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Good afternoon teacher and classmate

My name is Sonia Mireya Martinez Ramos; I am going to talk about food a specific
topic Ramen for Japan.

The history of ramen began when a Japanese man traveled with Chinese migrants
in the late 19th century and early 20th century to Japan after the Meijiichin [Meiji
Restoration] in 1868. Upon arrival in Japan, Chinatowns such as Yokohama, a port
city that helped spread ramen throughout Japan.

In the present ramen eating outside became more common, and nutritious food
was needed to give enough strength to the workers. Ramen soup became a
successful solution as it was widely served all over the country and had more
calories than traditional Japanese meals did. Therefore, ramen became an
essential part of urban culture. With its easy preparation and delicious flavor, it
became known as the nation's favorite comfort food. Nowadays, and Japanese
ramen have gradually become different. The reason is in the soup. Many foreign
tourists also like Japanese ramen for its soup.

With its easy preparation and delicious taste, in the future it will be known as the
favorite food of the country. Likewise, Japanese ramen will be different because of
the soup and the varieties that can continue to be combined.

I am talking about this topic because I have tried it and it is very delicious and I
also like pasta and it is a very exquisite combination

have you tried the ramen

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