AGRD04-17 Guide To Road Design Part 4 Intersections and Crossings General Ed2.1

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Guide to Road Design Part 4:

Intersections and Crossings - General

Sydney 2021
Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Edition 2.1 prepared by: Peter Aumann and Mike Whitehead
Austroads Ltd.
Level 9, 287 Elizabeth Street
Edition 2.1 project manager: Mike Whitehead Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Phone: +61 2 8265 3300
Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings: General contains
guidance that provides road designers and other practitioners with information
that is common to the geometric design of all at-grade intersections. It About Austroads
contains information on the types of intersections, the road design
considerations for intersections and the design process for the development Austroads is the peak organisation of Australasian
of an intersection layout. The considerations include the selection of design road transport and traffic agencies.
vehicles, types of road users and provision of public transport facilities.
Austroads’ purpose is to support our member
Guidance is also provided for pedestrian, cyclist, and rail crossings.
organisations to deliver an improved Australasian
road transport network. To succeed in this task, we
Keywords undertake leading-edge road and transport
research which underpins our input to policy
Design domain, normal design domain, extended design domain, types of development and published guidance on the
intersections, design considerations, design process, design vehicle, public design, construction and management of the road
transport at intersections, pedestrian crossings, cyclist crossings, property network and its associated infrastructure.
access, rail crossings.
Austroads provides a collective approach that
delivers value for money, encourages shared
Edition 2.1 published February 2021 knowledge and drives consistency for road users.
Edition 2.1 contains an updated Figure 1.1 and minor editorial and technical Austroads is governed by a Board consisting of
changes to Sections 1.3, 3.2, 3.7, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, 8.1 and 10.1. senior executive representatives from each of its
Duplicated material from the Appendix that is already contained in the Guide eleven member organisations:
to Traffic Management has been removed.
• Transport for NSW
Edition 2.0 contains minor editorial and technical changes to Sections 1.3,
2.2, 3.1, 5.2, 6.3, and 8.1. Updates have also been made throughout this • Department of Transport Victoria
edition to include new and updated reference material, and cross-references
• Queensland Department of Transport and Main
added to other Guides. This edition also incorporates sections transferred Roads
from Guide to Road Design Part 4A (Austroads 2017) that provide information
relating to traffic management. This information has been included as • Main Roads Western Australia
Appendix A to Appendix D. • Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Edition 2.0 published June 2017 South Australia
• Department of State Growth Tasmania
Edition 1.0 published August 2009
• Department of Infrastructure, Planning and
Logistics Northern Territory
ISBN 978-1-922382-16-0
• Transport Canberra and City Services
Austroads Project No. SRD6219 Pages 183 Directorate, Australian Capital Territory
Austroads Publication No. AGRD04-17 • Department of Infrastructure, Transport,
Regional Development and Communications
• Australian Local Government Association
© Austroads Ltd 2021
• New Zealand Transport Agency.
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without
the prior written permission of Austroads.

This Guide is produced by Austroads as a general guide only. Austroads has taken care to ensure that this publication is correct at
the time of publication. Austroads does not make any representations or warrant that the Guide is free from error, is current, or,
where used, will ensure compliance with any legislative, regulatory or general law requirements. Austroads expressly disclaims all
and any guarantees, undertakings and warranties, expressed or implied, and is not liable, including for negligence, for any loss
(incidental or consequential), injury, damage or any other consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use of this Guide.
Where third party information is contained in this Guide, it is included with the consent of the third party and in good faith. It does not
necessarily reflect the considered views of Austroads Readers should rely on their own skill, care and judgement to apply the
information contained in this Guide and seek professional advice regarding their particular issues.

The authors acknowledge the role and contribution of the Austroads Road Design Task Force Panel in providing guidance and
information during the preparation of this Part. The Task Force comprised the following members:
Mr Peter Ellis - Road and Maritime Services New South Wales
Mr Richard Fanning - Roads Corporation Victoria

Mr Mike Whitehead - Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (Project Manager)
Mr Albert Wong - Main Roads Western Australia
Mr William Moodie - Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Northern Territory
Mr Usman Siddique
Mr Ben McHugh - Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate

Mr Tony Napoli - Australian Local Government Association

Mr James Hughes - NZ Transport Agency

Mr Tom Brock - Consult Australia

Ms Gemma Kernich - Australian Bicycle Council

Mr Michael Tziotis - ARRB Group Ltd.

The Austroads Road Design Task Force and Project Manager acknowledge the role and contribution of the Road Design Task Force
Technical Sub-committee in the review and development of this Part and the significant support provided by Roads and Maritime
Services in redrafting figures contained within this Guide. The Sub-committee comprised the following members:
Mr Mike Whitehead - Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (Project Manager)
Mr Peter Ellis - Roads and Maritime Services New South Wales
Mr Richard Fanning - Roads Corporation Victoria
Mr Tony Arnold - Australian Bicycle Council
Mr Fergus Tate NZ - Transport Agency (representing the Traffic Management Working Group)
Mr John Matta - Road Corporation Victoria (representing the Road Safety Task Force)
Mr Peter Aumann - ARRB Group Ltd. (Project Leader).
It is also acknowledged that this second edition has been updated from the first edition prepared by Gary Veith and Owen Arndt.
Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General


Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings: General contains guidance that provides road
designers and other practitioners with information that is common to the geometric design of all at-grade
intersections. However, this Part alone does not provide all the information that is necessary to design a
satisfactory intersection and should therefore be used in conjunction with other parts of the Austroads Guide
to Road Design, in particular:
• Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections (Austroads 2017a)
• Part 4B: Roundabouts (Austroads 2015c)
• Part 4C: Interchanges (Austroads 2015d).

In addition, road designers should also refer to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 6
(Austroads 2013a) which provides guidance on the traffic management aspects of intersection design and
road users’ requirements.

Road designers have to consider many factors and disciplines that may affect, or be affected by, the design
of roads and intersections. Therefore, reference should also be made to all the other parts of the Austroads
Guide to Road Design as required by the situation.

This Part covers topics that are common to intersection design such as design considerations, design
process, choice of design vehicle, provision for public transport and property access. It also provides
guidance and information on the design of pedestrian and cyclist crossing treatments.

Austroads 2021 | page i

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General


1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope of this Part ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Road Safety .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Providing for a Safe System ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Contribution of Intersections to Road Safety .............................................................................. 3
1.3.3 Progressive Safety Updates to the Guide to Road Design ........................................................ 3
1.4 Design Criteria in Part 4 ........................................................................................................................... 3

2. Types of Intersection ............................................................................................................................. 5

3. Road Design Considerations for Intersections ................................................................................... 6

3.1 Road Users............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Provision for Large/Special Vehicles ........................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Topography and Land Availability ............................................................................................................ 9
3.4 Environment and Heritage........................................................................................................................ 9
3.5 Physical Constraints ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.6 Work Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.7 Other Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.7.1 Road Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.7.2 Streetscaping ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.7.3 Maintenance Considerations .................................................................................................... 11
3.7.4 Importance of Seal and Approach Delineation ......................................................................... 12

4. Design Process..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Basic Data for Design ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Location of Intersections ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.4 Design Speed ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Road Cross-section ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.5.1 Cross-section Elements............................................................................................................ 17
4.5.2 Traffic Lanes ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.5.3 Medians .................................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.4 Footpaths .................................................................................................................................. 19
4.5.5 Roadside Areas ........................................................................................................................ 19

5. Design Vehicle ...................................................................................................................................... 20

5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Design Vehicles ...................................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Checking Vehicles .................................................................................................................................. 22
5.4 Restricted Access Vehicles .................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 Visibility from Vehicles ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.6 Design Vehicle Swept Path .................................................................................................................... 23
5.6.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 23
5.6.2 Radius of Turn .......................................................................................................................... 24
5.6.3 Clearances to Swept Paths of Turning Vehicles ...................................................................... 25

6. Public Transport at Intersections ....................................................................................................... 26

6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Design Vehicle........................................................................................................................................ 26
6.3 Bus Facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.1 Bus Lanes ................................................................................................................................. 28
6.3.2 Providing for Buses and Bicycles ............................................................................................. 31
6.3.3 Bus Facilities in Medians .......................................................................................................... 31
6.3.4 Bus Stops ................................................................................................................................. 32

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General

7. Property Access and Median Openings ............................................................................................ 35

7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Property Access ..................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.1 Access Spacing and Proximity of Driveways to Intersections .................................................. 35
7.2.2 Urban Roads............................................................................................................................. 37
7.2.3 Rural Roads .............................................................................................................................. 38
7.3 Median Openings ................................................................................................................................... 43
7.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 43
7.3.2 Location .................................................................................................................................... 44
7.3.3 Design Requirements ............................................................................................................... 44

8. Pedestrian Crossings .......................................................................................................................... 48

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 48
8.1.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1.2 Types of Crossings ................................................................................................................... 48
8.2 Mid-block Crossings on Roads............................................................................................................... 49
8.2.1 General Considerations for Design .......................................................................................... 49
8.2.2 General Crossing Treatments .................................................................................................. 51
8.2.3 Kerb Ramps for Pedestrians .................................................................................................... 59

9. Cyclist Crossings ................................................................................................................................. 61

9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 61
9.2 Kerb Ramps for Cycling ......................................................................................................................... 61
9.3 Path Crossings of Intersecting Local Access Roads.............................................................................. 62
9.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 62
9.3.2 Path Approach Design Criteria ................................................................................................. 63
9.3.3 Types of Crossings of Local Access Roads ............................................................................. 63
9.4 Path Terminals ....................................................................................................................................... 69
9.5 Intersections between Off-road Paths .................................................................................................... 69

10. Rail crossings ....................................................................................................................................... 70

10.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 70
10.2 Sight Distance ........................................................................................................................................ 70
10.2.1 Sight Triangles .......................................................................................................................... 71
10.2.2 Angle of Approach .................................................................................................................... 71
10.3 Horizontal Alignment .............................................................................................................................. 72
10.4 Vertical Alignment .................................................................................................................................. 75
10.4.1 Road Grading ........................................................................................................................... 75
10.5 Cross-section.......................................................................................................................................... 77
10.5.1 Width......................................................................................................................................... 77
10.5.2 Crossfall .................................................................................................................................... 78
10.6 Pedestrians and Cyclists ........................................................................................................................ 78

References ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Appendix A Intersections – General ........................................................................................................... 82
Appendix B Signalised Intersections .......................................................................................................121
Appendix C Cyclist Crossings ..................................................................................................................146
Appendix D Crash Types at Unsignalised Intersections ........................................................................152
Appendix E Access Spacing .....................................................................................................................154
Appendix F Derivation of Sight Distance Requirements at Railway Level Crossings........................163

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General

Table 3.1: Considerations for road users in intersection design .................................................................. 7
Table 4.1: Factors to consider regarding function, current situation and the future ................................... 14
Table 4.2: Considerations in the location of intersections .......................................................................... 16
Table 5.1: Selection of design vehicle and checking vehicles and typical turning radii in Australia .......... 21
Table 6.1: Minimum length required for bus lane termination on departure side of an intersection .......... 28
Table 6.2: Desirable distance of bus bay from tangent point near intersection ......................................... 34
Table 7.1: Examples of upstream functional intersection distances .......................................................... 36
Table 7.2: Property access considerations on urban roads ....................................................................... 38
Table 7.3: Property access considerations on rural roads ......................................................................... 40
Table 7.4: Considerations relating to the design of median openings ....................................................... 45
Table 8.1: Crossing features and considerations ....................................................................................... 49
Table 10.1: Variation in superelevation at railway level crossings ............................................................... 76
Table 10.2: Permitted variations in grade between road and rails at level crossings .................................. 77

Figure 1.1: Flow chart of the Guide to Road Design ..................................................................................... 2
Figure 4.1: Design lane widths .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5.1: Example of using a template for a checking vehicle ................................................................. 23
Figure 6.1: Potential conflict between buses and cars ................................................................................ 27
Figure 6.2: Potential conflict points between trams and cars at signalised intersections ............................ 27
Figure 6.3: Examples of a full bus lane and queue jump lane treatments................................................... 29
Figure 6.4: Example of a left-turn slip lane and short bus lane to create a queue jump lane ..................... 30
Figure 6.5: Median bus lanes with bus signals on Causeway Bridge, Perth, WA ....................................... 31
Figure 6.6: Example of a kerbside bus stop on the departure side of pedestrian signals ........................... 33
Figure 6.7: Proximity to departure side of intersection ................................................................................ 33
Figure 6.8: Proximity to approach side of intersection................................................................................. 33
Figure 7.1: Upstream functional intersection area (based on right-turning vehicles) .................................. 36
Figure 7.2: Example of a layout of a rural property access – single or dual carriageway
(conditional) ............................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 7.3: Example of a rural property access specifically designed for articulated vehicles on a
high-speed dual carriageway..................................................................................................... 42
Figure 7.4: Example of a rural property access specifically designed for articulated vehicles.................... 43
Figure 7.5: Example of an emergency median opening on rural freeways ................................................. 46
Figure 7.6: Example of a general median opening for access on divided roads ......................................... 47
Figure 8.1: Example of a pedestrian refuge................................................................................................. 52
Figure 8.2: Example of a median crossing for pedestrian operated signals with a straight crossing .......... 56
Figure 8.3: Example of a median crossing for pedestrian operated signals with a stagger ........................ 57
Figure 8.4: Example of a footpath kerb extension ....................................................................................... 58
Figure 8.5: Example of a kerb ramp design ................................................................................................. 60
Figure 9.1: Example of kerb ramp and holding rail layout ........................................................................... 62
Figure 9.2: Example of a bicycle path crossing bent-out at a local access road ......................................... 65
Figure 9.3: Example of a bicycle path crossing not bent-out at side road ................................................... 66
Figure 9.4: Example of a separated footpath crossing and separated bicycle path crossing over a
local access street ..................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 9.5: Example of a one-way bicycle path crossing bent-in at side road ............................................ 68
Figure 10.1: Sight triangles for give way and stop sign control ..................................................................... 71
Figure 10.2: Approach visibility angles .......................................................................................................... 73
Figure 10.3: Crossing visibility angles for drivers looking left and right ......................................................... 73
Figure 10.4: Crossing of a road running parallel to a railway ........................................................................ 74
Figure 10.5: General guide to grading limitations .......................................................................................... 75
Figure 10.6: Minimum method of grading the road from above and below rails in difficult situations ........... 77

Austroads 2021 | page iv

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

Austroads Guide to Road Design captures contemporary road design practice of member organisations
(Guide to Road Design Part 1: Introduction to Road Design (AGRD Part 1) (Austroads 2015a)). In doing so, it
provides guidance to designers in the production of safe, economical and efficient road designs.

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings: General (AGRD Part 4) provides guidance to
road designers on the geometric design of intersections and crossings in conjunction with three other parts:
• Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections (Austroads 2017a)
• Part 4B: Roundabouts (Austroads 2015c)
• Part 4C: Interchanges (Austroads 2015d).

provides guidance on the geometric design of intersections.

AGRD Part 4 covers intersection design principles that apply generally to intersections and crossings, and
the other three parts provide guidance specifically related to the type of intersection.

Figure 1.1, shows the guides that comprise the Austroads Guide to Road Design. Collectively these parts
provide information on a range of disciplines including geometric design, drainage, roadside design and
geotechnical design, all of which may influence the design of intersections.

1.2 Scope of this Part

This Part is limited to the design of intersections. While Figure 1.1 outlines the structure of the Guide to Road
Design, designers should be aware that there are nine other subject areas spanning the range of Austroads
publications that may also be relevant to road design and the design of intersections

Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossing (AGTM Part 6)
(Austroads 2013a) provides information and advice on the type of intersections and their selection, and
should be regarded as a related document to this Part of the Guide to Road Design. AGTM Part 6 should be
consulted when determining the appropriate type of intersection to be provided, and when considering the
design of particular features from a traffic management and road user perspective.

This Part, when used in conjunction with other relevant parts of the Guide to Road Design and Guide to
Traffic Management, provides the information and guidance necessary for a road designer to prepare
detailed geometric design drawings that are adequate to facilitate the construction of intersections and

Road design objectives are discussed in Guide to Road Design Part 2: Design Considerations (AGRD
Part 2) (Austroads 2015b), and these objectives also apply to the design of intersections, interchanges and

Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design (AGRD Part 3) (Austroads 2016c) provides specific details
relating to geometric design principles and their application which will be relevant to the design of roads on
the approaches to and passing through intersections.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 1.1: Flow chart of the Guide to Road Design

1.3 Road Safety

This Part should be considered in the broad context of a Safe System and the contribution that the Guide
can make to the design of safe roads.

1.3.1 Providing for a Safe System

The Safe System approach acknowledges that road users are fallible and when they make mistakes they
should not be penalised with death or serious injury. This requires the road designer to appreciate and
understand the interactions between the various road elements and in particular the likely crashes that may
occur for any particular road setting. Further information on the Safe System approach can be found in
AGRD Part 1 (Austroads 2015a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Examples of intersection treatments that are consistent with the Safe System objectives are roundabouts
and lower speed limits at, or in the vicinity of, intersections. The extent of these treatments will vary
depending on the environment and how difficult effective ‘self-explaining’ speed management is to achieve.
Other emerging treatments such as signalised or ‘turbo’ roundabouts, raised intersections and dwell-on-red
signals require further evaluation at this stage, but initial information can be found in the Guide to Road
Design Part 7: New and Emerging Treatments (Austroads in press).

1.3.2 Contribution of Intersections to Road Safety

A large percentage of crashes on road networks occur at intersections, and therefore the installation of
appropriate types of intersections and the application of best practice in intersection design has the potential
to make a significant contribution to crash reduction on road networks.

Different types of intersections may have different safety performances and this factor should be considered
in the selection of an intersection type for any given situation, along with other important objectives, such as
the need to provide adequate capacity for traffic movement on the road network. Further information on the
type and selection of an intersection is contained in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

1.3.3 Progressive Safety Updates to the Guide to Road Design

Consistent with the Australian National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 and New Zealand’s Road Safety
Strategy 2010-2020 ‘Safer Journeys’, this guide is being progressively updated to facilitate the practical
implementation of Safe System thinking. While there is information in relation to the potential treatments for a
Safe System (refer to the Austroads Guide to Road Safety and associated research reports), the challenge is
to provide the necessary warrants, criteria and dimensional guidance to support all decision making
situations, scenarios and options for designers. Future updates will progressively provide the information to
make the Safe System improvements given the project, program and network considerations.

There are numerous innovative and emerging treatments being considered to improve road safety with many
being drawn from overseas. For Australia and New Zealand, these treatments need to be assessed and
translated to local conditions to ensure an improved outcome for all road users without adversely impacting
any specific road user group. Assessment and translation requires a full robust engineering process to
assess risk, safety, operational and whole-of-life cost impacts of these treatments. In cases where no
supporting dimensional guidance and quantitative evidence is available, necessary design exception
analysis and reporting is required before implementation of any trials.

All safety improvements must fall within the overarching objective to deliver a context sensitive, network-wide
treatment to develop a consistent road so that drivers are not impacted by unexpected changes in road
standard or functionality. Planners and designers need to be aware that changes to any intersection,
particularly if operational efficiency is adversely affected, may result in drivers choosing another route, which
could create safety issues at another location. Also the network-wide consistent treatment should be planned
and implemented over a timeframe matched to the asset life to minimise rework and wastage of
infrastructure treatments and investment.

1.4 Design Criteria in Part 4

AGRD Part 2 (Austroads 2015b) discusses the concept of normal design domain (NDD) and extended
design domain (EDD). Guidance on the application of this concept to intersections is provided in this guide
and in AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).

The body of this guide contains NDD values. These are road design values suitable for the design of all
unsignalised and signalised intersections, including the installation of new intersections on new roads
(greenfield sites). In most cases, these design values will also be suitable for new intersections on existing
roads and for modifications to existing intersections (both are examples of brownfield sites).

Austroads 2021 | page 3

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

In constrained locations (particularly at brownfield sites), it may not always be practical or possible to achieve
all of the relevant NDD values. In these constrained locations, road agencies may consider the use of values
outside of the NDD.

Appendix A in Austroads (2017a) contains extended design domain (EDD) values. These are values outside
of the NDD domain that through research and/or operating experience, particular road agencies have found
to provide a suitable solution for constrained situations in brownfield sites. EDD values have only been
developed for particular parameters, where considerable latitude exists within the NDD values.

Guidance on the use of values outside the design domain (i.e. outside of the NDD and EDD) is not provided
in this guide. Designers should consult the delegated representative from the relevant road agency for
advice and direction for an appropriate standard when values within the design domain are not achievable.

In applying this guide:

1. NDD values given in the body of this guide should be used wherever practical.
2. Design values outside of the NDD are only to be used if approved in writing by the delegated
representative from the relevant road agency. The relevant road agency may be a state or territory road
agency, municipal council or private road owner.
3. If using EDD values, the reduction in standard associated with their use should be appropriate for the
prevailing local conditions. Generally, EDD should be used for only one parameter in any application and
not be used in combination with any other minimum or EDD value for any related or associated
parameters. The use of an EDD value should not result in a reduction in the safety performance and may
need to be supported by other treatments.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

2. Types of Intersection

The types of intersections and the process for their selection is outlined in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a),
while general intersection information is contained in Appendix A and Appendix B. Generally, all types of
intersection can be used in urban or rural environments, with the exception of intersections that are
signalised. The key reason for not signalising intersections on high-speed traffic routes is that crash risk is
relatively high for this type of control.

The design principles for intersections are the same irrespective of the type of intersection control.
Differences however, may exist in the detail of signalised layouts, usually being provided in urban areas
• kerb and channel is provided rather than shoulders
• parking may have to be accommodated on the intersection approaches
• bus, transit and bicycle lanes and facilities may be required
• pedestrians have to be accommodated.

Guidelines for the design of unsignalised and signalised intersection treatments are provided in AGRD
Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).

Guidelines for the design of roundabouts are provided in Guide to Road Design Part 4B: Roundabouts
(AGRD Part 4B) (Austroads 2015c). A single-lane roundabout (i.e. one circulating lane and single-lane
entries), is suitable for use at any of the basic forms of intersection. Multilane roundabouts are suitable for
use at T-intersections and four-way intersections that intersect at or close to 90º. However, multilane
roundabouts are generally unsuitable at sites where roads intersect at oblique angles (e.g. Y-intersection or
multi-leg intersection), as they can result in conflicts at exits and drivers can experience difficulty in
anticipating the appropriate lane choice required for left, through or right-turns on some of the approaches
(refer to AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) for more information).

An interchange on freeways or major arterial roads is also a form of intersection. Guidelines for the design of
interchanges are provided in Guide to Road Design Part 4C: Interchanges (AGRD Part 4C)
(Austroads 2015d). However, interchanges often include at-grade intersections at ramp terminals which
should also be designed in accordance with this Part and Parts 4A and 4B of the Guide to Road Design.

AGTM Part 6 also provides guidance on traffic management aspects of intersections that include:
• the suitability of traffic control options and selection criteria for different road types
• key traffic management considerations in the selection of an appropriate intersection type.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

3. Road Design Considerations for Intersections

The design of an intersection will be influenced by many factors including the alignment and grade of the
approach roads, drainage requirements, presence of public utilities, property access and the presence of
local features, both man-made and natural.

There are also other factors that should be considered during the development of a design solution for the
intersection and these are outlined in Section 3.1 to Section 3.6.

3.1 Road Users

A primary requirement for road design practitioners is to:

• consider the road users that will travel through the intersection which can vary from a heavy vehicle driver
to cyclists and pedestrians
• appreciate the characteristics of the various road users and their vehicles.

The application of this requirement should result in a design that satisfies the principles that road users:
• are not surprised by the location of the intersection or the layout
• are not severely disadvantaged for making errors nor rewarded for deliberately committing unsafe acts.
• have ready access to destinations in their communities via walking and cycling

The first of these principles requires actions such as:

• the provision of adequate approach sight distance
• the need for advance signposting, particularly where lane drops occur
• consistency of treatment along routes so that drivers can have reasonable expectations about
intersection treatments.

The second principle requires designers to imagine the actions of those drivers who have made an error at
the intersection and ensure that recovery action is not hazardous. However, the layout should also
discourage unsafe acts, such as overtaking through narrow intersections on the near side.

The third principle requires designers to consider how people walking and cycling will cross the intersection
and their desire lines to ensure their movements are catered for.

Road designers should also consider the needs of road users in particular situations, such as hospitals,
schools, etc. where there may be a need to consider a wide range of capabilities.

Considerations for various road users are summarised in Table 3.1:

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 3.1: Considerations for road users in intersection design

Road user Considerations

Motor vehicle Adequate sight distance:
drivers • on all approaches to intersections
• from a position at stop lines or give-way lines to other potentially conflicting vehicles, including
those turning
• at lane drops
• to pedestrians waiting to cross the road and on the road
Satisfactory observation angles (AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a))
Avoid grading that will cause discomfort or require heavy braking
Provide for deceleration appropriate to the circumstances and adequate storage in turning lanes
Pedestrians Provide paths and road crossings at all urban intersections and at rural intersections where
pedestrians are expected
Locate paths on pedestrian desire lines or install fencing or other barriers to guide them along the
preferred route
Provide adequate path width for expected users
Provision of obstruction-free paths, or passage (e.g. poles, street furniture, footpath cafes and
trees) is particularly important for people with vision and other mobility impairments
Place side entry pits and grated pits clear of pedestrian paths (including those in traffic islands)
and ramps
Crossings should, preferably be aligned to provide a straight travel path
Avoid staged crossings wherever practicable
Design kerb ramps and tactile ground surface indicators in accordance with AS 1428-2010 (set)
Ensure pedestrian detectors are readily accessible for all users (e.g. people in wheelchairs)
Provide generous setback between road traffic lanes and paths wherever practicable
Provide adequate vertical clearance above all pedestrian facilities
The maximum of 1:8 in AS 1428.1-2009 should be regarded as an absolute maximum and flatter
grades provided if possible
Avoid steps and stairs as they may form a barrier for people with disabilities
Limit path crossfall to 1:100 (may provide steeper crossfall, up to 1:40, if drainage problems are
Place signs so that they do not obscure pedestrian from motorist’s view
Specify even, skid resistant surfacing materials that are not hazardous to pedestrians
Ensure street lighting is suitable to provide a safe environment including the consideration of
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.
Cyclists Consider the need for bicycle lanes on routes and at intersections; bicycle lanes are preferred to
wide kerbside lanes
If provided, carry bicycle lane through intersection on major road at unsignalised intersections
Assess the need for a ‘head start’ storage area and advanced stop line for cyclists at signalised
intersections e.g. bicycle routes
Consider storage space for ‘hook turns’, and other bicycle storage requirements
Heavy vehicle Where practicable provide a flat grade on intersection approaches to facilitate acceleration of
drivers heavy vehicles and acceptance of gaps by the drivers
Avoid steep downgrades on approaches to intersections
Provide space for the design vehicle movements to occur within the turning lanes and pavement
area without the vehicle body overhanging kerbs or traffic islands
Ensure that the checking vehicle can turn within the intersection from the lane adjacent to turning
lanes if necessary
Avoid excessive adverse crossfall and significant variations in crossfall throughout turning paths
Ensure adequate space for concurrent right-turns to occur (i.e. swept paths) with adequate
Adequate lane widths

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Road user Considerations

Bus drivers and Bus lanes
passengers Approach and departure side bus lanes at intersections
Queue jump lanes
Signal priority
Adequate lane widths
Access to and from bus stops
Provide adequate space for buses to turn within pavement area without encroaching on other
lanes or overhanging kerbs and traffic islands
Provide stops that are accessible for people with vision and other mobility impairments
Tram drivers Tram priority
and passengers Provide stops that are accessible for people with vision and other mobility impairments

3.2 Provision for Large/Special Vehicles

A functional layout based on the characteristics of a design vehicle (Section 5) should represent an
economical level of design that caters safely and comfortably for most vehicles operating in accordance with
normal traffic regulations. Larger vehicles (e.g. 35.4 m B-triple, 30 m super B-double, A-triples) may be
selected as the design vehicle, in which case they should enter and depart from the intersection in the
correct lane/s. However, where these vehicles and other vehicles operating under restricted access
conditions only use the intersection occasionally, it may be acceptable for the design to be based on them
encroaching into other traffic lanes. This may cause some inconvenience to other road users, but may be
acceptable where there is a low frequency of occurrence together with the effect of special conditions
associated with the permit.

It is also important that practitioners should be aware through traffic data, or local knowledge, whether the
location is subjected to seasonal cartage where the number of large vehicles may be very high for a
relatively short period of time (e.g. harvesting of crops). In such cases the typical seasonal cartage vehicle
should be considered for use as the design vehicle.

