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Lesson Plan – WASD

Date: 2022-2023 Week 19 Grade: K

I can: demonstrate a high voice and a low voice, and keep a steady beat

Concepts: Beat Rhythm Melody Harmony Form Expression Timbre

Key Vocabulary: high, low

Materials: fidget tubes, musicplayonline (computer, projector, speakers)

Teaching Strategies/Plan:

I. Fidget Tubes – pitch exploration

A) “I have a fun toy to help us with warming up our voices today…”
B) T demonstrates 3:
1) Squiggle
2) Letter M
3) Circle
C) T explains rules: gentle, rest position, walking feet, etc.
D) S builds their own 4 different times
1) Free build
2) Free build
3) Letter
4) Number
E) Tubes in rest position, explain expectations: gentle, quick, walking, silent)
F) S puts tubes away by row

II. Big Pig Review

A) No echo
B) “You are experts with your highs and lows. I think you can do it with me on the
first try.”

III. MusicPlayOnline – Listening Kit, Listen 1 #5 En

A) “I have a challenge for you…”
B) “Listen to each example, and then without saying it out loud, point to which is
high or low.”
C) T pauses video and asks for answers out loud after all S are pointing

IV. Pitter Patter

A) T tells story about rain and how T was getting wet and it reminded them of the
B) T sings pitter patter to S
C) “Now when I was in the rain, where do you think the rain was landing? Where
did I get wet?”
D) S gives 6-8 different body parts
E) T and S pat on beat

V. 7 Jumps Dance
A) Review movements and dance
B) “When you hear a high sound, hold your leg up in the air, and when you hear a
low sound, drop it to the ground!”
C) S move in circle on floor with all different holds
D) Practice dance without music
E) Perform whole dance with music

VI. Jenny Jenkins
VII. Who has the penny

National Core Music Standards

Performing: Present – perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical
accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context
Connecting: Relate musical ideas and works with varied context to deepen understanding

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