PPL held by most LPTKs conducted separately by the College Work (COW). Usually a student at a certain stage PPL implement its own, specifically concentrating on the development of learning skills in school, while in other periods of student conduct Work Lecture / Field Work Experience (KK? CCN), which concentrates on developing personal and social skills. Implementation of this kind KK PPL and has many weaknesses, among which the most prominent is that the process of formation of four competencies demanded by the Law No. 14/2005 can not happen in an integrated manner at the same time. In addition, the formation of personal and social competence achieved through KK / CCN also less in accordance with the characteristics of tasks that teachers have a fundamental duty to manage and guide the learning activities of learners in the learning process at school. With the implementation of KK-PPL integrated in schools, it is expected that all the experience gained during the PPL and KK will be relevant to the needs as a professional teacher, because the KK-integrated PPL Education implemented in a real environment which later became the task of future university students if they had graduated and served as a teacher. KK-PPL Learning Objectives

In general-purpose held KK PPL Integrated Education for students of S1 FKIP Jember University is that students are able to develop prospective teachers' pedagogic competence, personality (personal), profesional, and socially in an integrated way in accordance with the demands of the Law No. 14/2005 on teachers and lecturers. In particular through the activities of KK-integrated PPL Education for students of S1 FKIP Jember University, students are expected to: Doing strengthening teachers' professional competence in an integrated way with pedagogic competencies, personal, and social. Conducting learning oriented learners in developing their potential. Explore the characteristics of the learners in order to motivate their learning. Finding the problems that hamper learning in the classroom and learning to overcome these problems individually maupu a group of students. Applying innovative learning, the opposite of a problem learning. Learning implementation plan (RPP) is good, realistic, and contextual and be able to implement it in the pembelajran in class. Skilled to evaluate the process and learning outcomes. Able to work together in developing his personality as a teacher. Benefits of KK-PPL Learning For Students Can optimize the achievement of pedagogical competence, personal, professional, and social student teacher candidates. Improving student understanding of various practical problems in education and teaching and management faced by public education, especially in schools and government. Improving students' ability in conducting learning-oriented learners in developing their potential. Improving teaching and training skills. Knowing a variety of educational tasks other than teaching. For FKIP University of Jember

KK-integrated PPL Education to provide feedback to the institution (Guidance and Counseling University of Jember) to assess whether the curriculum that was developed over the years, and the process of implementation of the prospective teachers' learning has been conducted relevant to the needs in the field or not. For Public and Government schools Schools can obtain relief effort and the thought of the prospective teachers are critical in overcoming various problems faced by school education. Schools can transfer any actual knowledge possessed prospective teachers who have obtained an advanced science education. Can encourage the acceleration of the development of quality education in schools. Outline of Report Content This report contains the entire discussion concerning the implementation of the KK-PPL Learning. For approximately 2 months in SMP Negeri 3 Jember, in carrying out the KK-PPL Learning programs can be obtained very valuable experience both in teaching and learning process as well as other teacher training tasks. The school always provide guidance and assistance to add to the experience that will be useful to become professional teachers. Further observations of field conditions carried out independently by the authors. The introduction took place for praktikan to know directly the condition of the school in which implementation practices, both physical and nonphysical condition. It is expected that after knowing the condition of the school's practice, praktikan can prepare the appropriate methods and strategies in carrying out duties at the school. In KK-PPL Learning activities, the students are capable and skilled in preparing the RPP (Plan of Implementation of Learning) as a learning problem-solving plan, put through learning practices in accordance with the RPP, observing skills learning and reflection. It is very important for the students as feedback for further learning process could be better. In one period of KK-PPL Learning, each must execute 7 times praktikan KK-PPL Learning activities, which are divided into 2 stages / rounds, where each round consists of three cycles plus independent practice 1 times. And each cycle is divided again into the discussion stage RPP, RPP Implementation, and Results Reflection Learning. The last stage in the KK-PPL Learning Barriers and Solutions is the problem that occurred during the KK-PPL Learning in progress. As well as case studies of troubled students during the learning process. Schedule of Activities KK-PPL Learning Students flip (February 28, 2011)