Where the route is designated for the use of special vehicles that fall outside the three general classes (other
freight efficient vehicles, over-length buses, type 1 or 2 road trains), or where regular use of the route by
these vehicles could reasonably be expected (access to industrial areas, bus routes), the design should
satisfy the needs of such vehicles.

The geometric design should be checked for B-doubles and special vehicles where the need is
demonstrated and at the areas where problems are most likely to occur. Most arterial rural roads are likely to
have some B-double operation even if they are not specific B-double routes. Section 5 describes the
provisions that need to be made for trucks. These can also be used for special vehicles. Design guidelines
for the various geometric issues in the table are discussed in subsequent sections.

For large or special vehicles it is important to:

• provide for the swept paths of large/special vehicles (Design Vehicle and Turning Path Templates
(Austroads 2013b))
• provide truck stopping sight distance
– understanding that lateral sight distance restrictions are often critical, particularly at T-intersections in
hilly terrain or near bridge piers
– for intersections on or near crest vertical curves
– to allow large/special vehicles to turn safely into each road
– to railway crossings, speed change areas and merge areas such as lane drops
• consider vehicle stability for turning movements by providing radii appropriate for the turning speeds and
providing a satisfactory crossfall and a uniform rate of change for crossfall.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

3.3 Topography and Land Availability

The topography at intersection sites is an important consideration in the selection of an alignment for a new
road because it can:
• affect the safety and efficiency of the approaches to the intersection
• affect the extent of the earthworks to achieve an acceptable standard and hence the cost of the
• require benching of slopes around the intersection in order to ensure batter stability and hence increase
the footprint of the intersection in terms of its environmental effect including its appearance.

The availability of land can determine the form of an intersection, particularly in urban areas where the cost
of land is high. For example, in inner urban areas a roundabout or a left-turn slip lane may not be an option
because of the inability to acquire land or the expense of acquisition. Where the availability of land becomes
a constraint on the project, the designer should assess and minimise the likely impacts of this limitation.

3.4 Environment and Heritage

The design of intersections may be influenced by a range of environmental considerations that include the
effect of the various options on:
• flora and fauna (habitats)
• watercourses
• foreshore reservations
• parkland
• erosion of the surrounding area
• visual amenity of the landscape
• noise levels for abutting landowners.

The effects for heritage can include historic buildings, bridges or fountains, Aboriginal sites and other places
that have historic significance.

3.5 Physical Constraints

Physical constraints that may influence an intersection design, apart from those previously mentioned,
include a broad range of items such as:
• utility services such as telecommunication pits, power reticulation plant and large water mains
• nearby intersections
• adjacent bridges
• transport infrastructure such as tram lines and railway tracks.

3.6 Work Health and Safety

Intersections should provide for the work health and safety for persons undertaking work activities at or near
intersections, for example:
• Adequate clearances should be provided between utility plant (e.g. telecommunication pits) and the traffic
• Traffic signal controllers should be located in areas that are unlikely to be traversed by errant vehicles,
and an area should preferably be available next to the controller for parking the maintenance vehicle.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

• Poles should not be located immediately behind the kerb and close to the turning envelope of heavy
vehicles and buses.
• Landscaping and plant species should be chosen with a view to minimising maintenance and thus
minimise exposure to traffic of maintenance personnel.

3.7 Other Considerations

Road designers should establish the types and location of all features, road furniture including traffic control
devices, markings and landscaping, and consider road maintenance requirements. In some cases the
effectiveness of these elements may be influenced by the intersection design and, conversely, they may
influence the design. Pavement Markings and Signs

Markings and signs are provided at intersections to warn, regulate and guide traffic, and the extent of the
devices used varies depending on the importance of the intersection in the road network and the particular
site characteristics.

A properly designed intersection should not rely on pavement markings and signs to ensure safe and
efficient operation. However, appropriate pavement markings and signs are an integral part of intersections
and the guidance provided to road users.

It is good practice to adopt pavement markings with the same skid resistance as the rest of the road and not
to use large areas of pavement markings in traffic lanes. This benefits all road users and in particular

For information on pavement markings and signs for signalised intersections practitioners should refer to:
• Australian Standard AS 1742-2014 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (set).
• Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM): Part 1: Traffic Signs (NZ Transport Agency 2010a);
Part 2: Markings (NZ Transport Agency 2010b).
• Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Traffic Control and Communication Devices
(Austroads 2016a).
• Jurisdictional guides.

3.7.1 Road Lighting

Road lighting has been demonstrated to provide a significant safety benefit and the standards and guidance
on the design of road lighting are provided respectively in AS/NZS 1158-2015 (set) and Guide to Road
Design Part 6B: Roadside Environment (AGRD Part 6B) (Austroads 2015e). Designers should also check for
the jurisdictional policy on the provision of lighting at intersections.

AS/NZS 1158-2015 (set) specifies requirements applicable where intersections, junctions and other specified
locations form part of a substantially continuous road lighting system. Where an intersection involves roads
that are lit or proposed to be lit to different standards, the overall intersection should be lit to the higher
lighting standard.

Lighting provides additional benefits to road users to assist in identifying intersection alignments, surface
hazards and defects, presence of kerbing and roadside hazards.

In general, the lighting layout should provide the highest levels of illumination on critical areas such as:
• points of traffic conflict, e.g. merges, diverges, crossings, entry points, at exit points of roundabouts
• noses of medians, separators and traffic islands
• pedestrian crossing areas including the immediate traffic approach where illegal movements are most likely
• bus/tram stops and areas where pedestrians congregate within the intersection area.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Other non-critical locations within the intersection area as defined in AS/NZS 1158-2015 (set) should be lit to
the required standard.

For both rural and urban locations designers should also locate any lighting poles to minimise the likelihood
of an errant vehicle colliding with the pole. The risk of an errant vehicle colliding with a pole should always be
considered when designing a lighting system and the use of impact absorbing poles is recommended. At
roundabouts, lighting columns and other poles should not be placed or retained in vulnerable areas such as:
• within small traffic islands
• within large traffic islands directly in line with approaching traffic
• on the central island directly opposite the entries
• on the left side of exits (rigid poles) as these areas have a high risk with respect to run-off-road crashes.

The location should also include consideration for the maintenance requirements of the lighting to minimise
disruption to traffic during the performance of these tasks.

3.7.2 Streetscaping

Landscaping and streetscaping treatments should be designed to complement road safety objectives. Road
safety considerations will determine the placement and control of roadside vegetation and any built
landscape elements within the road reserve. Amenity objectives are related to the creation of attractive
streetscapes and public spaces and also the provision of shade and shelter for pedestrians. These
contribute to creating walkable neighbourhoods. Street trees can also provide a traffic calming effect that
contributes to both road safety and amenity objectives.

It is imperative that streetscaping does not interfere with any sight lines for vehicles approaching, entering, or
passing through an intersection, or that of pedestrians approaching or crossing the road. Adequate sight
lines and sight distance should be provided. Furthermore, vegetation should not be placed, or allowed to
grow where it will impede a person’s ability to read and safely respond to road signs. When assessing these
sight lines the mature height and size of the vegetation should be included in the assessment. Designers
should also take into consideration maintenance requirements of the intersection, outlined in Section 3.7.3.

Guidelines for landscaping are provided in AGRD Part 6B (Austroads 2015e) and guidance on roadside
treatments is contained in AGRD Part 6 (Austroads in press).

3.7.3 Maintenance Considerations

The design of intersections and the assessment of options should consider the implications for maintenance
activities and personnel and the following matters should be considered:

Rural intersections

Factors to consider are:

• Avoid ‘dead’ areas of pavement that will collect refuse and gravel.
• Prevent gravel from being washed onto the road or strewn onto the road by tyres by providing kerb and
channel, implementing measures to control runoff from verges, and sealing the bell mouths of gravel
• Ensure that batters are flat so that the required maintenance machinery can operate clear of traffic.
• Provide adequate clearance between the toe of the embankment and reservation boundary to enable
access by maintenance machinery.
• Wherever possible, do not provide junction pits for drainage within the road pavement.

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• Only provide low growing species of plants within sight lines and maintain other vegetation to keep lines
• Consider use of innovative and attractive surfaces instead of vegetation on medians and traffic islands to
remove the need for maintenance (often under traffic) and thereby improve road safety and the safety of
maintenance personnel.

Urban intersections

In addition to the rural factors:

• Provide sufficient space for pedestrian movements or provide guidance on alternative paths for
• Desirably, locate utility access points away from pedestrian movement areas so that these areas are not
closed for use during maintenance.
• Where possible, provide sufficient space to enable signal maintenance personnel to safely maintain
signal hardware.
• Where there are large numbers of pedestrians waiting on traffic islands, it may be necessary to provide
barriers for their protection.
• Provide a safe area for the signal controller and adjacent parking space for the maintenance vehicle.
• Note that pedestrian footpath cut-through design of urban medians and islands at pavement level
provides a flat even surface that may result in the accumulation of debris.

For both the rural and urban locations, the designer should consider the likely maintenance requirements to
be undertaken at the intersection to cater for the safety of maintenance personnel, and then to minimise any
traffic disruption.

3.7.4 Importance of Seal and Approach Delineation

The sealing of the approaches provides a stable surface for vehicle deceleration and acceleration and
compared to an unsealed road approach. As a result, the sight distances required for road vehicles are
reduced. Sealing the approaches also enables pavement markings to be installed. This would improve
delineation and increase driver awareness of the crossing.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

4. Design Process

4.1 General

This section provides guidance on the data and parameters that should be considered in the development of
detailed drawings, specifications and cost estimates for intersections at grade.

The development of a final design is facilitated by drawings that become progressively more detailed
throughout the process (Guide to Road Design Part 8: Process and Documentation (Austroads 2009a)).
Some important aspects of the process are described below.

Roads are one form of land use and one element in the transport system. In developing areas and existing
urban road networks the role of roads is influenced by the type of land use and the other modes of
transportation available. The development of new roads and road networks therefore requires input from
specialists in town planning, transport modelling and traffic engineering (traffic modelling, estimation and

While the current traffic situation is relevant in many cases (particularly at brownfield sites), designs for new
roads and major upgrades of existing roads will require estimations of traffic flows, traffic movements and
traffic composition in a future design year (or years where staged development is appropriate).

For new intersections, possible locations will have to be identified taking topography, natural and man-made
features, and many other considerations into account. It may also be appropriate to consider a range of
layout options, and to evaluate them in terms of traffic performance, environmental impact and cost.

The process may involve consultation with other stakeholders (e.g. municipalities and utility companies), the
outcome of which may influence the final design.

4.2 Basic Data for Design

Three questions have to be answered before the design of an intersection is possible. These questions
attempt to establish the purpose of the intersection in the road network and they generate the basic data
required for detailed design to commence. They are:
• What function should the intersection fulfil?
• What is the current situation at the intersection site?
• What changes could occur in the future?

Factors to consider in relation to each of these questions are listed in Table 4.1.

While many of the considerations in Table 4.1 relate to road planning and traffic management, it is important
that road designers have an understanding of the factors that influence the functional design. AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a) provides information on traffic management considerations that influence road design
• intersection control options and selection criteria
• suitability of different types of traffic control to different road types
• key traffic management selection considerations for the various types of intersection
• issues for different road user categories for intersection design.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 4.1: Factors to consider regarding function, current situation and the future

Question Consideration
What Identify the:
function? • function of each leg
• conflict points
Determine which movements should have priority, which may be based on:
• road function classification (Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management
(Austroads 2016b))
• the objectives for intersections (AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a))
• the functions of intersections (Commentary 1)
[see Commentary 1]
Current With the composition of the intersection defined and the function of each leg clarified, the current
situation? situation must be quantified at the likely site(s). Basic data that should be collected includes:
• topography at the site(s)
• land use, access points to properties and special site constraints (e.g. the location of public utilities,
awnings and balconies, trees, monuments, property boundaries, buildings, and drainage structures
including pipes)
• compilation and analysis of crash data for the most recent five-year period (for example)
• identification of existing conflict points
• the current traffic (including bicyclists and pedestrians) defined in terms of:
- hourly through and turning movements during peak, inter-peak and non-business times
- volumes during special, regular events (holiday periods, sporting fixtures etc.)
- approach speed during each of these times (taking into account speed limits)
- movements currently given priority or denied
- details of public transport, especially bus and taxi desire lines
- proportions of through and local traffic
- performance (e.g. acceleration, braking, turning, walking speed) of the various users
- composition or mix of traffic (i.e. numbers of different vehicle classes, including trucks)
• special network functions existing, or proposed, such as freight routes and bus routes
• values of economic factors (e.g. operating and delay costs, rates for construction and maintenance
work, property values, utility adjustment costs) to be used in the analysis stage
• budget limits
• special constraints (e.g. political commitments, flood levels)
• potential conflict points that might not be highlighted by the crash history
Changes The objective here is to scan the possible future to define likely events which will have an impact on the
in the operation of the intersection. Issues include:
future? • major new roads in the corridor
• changes in traffic volumes or composition
• changes to vehicle characteristics
• alterations to the road hierarchy
• alterations in turning movement volumes
• changes in land use
• adjustments to the speed zones (including after the consideration of possible conflict points)
• changes in the form of traffic control (e.g. will traffic signals ever be installed?)
• foreshadowed amendments to traffic regulations
• planned route changes for trucks, buses and bicycles

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Question Consideration
The considerations lead to outputs which become design inputs
Outputs The completion of the three-stage process outlined above will yield the following outputs:
• the function of each leg (especially the type of access controls and parking which will apply at the
intersection site, and on each approach/departure leg)
• confirmation of the speed zoning which will apply on the approach and departure side of each leg in
the immediate and longer term, and the desirable speed of turning movements, particularly during
times of low traffic flow
• the hourly traffic volumes in the design year for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians to be used for the
design, the movements which should receive preference, and the movements which are to be
positively discouraged or denied
• definition of public transport requirements (e.g. movements, where services should stop, priority)
• special provisions for movements which should be incorporated, especially emergency services
• site, or other constraints which apply
• need for future changes in the form of traffic control
• details of network influences, e.g. nearby intersections, which will affect the operation of the
intersection at the site
• potential for future innovations in road safety, as well as traffic changes

4.3 Location of Intersections

The location of an intersection is primarily determined by land use and the transport (including roads)
networks required to serve the activity associated with various land uses (Guide to Road Transport Planning
(Austroads 2009b) and Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management (Austroads 2016b)).
However, the location of an intersection can also be influenced by environmental and road design
considerations. In terms of road design the broad considerations associated with choosing a preferred
general alignment for a new road may tend to dictate the location of intersections, but designers should
always consider the implications for intersections when establishing an alignment for a new road or for the
deviation of an existing road (AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)).

In urban situations, the choice of location of the intersection is usually limited by the layout of streets and the
constraints of property development. In rural areas, the choice of location is also influenced by the existing road
network and the absence of development and other constraints may result in a greater choice of location.

The location and spacing of intersections and property access can affect the safety and operation of a road,
and road agencies may determine the appropriate degree of access according to a roads classification
through the application of access management categories (Guide to Traffic Management Part 5: Link
Management (AGTM Part 5) (Austroads 2020)).

Considerations that may affect the location of intersections are summarised in Table 4.2.

Road design is also an iterative process and designers should expect road design alignments and
intersection locations and layouts to be modified as the design progresses from conceptual to final drawings.

4.4 Design Speed

Approach speeds to an intersection should be reduced to minimise the impact forces should a crash occur.
The design speed for traffic on a priority road at intersections will also depend on the alignment standard
adopted for the road in general (AGRD Part 3).

The design speed adopted for side roads that must give way to priority road traffic will also depend on the
general road alignment. In rural areas where the alignment is curved along the road leading to the
intersection it is desirable that the approach curve/s be designed to progressively slow vehicles and that the
immediate approach is straight to facilitate good sight distance and controlled braking of vehicles. In addition,
it is highly desirable that the intersection is able to be seen from before the first approach curve (AGRD Part
4A (Austroads 2017a)).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 4.2: Considerations in the location of intersections

Context Considerations
Transport New intersections are created through a need to provide:
• a new road link within the network to overcome a network operational deficiency (e.g. new urban
or rural freeway/motorway)
• a deviation of an existing road to overcome a safety or operational issue
• access to a major or minor land development
In urban areas the location of new intersections is often constrained by the availability of land or the
cost to acquire property
The location of interchanges on new urban freeways/motorways is usually determined by the
existing road network with which it must interact and the level of service required on both the road in
question and for community access
On new rural freeways/motorways or duplicated roads there may be greater scope to choose the
location of interchanges or intersections, a key factor being the development of existing or new local
roads for freeway access or the creation of frontage (i.e. service) roads
Environment The location of an intersection may be influenced by a range of environmental factors including:
• topography
• watercourses (rivers, streams) and waterways (lakes, inlets)
• railways
• environmentally sensitive areas (swampland, habitats)
• heritage buildings and sites
Road design Intersections must be located so that required driver and pedestrian sight distances are met
It is also desirable that T-intersections are located on straight and generally flat sections of road.
Provided that the approach gradients are moderate the best site for an intersection is in a sag
vertical curve, with a straight alignment on each approach leg. Where this is not possible it is
desirable that the horizontal alignment for the major movements should be as constant as possible
(i.e. a generous and constant curve through the intersection). This is particularly important at wide
intersections to maintain good lane discipline
It is important to consider the approach speeds to the intersection as reducing the approach speeds
can reduce the impacts of a crash, if one occurs. This particularly applies on the minor leg
approaches where driver alertness or awareness may be low as these approaches have been
shown to have twice the crash rate as low-speed approaches (Arndt 2004)
Due to potential problems with sight distances, operational issues and safety issues, wherever
practicable the following sites should be avoided in locating intersections:
• Near crests: if an intersection must be located within a crest vertical curve, it should be on the top
of the crest (not either side) and preferably on a straight horizontal alignment
• Horizontal curves
- on the inside of small radius horizontal curves as this can make it difficult to achieve adequate
horizontal safe intersection sight distance and minimum gap sight distance, and produce
difficult observation angles for drivers
- on the outside of smaller radii horizontal curves as this can make it difficult to provide approach
sight distance to the pavement and road markings within the intersection because of the
superelevation (unless the side road is on a downgrade to the intersection), and may result in
oncoming major road vehicles being obscured to an entering driver by the vehicles travelling in
the opposite direction on the major road
• Steep gradients
- a steep upgrade combined with a vertical curve on the approach to an intersection can
adversely affect approach sight distance
- a steep upgrade on the immediate approach from a side road can adversely affect heavy
vehicles starting up to enter the major road
- a steep downgrade on the approach to a stop or give-way line makes it more difficult for heavy
vehicles to stop
- a steep downgrade within an intersection results in adverse crossfall for turning movements
and this can be a safety issue for heavy vehicles (truck roll-over)
• In cuttings: large volumes of additional excavation can result if adequate sight distance is to be
provided for through and entering traffic
• On high embankments: large quantities of fill may be required to obtain the required geometry
and to provide sight lines past crash barriers and signs

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

4.5 Road Cross-section

4.5.1 Cross-section Elements


The selection of cross-section elements for roads is an iterative process that considers road function and
safety, environmental impact, economy and aesthetics in order to determine the most appropriate
arrangement for the particular situation. A further consideration in determining a cross-section, is that roads
of the same function or classification should have consistent cross-sections to assist in reinforcing the road
function to drivers. The allocation of space to various road users is an important factor and is discussed
further in AGTM Part 4 (Austroads 2016b) and AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2019).

The mid-block cross-section on roads leading into an intersection may also influence the cross-sections
required on the intersection approaches (AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)).

Traffic capacity should also be considered in determining the number and width of lanes required on the
approaches to intersections (Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Traffic Studies and Analysis (AGTM Part 3)
(Austroads 2017)). Space for walking and cycling at intersections is also a key consideration.

4.5.2 Traffic Lanes


Generally, important intersections should be defined by kerbs, including rural sites, to improve conspicuity of
the intersection and to prevent shoulder gravel from being strewn on the road pavement by vehicle tyres.

Lane width is generally measured from the centre-of-lane marking to centre-of-lane marking for inner lanes,
and from the centre-of-lane marking to the centre of the edge line (or line of kerb) for outer lanes
(Figure 4.1). However, some jurisdictions may measure the lane width to the lip of the channel and designers
should therefore become familiar with local practice.

This convention also applies to auxiliary lanes, bicycle lanes and other special use lanes. Where a shoulder
exists adjacent to an intersection, the lane width should be measured to the centre of the edge line (where
provided) or to the edge of the road pavement.

Figure 4.1: Design lane widths

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Types of cross-sections and lanes

Traffic management aspects of lane management and provision of lanes at intersections are covered in
AGTM Part 5 (Austroads 2020) (which deals with mid-block situations) and AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

The cross-sections of roads that pass through at-grade intersections can be urban or rural and fall into the
following categories:
• two-lane two-way roads
• multilane undivided roads
• divided two-lane or multilane roads.

At rural sites the lanes are usually through lanes, auxiliary lanes for turning from or onto the priority road, and
stand up lanes on side roads. In some cases overtaking lanes may also pass through an intersection.

Intersections in urban areas generally have to accommodate through lanes and protected turning lanes.
However, they may also have to accommodate:
• transit lanes (AS 1742.12-2000)
• bus lanes (AS 1742.12-2000)
• bicycle lanes (AS 1742.9-2000)
• parking lanes (AS 1742.11-1999)
• clearways (AS 1742.11-1999).

While truck lanes are included in AS 1742.12:2000, they have not been implemented in Australia. However,
it is important to provide adequate lane widths for trucks wherever there are a significant number of heavy
vehicles using an intersection.

In some jurisdictions tram routes may have to be accommodated through intersections by the provision of
appropriate road space and turning clearance between trams and vehicles in adjacent lanes.

Lane widths

This section provides advice on lane widths that should be provided at greenfield sites. The desirable lane
width to be used for all lanes that are provided for the movement of motor vehicles is 3.5 m. Where larger
vehicles such as an A-triple utilise the intersection, consideration should be given to providing 3.7 m wide
lanes (refer also to AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)).

Parking lane widths provided on intersection approaches are the same as those adopted for mid-block
parking lanes, refer to AGRD Part 3.

The exclusive bicycle lane width (or sealed shoulder width) used at intersections should match the bicycle
lane width provided on the approach to the intersection, which depends on the speed environment.
Designers should refer to AGRD Part 3 for guidance on bicycle lane widths.

Turning roadways should be wide enough to accommodate the swept path of the design vehicle (Section 5)
and desirably a minimum of 5.0 m between kerbs (AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

4.5.3 Medians

Medians at intersections are provided to:

• separate opposing flows
• provide a refuge for right-turning traffic
• control the speed of turning traffic
• provide a refuge for pedestrians
• accommodate essential traffic control devices (e.g. signs and signals)
• accommodate roadway lighting poles
• accommodate drainage.
• provide sufficient width for the installation of a safety barrier system.

The widths required for medians to fulfil particular functions are provided in AGRD Part 4A where traffic
islands and medians are discussed. Rural medians are often very wide (e.g. 20 m) and this raises particular
issues and requires suitable treatments that are also discussed in AGRD Part 4A.

4.5.4 Footpaths

Footpaths are likely to be adjacent to roadways that intersect and need to be considered in any new
intersection or intersection improvements. Changing an existing intersection could result in carriageway
widening to accommodate additional lanes or turn lanes. This should not be at the expense of footpath
widths, as narrowed footpaths create space issues for pedestrians waiting to cross and also result in poor
crossing layouts, such as less-than-ideal tactile ground surface indicator (TGSI) layouts.

Further information regarding the appropriate width of footpaths can be found in the Guide to Road Design
Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling (Austroads 2017).

Appendix B5 provides information on pedestrian treatments at signalised intersections

4.5.5 Roadside Areas

Adequate clear zones should be provided around intersections as there are a significant number of off-road
crashes associated with intersections.

Batters and drains adjacent to rural intersections should be flat and smooth to enable the safe passage of
errant vehicles. Considerations relating to roadside design are covered in Guide to Road Design Part 6:
Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers (Austroads 2010).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

5. Design Vehicle

5.1 General

Intersections should be designed to ensure that:

• the design vehicle for any particular turning movement can turn from the appropriate approach lane to an
appropriate departure lane/s with adequate clearances to features such as kerbs and roadside furniture
• a checking vehicle for any particular turning movement can legally perform the movement
• where required, restricted access vehicles that exceed normal legal dimensions and operate under
special permit arrangements can pass through the intersection.

In general the choice of design vehicles and checking vehicles for on-road facilities will depend on the
functional classification of the road or roads involved (e.g. at an intersection or driveway), the composition of
the traffic and design economics.

While the road network hierarchy has both functional and descriptive definitions, it is important that the land
use, and hence the vehicle types that will be negotiating the intersections, are considered when determining
appropriate design vehicles. For example, some local and collector roads may serve residential
development, industrial development or bus routes and therefore an appropriate design vehicle and checking
vehicle must be used to suit each case. Designers should refer to Design Vehicle and Turning Path
Templates (Austroads 2013b) for more comprehensive information on design vehicles and corresponding
vehicle turning templates.

5.2 Design Vehicles

The physical and operating characteristics of vehicles using the road control some specific elements in
geometric design. The selection of the appropriate design vehicle for a particular intersection or turning
movement should be based on the functional classification of the intersecting roads as this reflects the
composition of traffic expected at the intersection.

Dimensions of these and other potential design vehicles (e.g. length, width, axle spacing and overhangs) are
provided in Austroads (2013b). Although these vehicles are generally appropriate for the design of many
intersections on road networks it is necessary for designers to establish the appropriate design vehicle for
any particular route, section of road or intersection. In the case of intersections different design vehicles may
apply to different traffic movements within the intersection.

The design vehicle is therefore the largest vehicle likely to regularly perform a movement at an intersection.
The choice of a particular vehicle as the design vehicle depends on the number of those vehicles expected
to undertake the movement. The types of vehicles likely to use an intersection may be estimated from traffic
data at the site or other locations along the route, or from the type of existing and planned future
development on the intersecting roads. Where acceptable data is available it is suggested that a particular
type of heavy vehicle should be adopted as the design vehicle if at least one of those vehicles is expected to
undertake the movement each day.

In the absence of data or reliable information to the contrary, the selection of the appropriate design vehicle
for a particular intersection or turning movement should be based on the functional classification of the
intersecting roads as this reflects the composition of traffic expected at the intersection. Consequently,
Table 5.1 should be used to choose design vehicles for movements at various intersection types in Australia.
In New Zealand, designers should refer to the New Zealand On-road Tracking Curves for Heavy Motor
Vehicles (Land Transport New Zealand 2007) which can be found at

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 5.1: Selection of design vehicle and checking vehicles and typical turning radii in Australia


Intersecting road Typical Austroads standard

Typical Austroads standard vehicle for checking design
types vehicle for design
Arterial/Arterial Single articulated (19.0 m)(1) Appropriate restricted access vehicle e.g. B-double (25 m )(2)
Radius 15 m Long single articulated (25 m)
Road train(3)
Radius 15 m
Arterial/Collector Single unit truck/bus (12.5 m) Single articulated (19.0 m)
Radius 12.5 m Radius 15 m
Arterial/Local Service vehicle (8.8 m) Single unit truck/ bus (12.5 m)
(residential) Radius 12.5 m Radius 12.5 m
Collector/Collector Single articulated (19.0 m)(1) Single articulated (19.0 m)(1)
(industrial) Radius 15 m Radius 15 m
Collector/Collector Single unit truck/bus (12.5 m) Single articulated (19.0 m)(1)
(residential) Radius 12.5 m Radius 15 m
Collector/Local Service vehicle (8.8 m) Single unit truck/bus (12.5 m)
(residential) Radius 9 m Radius 12.5 m
Local/Local Single articulated (19.0 m)(1) Appropriate restricted access vehicle e.g. B-double (25 m )(2)
(industrial)(4) Radius 12.5 m(5) Long single articulated (25 m)
Road train(3)
Local/Local Service vehicle (8.8 m) Single unit truck/bus (12.5 m)
(residential) Radius 9 m Radius 12.5 m
1 Select the appropriate restricted access vehicle for the design of sites that are frequently used by such vehicles.
2 B-double length may vary between jurisdictions (e.g. 26 m in South Australia; 27.5 m in Western Australia).
3 Select appropriate road train from AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c) or from relevant jurisdictional guide.
4 Also for intersections with industrial land use for collector/local intersections.
5 Simulations show that for this radius the maximum steering angle occurs at the exit of the turn and is not applied at
the crawl speed.

Source: Based on Austroads (2013b).

On most arterial roads the design vehicle would be a 19.0 m long articulated vehicle or a B-double
depending on the traffic composition and road environment. However, an A-double or A-triple (road train)
may be appropriate as the design vehicle at some locations, and in some urban areas a 14.5 m restricted
route bus may be the appropriate design vehicle.

