A Raisin in The Sun Argumentative Essay Introduction and Thesis

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A Raisin in the Sun Argumentative Essay Introduction and Thesis

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Inequity can best be defined as unfair circumstances, inequity is sometimes prominent in

society for many people. Analyzing inequity is important to understand its effects on society.
Furthermore, by studying inequity people are able to distinguish factors that restrict them from
living life to their fullest.A thorough analysis of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
reveals that in spite of the inequities a person faces,they will still be able to achieve their dreams.
In “A Raisin and the Sun'', Hansberry demonstrates how the Character “Mama” is able to
overcome life obstacles in the long lasting pursuit of buying a home for her family. For example
in the text Mama states "Them houses they put up for blacks in them areas way out all seem to
cost twice as much other houses. I did the best I could” (Hansberry, p. 72). In the scene Mama is
telling Ruth about the dehumanization that is occurring to people of color when trying to buy a
home. This is significant because it shows how Mama was able to accomplish her dreams
regardless of the racial segregation. However, this is not the only hurdle Mama must overcome.
Shortly after making a downpayment on the house, the Younger family receives a surprise visit
by a man named Karl Linder, a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association.
In the text Lindner states that “I want you to believe me when I tell you that race prejudice
simply doesn’t enter into it. It is a matter of the people of Clybourne Park believing, rightly or
wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier
when they live in their own communities.” (Hansberry 90) In this statement Mr Lindner is
expressing the beliefs and ideology of the families of Clybourne Park and how the Younger
family, due to the color of their skin, don't live up to those beliefs and ideology. The quote also
denotes how Lindner is able to use manipulation techniques to convince the Younger family to
not move into Clyborne Park because according to him and the rest of Clyborne park “Negro
families are happier when they live in their own communities.” This is significant because it is
yet another example of how regardless of inequity people are able to accomplish their dreams.
Another character in A Raisin and the Sun that is able to overcome life obstacles and
accomplish his dreams is Walter. Walter has faced many challenges and afflictions throughout
the play like Willy Harris taking off with the downpayment for a liquor store, or the resentment
of his family members. And although Walter doesn't say it clearly in the text, it becomes
apparent throughout the story that he wants to be the man that his family needs. For example in
the text, Walter states “And we have decided to move into our house because my father—my
father—he earned it for us brick by brick.We don’t want to make no trouble for nobody or fight
no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that’s all we got to say about that. (He
looks the man absolutely in the eyes) We don’t want your money. (He turns and walks
away)”(Hansberry 137). And it's in this tender confrontation with Lindner that Walter stands his
ground, in front of his entire family and says that they are going to move in whether the
Clybourne Community accepts them or not. This is significant because not only was he on the
verge of losing his pride but it is at that moment that he finally accomplished his dream in
becoming the man that his family needs, regardless of the hurdles that he faced previously. So
much so that in the text Mama states "He finally came into his manhood today, didn't he? Kind
of like a rainbow after the rain."(Hansberry 150) In this statement Mama is using Figurative
language to convey Walter as a beautiful thing that has come out of such a horrendous
situation.This is significant because it further demonstrates that in spite of all the inequities a
person faces,they will still be able to achieve their dreams.
However, many people may say that inequity prevents a person from achieving their
dream. For example, when Benatha is speaking to Assagi about the wrongdoings of her brother
she states “the insurance money, my brother gave it away”. (Hansberry 105) Benattha is referring
to the insurance money given to the Younger family as compensation for their deceased
father.This quote shows Benethas dream of going to school and becoming a doctor being
deferred since Walter lost the money.On the other hand, even though Benetha experiences
inequity, this doesn't mean her dream of becoming a doctor has ended indefinitely, it has only
been deferred. For example in the text Benettha states, “Mama Asagai asked me to marry him
and go to Africa-to be a doctor in Africa.”(Hansberry 122) So, in other words Bennetha still has
a possibility of becoming a doctor if she moves to Africa.This quote is significant because it
demonstrates how despite of inequity, a person can still achieve their dreams.Thus proving that
inequity can only delay a dream but it can still accomplish it, just not in the way they hoped.
In conclusion, while there may be hurdles to overcome when trying to accomplish a
dream in Lorraine Hansberry's play, A Raisin in the Sun, Mama and Walter are two people who
still achieve their dreams.Mama is still able to become a homeowner regardless of racial
segregation,. Walter becomes the Man that his family needs despite the hurdles he faced
previously.And regardless of all of the examples,many people may say that inequity prevents a
person from achieving their dream, like Benatha.But in the end, despite of all the inequity she
faced her dream of becoming a doctor hasn't ended indefinitely it has only been deferred since
she can move to Africa and become a doctor there.So overall regardless of the hurdles one may
face, it is always possible to accomplish your dream.

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