Dropping students at schools designated as a place to conduct PPL began on February 28, 2011. On the day jumping PPL students accompanied by faculty mentors. On the day jumping supervisor as a representative from the University of PPL students submit to the school. Schools Environmental Observations (February 28, 2011 until March 5, 2011) Implementation of PPL activity begins with the observation in the first week of February 28, 2011 to March 5, 2011. This observation activities aimed so that students know the environment around the school, both in school personnel, facilities and infrastructure, and activities that exist at the school. Students also conduct observations of teachers how to teach with the aim to find out how to apply learning in their schools and provide an assessment of the teacher teaching style. Implementation of KK-PPL Learning (March 8, 2011 - completed) Schedule KK-PPL Learning activities can be described in the following table. Table 1.2 Schedule of Activities Guided Teaching First Round Cycle Day / date Cycle Tuesday, I March 8, 2011 Cycle Thursday, II March 10, 2011 Cycle Tuesday, III March 15, 2011 Class Left VII B Subject Content / Subject Teacher Pamong Nur Sujayanto, S. Pd



2x40 Physics Expansion minutes (Expansion of Solid: Linear Expansion) 2x40 Physics Expansion Nur minutes Sujayanto, (Expansion of Solid: Area S. Pd and Volume Expansion) 2x40 Physics Expansion Nur minutes Sujayanto, (Expansion of Solid: S. Pd Apply the Formula of Area and Volume Expansion)

Table 1.4 Schedule of Activities Guided Teaching Second Round Cycle Day / date Class Left Subject Content / Subject Teacher Pamong

Cycle Thursday, April VIII 2x40 I 7, 2011 A minutes Cycle Tuesday, April VIII 2x40 II 12, 2011 A minutes Cycle Thursday, April VIII 2x40 III 14, 2011 A minutes

Physics Light

Anis Prasetiyaningsih, S. (Lenses) Pd Anis Prasetiyaningsih, S. (Lenses) Pd Anis Prasetiyaningsih, S. (Lenses) Pd

Physics Light

Physics Light

Table 1.5 Schedule of Activities Teaching Self Day / date Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Class Left VII 2 x 40 B minutes Subject Material Physics Expansion (Application of Solid Expansion) Thursday, April 7, 2011 VII B 2 x 40 minutes Physics Expansion (Bimetallic)

Table 1.6 Schedule of Events Exam Practice Day / Date Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Student / Praktikan Niken Sari Puspita Class Hours VII B 10:55 to 11:15 Subject Physics

CHAPTER 2. PPL ROUND OF KK-I Activity Cycle I Activity cycle I held on March 8, 2011 in class VII B to the subject of expansion. Discussion Draft Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) was made before the teachers do the teaching and learning activities. So also with that performed by students praktikan Practice Field Experience (PPL). The preparation of RPP follow the format specified.

In preparing the first meeting of RPP Competency Standards Understand matter presented is a state and its change. With the basic competencies Do That experiment dealing with expansion in daily life. There are indicators of learning include: Describing about the concept of thermal expansion Describing about the linear expansion of solid Applying the formula of the linear expansion of solid In the achievement of learning objectives based on the indicators above the required learning materials, such as the concept of thermal expansion, expansion of solid especially about the linear expansion. In the first cycle of teaching and learning activities are used cooperative learning teaching model and Direct Instructional (DI), while the learning method used is the demonstration, discuss, ask and answer. With the combined use of models and learning methods are expected to stimulate students to learn about the linear expansion well. Especially on the method of demonstration, teachers held a demonstration by using expansion in solids commonly known by the name Musschenbroek devices. Students were invited in person to see expansion in solids. Then students in groups consulted with LKS media with questions about the demonstrations that have been done. At the end of the discussion, teachers with students will conclude the discussion. At the end there RPP assessment consisted of a written assessment of student worksheets and group discussion results in the form of a written non-observation attitude of students during the discussion. From the assessment made an assessment instrument that includes assessment standards tenatang student results achieved. In this type of written assessment that evaluated the cognitive aspect, while on the kind of non-written assessment that evaluated the affective aspect. Implementation of RPP RPP has already implemented on learning in the classroom according to schedule. Implementation of the first cycle of learning is done by praktikan implemented in class VII B in the subjects Physics subject of linear expansion. Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 5 minutes, the second is the core activity for 65 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Learning activities at the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) First round of the cycle I was not able to run well even when the student explains praktikan student materials and actively listening to the explanation praktikan asked if they had no knowledge. This is because the teachers still feel awkward and students underestimate praktikan student attendance as a temporary substitute teachers. Students are also busy for the hour of