In situations where it is appropriate to design for a car only, the Austroads design passenger vehicle (based
on the B99 dimensions of AS/NZS 2890.1-2004) should be used. The B99 dimensions represent the 99.8th
percentile class of all cars and light vans on the road, and the rationale for adopting these is to ensure that
the majority of passenger vehicles are considered when this design vehicle is used.

Designers should also be aware that in Australia heavy vehicle designs are being developed under a
performance-based standards (PBS) scheme to meet government objectives of increasing productivity and
meeting safety, road asset protection and environmental standards. Under the PBS scheme SMART heavy
vehicles are being developed and further information on these vehicles can be found on the National Heavy
Vehicle Regulator website <> (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator 2020). The
introduction of vehicles approved under the PBS scheme may influence the choice of design vehicle for
intersections for relevant routes and road networks.

When designing in the vicinity of a railway crossing, reference should be made to Appendix D of
AS 1742.7-2016 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 7: Railway Crossings for sight distance
requirements of the design vehicle.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

5.3 Checking Vehicles

The design vehicle for a particular case is not necessarily the largest of the vehicles that may operate at that
location but is intended to represent the majority of the vehicles allowed to operate there. A larger vehicle
may not be precluded from the road, but may need to operate with reduced clearances or encroach into
adjacent lanes (where legal within a jurisdiction). While this may inconvenience some road users, the low
frequency of the occurrence of these vehicles makes this acceptable.

An appropriate checking vehicle must be used in order to ensure satisfactory operation of these larger
vehicles. The checking vehicle will be chosen according to the potential for such vehicles to use the facility
and will be at least the next larger vehicle to the design vehicle. Typical checking vehicles for Australia are
contained in Design Vehicle and Turning Path Templates (Austroads 2013b). In New Zealand designers
should refer to the New Zealand On-road Tracking Curves for Heavy Motor Vehicles (Land Transport New
Zealand 2007).

The checking vehicle may be permitted to run over kerbs where there are no pedestrian paths or standing
areas, and may encroach on adjacent lanes. Permit vehicles (i.e. over-width or over-length vehicles travelling
with a permit) are not to be used as a design vehicle unless they regularly use the route. Instead, permit
vehicles are often used as the checking vehicle.

As an example, the intersection of two arterial roads could be expected to carry significant proportions of
commercial vehicles and a semi-trailer or a B-double would often be chosen as the design vehicle
(depending on the traffic composition and road environment) and used to determine the shape of pavement
edges or locations of kerbs for small radius turns. The intersection should be checked to ensure that a larger
restricted access vehicle (e.g. 25 m prime mover and semi-trailer) can turn legally within the pavement area
and to identify any ‘over-run’ areas that should be specially constructed or marked. Figure 5.1 shows an
example of the provision for a checking vehicle.

5.4 Restricted Access Vehicles

Restricted access vehicles (sometimes referred to as over-dimensional vehicles) are included in Design
Vehicle and Turning Path Templates (Austroads 2013b) for the purpose of checking intersection designs on
relevant routes. These vehicles may operate under permit arrangements that generally nominate the
appropriate routes and are likely to be a checking vehicle on routes where they operate. Alternatively,
specific routes are designated for operation by certain vehicle types without a permit. In this case, the largest
type (e.g. A-triple) is likely to be the design vehicle for that route.

Restricted access vehicles exceed legal limits and operate under permits that specify conditions under which
special loads (e.g. power station generators, temporary school classrooms) are able to use the road system.
The characteristics of these vehicles (e.g. height, width and weight) can vary significantly and it is usual for
permits to be issued that specify trip details such as the route, time of day and special requirements (e.g.
temporary removal and replacement of traffic signs, traffic signals or overhead utility cables). Designers
should consider the accommodation of these vehicles when designing intersections on routes designated for
their use.

5.5 Visibility from Vehicles

Drivers should be able to readily observe and respond to approaching traffic and research has suggested
that there is a range of angles through which a driver of a car can readily observe other traffic and areas that
are not readily observed. This information is the basis for guidelines for the angle at which roads should
intersect and the angle at which drivers should position their vehicles on intersection approaches in order to
see potentially conflicting traffic, refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) for further information.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 5.1: Example of using a template for a checking vehicle

1. Strengthened area to accommodate
swept path of checking vehicle.
2. There is a potential risk for
pedestrians in this area.
3. No road furniture, to be placed in this
4. Drainage pits within the turning area
to be designed to cater for vehicle

Source: Based on Austroads (2013b).

5.6 Design Vehicle Swept Path

5.6.1 General

Turning paths of design vehicles form the basis of the turning widths required at intersections. All intersection
layouts must be checked to ensure that they can accommodate the turning path envelope (swept path) for
the design vehicle plus necessary clearances. The swept path is the dynamic envelope traversed by the
outer extremities of the vehicle. Vehicle swept paths can be checked by using a turning path template or a
computer program. A wide range of turning path templates, at various scales, is available in Design Vehicle
and Turning Path Templates (Austroads 2013b) or New Zealand On-road Tracking Curves for Heavy Motor
Vehicles (Land Transport New Zealand 2007).

Austroads (2013b) defines and provides dimensions for twelve design and restricted access vehicles. Four
are general access vehicles that may use any road, unless prohibited by regulatory signs, and six are
restricted access vehicles. Land Transport New Zealand (2007) has also defined four standard design
vehicles and these should be used for the design of intersections in New Zealand.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The fundamental principles in the development of turning path templates and designing for turning vehicles
are that:
• The design vehicle should be able to turn (left or right) from a marked lane without crossing adjacent
marked lanes.
• The tendency for the rear of articulated vehicles to move backwards at some point through the turn
should be prevented. This may occur when turning on a small radius through large angles (i.e. greater
than 120º).
• All vehicles that are considered in designing the intersection can negotiate the intersection without the
rear wheels of the vehicle describing a small radius such that pavement surfacing is damaged.

Turning path templates are:

• marked with a turning radius and the operating speed of the turning vehicle expressed as a range
(e.g. 15 km/h to 20 km/h). The radius is measured to the path of the outer front wheel
• restricted to specific turn radii less than 30 m
• set out to provide a number of specific angles of turn although other angles can be assessed by rotating
the template at the centre of the turning circle
• presented for left-turning manoeuvres but are applied to right-turns by turning the transparency over
• an appropriate guide to the width necessary to cater for the tracking of long vehicles in smaller radius
turns. For larger radius turns, the geometry specified in AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c) should be used.

Computer programs such as Autoturn, Autotrack or Vehicle/Path (VPATH) are commonly used instead of
vehicle turning path templates. These programs are particularly useful for checking complex combinations of
geometric elements and vehicles that have unusual configurations (e.g. axle spacing, body overhang, over-
width and over-length). Also, turning radii of any magnitude can be readily applied, whereas swept path
templates are constrained to standard values (usually 12.5 m, 15 m, 20 m and 30 m).

On some arterial roads, provision for vehicles such as B-doubles or road trains (up to 53.5 m) may be
required, although the largest vehicles may sometimes be accommodated by allowing encroachment into
adjacent lanes that operate in the same direction. This is sometimes necessary as the provision of sufficient
space to enable very large vehicles to turn from the ‘correct’ lane, generally results in large expanses of
pavement that may cause safety issues for smaller vehicles and other road users. This treatment may be
applied at signalised intersections as given in AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a), or at roundabouts as given
in AGRD Part 4B (Austroads 2015c).

In some cases, however, a different design vehicle may be adopted for different traffic movements
depending on the demand, the practicality of providing for a larger vehicle, or the traffic management
strategy adopted for the area.

5.6.2 Radius of Turn

The desirable minimum radius turning path depends on a number of parameters and designers should refer
to Design Vehicle and Turning Path Templates (Austroads 2013b) or New Zealand On-road Tracking Curves
for Heavy Motor Vehicles (Land Transport New Zealand 2007) for more information.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

5.6.3 Clearances to Swept Paths of Turning Vehicles

Edge of pavement/kerb/centreline

Design vehicle turning path templates should be applied to road intersection layouts to accommodate the
swept path with a minimum offset of 0.5 m from the extremities of the vehicle path (i.e. vehicle extremity, not
wheel tracks) to a kerb, pavement edge, safety barrier or centreline.

It should be understood that turning templates do not represent a particular vehicle but an envelope in which
a range of vehicles can operate. They do not include allowances for variation in tracking by individual drivers,
which is why adequate clearances must be applied between the swept path and kerbs or pavement edges.

Between swept paths – turns in the same direction

The following turning path templates should generally be used to design intersection geometry for turns in
the same direction at arterial road intersections:
• single turn – the design vehicle, in accordance with Section 5.2
• double turn – design vehicle and car abreast.

Where it is necessary to apply two separate turning templates in the same direction of travel then a
clearance of 1.0 m should be provided between the templates. This may occur where it is necessary to
provide for heavy vehicles turning two or three abreast, a case not covered in Design Vehicle and Turning
Path Templates (Austroads 2013b) and which may occur at accesses to port facilities or major industrial

The radius of turn will depend on the geometry of the intersecting roads.

Between swept paths – opposed turns

Where opposed right-turns operate simultaneously, the following clearances should be provided between the
left sides of opposing vehicles (i.e. not wheel tracks) as illustrated in:
• single turns – 1.0 m
• one single, one double – 2.0 m
• double turns – 2.0 m.

These clearances are illustrated in Appendix A.7.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

6. Public Transport at Intersections

6.1 General

Road design principles and standards are concerned with the safe, efficient and comfortable passage of all
road users, and this is particularly important for road-based public transport services.

When designing road layouts and traffic management systems, it is important that designers appreciate that
public transport is not simply another set of vehicles operating independently on the road network. Public
transport is a comprehensive integrated service system that involves vehicles, infrastructure, systematically
planned strategic routes and schedules, operational systems, and, most importantly, passengers.

Passengers travelling on road-based public transport are usually unrestrained, often standing and therefore
more susceptible to dynamic forces than the occupants of cars. Public transport vehicles also have
limitations that do not apply to cars. Therefore, roads and special public transport facilities must not only be
designed to physically accommodate the types of vehicles that are intended to use them, but also to ensure
that passengers using the service (particularly those standing) are not subjected to excessive forces as the
vehicle moves through the system.

When designing new roads, it should be established whether bus services are likely to use the route. If so,
the road alignment should be designed to provide acceptable ride quality for passengers and minimal delay
to the progress of the bus or tram. This applies equally to horizontal and vertical alignments, intersection
layouts, and to mid-block curves and gradients.

Ideally, public transport would be located in its own right-of-way and have exclusive use of that space. There
are some notable examples of separate rights-of-way for buses, trams and light rail vehicles, however, the
reality is that public transport vehicles usually have to be accommodated within road reservations either in a
separate space (e.g. median) or by mixing with general traffic.

Many priority measures for public transport at intersections are achieved through traffic management
initiatives and systems. These measures and treatments are discussed in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a)
and also in Guide to Traffic Management Part 9: Traffic Operations (AGTM Part 9) (Austroads 2016e).

The facilities and treatments for on-road public transport that may need to be incorporated into an
intersection layout include:
• bus lanes (full lane, queue jump lane, or setback lane)
• bus stops on intersection approaches or departures
• tram lines
• tram stops on approaches or departures.

Taxis also provide an important public transport resource and where necessary should be considered in the
design of intersections. Public transport facilities may be provided adjacent to the road or within medians.

6.2 Design Vehicle

In some instances the design vehicle for an intersection will be one of the Austroads standard bus
configurations. However, designers should ensure that the intersection can satisfactorily accommodate the
swept path of the appropriate bus or tram that will pass through the intersection. For example, because of
the length of the vehicle and front and rear overhang, designers should be mindful during the design of the
potential for conflict between buses or trams and adjacent vehicles or pedestrians (Figure 6.1 and
Figure 6.2). Design vehicles are further discussed in Section 5.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 6.1: Potential conflict between buses and cars

Source: VicRoads (no date (n.d.)).

Figure 6.2: Potential conflict points between trams and cars at signalised intersections

Note: It is general practice to locate stop lines to avoid conflict between a tram and a vehicle in an adjacent lane. Points
1, 2, 3 and 4 represent locations of potential for conflict between a tram and a vehicle when establishing the stop line

Source: VicRoads (n.d.).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

6.3 Bus Facilities

6.3.1 Bus Lanes

A bus lane simply becomes an additional lane on the approach to the intersection and should be signed,
marked and delineated in accordance with AS 1742.12-2000. The bus lane is usually located along the
kerbside lane, although where a bus route turns right at an intersection, a right-turn bus lane may be
provided. As bus lane arrangements can vary, jurisdictional guidelines and requirements need to be

In general, a dedicated bus lane at an intersection may be:

• the continuation of a full bus lane, that is, a mid-block lane that extends over a considerable distance
(Figure 6.3(a))
• a queue jump lane that is long enough to enable buses to pass a queue of general traffic and obtain an
early start at traffic signals (Figure 6.3(b))
• a set-back lane with a short mid-block bus lane on the approach enables a bus to pass through the
intersection during the green time (Figure 6.3(c))
• a short bus lane may be provided at traffic signals to allow buses to bypass queues at the approach to
signalised intersections (Figure 6.4). Where this facility is not required initially, but is expected to be
required at some future time, the left-turn island should be large enough to accommodate the lane. In the
intervening period the island should be fully constructed as a permanent island (i.e. an additional space
should not be ‘painted out’ or formed using a ‘spike down’ kerb).

A bus lane on the approach to an intersection should not be located to the left of a general traffic lane used
by left turning vehicles. A bus (undertaking a through movement), can share a left turn lane with other
vehicles to gain priority, or use an exclusive lane provided to the right of a left turn lane

The width of a bus lane should comply with the guidance in AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c). Where a bus
lane or queue jump lane treatment is provided on the approach to an intersection it is desirable that the lane
continues for some distance on the departure side of the intersection. In some cases the treatment will lead
into a continuous bus lane which is the preferred situation. However, where this is not necessary or
practicable and the bus facility must end beyond the intersection, the terminal treatment should comprise a
section of parallel lane and a generous taper. Suggested desirable minimum lengths for termination of the
lane are provided in Table 6.1. The operating speed shown in the table is the maximum speed at which a
bus is likely to travel on the departure road from the intersection.

Table 6.1: Minimum length required for bus lane termination on departure side of an intersection

Operating speed on departure (km/h) Overall length(1) (m) Taper length(2) (m)
60 165 100
70 190 110
80 220 130
1 Based on four seconds of travel time for the bus driver to observe traffic in the adjacent lane in order to accept a gap
plus the taper length (see note 2) and is measured from the pedestrian crosswalk across the intersection departure,
or similar location on the intersection departure, if there is no crosswalk present.
2 Based on a rate of lateral shift for the bus of 0.6 m/sec.

This treatment is suggested where there is no priority treatment provided.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 6.3: Examples of a full bus lane and queue jump lane treatments

(a) Setback peak period bus lane with (b) A queue jump bus lane to bypass (c) Setback peak period bus lane with
mid-block bus lane the peak hour queue length short mid-block bus lane

Note: For signing and linemarking details refer to jurisdictional guidelines.

Source: VicRoads (2003) 1.

1 VicRoads (2003) has been superseded and not carried forward into VicRoads (2015a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 6.4: Example of a left-turn slip lane and short bus lane to create a queue jump lane

“B” lantern activated

prior to, or after the
green through phase

Short left turn lane

delivers less bus
priority benefits

G reen time
queue length

Left turn lane

length greater than
green time queue
length can deliver
bus priority

Peak hour
queue length

Optimum left
turn lane
length for
bus priority

Note: For signing and linemarking details refer to jurisdictional guidelines.

Source: VicRoads (2003) 2.

2 VicRoads (2003) has been superseded and has not been carried forward into VicRoads (2015a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

6.3.2 Providing for Buses and Bicycles

Where space is constrained and a separate bicycle facility cannot be provided, it may be necessary to
provide a kerbside bus lane that is wide enough for cyclists to share with buses. Where the lanes are shared,
the lane needs to be signed accordingly to permit this dual use. At sites where space is available it is
preferable to provide a separated bus lane and bicycle lane treatment or a high-standard off-road bicycle
path or shared path.

If an off-road facility is provided, for the cyclists, commuter cyclists in particular are likely to remain on the
road to enable them to travel at a higher speed compared to the speed they can travel on the off-road path.
Where this is likely the design of the intersection should accommodate these cyclists. Further guidance on
the selection of off-road bicycle treatments is provided in Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Pedestrian and
Cyclist Paths (AGRD Part 6A) (Austroads 2017b).

Guidance on the widths of bicycle lanes and bus lanes is provided in AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c) and
the width of paths is covered in Austroads (2017b). Designers should use these guides to develop a
treatment suitable for the particular site.

6.3.3 Bus Facilities in Medians

Special bus facilities are not normally provided in the medians of arterial roads because of the space
required to:
• accommodate bus stops and allow buses to overtake
• provide a safe clearance between buses travelling at substantial speeds in opposite directions.

There are also operational consequences in catering for the bus movements at major intersections.
However, where a median is wide enough a facility such as a busway or a bus interchange may be provided
(Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5: Median bus lanes with bus signals on Causeway Bridge, Perth, WA

Source: Main Roads Western Australia (n.d.).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The provision of bus facilities in medians is usually restricted to:

• express services on freeways
• medians on large bridges at critical river crossings
• queue jump facilities over relatively short lengths
• a separate right-turn facility where a bus route turns at a major intersection
• provision of a ‘centre of the road’ bus stop where this is advantageous to bus services.

The median width will vary in accordance with the service required and site constraints.

Where this facility is provided, the pedestrian access arrangements need to be considered, minimising
possible conflicts with other road users and providing adequate protection as they move from the median to
roadside areas.

6.3.4 Bus Stops

The design and layout of bus stops is covered in AGRD Part 3 (4.12) The following guidance is specifically
for when bus stops are near intersections and crossings.


When considering whether to locate a bus stop on the approach or departure side of a signalised
intersection a number of factors should be considered, including:
• Bus stops on the approach to intersections can cause detection difficulties when designing bus priority
• If located on the approach side, a stationary bus may adversely reduce the sight distance available to a
waiting motorist on the side road.
• If provided on the departure side the stop should be indented to ensure that stationary buses do not
cause traffic to queue back into the intersection at the change of phase.
• The pedestrian travel paths to access and leave from the stop and waiting areas and the need for any
safety barrier protection.
• For safety reasons, bus stops should be located on the departure side of facilities such as intersections
and pedestrian crossings.
• In some situations a stop may have to cater for buses travelling straight through the intersection and
turning at the intersection, in which case an approach stop may be desirable.
• Buses travelling through an intersection may have considerable difficulty in re-entering the traffic flow on
an intersection approach that has a double left-turn lane, in which case a departure stop may benefit bus
• If the bus has to turn right at an intersection a departure stop will negate the need for the bus to weave
across from a kerbside intersection approach stop to the right-turning lane at complex intersections.
• If a bus service enters from the intersecting road, a departure stop may suit services on both intersecting
• A departure stop may be appropriate where a major generator of bus patrons exists on that corner
(e.g. shopping centre, school).
• Buses using a bus stop may have an effect on general traffic flow at the intersection.

Bus bays are often required near pedestrian crossings and should be located on the departure side so that
passengers are not obscured from view by the bus, and are readily seen by approaching drivers (Figure 6.6).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 6.6: Example of a kerbside bus stop on the departure side of pedestrian signals


Source: VicRoads (2006) 3.

Similarly, where a bus bay is required in close proximity to an intersection, the preferred location is for it to be
placed on the departure side of the intersection, as shown in Figure 6.7 and at the offset shown in Table 6.2.
Alternatively, the bus bay can be placed in advance of the intersection if the type/origin/destination of the
passengers using the service warrants this (Figure 6.8 and Table 6.2).

As a general rule bus bays should not be combined with acceleration or deceleration lanes.

Figure 6.7: Proximity to departure side of intersection

Refer note 1

1 Refer to Table 6.2 for dimensions.

Source: Main Roads Western Australia (2015).

Figure 6.8: Proximity to approach side of intersection

Refer note 1

1 Refer to Table 6.2 for dimensions.

Source: Main Roads Western Australia (2015).

3 VicRoads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 6.6 has not been carried forward into VicRoads (2015b).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 6.2: Desirable distance of bus bay from tangent point near intersection

Bus bay on departure (preferred) Bus bay on approach (alternative)

Desirable (m) Minimum (m) Desirable (m) Minimum (m)
30 10 100 40

Source: Main Roads Western Australia (2015).

For the design of a bus bay, refer to AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

7. Property Access and Median Openings

7.1 General

Roads provide for both traffic movement and access to abutting property. Increased frequency and the
degree of access are invariably associated with reduced level of service for traffic movement along a road.
Access management is discussed in AGTM Part 5 (Austroads 2020), which shows access management
categories and their application to achieve a level of access along a road that is in accordance with the
function of the road.

Designers in New Zealand are referred to the Planning Policy Manual – for Integrated Planning and
Development of State Highways (Transit New Zealand 2007) which covers a range of subjects including
access way standards and guidelines.

The principles of intersection design defined in previous parts of this guide also apply to median openings
and property access. Sight distance, design vehicle turning paths and interference to through traffic by
decelerating and accelerating vehicles should be considered at all sites.

7.2 Property Access

7.2.1 Access Spacing and Proximity of Driveways to Intersections

The spacing of intersections and driveways is important, and relates to the road classification and the way in
which traffic and access should generally be managed on each road. Intersection design may therefore be
influenced by the access management and this is covered in detail in AGTM Part 5. In designing major
intersections, the proximity of other intersections and driveways can have a significant effect on the operation
of the intersection and the geometry that can be achieved.

Functional area of an intersection

The location of an access close to a major intersection is often an issue in the design of major intersections
as it has the potential to adversely affect both safety and capacity. The functional area of an intersection is
the area beyond the physical intersection of two roads that comprises decision and manoeuvre distances on
the approaches and departures, plus any required vehicle storage length. Wherever possible, this area
should be protected from interference by traffic from accesses.

The upstream functional area is that length over which vehicles on the through road are manoeuvring to
execute a right or left-turn at the intersecting road. This length is the greater of the distance required for the
right or left turn, including storage or the queue length. The downstream distance is that required for a driver
to avoid a collision with a vehicle entering the road from an access connection.

Upstream dimensions

The upstream dimensions of the functional area are illustrated in Figure 7.1 and comprise:
• d1 – distance travelled during perception-reaction time of driver
• d2 – distance travelled while driver manoeuvres laterally and decelerates to a stop (lateral movement of
1.5 m/sec)
• d3 – length required to store turning vehicles.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 7.1: Upstream functional intersection area (based on right-turning vehicles)

d3 d2 d1

Source: Department of Main Roads (1975) 4.

Downstream dimensions

Stopping distance is a method of assessing the required downstream distance. This allows a driver to pass
through the intersection before having to decide that it is necessary to stop because of a conflict at a
downstream access connection (Transportation Research Board 2003).

If this overlaps with the upstream functional area of the next intersection, then there is no access window. In
urban areas, it may not be possible to prevent any accesses in this situation and conditions will have to be
applied to any approvals to grant an access in this zone.

The distance required to avoid access connections in the functional area of an intersection is described
above. Ideally, no access connection will be located in the functional area of an intersection. Table 7.1 sets
out the appropriate values for this distance with provision for storage as stated. Actual storage distances
should be calculated using the methods provided in AGTM Part 3 (Austroads 2013c).

Table 7.1: Examples of upstream functional intersection distances

Speed d1 + d2 Storage: d3 Upstream functional

(km/h) (m) (m) distance (m)
Rural 80 185 25(1) 210
100 250 25(1) 275
110 310 25(1) 335
Sub-urban 50 80 30(2) 110
60 125 30(2) 155
80 185 30(2) 215
Urban 35 35 60(3) 95
50 70 60(3) 130
1 Storage based on one B-double.
2 Storage based on five cars.
3 Storage based on 10 cars.

d1, d2 and d3 are shown in Figure 7.1.
Actual storage must be calculated for the specific circumstances.
Source: Modified from Transportation Research Board (2003) by using metric units and rounding the values.

4 Department of Main Roads (1975) has been superseded and Figure 7.1 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

7.2.2 Urban Roads

Urban property accesses vary from entrances to major developments, such as regional shopping centres, to
driveways for individual residential houses. The treatment of access should be consistent with the function of
the road and any access management strategy – refer to AGTM Part 5 (Austroads 2020).

It should be noted that property accesses can also be used by pedestrians that are either entering or exiting
the site, or crossing the road at that location. It is therefore important to ensure that access gradients and
kerb ramps (see Section 8.2.2) cater for these movements

The right of access to the property and the subsequent entry and exit layout is dependent on:
• the type of frontage road
• the land use of the property
• the type of vehicle likely to use the access
• the average daily traffic using the access.

Entrances to major developments such as shopping centres should:

• be analysed thoroughly to minimise their effect on the through traffic flow (AGTM Part 3
(Austroads 2013c))
• be designed in accordance with this Part (i.e. the same as the intersection of two public roads) where
they intersect a major road.

The width of an entrance or driveway, and the layout of the turnout should:
• provide single manoeuvre turns by the design vehicle
• provide adequate clearance between the design vehicle’s turning path and physical constraints within the
• avoid reversing movements into or out of the development, except in the case of individual single
residential houses
• provide adequate sight distance, including pedestrians
• minimise pedestrian/vehicle conflict areas and control vehicle speed across footways.

Aspects that should be considered with property accesses are summarised in Table 7.2. In addition to these
considerations, it is particularly important that adequate sight distance is provided for all traffic movements
associated with property accesses. For guidance on sight distance designers should refer to AGRD Part 4A
(Austroads 2017a).

Reference should also be made to AS/NZS 2890.1-2004 and Guide to Traffic Management Part 12: Traffic
Impacts of Developments (Austroads 2016d).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 7.2: Property access considerations on urban roads

Type of road Considerations

Urban divided Consistency with access management strategy
arterial road Traffic flow and safety
Pedestrian safety across accesses
Preferably locate new accesses on service roads or side roads
Locate new entrances away from intersections (Appendix E)
Provide grade separation where justified
For a narrow road reserve with direct access consider provision of a left-turn in/left-turn out layout
(preferred treatment) and indirect right-turn entry and exit movements via detours around the block
or U-turn movements from sheltered turn lanes or at adjacent roundabouts
Urban undivided On arterial roads with high through traffic volumes control the number of access points along the
multilane road route through the planning process
Right turns can be prohibited by:
• the provision of a double unbroken dividing line which prohibits right turns (under the Australian
Road Rules (National Transport Commission 2012))
• no right-turn signs
A physical barrier, such as a minimum width raised median, can provide some assurance that the
manoeuvre will not be made
Access via side streets and/or service roads abutting the rear of properties is preferred. This
reduces vehicle conflict points and enhances pedestrian safety in areas of high pedestrian activity
(i.e. commercial centres and strip shopping zones)
For roads with abutting industrial land use, or on the outskirts of rural cities and towns where
pedestrian activity is relatively low and speeds may be relatively high, it is important to ensure that
through and turning lanes are of adequate width for heavy vehicles
Urban two-lane On arterial roads passing through commercial centres, vehicular access to properties is
two-way road undesirable due to the potential for conflict with pedestrians using the footpaths
Restrictions should be placed on right-turning movements where minimum gap sight distance is
unavailable. This can be achieved through:
• linemarking with double dividing lines or painted medians, to an extent
• by providing isolated raised medians as a physical barrier to the turn
Local street It is preferred that road networks are planned and designed so that property access points are
located on local streets rather than arterial roads
Low travel speed and driver expectation of interference reduces the likelihood of conflict
Potential conflict with pedestrian movement must be identified and appropriate solutions adopted.
However, the low-speed environment should ensure that both the likelihood of conflict and the
severity of crashes are minimised

7.2.3 Rural Roads

Although rural roads are usually characterised by relatively low turning traffic volumes to and from widely
spaced access points, high-speed crashes occur due to low driver expectation of turning vehicles.

Treatment of access to rural properties is dependent on several factors including:

• through traffic volume
• turning volume
• vehicle type
• single or divided carriageway
• land use
• general topography.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

To enhance safety for the turning vehicle and minimise interference to through traffic it is common to widen
the shoulder or provide an auxiliary lane. This is usually achieved by providing indented turning lanes on
divided roads or a basic (BA) or channelised (CH) treatment on a two-lane two-way road (AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a)).

The location for the point of access will be governed by the following:
• sight distance (refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a))
• median width/storage space
• largest design vehicle to utilise the facility
• distance to intersection
• possible confusion with intersections
• deceleration/acceleration movements
• drainage
• topography.

The number of access points off a high-speed road should be reduced either by consolidating them or by
using existing side roads and service roads.

