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Name: Jellamae Enguig Yr/Section: BSIT 2-1

Data Dictionary: Students Information/Profile

Field Name Data Type Fiel Format Description Example

Stud_ID Short Text 15 NNNN-NNNNN-XX-N Student’s Unique Identification 2021-00006-BT-0
Stud_FirstName Short Text 25 Student’s First Name Lilkyle
Stud_MidName Short Text 20 Student's Middle name Garcia
Stud_LastName Short Text 20 Student's Last name Delos Reyes
Stud_Age Number 2 Student’s Age 20
Year_Level Short Text 25 Student's year level Second Year
AcadProg Short Text 255 Student's chosen academic program BSIT
Stud_Birth Date/Time Short Date - Date of birth of the student 18/2/2001
Stud_Gender Short Text 15 Gender of the student Female
Stud_Email Short Text 255 Student's email address
CellNum Number 11 NNNNNNNNNNN Contact number of the student 09813656309
HouseNo Short Text 20 Student's house number address Blk 25 Lot 5
Street_Addrs Short Text 25 Student's street address Bucking Hum Drive
BrgyAddrs Short Text 25 Barangay address of the student Kaypian
Cty_Mncplty Short Text 25 City/Municipality address of the San Jose Del Monte
Stud_Province Short Text 25 Province of the student Bulacan
Mther_FirstName Short Text 25 First name of the student's mother Juliet
Mther_MidName Short Text 20 Middle name of the student's mother Garcia
Mther_LastName Short Text 20 Last name of the student's mother Delos Reyes
Mther_Occuptn Short Text 30 Occupation of the mother Nurse
Fther_FirstName Short Text 25 First name of the student's father Romeo
Fther_MidName Short Text 20 Middle name of the student's father Auchijo
Fther_LastName Short Text 20 Last name of the student's father Delos Reyes
Fther_Occuptn Short Text 30 Occupation of the father Policeman
Grdian_FirstName Short Text 25 First name of student's guardian Cara
Grdian_MidName Short Text 20 Middle name of the student's Awox
Grdian_LastName Short Text 20 Last name of the student's guardian Garcia
Grdian_ContcNum AutoNumber 11 NNNNNNNNNNN Cellphone number of the guardian 09533166780

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