learning Physics is located after hours of rest so it was still discussing things done when it breaks. Not infrequently they also still bring food into the classroom during the lesson. With this incident praktikan got pretty much the main lesson of how good teaching in the classroom and how to manage a good grade. For that, praktikan will learn better how to teach the good with the right method. Results Reflection Learning After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Praktikan less able to master class The methods used are less effective Teacher's voice less loud The allocation of time should be appropriate Writing on the board should be clear Reflections from the Observer Checking students' readiness Teacher's voice less loud Less able to control the discussion From the results of reflections that have been obtained, found some deficiencies which can then be used by praktikan as a reference in the manufacture of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), then so is expected to take place with the learning process better. Activity Cycle II Activity Cycle II was held on March 10, 2011 in class VII B with the subject of Area and Volume Expansion. Discussion Draft

Discussion Draft on the second cycle with the cycle I, the discussion covered a variety of advantages and disadvantages that exist in the RPP. In preparation of the RPP for the second meeting, Competency Standards Understand matter presented is a state and its change. With the basic competencies Do That experiment dealing with expansion in daily life. There are indicators of learning include: Describing about the area expansion in solid Describing about the volume expansion in solid Applying the formula of the area and volume expansion of solid The process of learning the implementation of the second cycle is similar to the first cycle, ie using the direct method of cooperative learning and instructional. However, learning this second cycle praktikan've learned from experience that have been implemented in cycle I. In preparation of the RPP praktikan more emphasis on students' activeness and responsibility of each student on material studied. The method used in this second cycle is discuss and ask and answer. The purpose of the use of this method is for students to interact with friends groups in solving all problems. At the end there RPP assessment consisted of a written assessment of student worksheets and group discussion results in the form of a written non-observation attitude of students during the discussion. From the assessment made an assessment instrument that includes assessment standards tenatang student results achieved. In this type of written assessment that evaluated the cognitive aspect, while on the kind of non-written assessment that evaluated the affective aspect. Implementation of RPP Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 5 minutes, the second is the core activity for 65 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Implementation of learning on the second cycle was better than in cycle I. Teachers are able to eliminate the awkward feeling that originally there when implementing learning in the classroom. The teacher slowly able to master and conditioning class, although still not perfect. Students have started to follow instructions from teachers to berdisskusi and implement them well, although there is still a rather crowded group. Learning activity is going well according to the RPP, it's just that when the end of the lesson the teacher gives practice problems and less time to do was to complete the response. Results Reflection Learning

After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan, either by comparing with learning in cycle 1. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Some students are still less attention, so praktikan should be better able to master class. But the class was much better than learning in cycle 1. Teachers are able to compensate for louder voice again Fixed time allocation must be considered Reflections from the Observer The condition under control a little class Teacher's voice is louder than ever Activity Cycle III III cycle activities held on March 15, 2011 in class VII B with the subject of expansion (Apply the Formula of Area and Volume Expansion). Discussion Draft In preparation of the RPP for the third meeting, Competency Standards Understand matter presented is a state and its change. With the basic competencies Do That experiment dealing with expansion in daily life. There are indicators of learning include: Applying the formula of the area expansion of solid Applying the formula of volume expansion of solid In the achievement of learning objectives based on the indicators above the required learning materials, such is the kind of expansion include linear expansion, expansion area, and volume expansion. Because the indicators to be achieved is the student able to apply the formula, then the learning cycle 3 was used discuss methods in which students are organized in study groups and each group get a worksheet that contains the questions. Students should help each other in the group in resolving these problems. It is expected that arise cooperation both among students and create a sense of togetherness. In the third cycle of the implementation process together with the cycle I and cycle II, the discussion covered a variety of advantages and disadvantages that exist in the RPP. From