The minimum design vehicle for a rural access should be the single unit truck. However, an access should
be designed for the largest vehicle likely to use them (e.g. milk tanker, semi-trailer, B-double).

The minimum layout for a rural property access is shown in Figure 7.2. The layout caters for a single unit
truck to undertake left turns without crossing the centreline of the road. It will allow for turns by articulated
vehicles (providing they use two lanes of a carriageway). This minimum layout is suitable for the following
• accesses not used by articulated vehicles on single carriageway roads (e.g. two-lane two-way roads)
• left-in, left-out accesses not used by articulated vehicles on dual carriageway roads
• dedicated commercial vehicle accesses with infrequent use by articulated vehicles (no more than about
one turning articulated vehicle per day) on single carriageway roads with an AADT of less than 2000,
provided that the access is not associated with other minimum design criteria (e.g. sight distance
restrictions or tight horizontal curves).

Any dedicated commercial vehicle access used by articulated vehicles that does not meet the conditions in
the third dot point must be designed to allow for a 19 m semi-trailer to undertake left turns without crossing
the centreline, as shown in the layouts in Figure 7.3 and Figure 7.4.

At locations where there is a high demand for articulated vehicles (e.g. timber mill, quarry, transport facility) a
road intersection layout should be adopted.

Vehicle storage is important so that vehicles entering property can stand clear of the road. Where a gate
restricts access to a property there should be sufficient length between the edge of the road and the gate to
store the parked design vehicle to allow for the occupants attending a gate.

Storage lengths are:

• 8 m – car as design vehicle (only applicable to some rural residential properties)
• 15 m – single unit truck as design vehicle
• 22 m – articulated vehicle as design vehicle.

A stock grid is the preferred control on the boundary where storage is unavailable as shown in Figure 7.2
and Figure 7.4.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Where an access on a dual carriageway incorporates a median cross-over, there should be provision for
storage of the design vehicle as shown on Figure 7.3 so that it does not protrude onto the through lanes.

Table 7.3: Property access considerations on rural roads

Type of road Consideration

High-speed A left-in left-out layout is the preferred option on a dual carriageway road with connection to and
divided road from the opposing carriageway via U-turn facilities at adjacent median openings
Ideally the location of median openings is based on those side roads and accesses with higher
demand and the need for additional cross-median accesses should be minimal
Direct right-turn access should only be provided at access points where the daily trip demand is
high (e.g. a dairy farm or a right-of-way serving several properties) or there is an expectation by
regular articulated vehicle drivers
Where it is unsafe to provide direct access for a right turning truck (e.g. where the turning truck
protrudes into the through lane), property access may be via a downstream U-turn facility. The
placement of such a facility is expected to be based on a network wide strategy (i.e. U-turn facility
spacing). Should such a facility not be available within 3 km consideration should be given to
providing a channelised right-turn treatment (CHR) of adequate truck storage length (refer to
AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a))
At locations where there is high demand for articulated vehicles (e.g. timber mill, quarry, truck
station), a road intersection layout should be adopted, to enhance safety, incorporating a
channelised right-turn treatment (CHR) for the right-turn movement and a basic left-turn treatment
(BAL) for the left-turn movement
High-speed single Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.4 show layouts that are suitable for single carriageway roads. To enhance
carriageway safety or cater for higher volumes, consideration can be given to the inclusion of BAR and BAL

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 7.2: Example of a layout of a rural property access – single or dual carriageway (conditional)

A 4 m grid shall be installed if access is less than the 22 m from edge line and is
used by semi-trailers. An inward opening 3.6 m gate set back 15 m from edge
line is an alternative if access point is used by single unit vehicles 12.5 m long or
less. Where road train access is required, a minimum width of 6 m should be
provided, the desirable width being 8 m.

Note: This rural property access treatment may be used where articulated vehicles:
• do not use the driveway on single and dual carriageway roads
• infrequently use the driveway on two-lane two-way roads that have an AADT < 2000.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 5.

5 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 7.2 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 7.3: Example of a rural property access specifically designed for articulated vehicles on a high-speed
dual carriageway

Note: Two-way carriageway – design AADT ≥ 2000 or dual carriageway left-in–left-out access minimum requirements for
semi-trailer access.
Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 6.

6 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 7.3 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 7.4: Example of a rural property access specifically designed for articulated vehicles

Note: Minimum requirement for a single carriageway with design AADT < 2000 or minimum requirement for dual
carriageway left-in–left-out access for single unit truck. Where AADT > 1000 and access is required for a semi-trailer
then use the layout.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 7.

7.3 Median Openings

7.3.1 General

The spacing of median openings is an integral part of access management planning. The justification for a
median opening is a balance between providing access to an area, the safety outcomes of a particular
treatment, the cost of providing the opening and the cost of extra travel and inconvenience. For further
information on the location and spacing of median openings refer to AGTM Part 5 (Austroads 2020).

On freeways, median openings are provided for use by emergency services and maintenance vehicles, and
should be signposted as such. On rural non-freeway divided roads, they operate as a general U-turn facility
allowing access to the opposing carriageway for property owners as well as emergency services. The
location of emergency openings should be determined in consultation with the local emergency service

7 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 7.4 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The dimensions and treatment of the median opening is governed by:

• the median width
• the presence of a median safety barrier
• the type of vehicle using it
• whether the site is in a high-speed or low-speed environment.

7.3.2 Location

In determining the location of a median opening the following matters should be considered:
• Desirable locations are sags and straights where sight distance is the greatest.
• It is undesirable for median openings to be located on horizontal curves or crests.
• On high-speed rural roads median openings should be located at a maximum spacing of 5 km, and not be
within 3 km of an intersection or interchange.
• Median openings should be located immediately downstream of median drainage pits, thus eliminating
the necessity for installation of a pipe and associated headwalls.
• The preferred location is a distance downstream (for traffic flow) of emergency telephone bays on
freeways, and of property access points on non-freeway type roads, that is sufficient to enable drivers to
join the traffic steam and weave across to a deceleration lane in the median.

A driver having a need to use a median opening should be able to recognise that the opening exists from at
least 300 m in either direction.

7.3.3 Design Requirements

To ensure that median openings operate satisfactorily without safety or operational issues designers should
ensure that:
• Turn lanes are provided at all median openings as the absence of a lane will lead to rear-end and
side-swipe collisions.
• Turn lanes are sufficiently based on storage, deceleration and vehicle access (AGRD Part 4A (Austroads
• Median openings that are not signalised allow only for right-turn movements but no crossing movements.
• Median openings are not provided across right-turn lanes.
• Median opening designs that encourage two or more vehicles to stop side by side while waiting to
complete a right-turn or crossing manoeuvre are avoided (i.e. not excessively large so as to create unsafe
conditions, since multiple vehicles interfere with each driver’s sight lines).
• The adjacent median planting should be restricted to relatively low vegetation to enhance driver sight
• On wide medians, a desirable slope of 1:10 (V:H) (1:6 maximum) between the median opening and the
median invert (measured longitudinally) should be used (refer to AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c).
• The requirements for emergency response agencies and maintenance activities are considered.

Considerations relating to median openings and their design for various types of road are summarised in
Table 7.4 and examples of median openings in Figure 7.5 show a median opening for emergency vehicles
and in Figure 7.6, show a median opening for property access.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table 7.4: Considerations relating to the design of median openings

Road type Context Considerations

High-speed Includes rural freeways/motorways On rural freeways the median openings should be:
rural roads and rural arterial roads with access • designed for articulated vehicles as the only alternative for
control turning round broken-down heavy vehicles or allowing for
Median openings are required to emergency procedures may be at the closest multi-
enable emergency vehicles to directional interchange which could be 10 km to 20 km
access adjacent carriageways to: away
• attend motor vehicle • located adjacent to emergency telephone bays or lay-bys
crashes/medical emergencies On access controlled rural arterial roads with medians, efforts
• tow broken-down vehicles to should be made to incorporate the median opening with a
nearest town property access point, T-intersection, or a widened section of
• clean/retrieve spilt chemicals road (lay-by)
• access fire trails A 27.0 m offset covering the median and the adjacent
carriageway is the minimum width required to allow an
• undertake maintenance emergency vehicle to turn. This also allows a 19.0 m semi-
Generally rural roads with divided trailer to turn at the minimum radius required for a speed up
carriageways have wide medians to 5 km/h. Greater dimensions are required for higher turning
Where the median is narrow, a lay-by will need to be
constructed on the adjacent carriageway’s left shoulder and
In situations where a significant number of semi-trailer or
B-double trucks require access to a divided, high-speed, rural
road it may be necessary to provide a wider median to safely
store trucks within the median opening (e.g. a B-double
requires approximately 30 m)
High-speed Median openings are required to The treatment of the break in the safety barrier is important
urban enable emergency vehicles to and incorporate:
freeways access the adjacent carriageway to: • for a concrete barrier, an approved crash attenuating
• attend motor vehicle device or opening system
crashes/medical emergencies • for non-rigid systems, positioning the terminals to minimise
• tow away broken-down vehicles the gap thus allowing access to the adjacent carriageway
• clean/retrieve spilt loads including (AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c))
chemicals Due to the closer frequency of interchanges in urban areas
Urban freeways often have narrower and the need to restrict the width of median openings, median
medians than rural freeways. The openings at these sites are designed for a single unit truck
carriageways are usually separated (fire engine, ambulance, tow truck)
by median safety barrier (concrete, The crossover should be located adjacent to a lay-by, bus
steel or wire rope) zone or emergency telephone bay so that the turning vehicle
can take advantage of the widened formation
High-speed High-speed (≥ 80 km/h speed limit) Where intersections are spaced over 1 km apart and there is
urban divided urban arterial roads serve as main a high volume AADT, median openings should be provided at
roads connectors between suburban 400 m to 800 m intervals
centres. Intersections are widely On roads abutted by large industrial enterprises that attract a
spaced. Direct property access is significant flow of large trucks, it may be necessary to
usually controlled and where examine the consequences of not providing access through
available is often limited to left-turn the median to particular properties (e.g. trucks having to
entry and exit travel excessive distances or perform U-turns)
Where the median does not incorporate a physical restraint
(e.g. safety barrier, pedestrian fence) and the kerb is semi-
mountable, median breaks with low ground cover plants can
be made within the landscaping at 100 m to 200 m intervals
to allow emergency vehicles to access properties that abut
the opposing carriageway

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Road type Context Considerations

Moderate- Moderate-speed urban roads Due to the proximity of intersections, formed median
speed urban (60 km/h to 70 km/h speed limit openings are not required. Except where a pedestrian
divided roads roads) serve residential, commercial fencing/safety barrier is installed or there is a significant level
and industrial zones. Emergency difference, the median should be traversable with flattened
vehicles require access to the batters, semi-mountable kerb and low growth vegetation
adjacent carriageway to attend
motor vehicle crashes, overtake
queued traffic and access adjacent
properties for medical emergencies,
fires, evacuations etc.

Figure 7.5: Example of an emergency median opening on rural freeways

Note: Width W between the cross over noses is governed by the turning path of the design vehicle.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 7.6: Example of a general median opening for access on divided roads

Note: Width W between the cross over noses is governed by the turning path of the design vehicle.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

8. Pedestrian Crossings

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 General

This section provides guidance on the design of pedestrian crossing facilities. The traffic management
considerations for the use of pedestrian crossings are provided in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2019. From a
road safety perspective it is critical that the correct devices are provided and that they are designed in a
uniform and consistent manner.

The Australasian Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool (Austroads 2018) can be used to guide the selection of
an appropriate pedestrian crossing facility taking into consideration the feasibility, walkability, pedestrian
safety and economic viability of different crossing types.At pedestrian crossings, both pedestrians and
drivers approach any crossing with caution and any device which may potentially give a pedestrian an
illusory sense of safety when crossing the road should not be used. Crossing roads is particularly difficult for
people with disabilities and this can inhibit them from moving about on the street system. People with limited
or no vision have difficulty identifying where to cross, and people in wheelchairs and those with limited
mobility sometimes have trouble moving on and off crossings or completing a crossing in the time available.

To minimise possible conflicts and the impacts of a conflict, crossing widths should be kept as narrow as
possible and vehicle speeds be within a range tolerable to people. Vehicle speeds may be lowered with the
use of treatments such as reducing lane widths or vertical deflection devices, e.g. a raised section of road,
placed prior to, or at the crossing.

Designers should be aware of local pedestrian or cycling planning and design guides. These guides
generally provide the policy and network planning context in which pedestrian facilities are provided within a
jurisdiction. For pedestrians, examples of these guides include:
• How to Prepare a Pedestrian and Mobility Plan: An Easy Three Stage Guide (Roads and Traffic Authority 2002)
• Easy Steps: A Toolkit for Planning, Designing and Promoting Safe Walking (Department of Main
Roads 2005)
• Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide (NZ Transport Agency 2009).

8.1.2 Types of Crossings

Traffic engineering techniques which may be used to assist pedestrians to cross roads, and to control
pedestrian/vehicle interaction include:
• selection of appropriate speed limits (e.g. within shopping centre precincts)
• general crossing treatments (e.g. pedestrian refuges, kerb outstands, continuous footpath)
• time separation (traffic controlled) treatments (e.g. traffic signals)
• grade (or spatial) separation (e.g. a pedestrian overpass)
• integrated treatments (e.g. shared zones)

Further information on selecting a type of crossing for the location is contained in AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Formal crossings may be provided at signalised intersections (e.g. as part of a signalised intersection
treatment, refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a), or take the form of mid-block signalised crossings
(pedestrian-operated signals), school crossings or pedestrian (zebra) crossings. Informal crossings may be
established and reinforced through the provision of pedestrian refuges in the middle of the road, as it is much
easier for pedestrians to cross the road in stages. Signalised crossings are preferred for use by people who
have a restricted mobility, as they provide a greater guarantee of right-of-way for the pedestrian and provide
the opportunity for audible and tactile cues as to when it is safe to cross.

It may be necessary to provide tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) in conjunction with pedestrian
crossings in order to warn and direct vision-impaired people. Designers should refer to local jurisdictional
guidelines regarding the provision and design layout of TGSIs.

Continuous footpath treatment

In locations where there is a low volume of vehicles on the minor local access street (< 45 vehicles per hour)
and very few heavy vehicles, a continuous footpath treatment may be appropriate to provide priority to
pedestrians (Australian Road Rules (National Transport Commission 2012)). This treatment extends the
footpath across the road pavement on the same grade and without any colour or texture change. Further
information on this type of treatment can be found in Roads and Maritime Services (2013).

8.2 Mid-block Crossings on Roads

8.2.1 General Considerations for Design

Table 8.1 lists important design features of pedestrian crossings and provides a summary of the aspects that
should be considered in design.

Table 8.1: Crossing features and considerations

Feature Considerations
Crossing A marked crosswalk at a mid-block signalised pedestrian or children’s crossing should not be less than
width 3.0 m between the lines
Crossings that are too narrow may result in congestion and interference with pedestrians passing in
opposite directions and result in longer than desirable pedestrian phase times with the possibility of
pedestrians being caught on the crossing when the traffic signals change
Where heavy movements of pedestrians occur, a footway capacity analysis (AGTM Part 3
(Austroads 2013c)) can be used to determine the crossing width required to provide an acceptable level
of service for pedestrians (refer to Level of Service Metrics (for Network Operations Planning)
(Austroads 2015f)
Crossing It is good design practice to provide the shortest crossing of the road that is practicable in the
length circumstances (i.e. considering the safety of pedestrians, for the benefit of the elderly or infirm (security)
and to minimise delay to vehicles)
The acceptable length of a crossing will be determined by the overall carriageway width to be crossed
and the nature of traffic control (e.g. the amount of time allotted at a traffic signal)
In general, the crossing distance should be minimised. The crossing length can be reduced by
extending the footpath (i.e. narrowing the carriageway), and/or by providing pedestrian refuges within
the roadway to facilitate a staged crossing
A pedestrian refuge is desirable on all roads with moderate to high traffic volumes (e.g. two-lane
two-way roads) This is especially important where there is a high pedestrian crossing volume or a high
proportion of people with disabilities

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Feature Considerations
Crossing Wherever practicable the crossing should be at right angles to the carriageway as this:
orientation • assists vision-impaired pedestrians to cross the road within the marked crosswalk; vision-impaired
people to obtain cues from the orientation of the kerb ramps and it is more difficult to achieve a
satisfactory arrangement where a crossing is at an angle to the kerb
• minimises the crossing distance
Where a crossing at right angles is not possible:
• access points to a crossing should be oriented so that people using them are able to cross the road
without changing direction. Abrupt changes of direction should not be required once the user is on
the roadway. This is particularly important for people with limited vision as the orientation of the
crossing access point is a major cue to the necessary crossing direction
Some form of directional guidance, such as tactile tiles and audio-tactile devices is suggested
Surfaces It is important that changes in a footpath’s surface, particularly at crossings, be easily detectable
(especially important for vision-impaired pedestrians)
Use of standard guidance devices is recommended, for example:
• audible cues that range from audio-tactile devices at pedestrian crossings to public address systems
• visual cues that include signs, lighting, visually contrasting surfaces and guide lines, physical cues
that include audio-tactile devices at pedestrian crossings, surface texture changes, guide strips,
kerbs and other surface level changes
Sight For sight distance requirements refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).
distance It is important that pedestrian crossing facilities should:
• be located where there is a clear view between approaching motorists and pedestrians on the
crossing or waiting to cross a roadway
• not be located immediately over the crest of vertical curves or on horizontal curves
It is essential to ensure that motorists have sufficient sight distance available after noticing the presence
of the crossing to enable them to react to the presence of a pedestrian on or about to enter the crossing
and stop their vehicle before entering the crossing (i.e. approach sight distance)
Crossing Traffic volume affects the delays experienced by pedestrians when crossing a road. Providing a refuge
delay or giving priority to pedestrians reduces the pedestrian delay.
Single-stage crossings that minimise crossing time on all legs of a signalised intersection are
preferable. Increased crossing time will result in non-compliance with pedestrian signals. Queensland
research (Elliot, 2012) has shown an average compliance of 84% for a single stage crossing, 69%
compliance for the first leg of a two-stage crossing and 48% compliance for the second leg. Pedestrian
compliance is highest where the delay time is between 60 and 90 seconds and there is an almost 50%
decrease in compliance for delay times exceeding this.
Two stage crossings increase the distance travelled and delay at midblock crossings but can reduce the
overall waiting time at an intersection (Fowler, 2008).
Pedestrian delay is captured in level of service frameworks and in the Australasian Pedestrian Facility
Selection Tool (Austroads 2018).
Crossing Signalised crossings, zebra crossings and continuous footpaths give formal priority to pedestrians.
priority Signalised crossings are preferred for use by people who have a restricted mobility or vision loss, as
they provide a greater guarantee of right-of-way for the pedestrian and provide the opportunity for
audible and tactile cues as to when it is safe to cross and the direction of travel.
Zebra crossings generally provide the most immediate priority, as drivers yield to pedestrians as soon
as they are waiting to cross. Raised crossings provide significant additional safety benefits by forcing
vehicles to slow (and encouraging them to stop if needed) at the crossing point.
Design The vehicle design speed needs to be considered in the context of the crossing location, crossing type
vehicle and the users of the crossing. Raised crossings for example should be high enough to reduce vehicle
speed speeds to approximately 20km/h, in areas with very high pedestrian volumes vehicle design speeds of
10 km/h may be more appropriate
Stop line Stop lines are essential at crossings controlled by traffic signals and at children’s crossings to minimise
location the encroachment of vehicles onto the pedestrian crossing area. Such encroachment:
• is a direct hazard to pedestrians
• is a physical barrier to their movement
• obstructs the line of sight between adjacent vehicles stopped on the approach and pedestrians
already on the crossing.
Stop lines should be located in accordance with the guidelines given in AS 1742.10-2009 or MOTSAM
Part 2: Markings (NZ Transport Agency 2010b)

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Feature Considerations
Access to Where a road or street is kerbed a kerb ramp is essential to assist pedestrians in moving between the
roadway footpath and roadway. Kerbs present a significant barrier to many people; people in wheelchairs cannot
crossings mount a kerb at all and may have difficulty using ramps if they are too steep. People with limited vision
need an indication of good places to cross and of the direction in which they should travel. These
should be provided at mid-block pedestrian crossings, at all intersections, and at other points where
access is needed to and from a footway. A kerb also assists in identifying the location for pedestrians to
wait before undertaking their crossing
Where there are no kerbs, a drain usually borders the roadway and it is necessary to provide a culvert
or other bridging to enable pedestrians to access the roadway at crossing points

8.2.2 General Crossing Treatments

Physical separation of pedestrians from vehicles within the roadway may be achieved by providing:
• pedestrian refuges
• medians
• footpath (kerb) extensions.

Reference should be made to the installation guidelines and detailed design provisions provided in
Australian Standards (AS 1742.10-2009 and AS 1742.2-2009) or in MOTSAM Part 1: Traffic Signs
(NZ Transport Agency 2010a); Part 2: Markings (NZ Transport Agency 2010b).

Pedestrian refuges

A typical pedestrian refuge for a two-way two-lane road is shown In Figure 8.1. Where it is necessary to
stage pedestrians on the island (e.g. at crossings serving school children) because the road is wider (e.g.
four-lane undivided or duplicated) the length and width of the island treatment will have to be increased in
order to store the necessary number of pedestrians within the island. In such cases the island will have to be
wide enough to accommodate pedestrian fencing designed to prevent pedestrians from moving directly onto
the second carriageway and orient them to face the direction of approaching vehicles. In some cases it may
be appropriate to stage pedestrians within a larger refuge, in a similar fashion to that illustrated in Figure 8.3
for pedestrian operated signals.

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Figure 8.1: Example of a pedestrian refuge

Where the refuge connects significant shared use paths the minimum width of refuge of 2.0 m is likely to be inadequate
and a greater width should be provided, and warning signs should include a bicycle (Appendix C, Figure C 2).
Street lighting should be provided in accordance with AS/NZS 1158.4-2015.
Pedestrian assist handrails may be provided where space is available in the island. If provided, they should be frangible.

Source: Based on AS 1742.10-2009.

Notes relating to the numbered circles in Figure 8.1 are:

1. Island kerbs may be painted white.
2. If the refuge is used in conjunction with a marked crossing, the spacing between the islands should be
increased accordingly.
3. The length of painted median should be increased or other delineation devices considered if visibility to
the island is reduced by vertical or horizontal alignment. Uni-directional yellow raised retro-reflective
pavement markers are provided at a spacing of 6 m.
4. The painted median is preceded by barrier line.

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5. Where refuges are used on arterial or high speed roads, pedestrians or children warning signs W6-1 or
W6-3 (minimum size B), as appropriate, are erected together with a supplementary plate Refuge Island
(W8-25) in advance of the refuge.
6. A cut-through section is preferred through the refuge.
7. When used at intersections, the length of the raised part of the island closest to the intersection may be
reduced to accommodate turning traffic. It is suggested a minimum length of 1.25 m be provided.
8. A suitable hazard marker from the D4 Series (AS 1742.2-2009) may be used under the Keep Left (R2-3)
sign. Mounting heights need to be selected so as to avoid obscuring visibility of child pedestrians. This
sign may be omitted if delineation of the island under all conditions is adequate.
9. The minimum width of the refuge is 2.0 m. Where there is a high pedestrian volume, the desirable width is
3.0 m.
10.The no stopping distance may be extended if sight distance between the pedestrians and approaching
drivers is inadequate for vehicles to stop.

In addition, it should be noted that:

• Where permanent parking is present a footpath kerb extension may be provided to enable parking to
occur closer to the crossing.
• If the road is on a bicycle route with bicycle lanes the lanes should continue through the treatment.
• If the treatment serves an off-road bicycle path or shared path a wider refuge should be provided.

Pedestrian refuges:
• are generally used where it is difficult for pedestrians to cross the full width of a roadway in one stage
• are particularly suited to locations where pedestrian movements across a carriageway are spread over a
length of heavily trafficked road, such as in shopping streets
• enable the pedestrian to stand safely in the middle of the roadway and cross one direction of traffic at a
• are usually located centrally in the roadway, or may utilise traffic islands or medians where these are
provided for other reasons
• are often used in conjunction with one or more other devices including ‘time separation’ facilities
• should be constructed as kerbed islands
• should have pedestrian walk and standing areas within them that are flush with the roadway to allow
wheelchair users, people with prams, cyclists, etc., to easily get out of the traffic stream
Where this cannot be done, properly designed kerb ramps will be needed.
• should have a length sufficient to accommodate the expected number of pedestrians waiting and with a
total area sufficient to allow the installation of the necessary protective barriers, traffic signs and ensure
that the island is adequately prominent and visible to approaching traffic
An island length of at least 10 m is desirable to achieve these requirements.
• should be a minimum of 2.0 m wide and in locations with high pedestrian demand the desirable width is
3.0 m so that they provide adequate separation from traffic flows particularly where traffic speeds are high
• should be at least 2.4 m wide where practical at an unsignalised pedestrian crossing so that consideration
may be given to staggering the pedestrian movement to force pedestrians to face traffic approaching on
the carriageway they are about to cross

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• should have pavement markings to ensure that vehicles are safely guided past the island and that the
roadway is not unexpectedly constrained
The number of traffic lanes on the approach should be maintained past the island, if necessary by modifying
the linemarking to reduce the lane widths and by imposing parking controls. If pedestrian refuges are
needed at successive closely spaced intervals along a street, consideration should be given to providing a
continuous raised median or a flush (pavement marked) treatment linking the separate islands.
• should be made of a noticeably different surface material from that of the road pavement
This will assist vision-impaired people to locate the refuge. In addition, the refuge boundaries need to be
clearly distinguished by both vehicle drivers and pedestrians. The contrast between a dark (asphalt) road
surface and light concrete kerb and island surface is initially adequate, but as this effect deteriorates with
time and road grime, it may be lost entirely in wet conditions (when most needed).
• should desirably have raised retro-reflective pavement markers to enhance the delineation of the refuge,
particularly where the level of street lighting is low
• should in all cases be adequately illuminated in accordance with AS/NZS 1158-2015 (set) and where
necessary by the careful positioning of street lights and/or supplementary lighting in accordance with
AS/NZS 1158.4-2015.

The following aspects should also be considered in the provision of refuges:

• As many people feel unsafe standing on a refuge in the middle of the road, wherever possible, alternative
approaches, such as using kerb extensions to reduce the width of road to be crossed, should be
• A staggered arrangement may also be used at signalised pedestrian crossings if it is intended to ‘stage’
the pedestrians on the refuge island (or median), requiring them to cross each directional roadway in
separate signal phases.
• Appropriate barriers and fencing may be installed to protect pedestrians from vehicular traffic, provided
they do not hide the pedestrians from the view of drivers. A free standing post or handrail is useful, as a
support for elderly, infirm or fatigued pedestrians. If fences are used to control pedestrian movements,
care must be taken to ensure that they are not a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles (Underwood 1990). A
weld-mesh type fence is very suitable; however, horizontal metal pipe or timber railing should be avoided
as these pose serious hazards to motorists in the event of an impact with the railing. Chains should not
be used in this situation as they do not provide handrail support and cannot be detected adequately by
vision-impaired pedestrians.

Refuges can be used in conjunction with footpath (kerb) extensions to further reduce the road width where
this is necessary. It is important to provide openings or kerb ramps on the refuge and also on the footpaths
approaching the refuge from either side of the road.

It is essential that the height and location of signs and other road furniture be selected to maintain clear sight
lines for both pedestrians and drivers. In particular, the height of signs in the path of pedestrians should be at
a minimum of 2.0 m above the top of the kerb to avoid obstructing pedestrian movement. Care also needs to
be taken to ensure that the line of sight between drivers and pedestrians is not obscured and that
pedestrians, particularly small children are not hidden behind traffic signs at critical locations. This often
occurs due to the mounting of Keep Left signs on narrow medians and pedestrian refuge islands. These
signs should be mounted either high or very low to avoid these problems.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

A limitation to the application of island treatments is that they can restrict vehicular access to abutting
properties. The provision of a combination of concrete refuge islands and a painted median treatment allows
for a pedestrian facility where people cross over a significant length of road. In those states which permit
turns across painted medians this method allows right-turn access into properties having frontage onto the
road and access to parking on both sides of the road. It may therefore be applicable to some commercial
areas, depending on overall traffic management objectives.


Where a median is less than 2.4 m wide it is usually desirable that pedestrians are not staged in the median
but are allowed to cross the road without delay (Figure 8.2). Where the median width is greater than 3.5 m, it
may be desirable to stage pedestrians in the median so that excessive delay is not caused to motor traffic.

