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Ashley Group

OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet
1) Name and describe your organization.

I will be choosing to keep the name of the organization as well as the individuals involved
private, opting to refer to them as alternate names. The “organization” I work for is a non profit
that provides services to individuals with disabilities of all ages. This company does amazing
work for people on the spectrum primarily, providing Applied Behavioral Therapy and being a
beacon of resources for families with disabilities/autism. Many that are employed by this
company are behavior therapists. There is also an administrative and executive team employed.

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

I am one of the administrative assistants for this organization. I manage much of the enrollments
and files for clients. I communicate with families most of the time via email and phone calls. I
have direct meetings with my peers, supervisors, campus supervisors, department managers, and
executive staff. I’m assigned to a specific campus, but I support other campuses very often. I
communicate with most staff daily as well. Most of my job is communication and knowing
where things are, like paperwork or client enrollment progress.

3) Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader
understand the most important elements of the situation. (This will require
selectivity: part of the art of case writing is separating the essential facts from the
mass of information that might be included).

There is currently a new system being implemented in replacement of our old one. It is a new
and more efficient way to store client data and e-files and will benefit the company greatly. With
this change also comes change of roles and responsibilities of administrative staff. One
administrator in particular has been promoted to senior administrative assistant as well as
scheduling coordinator. We will refer to her as Bella. Bella has been with the company for a long
time and has played a huge role in the organization of the company. Along with this new system,
there came a new role: scheduling coordinator. She is doing the job of two people right now. She
expresses how stressful it is for her as what she is doing should be split between at least two
people. While she has to do the same tasks as me but for a different department, she is also in
charge of the call outs of therapists, getting sessions covered, rescheduling client cancellations,
creating schedules for therapists, and much more. She has expressed to management that it is
very overwhelming and needs to be split into two roles instead of just one. The issue here is the
amount of work she is trying to keep up with when what she is doing should be a job for multiple
people and not just one, but management doesn’t seem to be considering her feedback seriously.

Ashley Group

The most important thing to note from this situation is that she is being overworked and has
expressed that, but there has been no change implemented to assist her in what she is doing.
Supervisors will help her catch up at times, but that is all. They don’t take her feedback seriously
enough. I try to assist her in any way I can so she doesn’t feel so stressed, but I shouldn’t have to
do that. There should be more support from higher ups regarding this issue.

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