each input of ideas and ideas from every member of a more complete discussion of praktikan RPP make a material improvement in the repair of making the next RPP. Implementation of RPP Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) was made before the teachers do the teaching and learning activities are designed so that for the purpose of learning can be achieved, which in it contains the activities of students and teachers during the learning process takes place. Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 5 minutes, the second is the core activity for 65 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Teaching and learning activities of this first round of the third cycle has been going well that is in accordance with the RPP that has been made so that learning objectives can be achieved. Students listening to teacher explanations when teachers explain the material being taught as well as giving examples of questions and asked students if there are teachers who are not yet clear explanations so that lessons run smoothly. Results Reflection Learning After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Praktikan been able to master classes with well Praktikan should be more strict in giving punishment to students who violate Teacher's voice is loud Reflections from the Observer Teacher's voice can be heard more in the classroom, so hopefully for the next meeting will be retained. Less able to control the discussion From the results of reflections that have been obtained, found several weaknesses in the previous cycle can be used by praktikan as a reference in the manufacture of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), then so is expected to take place with the learning process


CHAPTER 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF KK-PPL ROUND II Activity Cycle I Learning activities in the second round of the first cycle is done in class VIII A on April 7, 2011 with the subject of lenses. Discussion Draft Just like what has been done praktikan in round I, Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) was made before praktikan teaching and learning activities. The preparation of RPP follow the format specified, which previously started with activities to analyze the need for solving the problems encountered, such as basic competency, how to make students learn, get around the lack of facilities and means of learning and so forth. After the RPP is made, praktikan discussions RPP to know that there are advantages and disadvantages of the RPP that has been made. In preparing the first meeting of Competency Standards Draft submitted is understand the concept and application of vibration, waves, and optics in Everyday technology products. With the basic competencies of Investigate properties of light and its relation to Various forms of mirrors and lenses. There are indicators of learning include: To DESCRIBE definition and kind of lens To distinguished Between convex and concave lens To DESCRIBE the process of formation and properties of the image on the convex and concave lens In the first cycle of teaching and learning activities are used cooperative learning teaching model while learning method used is the experiment, discuss, presentation, and task assignment. With the combined use of models and learning methods are expected to stimulate students to learn about the lenses properly. Especially on the method of experiment, the teacher entered using optical experiment's kit. Students are invited directly to experiment on the lens and observe the formation of a shadow on concave and convex lenses. Then students are invited to discuss in groups to answer questions on the worksheet and discuss the worksheet according to the results of experiments have been performed. At the end of the discussion, teachers with students will conclude the discussion. At the end there RPP assessment consisted of a written assessment of student worksheets and group discussion results in the form of a written non-observation attitude of students during the discussion. From the assessment made an assessment instrument that includes

assessment standards tenatang student results achieved. In this type of written assessment that evaluated the cognitive aspect, while on the kind of non-written assessment that evaluated the affective aspect. Implementation of RPP RPP has already implemented on learning in the classroom according to schedule. Implementation of the first cycle of learning is done by praktikan carried out in the eighth grade in the subjects Physics A subject of lenses. Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 5 minutes, the second is the core activity for 65 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Learning activities at the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) cycle II cycle I was not able to run well even when the student explains praktikan student materials and actively listening to the explanation praktikan asked if they had no knowledge. This is because the students' difficulties in conducting experiments. New students and students familiar with the tool difficult to assemble the means of experiments. Similarly, when working on a worksheet, not all students are active in the group. However, the class atmosphere is not so busy making Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM), which made running smoothly. With this incident praktikan got pretty much the main lesson of how good teaching in the classroom and how to manage a good grade. For that, praktikan will learn better how to teach the good with the right method. Results Reflection Learning After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Praktikan less able to master class The allocation of time should be appropriate The procedure for writing symbols and terms in physics must be precise so as not to create student confusion and misconception. Reflections from the Observer Teachers must provide explanations to the students before beginning practicum