Figure 8.3 shows an example of practice whereby the pedestrian crossings are staggered and pedestrians
are required to pass through a chicane (2.4 m to 3.5 m wide median) or deviate at an angle (median width
> 3.5 m). In each case the stagger is oriented so that pedestrians face the oncoming traffic when
approaching the crossing point.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 8.2: Example of a median crossing for pedestrian operated signals with a straight crossing

Median width less than 1.2 m

Median width less than 1.2 to 2.4 m

Source: VicRoads (n.d.).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 8.3: Example of a median crossing for pedestrian operated signals with a stagger

Carriageway width <8.5 m - the right

sided primary lanterns are not
required but the secondary lanterns
are high mounted
Carriageway width >15 m - right
sided primary lanterns to be mounted
on mast arms

S = Stagger distance

Carriageway width >15 m - right

sided primary lanterns to be mounted
on mast arms

S = Stagger distance

Wide carriageways may require primary signals mounted on mast arms to improve visibility.
Stagger distance S may depend on the number of pedestrians to be stored in the median. Suggested minimum distance
for low pedestrian volumes is 6 m.

Source: VicRoads (n.d.).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Footpath kerb extension

Pedestrian safety and traffic management can be improved with the introduction of footpath kerb extensions
(or kerb extensions). These consist of a local widening of the footpath into the carriageway within an
adjacent shoulder or kerbside parking lane (Figure 8.4).

The kerb should be extended to the car parking lane line and be wide enough to ensure that parking is not
possible too close to the crossing and approaching drivers are therefore provided with approach sight
distance to pedestrians about to step onto the crossing.

The width of the extension will be dependent on the overall road width, but is usually 2.0 m to 2.3 m wide
and 6 m to 10 m long.

Figure 8.4: Example of a footpath kerb extension

Warning signs in advance of footpath extensions are not generally essential unless the signs are required for a regulated
pedestrian crossing.
Any signing provided should be in accordance with the requirements of AS 1742.13-2009 for similar road narrowing
Provide suitable delineation for these treatments (e.g. painting of the kerbs, pavement marking, retro-reflective pavement
Drainage of the roadway adjacent to the footpath extension needs to be considered and the kerb line shape should be
compatible with the turning characteristics of street sweeping equipment.

Further information on the use of footpath kerb extensions is provided in Commentary 2.

[see Commentary 2]

Road narrowing indented parking

On some less important arterial roads and collector type roads, footpath (kerb) extensions are constructed at
regular intervals along the road together with the relevant road markings to create an indented (protected)
parking arrangement and a narrower roadway to meet local traffic management objectives.

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8.2.3 Kerb Ramps for Pedestrians

The difference in level between a roadway and an adjacent footpath is a common situation which poses
difficulties for pedestrians, particularly those with mobility and vision disabilities. While the level difference is
relatively small, its treatment needs careful attention to properly cater for all users.

A drop kerb or kerb ramp provides a smooth change in the level between the footpath and road pavement. It
allows pedestrians to gain access to the roadway, with minimum impediment and is essential where people
in wheelchairs and those with mobility impairment need to be catered for. It also caters for people with
prams, shopping trolleys, bicycles and wheeled recreational devices. It is important that kerb ramps be
aligned in the direction of travel to guide vision-impaired pedestrians directly across the road and not into the

The general form of kerb ramps is illustrated in Figure 8.5 and AS 1428.4.1-2009 provides guidance on the
design of kerb ramps. A minimum footway width of 1500 mm should be provided beyond the top of the ramp,
to ensure that users of the footway along the street are not inconvenienced by the ramp. A flatter kerb ramp
gradient is sometimes used in order to address the possibility of wheelchairs tipping backwards when
traversing the transition to ascending the ramp. The gradient of 1:8 quoted in AS 1428.1-2009, should be
considered as an absolute maximum ramp gradient.

The gradient of 1:8 is prescribed so that a person with a vision impairment can identify the change in grade
without the aid of TGSIs. With a flatter slope it is more likely that a person with vision impairment will not
detect the change in grade (possibly stumbling or tripping). This could result in more widespread use of TGSI
which is also an undesirable outcome for many people who use wheelchairs.

At kerb ramps and other crossings TGSIs should be provided in accordance with AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009 and
jurisdictional guidelines.

It is important to avoid the construction of a lip at the drainage channel or line of kerb to allow the free
movement of wheel chairs as illustrated in Figure 8.5. Surface grading for drainage at intersections should be
designed to avoid having low points and the accumulation of water where pedestrian crosswalks and kerb
ramps are to be located.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 8.5: Example of a kerb ramp design

The ramp and sloping sides should be slip resistant and of a colour that contrasts with the adjoining surfaces.
Tactile ground surface indicators should be provided in accordance with AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009 and jurisdictional
The kerb ramp should be aligned in the direction of travel.
For guidance on installation of tactile ground surface indicators, refer to AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009.
Source: Based on AS 1428.1-2009.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

9. Cyclist Crossings

9.1 Introduction

The traffic management considerations for the use of pedestrian and cyclist crossings are provided in AGTM
Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) with some information contained in Appendix C. From a road safety perspective,
cyclists are considered as vulnerable road users and it is critical that the correct devices are provided and
that they are designed in a uniform and consistent manner.

Cyclist crossings of roads at mid-block locations generally involve the intersection of paths with roads. The
types of crossings may include grade separation, traffic signals, or unsignalised crossings that may have
refuges within islands or medians. Guidelines for grade separation are covered in AGRD Part 4C (Austroads
2015d) while signalised and unsignalised crossings are discussed below.

9.2 Kerb Ramps for Cycling

Although bicycle paths can be provided for the exclusive use of cyclists, the paths are generally shared with
pedestrians and as cyclists also require a smooth and relatively flat transition between the road and path, the
kerb ramps should comply with AS 1428.1-2009 as illustrated in Figure 8.5. To provide a smoother transition
between the road pavement and the path a flatter kerb ramp could be provided which would require the
provision of TGSIs in accordance with AS 1428.1-2009.

The provision of a gently graded and smooth invert at the gutter is an important design feature for the safety
and comfort of all path users, including cyclists. Kerb ramps on bicycle facilities also require other features to
ensure that they are safe and convenient for use by cyclists, for example:
• The width of the ramp should match the width of the path.
• As cyclists need to turn left from the road onto the ramp, or from the ramp onto the road, a satisfactory
turning radius should be provided, in which case the three-plane style kerb ramps (shown in AS 1428.1-
2009 and Figure 8.5) may not be appropriate.
• Flatter kerb ramps of 1:15 should be considered to provide a more comfortable movement for cyclists
between the road and the ramp.

These features are illustrated in Figure 9.1.

Three-plane kerb ramps are preferred where a path for cyclists exists in the verge area of a road, and which
is parallel and in close proximity to the road. This style of ramp is generally appropriate where pedestrians
are present, and to avoid the existence of a vertical step in the verge area. Where a step cannot be avoided
a suitable barrier with a minimum height of 900 mm should be provided (e.g. holding rails).

Where there are short (less than 5 m wide) sections of path across traffic islands it may be preferable to
construct the path at road level rather than back-to-back kerb ramps with only a few metres of raised path in
between. Where this treatment is used maintenance practices need to ensure the path is kept clear of debris.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 9.1: Example of kerb ramp and holding rail layout


Section A - A

Note: Where required tactile ground surface indicators should be provided on paths and ramps in accordance with
AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009 and jurisdictional guidelines.

9.3 Path Crossings of Intersecting Local Access Roads

9.3.1 General

Where an off-road bicycle path or shared path is provided, cyclists using the path will often have to cross
intersecting minor local roads. These crossings should be designed:
• to ensure that motorists are aware of the existence of the crossing and the priority that applies
• so that the location and design of the crossing, and the priority adopted, does not put motorists at risk
when turning from the major road
• to encourage safe and correct use by cyclists.

Where the path is located on one side of a road, kerb ramps should be provided opposite every side street to
enable access for local users.

The traffic management aspects of the intersection of paths with roads and crossing of roads by paths are
covered in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

9.3.2 Path Approach Design Criteria

The key requirements for the intersection between a path in a road reservation and a side road are:
• Approach sight distance should be provided for drivers approaching the intersection from the minor local
road AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).
• Drivers turning from the major road into the side street should have clear sight lines to cyclists using the
path in both directions.
• The speeds of cyclists using the path should be controlled on the path approaches to the intersection.

Sharp downgrades on path approaches to road crossings should be avoided where possible. Where the path
alignment is straight on the approach to a road then the path should be as flat as possible. It is desirable that
the longitudinal downgrade should be limited to 3% and should not exceed 5%.

Paths for cycling should be aligned to intersect roads at approximately 90º. Where the approach sight
distance for cyclists is restricted, appropriate warning signs should be provided or measures taken to reduce
the approach speed of cyclists.

9.3.3 Types of Crossings of Local Access Roads

There are three types of treatment available for the design of path crossings of local access roads where:
• The path approach is bent-out (i.e. is deviated away from the major road).
• The approach is straight.
• A one-way bicycle path is deviated to become an on-road bicycle lane.

The first two types of treatment may be applied to bicycle paths or separated paths.

For cases involving two-way paths the priority can be allocated to the path or to drivers on the side road.
Give-way signs and holding lines should be used to clearly define priority and regulate the movement of
cyclists and motorists.

Bent-out path treatment

Where there is sufficient space in the road reservation exclusive bicycle paths or separated paths can be
bent away from the parallel road at its intersection with the local access road. The principal reason for
bending out is to allow storage space for vehicles turning into the local road.

Figure 9.2 shows a bent-out treatment on a bicycle path which allows storage space for vehicles entering
and leaving the side road. Where a vertical displacement device is incorporated into the crossing, a minimum
distance of 6 m, to the commencement of the device ramp is suggested to allow a car to be clear of the
through lane of the major road. Where a vertical displacement device has not been incorporated, a minimum
distance between the path and the parallel road of 6 m allows for a car length and clearance and to allow for
a single unit bus/truck, the desirable minimum distance increases to 15 m, which also allows for some
vehicle clearance. It is essential that the area between the bicycle path and parallel road be kept clear of
obstructions to visibility as motorists will otherwise lose sight of cyclists and cyclists may perceive the
bending-out as a major detour and look for short cuts.

The treatment may be suitable where:

• Few heavy vehicles (e.g. semi-trailers) use the intersecting road.
• Volumes on the side road are low.
• Speed on the major road and side road is ≤ 60 km/h.

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It is also desirable that:

• An auxiliary left-turn lane is provided on the major road to minimise the likelihood of turning vehicles
queuing onto the major road.
• The bicycle path or the bicycle section of a separated path is delineated by a contrasting surface across
the local access road.
• Where the treatment, similar to the path shown in Figure 9.2, is applied to a separated path the
pedestrian priority across the side road can be reinforced by installing a pedestrian crossing that complies
with jurisdictional road rules and guidelines.

Bending-out should be achieved with smooth curves (e.g. 30 m radius) as the use of tight curves can
introduce manoeuvres that require the cyclist’s attention at a point where their attention should be focused
on the crossing and approaching vehicles.

In the past there has been a common misconception among practitioners that the purpose of bending-out is
to reduce the speeds of approaching cyclists. The use of tight curves, rails and bollards should not be used
as speed reduction devices at these locations and normal traffic management devices such as warning signs
and regulatory signs should be used to control approach speeds and crossing priority.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 9.2: Example of a bicycle path crossing bent-out at a local access road

Warning signs
50-80 m in
advance of

Source: Based on Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Straight crossings (not bent-out)

Figure 9.3 and Figure 9.4 show options for a straight crossing on a separated two-way bicycle path. The
treatment provides for both cyclists and pedestrians to have formal crossings of the side street controlled by
pedestrian crossing signs and give way signs respectively. To maintain better route continuity and rider
comfort this treatment may be placed on a platform as shown in the figure.

The treatment is suitable where traffic volumes are low (e.g. minor local residential roads). Where the
intersecting road has higher volumes a bent-in treatment may be appropriate.

The main benefit of a straight crossing relatively close to the major road is that the path has a higher visibility
for road users where space for a bent-out crossing is not available. It is important therefore that the path is
placed close enough to the edge of the major road to maintain visibility although at least 6 m should be
provided between the treatment and the major road in order to store a car clear of the crossing. This
separation also enables a left-turn auxiliary lane to be provided.

Figure 9.3: Example of a bicycle path crossing not bent-out at side road

Source: Based on Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 9.4: Example of a separated footpath crossing and separated bicycle path crossing over a local access

Source: Tony Arnold (personal communication 2016).

Bent-in path treatment

A bent-in treatment (Figure 9.5) provides for a one-way bicycle path to transition into an on-road bicycle lane,
enabling cyclists to have priority across the side street. It should not be used for two-way paths because of
the head-on conflict that would arise between cyclists and motor vehicles.

The bent-in treatment has the advantage of providing greater visibility of cyclists for drivers at the intersection
and should enable drivers to better anticipate the movement of cyclists. It also provides for cyclist priority at
the intersection and for the transition from an off-road path to an on-road lane to be protected. These
treatments are suitable for cyclists who ride in traffic.

If a pedestrian crossing is provided in the local access street, it should be located at least a vehicle storage
length from the side street holding line.

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Figure 9.5: Example of a one-way bicycle path crossing bent-in at side road

Source: Based on Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

9.4 Path Terminals

Path terminal treatments are provided to restrict illegal access by drivers of motor vehicles to road reserves
and parkland to prevent damage to path structures (such as lightweight bridges) that have been designed
only for bicycle and pedestrian use.

These devices can be hazardous to cyclists and as such they generally should not be installed unless:
• unauthorised motor vehicle access may result in damage to path structures
• there is clear evidence of unauthorised and undesirable motor vehicle access
• the device is effective at excluding such vehicles and not readily circumvented.

For guidance on the use of path terminal devices refer to AGRD Part 6A (Austroads 2017b).

9.5 Intersections between Off-road Paths

Guidelines for intersections between two off-road paths is provided in Austroads (2017b).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

10. Rail crossings

10.1 General

An overview of traffic management considerations for railway crossings is provided in AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a). The primary references for treatments and traffic control at railway level crossings are
the Australian Standard AS 1742.7-2016 and in New Zealand MOTSAM Part 1: Traffic Signs (NZ Transport
Agency 2010a); MOTSAM Part 2: Markings (NZ Transport Agency 2010b).

The Australian level crossing assessment model is a safety risk assessment tool that provides a rigorous,
defensible process for decision making for road and pedestrian level crossings as well as a method to help
determine the optimum safety improvements for individual sites. It is currently applied across all Australian
states and territories (AGTM Part 6).

It is preferable to have rail/road crossings grade separated, but if this is not able to be achieved, then
designers should aim to eliminate, or improve existing crossings and avoid the introduction of any new
at-grade crossings where possible. In the design of the crossing consideration should be given to providing
warnings, such as signs on the approaches, and infrastructure that alerts drivers to a change in road
conditions, similar to a threshold treatment used when moving into a lower speed environment.

This section outlines geometric guidelines for typical situations that arise for at-grade railway/road level
crossings. The guidelines are intended to aid but not replace sound engineering judgement based on
particular local conditions.

For further information refer to the Guide to Road Safety Part 3: Speed Limits and Speed Management
(Austroads 2008) and the Guide to Traffic Management Part 5: Link Management (Austroads 2020).

10.2 Sight Distance

The sight distance requirements for a railway level crossing depend on the form of control. The forms of
control are:
• passive control by give-way signs
• passive control by stop signs
• active control (flashing lights, boom barriers, etc.).

For passive control by give-way signs sufficient sight distance should be available for a road vehicle driver:
• approaching the crossing at the 85th percentile speed to see an approaching train in time to stop if
necessary before reaching the crossing (a sight triangle)
• at the railway crossing give-way line to be able to start off and clear the crossing before the arrival of a
previously unseen train.

For passive control by stop sign sufficient sight distance should be available for a road vehicle driver at the
railway crossing stop line to be able to start off and clear the crossing before the arrival of a previously
unseen train. Where this sight distance cannot be achieved either the sight distance must be increased to
the required value by undertaking works (e.g. sight benching in cuttings, general earthworks, clearing or
geometric changes to the road approaches and crossing) or active control devices must be installed.

Where the minimum sight distance requirements for passive control by give way or stop signs cannot be met,
consideration should be given to methods for reducing vehicle speeds on the approach to the crossing. This
approach should only be considered where the additional safety risk associated with reducing vehicle
speeds is acceptable in comparison to the costs to upgrade the crossing.

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These requirements do not apply where other factors such as the level of train and vehicle exposure may
require that active control (e.g. flashing lights) is installed at the crossing. For crossings controlled by lights,
the sight distance requirements relate to the ability of a driver to see the signals, in which case the approach
sight distance requirements described in AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) should be achieved.

AS 1742.7-2016 specifies the use of railway crossing warning signs which prompt drivers to look for trains
when approaching a crossing that has passive control and to look for a flashing light assembly when
approaching a crossing that has active control. The use of such signs does not diminish the need for
adequate sight distance.

The derivation of sight distance requirements at railway level crossings is discussed in Appendix F.

10.2.1 Sight Triangles

Sight triangles are required at railway level crossings that have passive control. The relationship between the
sight distance triangles for the give-way sign and the stop sign is shown in Figure 10.1.

Triangle A represents the sight distance required for a road vehicle approaching and potentially passing
through the level crossing at speed (i.e. give-way sign control can be used). Triangle B represents the sight
distance required for safe start up and clearance from the crossing for a stopped vehicle (i.e. the triangle
needed for both stop and give-way sign control).

Figure 10.1: Sight triangles for give way and stop sign control

Source: AS 1742.7-2016.

10.2.2 Angle of Approach

The most desirable angle of crossing is a right angle as this will usually produce the best sight distance for
both road and rail vehicles and enable designers to achieve the most satisfactory grading of the road where
it crosses the rails. However, where a skewed crossing cannot be avoided the angles shown in Figure 10.3
should not be exceeded (i.e. not greater than 110º to the left or 140º to the right).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

A skewed crossing may be required where the crossing is the result of a road parallel to the railway changing
from one side to the other using reverse horizontal curves to effect the change. In addition to limiting the
angle of skew:
• It is necessary to ensure that the curve radii are suitable for the speed environment of the crossing.
• It may be essential to change the approach geometry of the road.
• It is important to introduce speed reducing devices at the crossing to avoid crashes resulting from loss of
control of vehicles on curves comprising a large decrease in speed. Refer to AGRD Part 4B (Austroads
2015c) for the various types of speed-reducing treatments.

Designers should be aware that it is unknown whether any safety benefit would result from the provision of
sharp horizontal curves on the approaches to railway level crossings. Where the road traffic volume is high
but there is little rail traffic, the sharp curves may lead to single vehicle out-of-control crashes and a higher
total crash rate than would be the case with a higher speed road alignment. Some further discussion on this
issue is provided in Commentary 3.
[see Commentary 3]

10.3 Horizontal Alignment

Approach and crossing visibility is the primary feature affecting safety of at-grade railway level crossings.
The approach visibility is deemed to be adequate when an area of unrestricted visibility exists for each
approach as shown in Figure 10.2.

Approach visibility is adequate when the following conditions are met:

The driver of an approaching vehicle, travelling at the 85th percentile speed (VV) can see a
train travelling at maximum operating speed (VT), when the vehicle and the train are at
distances S1 and S2 respectively from the crossing, such that the vehicle can either safely
stop short of the crossing, or clear the crossing before the train reaches it. Appropriate
values of VT should be obtained from the rail authority. (Department of Main Roads 2006).

Distance S1 must not be less than truck stopping sight distance. For a given vehicle, the approach visibility
must be adequate for trains approaching from either direction. Refer also to AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)
for guidance on truck stopping distances.

The approach visibility angle must not exceed 95º to the left of the crossing and 110º to the right of the
crossing as shown in Figure 10.2. Occasional obstructions such as posts, small trees and sparse vegetation
can be considered acceptable if their size and spacing would not obscure the driver’s vision of a train.

Crossing visibility is deemed to be adequate when an area of unrestricted visibility exists for each approach
and the driver of a stationary vehicle, positioned at a stop line, has a clear view of approaching trains to a
distance along the tracks such that a train appearing in the driver’s field of view (at the point where the
vehicle begins to move) would reach the crossing after the vehicle has cleared the crossing.

For the purpose of calculating the visibility triangle, the following figures should be used:
• distance from the driver’s eye to the rail, while at a standstill, is 5.0 m
• height of the driver’s eye above the road is 1.1 m
• height of train above the rails is 2.3 m.

Austroads 2021 | page 72

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 10.2: Approach visibility angles

Figure 10.3: Crossing visibility angles for drivers looking left and right

110º max
140º max



(a) For driver looking left (b) For driver looking right

For a given vehicle, the crossing visibility must be adequate for trains approaching from either direction. The
crossing visibility angle must not exceed 110º to the left of the crossing (Figure 10.3 (a)) and 140º to the right
of the crossing (Figure 10.3 (b)). If there is a choice of crossing angle, 90º is preferred.

Many railways run parallel to adjacent roads and motorists on such roads may be unaware of a train
travelling just behind the vehicle in the same direction. In these cases where the road crosses the rail or a
side road crosses the rail, distances S1 and S2 must be checked (unless there is a stop control on the
crossing with advance warning signs) at the design speed of the main road. It is essential that the visibility
angles for S1 and S2 fall within the prescribed limits (Figure 10.4).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 10.4: Crossing of a road running parallel to a railway

Note: X1R is the driver viewing angle measured from distance S1 on the road centreline (from the stop line) where a driver
must first see a train approaching on the right at a distance S2 from the crossing.

Source: Based on Department of Main Roads (2006) 8.

8 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 10.4 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

10.4 Vertical Alignment

10.4.1 Road Grading


At level crossings it is essential for smooth travel at the operating speed that the levels of the road pavement
coincide with the levels of the rails. Where the road is straight at the crossing, vehicles can be provided with
a smooth crossing at speed provided that the:
• road grade matches the level difference of the rails, and any variation of the pavement crossfalls to match
the rail grade present no difficulty
• change of crossfall length, or rate of rotation, is adequate.

The railway grading is usually a control on the road. As a general guide, for rural roads, the road surface
should not be more than 75 mm above, nor more than 150 mm below, the projection of the top of the rail pair
at a distance of 10 m from the nearest rail (Figure 10.5).

Figure 10.5: General guide to grading limitations

The maximum level difference between road and rail when the track is below the road level is 10 mm. On
rural roads, the rail level should not protrude above the surface, although this may not always be achievable.
The maximum permissible protrusion above the road surface is 10 mm.

The protrusion of the rail level above the road level is more of a problem when the angle between the road
and the rail is acute, particularly for cyclists and motorcyclists. In these cases, it is desirable to reduce the
road alignment standard as a method to reduce speeds across the crossing. This method requires both
speed reduction measures and adequate signage to warn approaching drivers.

Where a road crosses multiple railway lines at a level crossing, a smoother crossing can be achieved by
adjusting the relative grade of the railway lines to more closely match the longitudinal grade of the road.

Curved road at crossing

When the road is curved it is desirable that the curve is designed in accordance with AGRD Part 3
(Austroads 2016c). However, it is rare for the grade of the rails to match the superelevation on the curve in
which case the superelevation of the curve at the railway has to be modified to suit the superelevation of the
rails with a suitable transition within the curve. If the difference between the design superelevation of the
curve and the superelevation of the rails is too great the curve becomes hazardous.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

On road curves the:

• difference between the design superelevation of the curve (e) and the superelevation of the rails must not
be greater than the maximum values given in Table 10.1
• value of the coefficient of side friction (f) for the reduced superelevation on the curve, calculated at the
rails for the design speed must not be greater than the maximum allowed value (AGRD Part 3 (Austroads
• general superelevation on the curve should desirably not be nil.

It should be noted that a greater variation is permitted at lower design speeds. The design speed should be
realistic for the site and if there is any doubt about the safety of the crossing, the test described in the second
dot point above should be made for a design speed 15 km/h greater than the design speed.

Table 10.1: Variation in superelevation at railway level crossings

Design speed (km/h) Maximum variation (%)

50 5
60 4
70 3.5
80 3
100 2
110 1
120 0.5

Note: As the value of (e+f), for the curve is constant, the above figures, when expressed as a decimal, also represent the
permitted variation in f.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 9.

Minimum treatment for minor roads

Where the normal road grade does not match the crossing it becomes necessary to vary the road grade to
provide at least for uniformity in levels at the crossing. The minimum standards of vertical curvature must be
the absolute minimum provided in AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c), or the grading normally applied to
floodways in the case of minor roads.

In grading to the rails it is always desirable that the grade line coincides with the tops of the rails but cases
arise where this is not possible and a variation in grade must be provided through the crossing as shown in
Figure 10.6. Maximum variations in grade are provided in Table 10.2.

9 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Table 10.1 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure 10.6: Minimum method of grading the road from above and below rails in difficult situations

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 10.

Table 10.2: Permitted variations in grade between road and rails at level crossings

Design speed (km/h) Maximum variation (%)

≤ 80 4
100 2
110 1
120 0

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 11.

Where there are two (or more) tracks at such levels that it is not possible to provide even a minimum
standard grade line the tracks should be regraded to permit the provision of a satisfactory road grading.
Adequate warning signs should be provided where a minimum grading standard is used.

In cases where the rails are both curved and superelevated, skewed road approaches will often allow a
satisfactory crossing design.

10.5 Cross-section

10.5.1 Width

The minimum clear width provided through level crossings should be equal to the width of all the traffic lanes
plus 1.5 m each side; that is, the carriageway width plus 3 m.

On duplicated roads, the 1.5 m clearances are added to the outer edge of each carriageway.

10 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure 10.6 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).
11 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Table 10.2 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

10.5.2 Crossfall

At the level crossing, the pavement slope should match the grade line of the railway. This could present a
potential hazard where the road is on a curved alignment. The road curvature and superelevation should be
selected with superelevation matching the rail grading, so that crossfall does not reduce in the direction of
travel along the curve.

10.6 Pedestrians and Cyclists

Traffic management aspects and layout arrangements for pedestrian and bicycle crossings of railways are
covered in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) and in AS 1742.7-2016. Key requirements are that the crossing
should have a smooth and straight alignment, preferably at right angles to the rails, with a well-maintained
interface between the path and rails, and the appropriate traffic control devices to warn, regulate, advise and
control pedestrians (including people who have impairments) and cyclists.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General


Arndt, OK 2004, ‘Relationship between unsignalised intersection geometry and accident rates’, PhD Thesis,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld.
Arndt, OK & Troutbeck, RJ 2006, ‘New warrants for unsignalised intersection turn treatments’, ARRB
conference, 22nd, Canberra, ACT, ARRB Group, Vermont South, Vic, 19 pp.
Austroads 2000a, A framework for arterial road access management, AP-R163-00, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2000b, Road safety environment and design for older drivers, AP-R169-00, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2005-2012, Guide to project evaluation: set, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2008, Guide to road safety part 3: speed limits and speed management, AGRS03-08, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2009a, Guide to road design part 8: process and documentation, AGRD08-09, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2009b, Guide to road transport planning, AGRTP-09, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2009c, Guide to road safety part 6: road safety audit, AGRD0-09, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2010, Guide to road design part 6: roadside design, safety and barriers, AGRD06-10, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013a, Guide to traffic management part 6: intersections, interchanges and crossings,
AGTM06-13, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013b, Design vehicle and turning path templates, AP-G34-13, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2013c, Guide to traffic management part 3: traffic studies and analysis, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2015a, Guide to road design part 1: introduction to road design, AGRD01-15, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2015b, Guide to road design part 2: design considerations, AGRD02-15, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2015c, Guide to road design part 4B: roundabouts, AGRD04B-14, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2015d, Guide to road design part 4C: interchanges, AGRD04C-14, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2015e, Guide to road design part 6B: roadside environment, AGRD06B-15, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2015f, Level of service metrics (for network operations planning), AP-R475-15, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2016a, Guide to traffic management part 10: traffic control and communication devices,
AGTM10-16, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2016b, Guide to traffic management part 4: network management, AGTM04-16, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2016c, Guide to road design part 3: geometric design, AGRD03-16, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2016d, Guide to traffic management part 12: traffic impacts of developments, AGTM12-16,
Austroads, Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2016e, Guide to traffic management part 9: traffic operations, AGTM09-16, Austroads, Sydney,
Austroads 2017a, Guide to road design part 4A: unsignalised and signalised intersections, AGRD04A-17,
Austroads, Sydney, NSW.

