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Q1/ A- ‫اكتب عالمة صح أو خطأ‬

Hello my name is Han and I’m chinese. I live with my mum and dad on our
farm. Both are farmers, and my grandparents were farmers too. I have an
older cousin. He lives with us and works on the farm. He is very funny . we
grow rice and lots of vegetables like cucumbers. My cousin is holding in the
photo. Rice grow in paddy fields. Can you see the buffalo in field? Here the
farmer is getting the field ready to plant the rice.

1. Han is from China.

2. The farm grows buffaloes.
3. Farah is Han’s cousin.
4. His family are farmers.
5. Han’s family grow rice and lots of vegetables.

Q1/ B- ‫اختر ما بين القوسين‬

1. What time does the breakfast service start? (6:00 6:30)

2. What is another word for a cook in a restaurant? (chef waiter)
3. Which service does Ahamed prefer? (breakfast lunch)
4. Where does Ahamed work? (in restaurant in an office)
5. What is his uniform? (black trousers and a white shirt/ white trousers
and a black shirt)

Q2/ A-

1- I live in Basra. (she , it) in south of Iraq.

2- How many cousins (do , does) you have?
3- My lathe (leave , leaves) first at 7 o’clock.
4- My aunt is a nurse. She works (at , in) a big hospital in Baghdad.
5- My brother wants to work in a restaurant (it , He) likes cooking.
Q2/ B-

1) A housewife works ……………. Home (at , on)

2) …………… does Wisam’s mother work? (where , what)
3) Donia ……………. With her family . (live , lives)
4) My cousin …………….. two brothers. (has , have)
5) ……………. Is her brother ? (How old , How many)

Q3/ ‫القائمة‬
B ‫مع االجوبة في‬ ‫القائمة‬
A ‫زاوج االسئلة في‬


1. Who carries food and drink on a tray? a. father

2. What’s your mum’s job? b. I’m 12 years old
3. Mother c. waiter
4. Aunt d. uncle
5. How old are you? e. she is a teacher

Q4/ A- ‫امأل الفراغات بالكلمات المفقودة‬

1. teach : teacher , drive : ………………….

2. is not : isn’t , does not : ………………….
3. younger x older , big ………………….
4. grand p : he , grand ma ……………….
5. nurse : hospital , farm ………………

Q4/ B- ‫الخط والتنقيط‬

how old is basims sister

Q5/ Writ about yourself and your family ‫اكتب عن نفسك وعن عائلتك‬

The Examiner
Vian. M. S

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