Teacher's voice less loud Less able to control the discussion From the results of reflections that have been obtained, found some deficiencies which can then be used by praktikan as a reference in the manufacture of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), then so is expected to take place with the learning process better. Activity Cycle II Learning activities in the second round of the second cycle is done in class VIII A on April 12, 2011 with the subject of lenses. Discussion Draft Discussion Draft on the second cycle with the cycle I, the discussion covered a variety of advantages and disadvantages that exist in the RPP. In preparation of the RPP for the second meeting, Competency Standards submitted is understand the concept and application of vibration, waves, and optics in Everyday technology products. With the basic competencies of Investigate properties of light and its relation to Various forms of mirrors and lenses. There are indicators of learning include: To DESCRIBE the definition of the lens. To distinguish convex lenses and concave lenses. To DESCRIBE the rays diagrams of convex lenses and concave lenses To DESCRIBE the process of formation and properties of the image on the convex lenses and concave lenses. The process of learning the implementation of the second cycle is similar to the first cycle, which uses a direct instructional model. However, learning this second cycle praktikan've learned from experience that have been implemented in cycle I. In preparation of the RPP praktikan more emphasis on students' activeness and responsibility of each student on material studied. The method used in this second cycle is Expository and task assignment. The purpose of the use of this method is that the students are trained to do the problems. And is expected to do the problems, students can understand the material being taught well. At the end there RPP assessment consisted of a written assessment of student worksheets and group discussion results in the form of a written non-observation attitude of students

during the discussion. From the assessment made an assessment instrument that includes assessment standards tenatang student results achieved. In this type of written assessment that evaluated the cognitive aspect, while on the kind of non-written assessment that evaluated the affective aspect. Implementation of RPP RPP has already implemented on learning in the classroom according to schedule. Implementation of the learning cycle II conducted by praktikan carried out in the eighth grade in the subjects Physics A subject of lenses. Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 10 minutes, the second is the core activity for 60 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Learning activities at the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), the second round of the second cycle has been running well since the students active during the learning takes place so that makes the atmosphere of the class come alive. Students are able to follow instructions from teachers and do a good job. Results Reflection Learning After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan, either by comparing with learning in cycle 1. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Some students are still less attention, so praktikan should be better able to master class. But the class was much better than learning in cycle 1. Teachers are able to compensate for louder voice again Reflections from the Observer The condition under control a little class Teacher's voice is louder than ever Activity Cycle III Learning activities in the second round of the third cycle was conducted in class VIII A on April 14, 2011 with the subject of lenses. Discussion Draft

In preparation of the third meeting of Competency Standards Draft submitted is understand the concept and application of vibration, waves, and optics in Everyday technology products. With the basic competencies of Investigate properties of light and its relation to Various forms of mirrors and lenses. There are indicators of learning include: To apply the formula of the concave and convex lenses To apply the formula of the lens magnification To apply the formula of the lens power To DESCRIBE the uses of lenses in daily life In the achievement of learning objectives based on the indicators above the required learning materials, such is the formula of convex and concave lens, the power of the lens, and the uses of lenses in daily life. Because the indicators to be achieved is the student able to apply the formula, then the learning cycle 3 was used discuss methods in which students are organized in study groups and each group get a worksheet that contains the questions. Students should help each other in the group in resolving these problems. It is expected that arise cooperation both among students and create a sense of togetherness. In the third cycle of the implementation process together with the cycle I and cycle II, the discussion covered a variety of advantages and disadvantages that exist in the RPP. From each input of ideas and ideas from every member of a more complete discussion of praktikan RPP make a material improvement in the repair of making the next RPP. Implementation of RPP Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) was made before the teachers do the teaching and learning activities are designed so that for the purpose of learning can be achieved, which in it contains the activities of students and teachers during the learning process takes place. Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 5 minutes, the second is the core activity for 65 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. Teaching and learning activities of this second round of the third cycle has been going well that is in accordance with the RPP that has been made so that learning objectives can be achieved. Students listening to teacher explanations when teachers explain the material being taught as well as giving examples of questions and asked students if there are teachers who are not yet clear explanations so that lessons run smoothly. Results Reflection Learning

After the learning process is over, praktikan conduct joint evaluations and teacher discussion groups PPL officials. Teachers provide feedback on the civil many shortcomings committed by praktikan. This activity is a reflection of the learning process that has been implemented. From this evaluation activities can be reflected as follows: Reflections from Teachers Pamong Praktikan been able to master classes with well The sound is loud praktikan Students are active in following the learning Reflections from the Observer Teacher's voice can be heard more in the classroom, so hopefully for the next meeting will be retained. Must be able to control the course of discussion From the results of reflections that have been obtained, found several weaknesses in the previous cycle can be used by praktikan as a reference in the manufacture of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), then so is expected to take place with the learning process better.