Austroads 2021 | page 79

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Austroads 2017b, Guide to road design part 6A: pedestrian and cyclist paths, AGRD06A-17, Austroads,
Sydney, NSW.
Austroads 2020, Guide to traffic management part 5: link management, AGTM05-20, Austroads, Sydney,
Bovy, H 1972, ‘A conceptual approach to the design of highway nodes’, Symposium on junction design,
Planning and Transport Research and Computation Co Ltd, London, UK.
Department of Main Roads 1975, Urban road design manual, Queensland Department of Main Roads,
Brisbane, Qld, (superseded).
Department of Main Roads 2005, Easy steps: a toolkit for planning, designing and promoting safe walking,
Queensland Transport, Brisbane, Qld.
Department of Main Roads 2006, Road planning and design manual, Queensland Department of Main
Roads, Brisbane, Qld, (superseded).
Land Transport New Zealand 2007, New Zealand on-road tracking curves for heavy vehicles, RTS18, Land
Transport New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, viewed 18 June 2020,
Lay, MG 2009, Handbook of road technology, 4th edn, Spon Press, London, UK.
Major, NG & Buckley, DJ 1962, ‘Entry to a traffic stream’, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB)
conference, 1st, 1962, Canberra, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), Vermont South, Vic, vol. 1,
no. 1, pp. 206-28.
Main Roads Western Australia 1989, Safety for seniors: final report on pedestrian safety, Western Australia,
Working Group on Safety for Seniors, MRWA, Perth, WA.
Main Roads Western Australia 2015, MRWA supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design: Part 4,
MRWA, Perth, WA.
Main Roads Western Australia 2019, Intersections at grade, Guidelines drawings: intersections at grade,
drawing no. 200131-0086-1, MRWA, Perth, WA, viewed 18 June 2020,
National Transport Commission 2012, Australian road rules, NTC, Melbourne, Vic.
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator 2020, Home page, NHVR, Fortitude Valley, Qld, viewed 18 June 2020,
NZ Transport Agency 2009, Pedestrian planning and design guide, NZTA, Wellington, New Zealand.
NZ Transport Agency 2010a, Manual of traffic signs and markings (MOTSAM): part 1: traffic signs, NZTA,
Wellington, New Zealand.
NZ Transport Agency 2010b, Manual of traffic signs and markings (MOTSAM): part 2: markings, NZTA,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads 2016, Road planning and design manual: volume 3:
guide to road design, TMR, Brisbane, Qld.
Roads and Maritime Services 2013, Continuous footpath treatments, technical direction TDT 2013-05, RMS,
Sydney, NSW.
Roads and Traffic Authority 2002, How to prepare a pedestrian and mobility plan: an easy three stage guide,
RTA, Sydney, NSW.
Roads and Traffic Authority 2005, NSW bicycle guidelines, version 1.2, RTA, Sydney, NSW.
Transit New Zealand 2007, Planning policy manual – for integrated planning and development of state
highways, Transit New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Transportation Research Board 2003, Access management manual, Committee on Access Management,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, USA.

Austroads 2021 | page 80

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Turner, SA & Wood, G 2009, ‘Crash prediction modelling down-under: some key findings’, Transportation
Research Board 88th annual meeting 2009, Washington, DC, TRB, Washington, DC, USA.
Underwood, RT 1990, Traffic management – an introduction, Hargreen Publishing Company, Melbourne,
VicRoads 2003, Bus priority guidelines, VicRoads, Kew, Vic, (superseded).
VicRoads 2006, Bus stop guidelines, VicRoads, Kew, Vic, (superseded).
VicRoads 2015a, Traffic engineering manual, volume 1, VicRoads supplements to Austroads Guide to Traffic
Management, VicRoads, Kew, Vic.
VicRoads 2015b, VicRoads supplement to the Austroads Guide to Road Design, VicRoads, Kew, Vic.

Standards Australia
AS 1348-2002, Glossary of terms - road and traffic engineering.
AS 1428-2010 (set), Design for access and mobility.
AS 1428.1-2009, Design for access and mobility part 1: general requirements for access-new building work.
AS 1742-2014 (set), Manual of uniform traffic control devices.
AS 1742.2-2009, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 2: traffic control devices for general use.
AS 1742.7-2016, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 7: railway crossings.
AS 1742.9-2000, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 9: bicycle facilities.
AS 1742.10-2009, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 10: pedestrian control and protection.
AS1742.11-1999, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 11: parking controls.
AS 1742.12-2000, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 12: bus, transit, tram and truck lane.
AS 1742.13-2009, Manual of uniform traffic control devices part 13: local area traffic management.
Australian and New Zealand Standards
AS/NZS 1158-2015 (set), Lighting for roads and public spaces.
AS/NZS 1158.4-2015, Lighting for roads and public spaces part 4: lighting at pedestrian crossings.
AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009, Design for access and mobility part 4: tactile indicators.
AS/NZS 2890.1-2004, Parking facilities part 1: off-street car parking.

Austroads 2021 | page 81

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Appendix A Intersections – General

An intersection is formed wherever two or more roads cross or meet. Intersection treatments may be
described by the:
• number of legs and the angle of intersection
• type of traffic control
• way in which right-turning and left-turning movements are accommodated
• presence and shape of traffic islands.

A.1 Basic Forms of Intersection

The basic forms of intersections that exist on road networks are shown in Figure A 1. The number of legs at
an intersection, and the angle at which they meet, can vary. In addition, one or more of the legs may be

A particular form of intersection may exist because of historical decisions associated with the establishment
of road reservations and may not be satisfactory unless it is treated with some type of channelisation or
intersection control. The forms and types of intersection control are discussed in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads

Figure A 1: Basic forms of intersections

Austroads 2021 | page 82

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

In selecting the design of an intersection a designer should appreciate that:

• T-intersections are generally safer than cross-intersections.
• Unsignalised Y-intersections are not a safe form because of the potential for high angle impacts and the
provision of poor observation angles.
• Unsignalised crossroads are not safe in high-speed situations (> 80 km/h).
• Signalised crossroads may not be safe in high-speed situations (> 80 km/h).
• Unsignalised multi-leg intersections can lead to confusion with priority.
• A Y-intersection or multi-leg intersection should generally not be adopted when setting out new road
networks or new links in an existing network.

Issues associated with these basic forms of intersection may be addressed by treatments that involve
realignment of intersection legs, for example to convert:
• a Y-intersection to a T-intersection
• a crossroad to a staggered T-intersection
• a multi-leg intersection to a crossroad and adjacent T-intersection.

Other treatments to improve the operation of a basic intersection include:

• the addition of right-turn or left-turn auxiliary lanes
• channelisation, for example a
– traffic island in the minor road (e.g. splitter island)
– right-turn lane and traffic island or a left-turn roadway and island
– staggered T-intersection (right-left and left-right types)
– seagull intersection
– wide median treatment
– roundabout
• signalisation.

A.2 Types of Turn Treatments

The types of right-turn and left-turn treatments provided in a design usually define the type of intersection.
There are essentially three types of turn treatments available, namely:
• a basic turn treatment (BA) where turning vehicles may share the lane with through traffic movements
• an auxiliary lane turn treatment (AU) where a separate lane is provided to enable the turn to be performed
in an additional lane
• a channelised turn treatment which provides a traffic island to enhance the safety of right-turning or left-
turning vehicles.

These turn treatments are available for both right-turn and left-turn movements. They are presented and
discussed in the Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings (Austroads
2013a) with further design guidance in Appendices A.7 and A.8. Warrants for the provision of these turn
treatments are provided in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a). The layout of channelised turn treatments
should be adequately illuminated by road lighting or defined by reflective pavement markers, signs etc.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The turn treatments are also used as the basis for the design of other specific types of intersections that are
named on the basis of a type of movement (e.g. staged crossing) or the shape of the layout in plan view (e.g.
seagull) which are also discussed in this section.

A.3 Intersection Selection

A.3.1 General Considerations

The selection of an appropriate type of intersection for a particular site may be influenced by:
• transport planning and environmental considerations
• traffic management and road safety objectives
• a range of road design considerations that are not necessarily related to traffic management
• environmental considerations
• economic considerations (costs and benefits).

In many cases there will be more than one option considered for the intersection treatment at a particular
site. In these cases it will be necessary to list the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various
options to assist in deciding between them. This may take the form of a balance sheet that compares all
operational, safety, physical, environmental and economic considerations.

Broad transport or environmental considerations, and traffic management and road safety objectives may be
fundamental to the selection of the appropriate intersection treatment at a particular site or sites. For
example, some routes are designated as important traffic routes and therefore the movement of large
volumes of traffic is a primary consideration. On the other hand, the objective may be to prevent or limit
traffic from entering designated areas in which case the intersection should be designed and managed to
achieve the desired outcome. Consequently, the type of intersection required may be influenced by transport
planning and network management objectives (Guide to Road Transport Planning (Austroads 2009b) and
Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management (Austroads 2016b)).

The traffic management considerations are most important as they relate to the function of the intersection,
its operation, and safety. AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) also briefly describes principles for safe
intersection operation and some environmental considerations.

Designers should be aware that the selection of a treatment may also require an economic evaluation and
consideration of road safety and environmental aspects of competing options. The economic evaluation
should include consideration of construction costs, and both crash costs and operating costs over the life of
the treatment (Guide to Project Evaluation, Austroads 2005–2012).

Crash costs for intersections are usually determined by applying a crash rate (casualty crashes/100 million
entering vehicles) for each type of treatment and average crash costs which are likely to be available from
the relevant local jurisdiction. However, it should be noted that crash rates for similar treatments (e.g.
roundabouts) can vary substantially depending on a number of factors such as volume, operating speed and
the scale of treatment.

Road design considerations other than those associated with transportation, traffic management and safety
are covered generally in the AGRD Part 2 (Austroads 2015b) and are discussed in further detail throughout
the Guide to Road Design.

While consideration of traffic management aspects and evaluation is very important, the type of intersection
adopted at a particular site may also be influenced by the road design considerations described in Section 3.

Austroads 2021 | page 84

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

A.3.2 Layout Considerations

While the broader and traffic management considerations are very important, the choice of intersection is
also determined by the type of turning treatments required for the safe and efficient operation of the
intersection. Warrants determining the need for BA, AU and CH treatments on two-lane two-way roads are
provided in AGTM Part 6.

The warrants in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) essentially determine the need for auxiliary lanes and
islands to shelter turning vehicles in situations where the arrival of traffic at the intersection is random
(e.g. rural or outer urban sites). However, in urban areas the decision to provide auxiliary lanes and the
determination of their length can be more complex and require a number of considerations that are
discussed in Appendix A.5. This may require a higher-order turn treatment to be used than that indicated by
GTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

Furthermore, various types of intersections have relative advantages and disadvantages that may be
important factors in selection of an appropriate type of intersection, and these are discussed in the relevant
section for the particular treatment.

A.4 Road Design Considerations for Intersections

A.4.1 General

Parameters that are important in road design are covered in AGRD Part 2 (Austroads 2015b) and these
same parameters should be considered when designing any type of intersection or interchange. This section
briefly covers some of the parameters most relevant to intersection design.

The location and design of an intersection will be affected by many factors including the alignment and grade
of the approach roads, the need to provide for drainage, the extent of interference with public utilities,
property access and the presence of local features, both man-made and natural.

Natural features may involve the topography or vegetation that is environmentally sensitive. Some features
may have heritage value or it may be otherwise impracticable to remove or alter them.

The same principles apply to the design of intersections in urban areas and rural areas. However, a key
distinction between them is that drivers in rural areas may be less alert and require longer reaction times,
and vehicle speeds are often relatively high on rural roads.

Urban areas can be defined as developed sites within boundaries set by the responsible state and local
authorities. Urban areas have fundamentally different characteristics from rural areas with regard to land use,
density of road network, nature of travel patterns, and the way in which these elements are related.
Table A 1 provides a summary of key differences between urban and rural intersections which may affect the
type of intersection selected or the layout of the intersection.

Table A 1: Key differences between urban and rural intersections

Feature Urban site Rural site

Road space Arterial road intersections may require Rural road intersection approaches generally have the basic
several lanes on each approach number of lanes (i.e. two-lane two-way or one-way
including dual turn lanes to cater for carriageway with or without single turning lanes
traffic demands
Land Often not feasible to acquire additional Land can often be relatively inexpensive and acquisition less
acquisition land due to cost and impact on abutting disruptive to abutting land holders
Utilities Generally need to accommodate a Usually fewer utilities and sufficient road reservation
range of utilities in limited space available; however, higher vehicle speeds necessitate
greater clearance to fixed roadside objects

Austroads 2021 | page 85

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Feature Urban site Rural site

Kerbs Usually fully kerbed except for outer Generally, rural intersections are associated with shoulders
urban intersections awaiting full in lieu of kerbing, the shoulders also allowing for cycling
development clear of motor traffic (assuming surface is suitable)
The immediate environs of arterial road intersections (rural
and urban) should desirably be kerbed to provide edge
definition and prevent shoulder gravel from accumulating on
At rural intersections, the kerbing is often only used
throughout the left-turn to assist in controlling traffic paths, to
avoid damage to shoulders, and to avoid gravel being
strewn onto the road
Lightly trafficked rural local road intersections are often not
Drainage Usually underground pipes and pits that Usually open drains within road reservation that require
need to be located with reference to considerable space
pedestrian kerb ramps, utilities and
traffic signal foundations and pits
Topography Usually constrained to existing Often greater scope to choose an alternative alignment or
topography alter an existing intersection approach alignment
Cost Relatively high due to costs of land Land acquisition cost relatively low. Materials may be
acquisition, relocation of utilities, traffic relatively expensive due to haulage distances
control devices and traffic management
during construction. Construction
materials readily available
Road users May have to cater for relatively high Pedestrian and cyclist numbers are often very low requiring
numbers of cyclists and pedestrians, no special provision
including those people who have Design not usually influenced by as many factors as is the
impairments case in an urban environment
Design likely to be influenced by other
factors such as parking, bus and tram
stops, public transport priority
measures, property access and
adjacent T-intersections

A.5 Auxiliary Lanes

A.5.1 General

At an intersection an auxiliary lane is an additional lane or lanes, added to the through carriageway for safety
and/or intersection capacity purposes. Auxiliary lanes can be added to the near and/or off-side, and on the
approach and/or departure. On the approach side they are designed on the basis of deceleration models and
on the departure side models of acceleration are used.

The two main types of auxiliary lanes related to intersection design are turn lanes (i.e. deceleration and
acceleration lanes) and auxiliary through lanes.

Conversion of through lanes into turning lanes should only be used in existing extremely constrained
locations because of the poor crash history associated with such treatments. They are not to be used for the
design of new intersections.

Conversion of an approach through lane of a multilane road into an exclusive right-turn or left-turn lane
should be avoided as it may cause some through traffic to change lanes at the last moment, creating a
potential for crashes, particularly in areas with high tourist or visitor populations. This treatment is not to be
used in the design of a new intersection. Should such a conversion be unavoidable at an existing
intersection, advance warning and guidance signs should be erected informing drivers of what to expect. The
signs should be supplemented by pavement arrows.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

A.5.2 Determining the Need for Auxiliary Lanes

The need for deceleration lanes, acceleration lanes and auxiliary through lanes is discussed in AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a).

Other considerations

For safety reasons merges should never be installed:

• over a crest that has a sight distance less than ASD or on the inside of a horizontal curve where the
radius of the right-side lane line is less than
– 185 m for a 60 km/h design speed
– 330 m for a 80 km/h design speed
– 515 m for a 100 km/h design speed
– 620 m for a 110 km/h design speed.

This is based on a 3.5 m lane width and a 2 sec gap. For 3.0 m wide lanes a 20% larger radius applies.

It is also important that:

• approach sight distance (ASD) is available at all points along the merge length to allow drivers to observe
the linemarking with sufficient time to react
• merge transitions around horizontal curves should be developed as for a straight alignment and
transferred to the curved alignment by the distance and offset method
This is shown in Figure A 2.
• a circular curve should not be used for the merge taper, as the rate of lateral movement and reduction in
width will not be uniform. In plane geometry, concentric circular arcs cannot be joined tangentially by a
third circular arc, unless they are joined over exactly 180°.
The curve within the merge length in the bottom half of Figure A 2 is obtained by linear interpolation only;
it is not a circular arc.

Where an intersection is located downstream of the end of the acceleration lane it is important to verify that
sufficient weaving distance is available for drivers using the acceleration lane who wish to turn right at that
intersection. The same applies to drivers in the through lane who may wish to turn left at that intersection
(Figure 5.4(b) of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)). This will require traffic analysis in accordance with
AGTM Part 3 (Austroads 2013c).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 2: Procedure for plotting a merge on a curved alignment using offsets from a straight road

A.6 Traffic Islands and Medians

A.6.1 General

A traffic island is an area provided to separate and direct traffic. Medians are a dividing strip provided to
separate traffic flowing in opposite directions. Traffic management aspects of traffic islands and medians are
provided in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

The width and type of median on a road leading into an intersection may influence its design. Designers
should refer to AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c) for guidance on the design of medians in mid-block

Traffic islands and medians can be raised, depressed, painted, or defined by contrasting material on the
pavement. There are no numerical warrants for the provision of the various types of islands or medians at
intersections; however, there are a number of considerations that assist in the decision. The requirement for
a traffic island or median tends to be site specific and consideration may depend on a subjective assessment
of turning volumes, the percentage of trucks and the road agency’s knowledge of driver behaviour at other
sites in the jurisdiction.

Painted medians and traffic islands do not have the same degree of physical control or conspicuity as raised
treatments. Painted treatments are often used, particularly to define right-turn lanes, in constrained situations
or where there are budgetary constraints.

Traffic islands and median noses at an intersection should be designed to suit the turning paths of the design
vehicle and to maintain continuity of the major road through the intersection. The decision to use painted or
raised medians and traffic islands often requires individual assessment and the relative advantages and
disadvantages of raised medians and islands listed in Table A 2 compared to flush or painted treatments
may assist in decision making.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table A 2: Relative advantages and disadvantages of raised islands and medians

Advantages Disadvantages

• A raised island or median: • A raised island or median:

• provides improved conspicuity of the median and • requires lighting which can be expensive to install and
islands, particularly during inclement weather maintain, especially in isolated areas
• physically restricts turning or crossing movements • may require a greater network of drainage systems,
• can safely accommodate signposting, traffic signal increased maintenance activities and cost to cater for
hardware and road lighting the concentrated rainfall runoff
• provides refuge areas for pedestrians • could generate safety issues if struck by fast moving
• provides positive guidance for turning and through
vehicles • may require more space due to greater lane widths to
cater for broken down vehicles and the need for offsets
• can concentrate and direct rainfall runoff into channels
to kerbs
and thus reduce the risk of hydroplaning
• may block access for through traffic into a right-turn lane
• provides an opportunity for landscaping
at traffic signals, whereas a painted median would assist
• assists in controlling vehicle speeds right-turn manoeuvres by allowing drivers to drive over
• approach sight distance may not be required to the median (within the limits of the road rules)
pavement surface • may have traffic furniture which is prone to damage by
errant and over-dimensional vehicles
• is often a more costly treatment

Traffic islands are used to:

• provide improved cues and conspicuity of the presence of an intersection where more important roads
intersect (e.g. those with high traffic volumes)
• guide drivers into defined paths and hence to the correct position on the road to minimise conflict (e.g. to
minimise ‘corner cutting’) at the intersection.

They should be designed and located with regard to the following considerations:
• The proper line of travel should be obvious and any changes in direction should be gradual and smooth.
• Approach sight distance (refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)), measured from 1.1 m to pavement
level for painted medians and 1.1 m to 0.1 m for raised medians, must be provided on the minor road and
is desirable on the major road.
• Small islands with the inherent problem of low target value should be avoided.

The most common form of traffic islands are splitter islands that may be provided on the approaches to
intersections, left-turn islands and the central islands of roundabouts. The latter are discussed in the AGRD
Part 4B (Austroads 2015c).

Use and restrictions on use

Guidelines, on the use and restrictions on the use of types of kerb and channel are summarised in Table A 3.
Kerbs are an obstruction on the road (especially barrier kerbs), so the appropriate type of kerb should be
used, be highly visible and have properly designed and adequately maintained approach delineation (e.g.
painted lines and marking, and raised pavement markers).

While it is recognised that there may be a desire to construct kerb and channel from materials other than concrete
in order to satisfy heritage or urban design requirements, the kerb and channel on arterial roads should be smooth
so that it does not damage vehicle tyres, and light in colour to assist roadside delineation (e.g. kerb constructed of
bluestone pitchers often has relatively sharp edges and offers poor delineation at night).

Generally the kerb and/or channel should preferably not be placed in front of safety barriers because it will
adversely affect the operation of the barrier (Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and
Barriers (Austroads 2010)). Where the situation is unavoidable safety barriers shall be placed either 200 mm
behind the line of kerb or a substantial distance behind the kerb (say 3 m).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table A 3: Use and restrictions on use of kerb and channel

Type Use Restriction on use

Semi- • Preferred for use on medians, traffic islands and outer kerb
mountable lines of all intersections, particularly where the speed zone
≥ 80 km/h
• Can be driven over by slow moving vehicles passing a
broken down vehicle, where insufficient width is available on
the road surface
Barrier Should be considered: Not recommended for use:
• where it is essential to prevent vehicles from moving upon • under guardrail on high speed
areas used by pedestrians, typically during on-street parking routes because the rail deflects on
manoeuvres, but also at sharp left-turn kerb returns impact and the barrier kerb and rail
• as protection for traffic signal poles combination may form a ramp to
launch errant vehicles
• in car parks
• on high speed roads (i.e. > 80 km/h,
• in shopping areas
as it is more likely to trip and
• when matching into council kerbing overturn a vehicle which is out of
• under or close to a bridge barrier control
• where it is more suitable for drainage behind a safety barrier

Fully May be used: • Use to delineate encroachment

mountable • on the leading nose of a median or traffic island in order to areas for heavy vehicles may not be
extend the island nose where space or funding is limited supported in some jurisdictions
• for heavy vehicle over-run areas within an intersection
• at the interface of indented bus bays with the adjacent traffic
Channel • Channel of semi-circular cross-section may be provided at Not to be provided:
the rear edge of the shoulder in some rural situations. • where vehicle wheels may become
• May be used along the edge of the through lane opposite a trapped in a semi-circular channel
bus embayment

A.7 Right-Turn Treatments – Layout Design Details

A.7.1 Introduction

Right-turn treatments are provided to improve road safety and capacity, and to minimise delay. In rural
high-speed areas capacity is often not an issue whereas safety is paramount. However, intersection capacity
is often an important consideration for urban intersections, in addition to safety.

The types and selection of right-turn treatments are discussed in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a). Right-turn
• vary according to traffic requirements and site conditions
• can vary from a simple T-intersection treatment to major channelisation with traffic signal control
• can be minimal (i.e. BAR) if no superior treatment is justified by volume warrants and there are no safety
problems (real or perceived) associated with right-turning vehicles
• should desirably have the right-turn lane protected by a median to guide through vehicles clear of
stationary right-turn traffic
• should enable turning traffic to decelerate clear of the through traffic, where a channelised treatment is
• can be defined by raised or painted median islands and pavement markings including arrows.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Lower order right-turn treatments (e.g. BAR and CHR(S)) generally should not be used with other geometric
minima (e.g. steep downgrades). This is particularly true where there is reduced visibility to the turn
treatment (e.g. they should not be located on smaller to moderate size crest curves). This is because turning
drivers on the major road need to perceive the location of the side road and make the necessary speed
reduction (or sometimes stop in the case of a BAR) in the through lane before the intersection. In these
situations, a CHR turn treatment with a full length deceleration lane should be used.

The various types of right-turn treatments are illustrated throughout Appendix A.3 and often involve the
provision of auxiliary lanes, usually for deceleration and storage and occasionally for acceleration and
merging (e.g. seagull treatment). Detailed information on the design of auxiliary lanes is provided in
Appendix A.5 .

This section provides guidance and examples of layouts for common types of right-turn treatments. This
information should enable designers to develop a shape and size for an intersection which can be used in
conjunction with other information to develop a detailed layout that suits the particular site conditions. Where
relevant to a site, the other information may include:
• topography
• motor traffic requirements (e.g. number of lanes)
• horizontal and vertical geometry
• design controls (e.g. watercourses, utilities)
• the need for public transport facilities
• other road user requirements (e.g. cyclists, pedestrians, trucks).

Depending on the characteristics of the particular site and the road users, designers may have to refer to a
number of other Austroads guides including but not limited to:
• Guide to Road Design Part 2: Design Considerations (Austroads 2015b)
• Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design (Austroads 2016c)
• Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings (Austroads 2013a).

The design principles for right-turn treatments are similar for urban and rural situations, except that rural
treatments generally have shoulders on the approaches and kerbing at the intersection, whereas urban
treatments are likely to be (but not always) on roads that are fully kerbed.

Conversion of through lanes into turning lanes should only be used in existing extremely constrained
locations because of the poor crash history associated with such treatments. They are not to be used in
greenfield sites. Conversion of an approach through lane of a multilane road into an exclusive right-turn or
left-turn lane should be avoided as it may cause some through traffic to change lanes at the last moment,
creating a potential for crashes, particularly in areas with high tourist or visitor populations. This treatment is
not to be used in the design of a new intersection.

Should such a conversion be unavoidable at an existing intersection, advance warning and guidance signs
should be erected informing drivers of what to expect. The signs should be supplemented by pavement

A.7.2 Opposed Right-turns


Section 5 provides guidance on the selection of design vehicles and the use of turning templates, including
clearances that should be provided between opposing right-turning vehicles. The use of templates for single
and double opposed right-turns and clearances is illustrated in Figure A 3 and Figure A 4 respectively.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Where it is necessary to apply separate templates to a multilane right-turn a clearance of at least 1.0 m
should be provided between the swept paths of the templates. This situation may occur where heavy
vehicles are likely to turn two abreast for example at intersections that serve major industrial and freight
areas such as seaports.

Multilane (e.g. double) right turns are not suitable for use at unsignalised intersections (excluding
roundabouts) because:
• On the major road, vehicles in the leftmost right-turn lane obscure the view of drivers in the adjacent
right-turn lane
• On side road approaches vehicles in the rightmost right-turn lane obscure the view of drivers in the
adjacent leftmost right-turn lane.

Multilane right-turn lanes are therefore used only at signalised intersections.

Figure A 3: Clearances for single opposed right-turning vehicles

Note: Main Roads Western Australia uses 2.0 m minimum between opposing right-turn movements.

Austroads (2013b) provides turning templates for a range of vehicles but only one combination for a dual
turning movement, a prime mover with semi-trailer and a car. The turn on the right side of Figure A 4 shows
the prime mover with semi-trailer turning on the outside of the car, a situation that is common as many truck
drivers choose to turn on a larger radius. The template provided in Austroads (2013b) has the prime mover
with semi-trailer turning on the inside of the car which, although less common, is required where the truck
must turn right into a side street or property shortly after completing the right turn. The swept width of the
template includes required separation between vehicles. The template in Austroads (2013b) is the more
conservative of the two situations and may be used for both turns where space permits.

For some situations it may be desirable to design dual turns for different combinations of vehicles (e.g. a
prime mover with semi-trailer and a single unit truck/bus). The need for this will be indicated by vehicle
classification data for the site. Figure A 4 shows a dual turning movement by two prime movers with semi-
trailers which could occur at major intersections, particularly near transport terminals. Although manual
templates can be used to approximate the overall swept width in such cases it is recommended that
designers simulate the turning requirements using a computer software package.

Where a multi-lane right turn is provided it is important that turning markings are used to delineate the lanes
through the intersection.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 4: Clearances for double opposed right-turning vehicles at signalised intersections







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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Where a multilane right turn is provided it is important that turning markings are used to delineate the lanes
through the intersection as illustrated in Figure A 5.

Figure A 5: Details of turn line treatments for multiple lanes

Note: In some jurisdictions the lane line between the through lane and turning lane, and the turn lines, will be continuous
rather than broken continuity lines.

A.7.3 Right-turn Bans at Signalised Intersections

Consideration should be given to banning a right turn where:

• a right-turn lane cannot be provided and the right-turning traffic would cause a safety and/or a capacity
• sight distance is poor and cannot be corrected, and other options such as erecting advance signs are not

If the right-turn can be banned, several options may be considered as described in AGTM Part 6
(Austroads 2013a).

A.7.4 Right-turn Lanes for Cyclists

Right-turn lanes for cyclists are rarely used and should generally not be provided for cyclists at right-turn
treatments on arterial roads or busy traffic routes because of the difficulty and crash risk for cyclists moving
from the left of an intersection to the centre of the road in order to utilise such treatments. Conditions for the
use of cyclist right-turn lanes and illustrations of their use at a signalised intersection are provided in
Appendix B.6.

A.7.5 Rural Right-turn Treatments – Undivided Roads

All the turn treatments described in this section are applicable to two-lane two-way rural roads.

