Personality Reflection

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To briefly explain my career plan, I am hoping to study and work in a medical field,

specifically in pharmacy. I am not sure yet whether I will be working in pharmaceuticals or

as an independent pharmacist, but when it comes to actual pharmacists, some of the main
skills they should possess are empathy, a strong sense of responsibility, and attention to

While performing routine tasks, it is vital that they exhibit high levels of accuracy because
this job is closely related to individuals’ health. In particular, pharmacists have a lot of work
with prescriptions and guiding the patients on using medication. This requires them to do
their work thoroughly, paying attention to minor details. According to the results of the
personality test, a “J” in my personality code refers to Judging and it includes aspects of
being thorough and clear, which corresponds to the skill mentioned above. In addition, one
of my strengths described in the strengths & weaknesses section was that the people with
this personality type are reliable and take a steady approach to ensure that things are done
to the highest standard. Considering my characteristics, I thought this could be a great
advantage for me to work in this area. In the case of empathy and strong responsibility, it is
important for the pharmacists to be able to empathize with the individual's situation and
feel responsible for their work as they deal with many people and those who have
deteriorated health or need certain medication. For these traits, an “F” and a “T” of my code
that show the aspects of being empathetic and self-conscious are a big part of them.
Furthermore, I tend to avoid places that are competitive or high-pressure and because I
think pharmacies are likely to have less competition between people, it looks like the most
appropriate career for me.

Surprisingly, most of my traits seem to suit my desired career path. However, one thing I
noticed that needs to be improved is my introverted personality. Pharmacists deal with
people everyday in regards to their prescriptions and other medical instructions but as I
tend to prefer solitary activities and often get exhausted by social interaction, it can be an
obstacle in my pursuit of this career path. Even though this is a fatal weakness, using my
good practical skills described in the results, I think there can be slow but obvious progress
that I overcome to take action and do what’s necessary to care for anyone else in need.

To sum up, the test results I got for my personality test matched almost everything with my
actual one. There were also things I did not know well but newly noticed while reading the
description. In particular, there was a statement saying that I prefer a win-win situation,
and looking back at my past, I realized that I had an aversion to the situation in which all
gains or losses are lopsided. In addition, when it pointed out my weaknesses of being overly
humble and taking things personally, I was surprised at the accuracy of the depiction
because it was a problem I have always been aware of. Besides these, I could agree on
various other characteristics as well.

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