CHAPTER 4. KK PPL SELF-EXECUTION 4.1 Discussion Draft In KK-PPL activity independently, praktikan KK conducting self-PPL in class VII F on April 7, 2011 with the subject of bimetal. Prior to implementing learning in the classroom, praktikan make RPP as preparation in the implementation of learning. Praktikan arrange RPP using methods appropriate to the material that will praktikan teach. Learning from experience during practice at round 1 and 2, which makes students become active use cooperatif model with a worksheet that is more interesting. Before applying the RPP that has been made, and a member of PPL praktikan discuss the advantages and disadvantages of RPP. In preparation of this independent activity RPP, Competency Standards Competency Standards submitted is presented is a matter Understand state and its change. With the basic competencies Do That experiment dealing with expansion in daily life. There are indicators of learning include: Describing the application of solid expansion in daily life about bimetallic

In the achievement of learning objectives based on the indicators above the required learning materials, such as the definition of bimetallic and the work principle of bimetallic. In this self-teaching and learning activities used cooperative learning model and direct instruction, whereas the method used is the method of demonstration, discuss, and ask and answer. To attract the attention of students, preparing worksheets praktikan accompanied interesting pictures that the students do not feel bored in the course of the bimetal. Demonstration method aims to enable students to get hands-on experience in learning. So, students not only read the book, but immediately saw it. And with the use of methods of discussion are expected students to work together to answer the questions put, in addition, can train students to work together among the students in each group in solving a problem. At the end there RPP assessment consisted of a written assessment of student worksheets and group discussion results in the form of a written non-observation attitude of students during the discussion. From the assessment made an assessment instrument that includes assessment standards tenatang student results achieved. In this type of written assessment that evaluated the cognitive aspect, while on the kind of non-written assessment that evaluated the affective aspect. 4.2 Implementation of RPP Stages of implementation / execution is divided into 3 steps first lesson is the beginning of activities with an allocation of time for 10 minutes, the second is the core activity for 70 minutes, and the third is the final activity for 10 minutes. KK PPL self-execution is better than in round I and 2. Students can follow the lessons and can also be conditioned praktikan class better so that the learning process is considered slightly better than in round I and round II, although not perfect. Lessons take place in a conducive atmosphere for learning interspersed with questions and answers that make students motivated and active in learning. Seemingly competitive class atmosphere among fellow students, they compete with each other to ask and answer questions from praktikan. Praktikan still use the pattern and style of teaching as usual is not rigid and in a loud voice. The questions given in exercise praktikan given problem, everything can be answered by students, it means that students can understand what praktikan explain. Teaching and learning activities had been going well according to the learning scenarios that are constructed. Thus, learning activities can be said to run smoothly. 4.3 Result of Reflection Learning From the results of this independent study results have increased a lot better than the round I and round II previously. Improved learning outcomes that exist in independent learning is caused by several things such as the use of teaching methods appropriate to

the material and the students proved to be more enthusiasm when given a worksheet with an interesting view and there are many problems in it. In this self-learning process, praktikan learn from all deficiencies that occurred in previous cycles that gradually can be improved by praktikan. The results of this self-reflection learning, among others: Students do all the exercises given by the teacher well Students are more active in asking for teaching and learning activities take place Praktikan been able to condition with a good grade because students are busy working on each problem so that there is no time for them to joke with his friend.

CHAPTER 5. BARRIERS AND solution 5.1 Identification of KK-PPL Learning Barriers Based on the activities that have been made during the implementation of KK-PPL learning, praktikan get new experiences, to understand that the ability of each student is different, the behaviors of students was also different from each other, variations praktikan require more learning methods appropriate, effective and efficient way to achieve the learning objectives and praktikan should be able to spend all his ability for the delivery of material can be accepted and absorbed by all students. Some of the obstacles faced during the implementation of KK-PPL learning areas, including: Condition students Character diverse student can inhibit the process of learning, because at the time of the learning process progresses, there are students who can memehami material quickly, otherwise there are other students though it has been described repeatedly, but not understanding the material, this can waste a lot of time. Classroom atmosphere. Many students are a little difficult to manage and students usually do not have the motivation to follow the lesson, so that when in the classroom when the lesson is in progress, they create a lively class that will disrupt the learning process. For that praktikan give more attention to students. The problems that exist in the field offers many new experiences for praktikan as stock in the future, so it can better prepare yourself when go into the field as a professional teacher. Praktikan become aware of the importance of ability to master the material, manage the class, or socialize well with the students.