They can also be applied to multilane rural roads (divided and, less commonly, undivided), except for the
BAR turn treatment.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Rural basic right-turn treatment (BAR)

The basic right-turn treatment (BAR) shown in Figure A 6 is the minimum treatment for right-turn movements
from a through road to side roads and local access points. This treatment provides sufficient trafficable width
for the design through vehicle to pass on the left of a stationary turning vehicle. This is achieved by widening
the shoulder to provide a minimum width sufficient to allow the vehicles to pass. Substantial speed reduction
(potentially half of the design speed) is a feature of this layout.

Other aspects of the design are:

• On a terminating intersection leg no special provision is usually made for right turns when a BAR is used.
• This layout can be used on both sealed and unsealed roads.
• It is preferred that the widened shoulder at BAR turn treatments is sealed, unless the shoulder can be
maintained with a sound and even surface.
• This layout should not be used where there is reduced visibility to the turn treatment. Right turning drivers
on the major road need to perceive the location of the side road and stop if necessary in the through lane
before the intersection.

Where adequate through sight distance exists, BAR turn treatments will generally be marked with a broken
centreline to allow overtaking on the major road through the intersection. This will not restrict overtaking
opportunities, thereby minimising delays. However, there may be instances where a BAR turn treatment on a
section of road with good overtaking opportunities will yield a high likelihood of crashes resulting from
inappropriate overtaking through the intersection. In such cases, a barrier line should be used. Examples of
such instances include the following:
• The turn treatment is located after a significant length of roadway that has no overtaking opportunities.
This geometry would result in drivers often overtaking through the intersection because of the large
amount of time spent following other vehicles prior to the intersection.
• The increased exposure of overtaking may result in an excessively high overtaking-intersection vehicle
crash rate.
• There are reasonably high right-turning volumes.
• The warrants dictate that a higher-level turn treatment is appropriate.

It is suggested that BAR treatments should generally have a barrier line on the major road approaches to
reduce the likelihood of overtaking vehicles colliding with vehicles entering from the side road. Consideration
should only be given to the use of a broken centreline in situations where overtaking opportunities are limited
and the volume on the side road is very low.

The BAR turn treatment on a two-lane rural road as shown in Figure A 6 has limited applications. It is mainly
applicable at the junction of side roads and rural arterial roads with lower traffic volumes.

Such turn treatments can record high crash rates, especially in high-speed areas. A more desirable
treatment at such sites is a CHR(S) turn treatment discussed in Section 7 of AGRD Part 4A
(Austroads 2017a).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 6: Basic right (BAR) turn treatment on a two-lane rural road

* It is preferred that the widened shoulder is sealed, unless the shoulder can be
maintained with a sound and even surface

Edge line

Edge of formation

This treatment applies to the right turn from a major road to a minor road.
The dimensions of the treatment are:
W = Nominal through lane width (m) (including widening for curves). Width to be continuous through
the intersection.
C = On straights – 6.5 m minimum
7.0 m minimum for Type 1 & Type 2 road trains
On curves – widths as above + curve widening (based on widening for the design turning vehicle
plus widening for the design through vehicle)
A = 0.5VF
Increase length A on tighter curves (e.g. those with a side friction demand greater than the
maximum desirable). Where the design through vehicle is larger than or equal to a 19 m semi-
trailer the minimum speed used to calculate A is 80 km/h
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)
F = Formation/carriageway widening (m)
S = Storage length to cater for one design turning vehicle (m) (minimum length 12.5 m)
X = Distance based on design vehicle turning path, typically 10–15 m

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 12.

12 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 6 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Rural channelised T-junction – short lane type CHR(S)

The CHR(S) turn treatment shown in Figure A 7 is a more desirable treatment than the BAR treatment
because it provides greater protection for vehicles waiting to turn right from the centre of the road. This
treatment is suitable where there are low to moderate through and turning volumes.

For higher volume sites, a full-length CHR turn treatment (Figure A 8) is preferred. This type of intersection
can only be used with linemarking. It is not to be used with raised or depressed islands as the turn lane is
short and it is desirable that right-turning drivers travel over the painted chevron to exit the through traffic
stream as soon as possible.

For the CHR(S) turn treatment, all through traffic is required to deviate, hence the deviation must be
designed to suit the operating speed. A minimum shoulder width of 1.0 m must be used on the through lane

The start of the right-turn taper occurs as a painted median width of 2.0 m, in lieu of the full turning lane width
as per a full length CHR treatment.

The length of turn slot is based on a right-turning vehicle slowing to 80% of the design speed on the
approach (i.e. a speed reduction of 20% in the through lane), prior to moving into the turn lane and
decelerating. This is based on the assumption that drivers decelerate at a maximum value of 3.5 m/s2 from
the start of the taper to the start of the storage length.

Although some deceleration of the right-turning vehicles occurs in the through lane, this treatment records far
fewer rear-end crashes than do BAR turn treatments. The good safety performance occurs by removing
stationary turning vehicles from the through traffic stream.

CHR(S) turn treatments should not be used where there is reduced visibility to the turn treatment.

Right-turning drivers on the major road need to perceive the location of the deceleration lane and the side
road in time to make the necessary speed reduction in the through lane prior to diverging.

Table A 4 provides the dimensions of the CHR(S) treatment for various design speeds.

Table A 4: Dimensions of CHR(S) treatment for various design speeds

Design speed of Lateral movement Diverge/ deceleration

length A length D Desirable radius Taper length T
major road
R (m) (m)(3)
approach (km/h) (m)(1) (m)(2)
50 40(4) 15 110 15
60 50(4) 25 175 15
70 60 35 240 20
80 65 45 280 20
90 75 55 350 25
100 85 70 425 30
110 95 85 500 30
120 100 100 600 35
1 Based on a diverge rate of 1 m/sec and a turn lane width of 3.0 m. Increase lateral movement length if the turn lane
width >3 m. If the through road is on a tight horizontal curve (e.g. one with a side friction demand greater than the
maximum desirable), the lateral movement length should be increased so that a minimal decrease in speed is
required for the through movement.
2 Based on a 20% reduction in through road speed at the start of the taper to a stopped condition using a value of
deceleration of 3.5 m/s2 (Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)). Adjust for grade using the ‘correction to
grade’ factor in Table 5.3 of AGRD Part 4A.
3 Based on a turn lane width of 3.0 m.
4 Where Type 2 road trains are required, minimum A = 60 m.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 7: Channelised right-turn treatment with a short turn slot [CHR(S)] two-lane rural road

Ø - double barrier line not to be used this side of the island.
* - Islands are to comprise linemarking only, i.e. no raised or depressed medians. Diagonal rows of RRPMs within the
painted islands should be used to improve the delineation of diagonal pavement marking.
The dimensions of the treatment are defined below and values of A, D, R and T are shown in Table A 4:
W = Nominal through lane width (m) (including widening for curves). For a new intersection on an
existing road, the width is to be in accordance with the current link strategy
WT = Nominal width of turn lane (m), including widening for curves based on the design turning vehicle =
3.0 m minimum
A = Length of lateral movement (Table A 4)
B = Total length of auxiliary lane including taper, diverge/deceleration and storage (m)
E = Distance from start of taper to 2.0 m width (m) and is given by:
E = 2� �

T = Taper length (m) and is given by:

S = Storage length to cater for one design turning vehicle (m)
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)
X = Distance based on design vehicle turning path, typically 10–15 m

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 13.

13 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 7 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 98

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Rural channelised T-junction – full length (CHR)

For this layout, all traffic is required to deviate and therefore the road alignment for the through movement
must be designed to suit the operating speed. This deviation requires the pavement to be widened to provide
a full-length right-turn lane as shown in Figure A 8.

The minimum lengths of deceleration (D) for different design speeds are shown in Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A
(Austroads 2017a) and should be based on the comfortable deceleration rate of 2.5 m/s2. The storage length
(S) is usually determined through the use of computer programs such as SIDRA.

Details of the departure end of the right-turn lane should be determined using turning path templates
(minimum radius 15.0 m). This will depend on the width and the angle of intersection of the road that the
turning vehicle is entering. There are no numerical warrants for the provision of raised medians in lieu of the
painted medians, and some jurisdictions may require road lighting where raised medians are provided.

Pavement marking should be provided as shown in Figure A 8. If the painted separation between opposing
traffic flows is wider than a double white line, then the median should be delineated with diagonal markings
and raised retroreflective pavement markers (Figure 6.12 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)).

Table A 5 provides the dimensions of the CHR treatment for various design speeds.

Table A 5: Dimensions of CHR treatment for various design speeds

Lateral movement length A

Design speed of major (m)(1) Desirable radius R
road approach (km/h) (m)
WT = 3.5 m WT = 3.0 m
50 50(2) 40(2) 110
60 60 50(2) 175
70 70 60 240
80 80 65 280
90 90 75 350
100 100 85 425
110 110 95 500
120 120 100 600
1 Based on a diverge rate of 1 m/sec. If the through road is on a tight horizontal curve (e.g. one with a side friction
demand greater than the maximum desirable) increase the lateral movement length so that a minimal decrease in
speed is required for the through movement.
2 Where Type 2 road trains are required minimum A = 60.0 m.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 8: Channelised right turn (CHR) on a two-lane rural road

Edge line

An alternative to the double white line on the offside edge of the right-turn slot is a 1.0 m painted median. The 1.0 m
median is particularly useful when the major road is on a tight horizontal curve and oncoming vehicles track across the
centreline. Provision of this median will require the dimension ‘A’ to be increased.
A raised concrete median on the minor road may be used with this treatment to minimise ‘corner cutting’, particularly for
higher turning volumes.
The dimensions of the treatment are defined below and values of A and R are shown in Table A 5:
W = Nominal through lane width (m) (including widening for curves). For a new intersection on an existing
road, the width is to be in accordance with the current link strategy
WT = Nominal width of turn lane (m), including widening for curves based on the design turning vehicle.
Desirable minimum = W, absolute minimum = 3.0 m
B = Total length of auxiliary lane including taper, diverge/deceleration and storage (m)
D = Diverge/deceleration length including taper. Adjust for grade using the ‘correction to grade’ factor
(Section 5 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a))
T = Physical taper length (m) and is given by:
S = Storage length (m) should be the greater of:
1. the length of one design turning vehicle or
2. (calculated car spaces –1) x 8 m (AGTM Part 3 (Austroads 2013c), or use computer program e.g.
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)
X = Distance based on design vehicle turning path, typically 10–15 m

Source: Based on Department of Main Roads (2006) 14.

14 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 8has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Left-right staggered T-intersection

Overlapping right turns on a two-lane two-way road

Figure A 9 shows a diagram of a left-right staggered intersection where the right-turning lanes on the major
road overlap. This layout may be suitable in situations where two existing minor roads are located relatively
close to each other, or where constraints exist on both ends of the treatment which prevent it extending
further along the major road.

Figure A 9: Rural left-right staggered T with overlapping turns on a two-lane road

Edge line
(desirable but not

Stagger distance1

1 The stagger distance must be sufficient to ensure that deceleration and storage length can be accommodated. This
should also ensure that the through design vehicle from the minor roads can store clear of the major road through
lane when positioned in the right-turn lane.
Note: The dimensions of the treatment are:
W = Nominal through lane width (m) (including widening for curves)
WT = Nominal width of turn lane (m) including widening for curves based on the design turning vehicle.
Desirable minimum = W, absolute minimum = 3.0 m
A = Design the through lane alignments in accordance with AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)
D = Diverge/deceleration length including taper (Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a). Adjust for
grade using the ‘correction to grade’ factor in Table 5.3 of AGRD Part 4A
S = Storage length (m) is the greater of:
1. the length of one design turning vehicle or
2. (calculated car spaces –1) x 8 m (AGTM Part 3 Austroads 2013c), or use computer program e.g.
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)
X = Distance based on design vehicle turning path, typically 10–15 m

Source: Based on Department of Main Roads (2006) 15.

The treatment requires a relatively wide pavement area and large islands at each end to shelter turning
vehicles from both directions. This means that the transitions at each end required to guide through traffic
may be relatively long. The islands may be raised or painted.

15 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 9 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 101

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Back-to-back right turns on a two-lane two-way road

This treatment is shown in Figure A 10. It results in a relatively narrow layout which requires shorter transitions
than the overlapping layout. However, it requires a large stagger between intersections (e.g. about 300 m for a
100 km/h operating speed) which is often impracticable due to land acquisition and other constraints.

Figure A 10: Rural left-right staggered T with back-to-back turns on a two-lane road

Note: The dimensions of the treatment are:

W = Nominal through lane width (m) (including widening for curves)
WT = Nominal width of turn lane (m), including widening for curves based on the design turning vehicle.
Desirable minimum = W, absolute minimum = 3.0 m
A = Design the through lane alignments in accordance with AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c).
D = Diverge/deceleration length including taper (Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A, Austroads 2017a). Adjust for
grade using the ‘correction to grade’ factor in Table 5.3 of AGRD Part 4A
T = Physical taper length (m) is given by:
S = Storage length (m) is the greater of:
1. the length of one design turning vehicle or
2. (calculated car spaces –1) x 8 m (AGTM Part 3 (Austroads 2013c), or use computer program e.g.
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)
X = Distance based on design vehicle turning path, typically 10–15 m

Rural seagull treatments

Preferred rural seagull treatment

A ‘seagull’ is a particular form of channelised layout that is only suitable for T-intersections. The preferred
seagull treatment is shown in Figure A 11. It is used in situations where traffic analysis confirms that there is
an operational advantage in right turners from the minor road being able to accept a gap at the first
carriageway and merge with major road traffic at the second carriageway.

The paths for right turns into and from the minor road are channelised by a seagull island. The key features
of the treatment are:
• Normal requirements for deceleration and storage apply to the turning lanes on the major road.
• The provision of an adequate acceleration lane for the merge into the second carriageway is critical to the
successful operation of the treatment. The length should allow for
– an adequate distance for acceleration
– plus an observation time of 3 sec to 5 sec at the operating speed of the major road
– plus a taper.

Austroads 2021 | page 102

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The safety of the treatment relies on the driver of the merging vehicle being able to observe vehicles in the
median lane of the major road through the left-side rear-view mirror. Designers should ensure that road
curvature and placement of road furniture in the seagull island do not impede the sight distance to the rear of
the merging vehicle. Seagull treatments require a minimum width of median to ensure that median and island
noses are located to provide adequate control and guidance for traffic. With seagull layouts, a minimum
width between semi-mountable kerbs of 5.0 m is required to enable traffic to pass a disabled vehicle and
thus prevent a blockage in the acceleration area. However, such widths between kerbs may encourage
drivers to form two lanes and the provision of edge lines may be necessary to prevent this from happening.

Semi-mountable kerbs should be used throughout the treatment. Painted medians and islands should
generally not be used.

Figure A 11: Preferred rural seagull layout (right side merge)

Seagull island

Acceleration length

Note: Due to higher speeds in the median lane and the inherently more difficult right side merge, the acceleration lane
length should allow design speed to be attained plus an observation time of 3 sec – 5 sec prior to the start of the taper
and where:
D = Diverge/deceleration length including taper (Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)).
Adjust for grade using the ‘correction to grade’ factor in Table 5.3 of AGRD Part 4A
T = Physical taper length (m) is given by:
S = Storage length (m) is the greater of:
1. the length of one design turning vehicle or
2. (calculated car spaces –1) x 8 m (AGTM Part 3 (Austroads 2013c) or use computer program
e.g. aaSIDRA)
TM = Merge taper length, refer to Section 5 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 16.

Alternative seagull layout

Where turning movements from the side road are high, or where the through traffic volumes and/or speed
make gap acceptance in the merge area difficult, and a seagull treatment is still deemed to be the most
appropriate treatment, then a dedicated exit lane should be provided. This alternative layout is shown in
Figure A 12.

16 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 11 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 103

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Where a seagull treatment provides a dedicated lane for exiting vehicles, the adjacent through lane(s) should
be extended past the seagull to allow a passenger car vehicle to accelerate to the speed of through vehicles
before the left to right merge is required. It should be noted that providing a straight near-side edge line is not
preferred as it lacks the visual queue of the edge line marking deviating for the merge manoeuvre.

It should be noted that acceleration of the joining vehicles can require a substantial length, particularly if it occurs
on an upgrade (Tables 5.5 and 5.6 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)). Where the major road operating speed
is high this may require the termination of the left lane to be 700 m or more from the intersection.

Figure A 12: Alternative rural seagull layout (left side merge)

Merge area

Optional treatment for merge area

(nearside kept straight)

Detail setout at intersection)

(for 19.0 m articulated vehicle) Merge area

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 17.

A.8 Left-Turn Treatments

A.8.1 General

Types of treatment and selection

The types of left-turn treatments, and volume warrants and safety considerations for their selection are
discussed in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a). The type of left-turn treatment used may depend on the:
• volume and type of traffic making the turn
• volume, speed and type of traffic with which the turn merges
• estimated speed at entry, and desirable speeds through and exiting from the turn
• local restrictions such as turn angles, property boundaries, service utilities and other structures
• provision for turning cyclists
• pedestrian movements.

17 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 12 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 104

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

These factors combine to determine the type of treatment to be adopted in any given situation. The types of
treatments provided for left turns are similar for high and low-speed environments and for different volume
demands; however, the geometry is usually more generous for higher speeds or higher volumes and an
auxiliary lane may be required AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a).

Lower order left-turn treatments (e.g. BAL and AUL(S)) generally should not be used with other geometric
minima (e.g. steep downgrades). This is particularly true where there is reduced visibility to the turn
treatment (e.g. they should not be located on smaller to moderate size crest curves). This is because drivers
on the major road need to perceive the location of the side road and make the necessary speed reduction in
the through lane before the intersection. In these situations, an AUL or CHL turn treatment with a full-length
deceleration lane should be used.

Rural channelised left-turn treatment (CHL) with an acceleration lane

A channelised left-turn treatment with an acceleration lane comprises multiple radii returns i.e. it consists of
compound circular arcs having two or three radii. The acceleration lane is a protected left-turn lane. A layout
of such a CHL turn treatment is shown in Figure A 13.

A CHL with an acceleration lane (protected left-turn lane) can be useful where:
• The observation angle falls below guideline requirements (e.g. the intersection is located on the inside of
a curve).
• Insufficient gaps are available in the major road traffic stream for the left-turning movement.
• Left-turning heavy vehicles will cause excessive slowing of the major road traffic stream.

The left-turn island will help to reduce areas of uncontrolled pavement and define vehicle paths.

Figure A 13 shows the geometric details of a free-flow left-turn treatment with a three centred curve, suitable
for use in a high-speed environment. Guidance on the required length of deceleration lane and acceleration
lane is provided in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) respectively.

A free-flow treatment enables drivers turning left from the major road to decelerate at a comfortable rate
clear of following traffic, turn left at a designated speed and join the intersecting road at its operating speed.
It is provided where:
• Intersection capacity can be improved by using an exclusive free-flow left-turn lane.
• A protected departure lane is required for safety reasons (e.g. observation sight distance is less than

Free-flow left-turn treatments are generally not suited to locations where traffic turns at a moderate to high
speed (e.g. ≥ 30 km/h) and cyclists and pedestrians need to cross the roadway, because of the risk to these
vulnerable road users. They may not be suited to sites where a substantial proportion of the traffic turning left
has to subsequently turn right at an adjacent intersection as operational problems may result in relation to
weaving traffic streams.

A key feature of the treatment is the three centred curve that provides for the tracking of the design vehicle
through the left-turn roadway (e.g. a 19 m semi-trailer).

A three centred curve must not be used for unsignalised left-turn treatments that do not have a left-turn
island. An appropriately designed island is necessary to:
• protect the departure lane
• control the path of exiting vehicles
• minimise crossing widths for pedestrians
• minimise the area of pavement that is not utilised by traffic.

Austroads 2021 | page 105

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Details of set-out parameters are provided in Figure A 13. Commentary 8 illustrates the influence of incorrect
and correct design on potential driver behaviour and protection of the acceleration lane on the departure
from the treatment.
[see Commentary 8]

Alternative CHL layouts with acceleration lanes, which may be preferred by some road agencies, are given in
AGRD Part 4A.

Figure A 13: Rural CHL treatment with an acceleration lane

Design vehicle steering path (typical) Design vehicle overhang (typical)

Edge line

Edge line

Key distances:
A = See Table 5.5 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) for length of the acceleration lane.
L = Minimum distance between end of chevron and start of merge taper to be based on 2 sec of travel time.
C = Maximum length of chevron taper based on 1:50.
Approaches to left-turn slip lanes can create hazardous situations between cyclists and left-turning motor vehicles. One
treatment to reduce the number of potential conflicts at left-turn slip lanes is given in Figure A 14 of AGRD Part 4A.
Figure 6.4 of AGRD Part 4A details minimum offsets to islands.
Refer to Figure A 8 (CHR turn treatment) for details of the dimensions T, D, W, and WT.
Desirable minimum area of islands ≥ 50 m².
Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 18.

18 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 13 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 106

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Provision for cyclists at rural free flow left-turn lanes on bicycle routes

Figure A 14 illustrates how a bicycle lane may be designed to provide a safer treatment for cyclists at a rural
free-flow left-turn island. The treatment discourages cyclists from travelling in a path between the auxiliary
lane and the adjacent through lane and being caught between through traffic and merging traffic. The width
of the lane should be in accordance with AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c). The shape of the island treatment
should be based on Figure A 13 for a rural island and Figure A 19 for an urban island, amended where
necessary to accommodate a bicycle lane as shown in Figure A 14.

Figure A 14: Provision for cyclists at rural free-flow left-turn treatments

A.8.2 Urban Left-turn Treatments

Urban basic left-turn treatment (BAL)

Single radius left-turn and tapers – low-speed environment

This is a simple treatment where the kerb lines of the intersecting roads are joined by a single radius circular
arc and tapers to accommodate the swept path of turning vehicles (Figure A 15). At sites in both rural and
urban situations the left turn should be designed to enable the design vehicle to turn from the left lane into
the minor road without crossing the centreline of the minor road.

While Figure A 15 shows a large design vehicle (e.g. a B-double) which may apply where the minor road
serves an industrial area, the design vehicle may be some other vehicle such as a single unit truck or bus.
Designers should refer to Section 5 for guidance on the choice of an appropriate design vehicle.

The BAL layout should not be used where there is reduced visibility to the turn treatment. Left-turning drivers
on the major road need to perceive the location of the side road in time to make the necessary speed
reduction in the through lane prior to turning.

Austroads 2021 | page 107

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 15: Basic left turn treatment (BAL) on an urban road

Bicycle lane

Bicycle lane

Where the road has a median, each

edge is assumed to be equivalent to
the road centreline

Where the approach is two lanes or more in width, heavy vehicles (12.5 m long or more) must turn from the kerbside or
adjacent lane, unless otherwise controlled by signs and pavement arrows.
Where a side street approach and/or departure is not used by vehicles over 12.5 m long, a turning path for a bus/truck
may be used.
This diagram does not show any specific bicycle facilities. Where specific bicycle facilities are required (e.g. exclusive
bicycle lanes), designers should refer to Appendix C.1.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 19.

Single radius left-turn without tapers – low-speed environment

At low-speed urban intersections where a minor side road is predominantly used by cars, light trucks and
service vehicles, and only used occasionally by larger vehicles, it may be appropriate to design for the
occasional large vehicle to turn from the second lane from the left. Figure A 16 shows the minimum
treatment that may be used in a constrained low-speed, low-volume urban environment (e.g. built-up urban
situation) where the design vehicle would normally be a service vehicle and a 19.0 m semi-trailer is the
checking vehicle. The checking vehicle, while not crossing the centreline may find it necessary to cross
adjacent lanes to enter the minor road. This treatment is suitable only where very infrequent access would be
required by this class of checking vehicle.

A return radius for an initial design for the side road can be selected from Table A 6, which provides for a
semi-trailer or truck/bus (12.5 m long) as the design vehicle. However, the radius of the turn is a function of
the design vehicle and the design should always be checked using swept path turning templates.

19 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 15 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 108

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 16: Application of a check vehicle swept path to a single radius treatment (BAL) for an urban

RK Kerb return radius

RT Turning path radius – R 15 m
unless the vehicle is always
required to stop (STOP) sign,
where R12.5 m may be used

Where the road has a median, each edge

is assumed to be equivalent to the road

Note: The design vehicle and the check vehicle will vary depending on the traffic characteristics at each site.

The observation angle of 120º to approaching traffic will be exceeded when the kerb return radius exceeds
11 m and the approach on the through road is straight for a distance equal to or greater than that travelled in
five seconds at the design speed of the through road (Figure 3.6 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)).
Hence, the kerb return radius of 11 m should only be exceeded when:
• entering on the outside of a horizontal curve
• leaving a through road without a slip lane
• entering traffic only needs to sight turning traffic (Figure 3.4b of AGRD Part 4A).

The kerb return radius should be reduced when entering on the inside of a curve.

Observation angles for the above conditions should be checked with criteria shown in Figures 3.4, 3.5 and
3.6 of AGRD Part 4A.

Pedestrian crossing widths are generally not a problem if minimum kerb return radii are used. It should be
noted that the narrower the departure, or approach lane width, the larger the return radius necessary. Hence,
these two factors must be considered together.

Austroads 2021 | page 109

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table A 6: Minimum kerb radii for low speed environment

Minimum left-turn kerb radii

Vehicle type Turning from lane Turning from kerb side
adjacent to kerb side lane lane – approach width

– approach width 6.4 m 3.2 m
W 70° 90° 110° 70° 90° 110° W
(m) Kerb Radius

6.4 10 11 12 16 16 15 6.4m
1 6.4 metre
19.0 m long 2 3.2
5.5 12 14 14 18 18 16

6.4 3 6 8 12 12 12
12.5 m long
5.5 6 8 10 13 13 13

Where approach and/or departure are curved, or widths vary from above, use turning templates to determine kerb radius
and check observation sight distance.
Green shaded area represents situations where the kerb radius exceeds 11.0 m and the observation angle will be
A left-turn movement from the lane adjacent to the kerb side lane is permissible in some circumstances, (Australian Road
Rules National (Transport Commission 2012)). For new intersections, application of such movements should only be
considered when applying swept paths of the check vehicle.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 20.

Urban auxiliary left-turn treatment – short turn lane [AUL(S)] major road

The BAL turn treatment from the major to minor road in Figure A 15 is generally only suitable for lower
turning volumes. A more desirable treatment at such sites is an AUL(S) turn treatment as shown in
Figure A 17. Although some deceleration of the left-turning vehicles occurs in the through lane, this treatment
records very few rear-end vehicle crashes on the major road (generally rear-end type accidents resulting
from a through driver colliding with a left-turning major road driver). This treatment is suitable where there are
low to moderate through and turning volumes.

For higher volume sites, a full length AUL turn treatment is preferred (AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a)). The
AUL(S) layout should not be used where there is reduced visibility to the turn treatment. Left-turning drivers
on the major road need to perceive the location of the deceleration lane and the side road in time to make
the necessary speed reduction in the through lane prior to diverging.

20 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Table A 6 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 110

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 17: Auxiliary left-turn treatment [AUL(S)] on the major leg of an intersection

For setting out details of the left-turn geometry, use vehicle turning path templates and/or the details in Table A 7.
Approaches to left-turn lanes can create hazardous situations between cyclists and left-turning vehicles. Treatments to
reduce the number of potential conflicts at left-turn slip lanes are given Appendix B.6.1.
Values of D and T are provided in Table A 7 and the dimensions of the treatment are defined as follows:
W = Nominal through lane width (m) (incl. widening for curves). For a new intersection on an
existing road, the width is to be in accordance with the current link strategy
WT = Nominal width of turn lane (m) (incl. widening for curves based on the design turning
vehicle) = 3.0 m minimum
T = Physical taper length (m) given by:
0.33V WT
V = Design speed of major road approach (km/h)

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 21

Table A 7: Dimensions for D and T in AUL(S) treatment

Design speed of major road Diverge/deceleration length D

Taper length T (m)(2)
approach (km/h) (m)(1)
50 20 20
60 25 20
70 35 30
80 45 30
90 55 40
1 Based on a 20% reduction in through road speed at the start of the taper and a value of deceleration of 3.5 m/s2
(Table 5.2 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)). Adjust for grade using the ‘correction to grade’ factor in Table 5.3 of
AGRD Part 4A.
2 Based on a turn lane width of 3.0 m and a bicycle lane width of 1.5 m.

21 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 17 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 111

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Urban channelised left-turn treatment (CHL) with high entry angle

Figure A 18 illustrates a high entry angle treatment for an intersection in a low-speed environment. The
treatment is suitable for unsignalised or signalised intersections when appropriate road markings are
provided and the medians are wide enough to accommodate signal hardware.

Where bicycle lanes pass through the intersection the design should be amended to accommodate them as
indicated in Figure A 20 and Figure A 21, which relate to unsignalised and signalised intersections
respectively. The lengths of the sides of a high entry angle left-turn island for a low-speed environment can
be derived from first principles. Detailed information for setting out the islands is provided in Section 6 of
AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) for cases with and without a bicycle lane.

