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Kith Lawrence Castillo

GE4 (6123)


1. Angelo's age in 5 years = x + 5

2. A three-digit number whose hundreds digit is half the tens digit and the tens digit is 2 more than
the units digit = 100x + 10(x/2) + (x+2)
3. The total interest earned after one year when Php 100 000 is invested, part of 6% annual
interest rate and the remaining part at 7.5% annual interest rate = (1000000.06) +
4. The distance travelled by a man driving at the rate of 60 kph = 60x
5. The total distance travelled by a boat 1 hour upstream and 30 minutes downstream in which the
rate of current is 3 kph = (3160) + (3*(30/60))
6. The fraction of work done by a man who can finish a job in 2 hours = x/2
7. The percentage of alcohol in a mixture of 3/4 liter of pure water and x liters of 8% alcohol
solution = (8*x)/(x+0.75)
8. The age of a woman 15 years ago = x - 15
9. The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is twice the width = 2(x) + 2(2x) = 4x + 2x = 6x
10. The sum of three consecutive even integers = x + (x+2) + (x+4) = 3x + 6
11. A three-digit number whose hundreds digit is twice the tens digit and the tens digit is 3 more
that the units digit = 100(x*2) + 10(x+3) + (x)
12. The total peso value of 20 coins consisting of P5-coins and P10-coins = 5x + 10(20-x)
13. The total distance travelled by a boat 30 minutes upstream and 25 minutes downstream in
which then rate of the current is 2 kph = (2*(30/60)) + (2*(25/60))
14. The fraction of work done by a man who can finish a job in 3 hours and 20 minutes =
15. The percentage of alcohol in a mixture formed by combining 1 liter of pure water and x liters of
40% alcohol solution = (40*x)/(x+1)


1. False
2. True
3. Not a statement
4. True
5. True
6. Not a statement
7. Not a statement
8. Not a statement
9. Not a statement
10. True
11. False
12. Not a statement
13. False
14. Not a statement
15. False
16. False
17. False
18. False
19. False
20. False



Say : Function Means: Represent a function where x is the input and f(x) is the output. Example: f(x) = 2x
+ 1, in this example f(x) is a function that takes the input x and maps it to the output 2x + 1. If we input
2, the output of the function will be 2*2 + 1 = 5.

2. loga x :

Say: Logarithm Means: Represent the power to which the base a must be raised to produce x. Example:
log2 8 = 3, meaning 2 raised to the power of 3 is 8.

3. y :

Say: Variable Means: Represent an unknown value or a placeholder for a value. Example: y = 3x + 2, y is
a variable that can take any value, it is a function of x.

4. x y − :

Say: Difference Means: Represent the result of subtracting one number from another. Example: x - y =
4, it is the difference of x and y

5. P(x, y) :

Say: Probability Means: Represent the chance or likelihood that an event will occur. Example: P(x,y) =
0.2, it means the probability of x and y happening together is 0.2

6. a|b :

Say: Absolute value Means: Represent the distance of a number from zero on a number line. Example:
|-5| = 5, the absolute value of -5 is 5

7. a ∙ b :

Say: Multiplication Means: Represent the product of two numbers. Example: a ∙ b = 10, the product of a
and b is 10

8. x 2 :
Say: Exponentiation Means: Represent the result of raising a number to a specific power. Example: x2 =
9, x raised to the power of 2 is 9

9. R :

Say: Real Numbers Means: Represent the set of numbers that include both rational and irrational
numbers. Example: √2 is a real number

10. a > b :

Say: Greater than Means: Represent a comparison of two numbers where the first number is greater
than the second. Example: 5 > 3, 5 is greater than 3

11. a ∈ N :

Say: Natural Numbers Means: Represent the set of positive integers, including zero. Example: 5 ∈ N, 5
is a natural number

12. ln x :

Say: Natural Logarithm Means: Represent the power to which e must be raised to produce x. Example:
ln 7.389 = 2, e raised to the power of 2 is 7.389

13. x : y :

Say: Ratio Means: Represent the relationship between two numbers. Example: x : y = 3 : 5, x is 3 and y is

14. x ÷ y :

Say: Division Means: Represent the result of dividing one number by another. Example: x ÷ y = 2, x
divided by y is 2

15. a b :

Say: Rational numbers Means: Represent numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of integers.
Example: 3/4 is a rational number, 3 and 4 are integers and 3/4 can be expressed as a ratio of integers.

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