5.2 Solving Constraints The condition of these students can be overcome by forming small groups in the learning process, this group aims for division among the students to discuss, work together and help each other to solve problems in the learning process. Students who already understand the material to guide students who do not understand that in one group all the students can understand. The atmosphere is less conducive classroom can be overcome by giving questions to the students who crowded to remain involved in teaching and learning, so they would not interfere with classroom situations during learning activities take place. Looking at teaching basic skills independently, the praktikan in addressing the problem remains, consultation with teachers and lecturers of the civil court to obtain the best solution for students to achieve maximum learning results and for the smooth process of further learning, and achievement of learning goals, because with achievement of learning objectives, it can be said that the teacher has succeeded in teaching.

CHAPTER 6. CASE STUDY 6.1 Identity Case Praktikan conduct case studies in class VII B, because praktikan more face to face, interact, and communicate with students in the class, so praktikan know which students need special handling associated with learning activities in class. Besides, this class is different from another class, if another class excited and attention in the course, these classes more crowded, a small part of understanding and active during the learning process. Even some students who are very passive in participating in learning. Cases handled by praktikan is a client of class VII B named Aisha. When the lesson was in progress, the client is always very quiet and passive. While learning organized into groups, clients sometimes do not want to do his job as a group. Clients prefer to do everything themselves rather than join his friends. Therefore, the client task is very low compared with other friends. Clients actually always pay attention to the explanation given by the teacher and rarely joked with his friend in the classroom. However, because of passivity in the classroom, the client is less than satisfactory scores on the attitude scale. Seeing the problem, praktikan interested in conducting a case study. 6.2 Identification of Problems Identify the problem is the activities of students as clients of data collection obtained from various sources. The measures - measures undertaken in implementing the identification praktikan in this case include: Conducting interviews with clients to obtain personal data

Conducting interviews with clients at the school friend 6.3 Data Collection 6.3.1 Identity Client Identity Name Place, date of birth Age Sex Religion Citizen Class School Family Identity Name of father Job Religion Name of mother Religion Address Father Education Mother Education Supporting Data : Firdaus, SH. : PNS : Islam : Tutiah : Islam : Perum Gumuk Shellfish Regency A3 : S1 : SMA : Ayesha Fathiah Firdausy : Jember, June 28, 1998 : 12 years : Women : Islam : Indonesia : VII B : SMPN 3 Jember

Distance from home to school To school Number of brothers Students live with Home atmosphere Attention parents of learning The attitude of the parents if you do wrong

: 2.5 km : Delivery :2 : Parents : Crowded : Very attention : Scolded

Constitution Height Weight loss Skin color Face shape Hair Educational History Ranking the top 10 classes: no Academic Achievements: Non-academic achievements: Other - Other The use of leisure time: Singing Lessons liked: Biology Situation of Social Relations Attitude to teachers: teachers with a good explanation Noting. : 153 cm : 42 kg : Mature sapodilla : Oval : Straight

The attitude toward classmates: Rarely interact with classmates. 6.3.2 Data Collection Techniques Direct Observation Observations carried out during the authors teaching in the classroom during teacher observations of clients and interact with clients or friends at school. Interview Conducting interviews with clients directly. In addition, interviews with teachers of subjects, especially physics teachers and students involved some close to the client. 6.3.3 Observations Listen to the teacher with a good explanation and a respectful attitude to teachers Do not want to interact with classmates The client was very quiet and passive in the classroom Do not want to do group activities Client relationship with classmates is not good enough, my friends away from the client's client was impressed and would not if one group with clients 6.4 Diagnosis This phase is done by searching for and diagnose the causes of student problems. After going through several stages of data collection it was found that the cause of deviant behavior on the Aysha is: a factor of the Clients have their own trauma with her classmates because of an incident that makes clients shy. This makes the client does not want to hang out again with his classmates and teachers do all the tasks of its own (when the study of physics). b. External factors As for external factors that affect client behavior and attitude at school was derived from a single-class friends who tend not to care about the feelings of the client. Classmates often stay away from the client by not going when paired with a group of clients. As a

result, the client refused if the teacher forcing clients to come together with a group and choose their own tasks. 6.5 Prognosis Prognosis is a step taken to establish the kind of assistance can be provided to clients. To determine exactly the kind of help do the following steps: Personal Approach This approach meant that clients are more motivated and change attitudes and behavior so that the client has the spirit of learning and not passive in the classroom. This can be done by: Sharing with the client about the activities and problems Remind and advise clients outside class hours to focus on the lesson and not ashamed of his friend Provide guidance on the ways of good learning and more active learning Approach to Master Class Conducting discussions and suggested to give more attention to our clients in class by: Advised her classmates not to stay away from clients and friends to give understanding to the client that the attitude they give to the client less commendable Be more assertive to the client if the client still does not want to do group activities with a friend Giving a special explanation in private if not listening to teachers' explanations 6.6 Conclusion In this stage which is a follow up from a range of guidance activities, conducted through the supervision of the client about changes in attitudes, motivation in learning and academic achievement after getting guidance. To view the results in this step, could not immediately be seen as a whole, but step by step change in client visits from the evaluation. Therapy or the provision of assistance may be through: Motivate students to be more confident and not ashamed to face the ridicule of his friends

Giving advice on the importance of working together with friends in study Need the cooperation and good relations between students, teachers and parents Need more attention from my classmates have the tolerance to the client for the client

CHAPTER 7. CLOSING 7.1 Conclusion Implementation of KK-PPL-year field study semester 2010/2011 at SMPN 3 Jember for about 2 months, on February 28, 2011 to June 18, 2011, we got the data in accordance with actual conditions of schools, including: a. School of Physical Condition School buildings in general have supported to carry out teaching and learning activities with a safe and comfortable atmosphere. Classroom size is Large Enough to accommodate 20-30 students, so the learning process running optimally. Physics lab usage is less effective, Because it is still rarely Used for practical activities. Use of language laboratory is Good Enough to give students to use the module in the laboratory. Use of computer laboratory has been efficient, but the number of computers still need to be added to meet the needs of all students. The school library Nowhere his condition is good Enough. The use of the Mosque was good Enough with the Congregational prayer schedule for EACH class in turn. Cooperative schools, canteen, and caf are Good Enough with goods merchandise. Human resources for Teachers is sufficient in accordance with the number of all students of this school. Sports field is sufficient, with a volleyball field and basketball court and tennis court Becomes the which one court. b. Non-Physical Condition Teaching and learning activities very well and smoothly. School social conditions very well maintained, it should be maintained. School and community relations are good and mutual cooperation between the school and the School Committee. School discipline in general has complied with the good and discipline. Development of talents and interests are also very good. The learning process is carried out by teachers in SMPN 3 Jember already using the latest curriculum and in accordance with RSBI. The teachers in SMPN 3 Jember already using props optimally because some props needed are already available with the full. 7.2 Suggestion The advice can be given based on experience during the performance of KK-PPL Learning activities are as follows.

For Schools Based on experience During the conduct of the PPL, the advice be given cans are as follows: Schools need to further improve student discipline, both of clothes and student attitudes toward teachers The need for additional library collections and services in order to increase of students' interest in reading Needs additional space for sports activities in order to support student activities Good relations between the citizens of the school must be maintained for smooth process of teaching and learning activities and school administration. For Higher Education In performing the KK-PPL debriefing, debriefing participants should divide into smaller classes and debriefing time not too long because it will make the students become bored and not paying attention, as a result of knowing the material can not be absorbed properly. In performing the KK-PPL, should really be taken into account when jumping and withdrawal so as not to seem in a hurry at the time of withdrawal For students Further optimize and develop teaching skills in SMPN 3 Jember to be made when students go directly experience as a school teacher disebuah later. While maintaining a sense of brotherhood of friends students KK-PPL despite graduation. Fostering good relations with school principals, teachers, school guards, and students.

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