Where kerb lines intersect in the range 70º to 110º, and a left-turn island is required in conjunction with a
single radius return, a high entry angle treatment is necessary. This is the only way to achieve a left-turn
island that is adequate for lower speed environments, as well as an observation angle of 120º (or less) to
traffic approaching on a straight road of length not less than five seconds of travel at the design speed.

In some situations it may be necessary to adopt a multiple radii return to avoid an expensive design control
(e.g. a telecommunications pit). This is an acceptable treatment under EDD principles (Appendix A of AGRD
Part 4A).

The left-turn island will assist in reducing pedestrian crossing widths and areas of uncontrolled pavement. If a
marked pedestrian crossing is provided in the left-turn slip lane, approach sight distance (ASD) should be
provided on the approach to the crossing so that the pavement markings should be clearly visible over the
entire length of ASD on approach to the crossing.

Appropriate bicycle treatments may be required adjacent to the left-turn island. Such treatments include
linemarking and logos for bicycle lanes and may be supported by warning signs for drivers using the slip lane
to watch for cyclists.

Alternative CHL layouts with high entry angles, which may be preferred by some road agencies, are given in
Section 6 of AGRD Part 4A.

Austroads 2021 | page 112

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 18: Urban CHL treatment with high entry angle left-turn island
Design vehicle steering path (typical) Design vehicle overhang (typical)

Edge line

Approaches to left-turn slip lanes can create hazardous situations between cyclists and left-turning vehicles. One
treatment to reduce the number of potential conflicts at left-turn slip lanes is given in Figure A 20 and Figure A 21.
Figure 6.4 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) details minimum offsets to islands.
Refer to Figure 7.8 of AGRD Part 4A (CHR turn treatment) for details of the dimensions T, D, S, B, W, and WT.
Desirable minimum area of islands – 25 m² for an unsignalised intersection and 40 m² for a signalised intersection.

Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 22.

22 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 18 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 113

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Urban channelised left-turn treatment (CHL) with acceleration lane

Figure A 19 shows the geometric details of a free-flow left-turn treatment with a three centred curve, suitable
for use in a low-speed environment (urban situation with road lighting). This CHL treatment with an
acceleration lane comprises multiple radii returns (i.e. it consists of compound circular arcs having two or
three radii in order to best match the swept paths of turning trucks). Consideration should also be given to
providing an acceleration lane on high-speed roads as a means of reducing speed differentials between
turning slow-moving heavy vehicles and the faster moving through traffic, as a means of reducing crash risk.

CHL treatments with acceleration lanes are useful where:

• The observation angle falls below guideline requirements (e.g. the intersection is located on the inside of
a curve).
• Insufficient gaps are available in the major road traffic stream for the left-turning movement.
• Left-turning heavy vehicles will cause excessive slowing of the major road traffic stream.

A three centred curve must not be used for unsignalised left turns without a left-turn island that:
• protects the departure lane
• controls the path of exiting vehicles
• minimises crossing widths for pedestrians
• minimises the area of uncontrolled pavement.

If the path of exiting vehicles is not controlled by the island nose the following will occur:
• The observation angle to approaching through traffic will be exceeded where the through approach is
straight for a distance less than five seconds of travel at the design speed.
• An inadequate acceleration taper will result.
Where the intersection is used by pedestrians, an island can reduce the width of pavement to be crossed. If
a pedestrian crossing is provided in the left-turn slip lane, approach sight distance (ASD) must be available
on the approach to the crossing, and pavement markings should be clearly visible over the entire length of
ASD on the approach to the crossing.

Alternative CHL layouts with acceleration lanes, which may be preferred by some road agencies, are given in
Section 6 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).

Austroads 2021 | page 114

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 19: Urban CHL with acceleration lane

Design vehicle steering path Design vehicle overhang (typical)

Edge line

Edge line

Notes: Key distances are:

A = See Table 5.5 of AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a) for length of acceleration lane.
L = Minimum distance between end of chevron and start of merge taper to be based on 2 sec of travel time.
C = Maximum length of chevron taper based on 1:50.
Approaches to left-turn slip lanes can create hazardous situations between cyclists and left-turning vehicles. One
treatment to reduce the number of potential conflicts at left-turn slip lanes is given in Figure A 14.
Figure 6.4 of AGRD Part 4A details minimum offsets to islands.
Refer to Figure 7.8 of AGRD Part 4A (CHR turn treatment) for details of the dimensions T, D, W and WT.
Desirable minimum area of islands ≥ 50 m².
Source: Department of Main Roads (2006) 23.

Provision for cyclists at urban channelised treatments


Approaches to exclusive left-turn treatments may create serious conflict points between cyclists and
left-turning motor vehicles. The bicycle treatments in this section show how bicycle lanes should continue
through the intersection, between general traffic lanes if necessary, to provide cyclists with a safer treatment
and equity.

On priority cycling routes where there are long deceleration or acceleration tapers, large radius curves and
high speeds, it is particularly desirable that a bicycle lane be marked through the diverge areas and merge
areas. These treatments provide space for cyclists and also warn drivers of the possible presence of a

23 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure A 19 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 115

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Bicycle lane treatments through intersections could also be considered at other locations where cyclists
would be at risk due to the geometric design requirements for motor vehicles. A short marked bicycle lane
through an intersection may provide safety advantages to cyclists provided that its termination point does not
lead cyclists into an unsafe situation. Terminating near a sealed shoulder or in a wide kerbside lane would
normally deliver adequate safety.

Figure A 20 and Figure A 21 respectively show bicycle lanes on the approaches to unsignalised and
signalised intersections that have a high entry angle treatment.

Figure A 20: Provision for cyclists at an unsignalised CHL treatment in a low-speed environment

Width based on template for left

turning design vehicle or required
cross-section on minor road

Bicycle lane (for width refer to

AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)

Island layout where B-doubles are

design vehicles

Auxiliary lane (refer to note 1)

1 For details for auxiliary lane see Appendix A.5.

Bicycle lanes on the priority road must be continuous through unsignalised intersections and connect to bicycle facilities
on the approach and departure.
In cases where a bicycle route turns the corner bicycle lanes may be accommodated within the minor road and within the
left-turn roadway.
Green pavement surfacing may be used where high numbers of cyclists and motor vehicles interact. Where this is not
the case normal surfacing, road markings and bicycle logos may be used to delineate the bicycle lane.
A minimum width of 5.0 m is required in the left-turn slip lane to enable vehicles to pass a disabled vehicle by mounting
the semi-mountable kerb. It is therefore necessary to have a solid surface immediately behind the kerbs.

Austroads 2021 | page 116

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure A 21: Provision for cyclists at signalised CHL treatment in a low-speed environment

Bicycle lane (for width refer to

AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c)

Island layout where B-doubles

are the design vehicle

1 For details for auxiliary lane see Appendix A.5.

Free flow left-turn island with acceleration lane

The treatment illustrated in Figure A 14 for rural sites can also be applied to urban sites. The treatment at
urban sites will vary only in the detail of the dimensions of the treatment (Figure A 19). At urban locations the
intersection is likely to have lighting that will enhance the conspicuity of cyclists and their safety in dark

A.9 U-Turn Treatments

A.9.1 General

The provision of U-turn treatments relates to divided roads. On divided urban roads the need for vehicles to
perform U-turns at median openings may require special provision to be made. This is particularly so where
traffic regulations in some states prohibit U-turns at signalised intersections.

Drivers are permitted to U-turn at unsignalised intersections on divided roads unless a sign is erected to
prohibit the turn. Unsignalised intersections are often spaced frequently enough on urban roads to remove
the need for any additional special treatments for U-turning vehicles.

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Roundabouts provide a convenient means for drivers to U-turn on both divided roads and undivided roads.
Where jurisdictional traffic regulations prohibit drivers from U-turning at signalised intersections, it is usually
desirable to provide a U-turn lane before the intersection and completely separate it from the right-turn lanes
so that delay is minimised for all turning vehicles.

Although cars, small trucks and vans may be able to U-turn at intersections the manoeuvre is problematic for
larger heavy vehicles because it is generally impracticable to provide enough space for these vehicles.
However, where industrial or commercial properties abut an arterial road it is often desirable and sometimes
practicable to provide a suitably located and designed U-turn treatment for heavy vehicles to access the
properties. U-turn lanes should have appropriate deceleration and storage lengths (Appendix A.5).

A.9.2 Rural Roads

Rural divided roads that have at-grade intersections usually require very wide medians to provide sufficient
storage in the median to safely accommodate heavy vehicles that are crossing the major road or turning into
the major road from a side road (e.g. a B-double is 25 m to 27 m long and requires a 30 m wide median).
These vehicles can generally U-turn in the space provided by such a wide median and shoulders. On
freeways U-turns should only be permitted at interchanges.

A.9.3 Urban Roads

On urban divided roads where a demand exists for heavy vehicles to U-turn and space is available, the
treatments illustrated in Figure A 22 may be appropriate. These treatments comprise a jug handle layout
suitable for semi-trailers and a treatment where auxiliary lanes enable a single unit truck/bus to U-turn.

On roads with relatively narrow medians, unsignalised intersections may be designed to allow cars to U-turn.
Where intersections are a substantial distance apart and demand exists, the mid-block U-turn treatment
shown in Figure A 23 may be provided. Often the treatment can only cater for cars; however, they may also
be strategically placed to enable trucks to U-turn into service roads.

It is desirable that U-turn treatments are located away from intersections; however, a signalised U-turn
treatment may be provided on the approach to a signalised intersection adjacent to right-turn lanes as shown
in Figure A 24.

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Figure A 22: Desirable U-turn treatment (mid-block or in advance of an intersection)

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Figure A 23: Desirable U-turn treatment (mid-block or in advance of an intersection

Figure A 24: U-turn lane on approach to signalised intersection

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Appendix B Signalised Intersections

B.1 General

Generally, the treatments described in Appendix A can be signalised as an alternative form of control to give-
way or stop signs with the exception that signalised intersections are generally not used on high-speed traffic

Intersections are signalised either to address a road safety or a traffic/transportation operational issue.
Signalised intersections on major arterial roads often require a number of through lanes and turn lanes to
ensure that the intersecting routes have adequate capacity as a result of the various intersecting traffic
movements that must share time. AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) provides information on the traffic
management aspects of signalised intersections, for example:
• Section 2 includes traffic management considerations in the selection of traffic signals as a method of
control and provides general guidance on the signalisation of intersections.
• Section 5 provides discussion on road space allocation, lane management, signal phasing and timings,
signal coordination and traffic detection.

Consideration of traffic management and road safety issues and aspects is an essential part of developing
conceptual and functional layouts for signalised intersections, and the subsequent development of a signal
layout plan. Practitioners must ensure that, where practicable, the needs of all road users are identified (i.e.
through developed plans/strategies or specific site investigations) and incorporated into the intersection

It is particularly important that the design of signalised intersections provides adequately for public transport
(Section 6), pedestrians including people who have mobility or vision impairments (Section 8) and cyclists
(Section 9). These requirements may include:
• public transport lanes, stops and priority measures
• pedestrian facilities (including treatments to assist people who have impaired vision or mobility)
• bicycle lanes, paths and crossings.

B.2 Signal Operation Considerations

B.2.1 Traffic Operation at an Intersection

Traffic signal operation considerations are discussed in detail in the AGTM Part 9 (Austroads 2016e).
However, it is important that designers recognise that the geometric layout and the operation of a signalised
intersection are inter-related. For example:
• Adequate space must be available within the intersection for concurrent right turns to occur from opposite
directions (i.e. diamond turn).
• In situations where roads intersect at oblique angles and space is constrained the geometry may lead to
less efficient phasing. An example of this is illustrated and briefly discussed in Commentary 9.
[see Commentary 9]

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B.2.2 Proximity to Other Intersections

Desirably intersections should be separated by at least five seconds of travel time at the design speed to
provide time for drivers to process information relating to traffic, the road layout and traffic signs. However, it
is preferable that signalised intersections be separated by a considerable distance so that:
• Traffic queues from one intersection do not back up through an adjacent intersection and adversely affect
traffic safety or operation.
• Inefficiencies do not result from the signal phasings at the intersections having to be interdependent.
• Safety issues do not arise because of the ‘see through effect’ whereby a driver approaching along the
major road focuses on green lights at the second intersection rather than red lights at the first

Commentary 10 provides an example of how a traffic queue resulting from a signalised intersection can
adversely affect sight distance and hence safety at an upstream intersection.
[see Commentary 10]

B.3 Intersection Layouts

B.3.1 General

Signalised intersection layouts take many forms depending on the:

• reservation available
• classifications of the intersecting roads
• traffic volumes
• constraints such as public utilities, buildings and other road use (e.g. parking, pedestrian malls on one
• the angles of the intersecting roads.

The typical signalised intersections are usually at crossroads or T-intersections where the roads intersect at
a right angle.

Figure B 1 is an example of a signalised intersection and shows the type of detail provided on a signal layout
plan that would be prepared, to assist in the specification and installation of traffic signals. Lane
arrangements vary depending on the space available on the intersection approaches, the movements to be
accommodated or permitted and the volume of traffic (e.g. double right-turn and double left-turn lanes).

A further example of a signalised intersection that has complementary double right-turn and left-turn lanes is
shown in Figure B 2.

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Figure B 1: Example of a signalised intersection on a divided arterial road

Stop line

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Figure B 2: An example of a signalised intersection with double left and right-turn lanes, dual carriageway and
bicycle facility in both roads

Source: Main Roads Western Australia (2019).

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B.3.2 Service Road Treatments

AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a) discusses service roads at unsignalised intersections and the same
principles apply to signalised intersections. Figure B 3 shows examples of service road terminations at a
major signalised intersection. It is desirable that the access from the service road is located so that drivers
can conveniently move across to the right-turn lane when possible during lower traffic flows on the major
road. During peak periods drivers may have to turn left from the service road and seek an alternative route.

Figure B 3: Typical service road treatments at a signalised intersection

B.4 Traffic Lanes

B.4.1 General

Traffic lanes at signalised intersections generally comprise either through lanes, right-turn lanes or left-turn
lanes as discussed in AGTM Part 6 (Austroads 2013a), Appendix A.7 and Appendix A.8. In addition U-turn
lanes may be accommodated in medians on the approaches to signalised intersections. The U-turn
movement can be unsignalised or incorporated into the signal phasing with U-turn signal aspects and

B.4.2 U-Turning Lanes

U-turns may be permitted at traffic signals in some jurisdictions subject to local guidelines which may require
a U-turn lane and signal phase to be provided.

At sites where a U-turn facility is not to be provided at the signals, a separate U-turn lane could be located a
sufficient distance in advance of the signalised intersection to ensure that:
• It is clear to right-turning drivers that it is a U-turn lane and not a right-turn lane.
• U-turning drivers have time to perform the manoeuvre without conflicting with left-turning vehicles from
the intersecting road.

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Where a jurisdiction allows U-turning from right-turn lanes (i.e. on divided roads) it should be recognised that
the U-turners do cause delay for the right turners which may be an issue, especially if they have to give way
to pedestrians or left-turning traffic.

There is often a need to provide for traffic to U-turn from the major road into a service road and this can
sometimes be facilitated by a signalised U-turn lane indented into the residual median part way along the
right-turn lane/s. Such a treatment is illustrated in Figure A 24 and an example is shown in Figure B 4.

Figure B 4: Example of a U-turn lane combined with a double right-turn lane

B.5 Pedestrian Treatments

B.5.1 Pedestrian crossings

Pedestrian crossings that may have to be incorporated into signalised intersections include:
• a marked foot crossing located across approaches between the stop lines and the intersecting road (most
• a pedestrian (zebra) crossing marked across left-turn roadways (at the discretion of the relevant road agency)
• an exclusive (scramble) pedestrian phase whereby vehicular traffic on all approaches is stopped and
pedestrians can walk across all approaches and diagonally within the intersection.

It is most desirable that, wherever practicable, marked foot crossings should:

• provide a straight path across the road to assist vision-impaired pedestrians (i.e. crosswalk lines do not
change direction through a median)
• be at right angles to the road in order to
– assist vision-impaired pedestrians
– minimise crossing distance and hence pedestrian phase time – facilitate the orientation of tactile
ground surface indicators
• pass behind median noses so that very slow-moving pedestrians (physically impaired or aged) have a
secure refuge if they become stranded in the centre of the road. However, it is common practice at
intersections that have heavy pedestrian flows and low approach speeds (e.g. inner urban areas) and
where pedestrians can cross in one movement to mark the crosswalk lines in front of median noses
• have appropriately designed kerb ramps (i.e. smooth, flat and correct orientation).

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At signalised intersections the width between crosswalk lines should:

• be at least 2.0 m
• be desirably in the range 2.4 m to 3.0 m
• where necessary, should be wide enough (e.g. ≥ 5.0 m) to accommodate high pedestrian demands.

Where pedestrian flows are significant at signalised intersections it may be appropriate to have left-turning
traffic pass through the signals rather than provide a left-turn island and roadway.

However, in situations where pedestrian flow is moderate and a left-turn roadway beneficial, a pedestrian
(zebra) crossing may be marked across the left-turn roadway. Figure B 5 shows a pedestrian crossing
without flashing lights on a left-turn slip lane. It is important to place the crossing a distance equivalent to one
or two car lengths back from the holding line so that the crossing is coincident with a space between queued
cars (i.e. usually 6 m or 12 m).

Details of a typical pedestrian (zebra) crossing are illustrated in Appendix B.5.2. At these facilities traffic rules
require a driver to give way to pedestrians on the crossing and therefore approach sight distance should be
available to the crossing and pedestrians waiting to cross. The size and location of signs and vegetation are
therefore important factors which do not restrict the sight distance.

Figure B 5: An example of an urban left-turn slip lane with a pedestrian crossing

For details of left-turn island design refer to AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).
Storage length for vehicles should be 6 m or 12 m.
If the pedestrian sign would obscure drivers’ view of traffic signals, it may be placed on the signal pole.

Turning vehicles

Potential issues relating to conflict between pedestrians and turning movements at signalised intersections
are generally resolved through signal phasing by providing full signal control of traffic movements. The
design of left-turn treatments should therefore limit the turning speed to 30 km/h if an unsignalised pedestrian
crossing is to be used. Where the design provides for higher turning speeds (e.g. a free-flow slip lane) a
signalised pedestrian crossing should be provided.

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Pedestrian storage areas

Pedestrian storage areas commensurate with the demand should be provided within signalised intersections
(i.e. on medians, left-turn islands and footpaths). The layout should also provide for mobility-impaired
pedestrians, pedestrians using mobility devices such as wheelchairs, people walking with prams and bicycles.

Where appropriate, consideration should be given to the provision of ‘blisters’ or ‘kerb outstands’ that reduce
pedestrian crossing distances and place pedestrians in a position where they are more easily seen by
approaching drivers. The kerb outstands are beneficial where parallel parking exists and pedestrians can
emerge from behind parked cars.

Adequate space and accessible all-weather paths should be provided at bus and tram stops.


All footpaths around signalised intersections should be designed to be easily negotiated by pedestrians,
including people with a vision or mobility impairment. Appropriate areas, widths, ramp gradients and
surfacing should be provided. Poles, solid pit lids, grated pit lids and other street furniture should be located
so that they are not obstructions for pedestrians. Reference should be made to AS 1428-2010 (set) and the
AGRD Part 6A (Austroads 2017b) for further information.

Pedestrian fences, bollards and barriers

A significant number of pedestrian deaths and injuries occur as a result of pedestrians crossing roads
between and close to intersections. Barriers and fences of various types can be used to deter pedestrians
from crossing at inappropriate locations and thus reduce mid-block crashes, particularly outside hotels, night
clubs, shops and schools. This use is common in conjunction with pedestrian crossing facilities and
intersection approaches where fences can be used to channel pedestrians to safe crossing locations (e.g.
signalised intersections or crossings, or overpasses). Designers should ensure that the need for pedestrian
barriers is considered in the design process. AGRD Part 6B (Austroads 2015e) provides further information
on infrastructure that needs to be accommodated in the roadside including fences.

Common situations at or between signalised intersections that require fences are:

• Medians – to prevent pedestrians from crossing dual carriageway roads at mid-block locations. This type
of barrier may be added solely for pedestrian purposes, or may be incorporated with vehicle barriers (e.g.
steel or concrete safety barriers).
• Between the footpath and the roadway – to prevent pedestrians from crossing at hazardous locations,
and to guide pedestrians to crossing locations.

Designers should refer to standard drawings for the relevant jurisdiction in selecting and locating an
appropriate fence or barrier.

Design considerations include:

• There is a need to maintain sight lines to other vehicles and pedestrians.
• People with vision impairment and who use a cane and/or a sound reflection device for guidance can be
confused by the post and chain arrangement (a continuous solid edge at pavement level is preferred).
• Installations should be finished with no sharp edges or protrusions which could be a danger to those who
use the railing for support or guidance.
• Post and rail fencing such as galvanised pipe and timber rails and treated pine post and rail fencing with
horizontal rails should not be used for pedestrian guidance near vehicle roadways as rails can spear
vehicles and occupants.
• Designs where components can be dislodged and projected through the air upon vehicle impact with the
barrier should not be used.

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B.5.2 Pedestrian Facilities – Mid-block

Time separated (controlled traffic) facilities

Time separated facilities are the most commonly requested form of facility to assist pedestrians in crossing
roadways. They offer a higher degree of safety by requiring (through road rules) that vehicular traffic stop
and/or give way while pedestrians are crossing. When used in conjunction with similar and other devices
along a section of road, as part of an overall traffic management treatment, they provide considerable
benefits to local communities.

Time separated facilities should only be provided if conditions at a site meet the warrants and guides given in
AS 1742.10-2009 or jurisdictional guides.

To ensure that it is utilised it is important that the crossing facility be placed on, or as close as practicable to
the pedestrian desire line.

Commentary 11 provides some additional information on the need for these facilities.
[see Commentary 11]

Pedestrian (zebra) crossing

A typical pedestrian (zebra) crossing application is illustrated in Figure B 6. At these facilities traffic
regulations require a motorist to give way to pedestrians on the crossing. This facility relies on the motorist
seeing the pedestrian on the carriageway, and then slowing or stopping if necessary to allow the pedestrian
to proceed across the roadway. The driver’s obligation is to give way, but having done so, may proceed
without waiting for the pedestrian to clear the roadway.

Minimum numerical warrants are given in AS 1742.10-2009 but some traffic or road agencies have adopted
different or additional warrants. Generally zebra crossings are not favoured on arterial roads where traffic
speeds and volumes are relatively high. However, they are often used to provide a formal crossing of left-
turn slip lanes at signalised intersections of arterial roads.

Zebra crossings are suited to low-speed environments (≤ 50 km/h) on local residential streets, collector roads
where speeds are constrained, in shopping centre car parks and multi-level car parks.

Zebra crossings may be used in conjunction with kerb extensions or refuges. Where crossing movements
are spread out along a road, a narrow raised or painted median, or in some cases pedestrian refuge islands
connected by painted medians, can provide more effective traffic safety, especially in strip commercial
developments. This approach is discussed in Commentary 12 along with suggested measures to enhance
the safety of pedestrian crossings.
[see Commentary 12]

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Figure B 6: An example of a pedestrian (zebra) crossing

Notes relating to the numbered circles in Figure B 6:

1 See AS 1742.10-2009, for zebra pavement marking detail.
2 Sign W6-2 (minimum size B) is used in advance of pedestrian crossings where visibility of the R3-1 sign is obstructed
due to road curvature or other local conditions. The sign may be supplemented with advance pavement messages.
3 Sign R3-1 may be supplemented by twin alternating continuously operating yellow signals.
4 Where stationary vehicles near a crossing seriously limit visibility between drivers and pedestrians, an increase in the
no stopping length may be required.
5 A single barrier line should be provided on each approach to the crossing if the road has a dividing line.

Note: Where there is significant night-time use, street lighting should be provided.

Source: Based on AS 1742.10-2009.

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Pedestrian operated signals

Pedestrian actuated traffic signals may be the best solution at mid-block locations where pedestrian crossing
activity is concentrated along a short section of road, carrying high traffic volumes. However, the high cost of
implementation normally restricts the use of these facilities to roads that have relatively high volumes of
traffic and pedestrians.

Numerical warrants and other guidelines are provided in AS 1742.10-2009, and designers should refer to
local guides where they have been developed by the relevant road agencies.

AS 1742.10-2009 also includes the following guideline:

If the guidelines for the provision of a pedestrian crossing (zebra) are met and the site is
either, adjacent to a railway level crossing, on a public transport route, close to a
signalised intersection on an arterial road, or within a coordinated traffic signal system,
consideration should be given to the use of pedestrian actuated signals, instead of the
pedestrian (zebra) crossing.

An example layout for a mid-block signalised pedestrian crossing is illustrated in Figure B 7. In considering
the provision of a mid-block signalised pedestrian crossing, the possibility of signalising a nearby
unsignalised intersection and incorporating pedestrian facilities should be considered as an alternative as
this can provide better overall pedestrian safety and traffic management.

As emphasised in AS 1742.10-2009, mid-block pedestrian operated signals require special attention to the
standard of signalling provided to mitigate the absence of usual intersection cues. Mast-arm or median island
signals may need to be installed on carriageways with more than three lanes in one direction. Details of
these requirements as well as pedestrian detection, phasings, timings and signal hardware requirements are
given in AGTM Part 9 (Austroads 2016e).

Pelican crossings

The ‘pelican’ crossing is a normal pedestrian operated signal crossing with a more sophisticated form of
signal control which allows a more flexible time sharing between motorists and pedestrians. The device is
characterised by the inclusion of a flashing yellow period for the motorist while a flashing red man for the
pedestrian movement is displayed. Drivers having stopped at the red traffic signal display may proceed with
caution through the crossing during the flashing yellow period but they are obliged to give way to pedestrians
still on the crossing. The advantage of this operation is the reduced delay to vehicles due to a reduced red
phase. Studies have shown that vehicle delays at pelican crossings are approximately half those at
conventional pedestrian actuated crossings.

The warrants and requirements for the installation of pelican crossings are the same as for pedestrian
actuated signals, but with the additional criteria that the 85th percentile speed at the proposed location is less
than 80 km/h.

Pelican crossings are considered to be an advantage at a site where there is concern about excessive
vehicle delays due to the need to have a long pedestrian phase.

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Figure B 7: Example of pedestrian-actuated traffic signals (mid-block)

Notes relating to the numbered circles in Figure B 7:

1 Sign W3-3 is required if the crossing is in an isolated location or if the crossing is not visible at a distance greater than
200 m. Where used, at least a Size B sign should be used. The CROSSING AHEAD (W8-22) supplementary plate
may be used with this sign.
2 No stopping distance as required by the relevant jurisdiction.
3 A 20 m single barrier line may be provided on the approach to the stop line (optional).

Source: Based on AS 1742.10-2009.

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Puffin crossings

The name ‘puffin’ is derived from ‘pedestrian user friendly intelligent’ signals. The crossing is a normal
pedestrian operated signal crossing that is modified to overcome deficiencies in existing facilities. Infra-red
devices detect the presence of people crossing the carriageway and enable extra time to be allocated to the
pedestrian phase if needed. This can eliminate the need to extend every pedestrian phase time to account
for slower moving pedestrians such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

As a result, the overall efficiency and acceptability of the crossing is improved. The installation provides a
more flexible operation to pedestrians who need it and gives pedestrians a greater share of the total cycle
time when volumes demand it. The cancellation of unwanted pedestrian phases can be a significant benefit
to through vehicular traffic.

B.6 Cyclist Facilities at Signalised Intersections

B.6.1 On-road Bicycle Lanes


Signalised intersections are often associated with traffic routes and are therefore utilised by commuter
cyclists. Wherever practicable, traffic routes and signalised intersections should provide the space and
operational conditions to support cycling as a viable alternative mode of transport.

The needs of cyclists should be considered in relation to detection, signal phasing and timing and road
space. Off-road paths are often provided for non-commuter cyclists (e.g. the young and inexperienced
cyclists) and these paths often have to be incorporated into the functional layouts of signalised intersections.
Traffic management considerations for cyclists at intersections are discussed in the AGTM Part 6 (Austroads

Illustrations of exclusive right-turn lanes for cyclists are shown in this section. However, these right-turn lanes
are rarely used and should generally not be provided for cyclists at right-turn treatments on arterial roads or
busy traffic routes because of the difficulty and crash risk for cyclists moving from the left of the road on an
intersection approach to the centre of the road in order to utilise such treatments. Exclusive right-turn lanes
for cyclists would only be provided where:
• It can be demonstrated that the volume of traffic on an arterial road/traffic route is low enough for cyclists
to be able to safely access the cyclist right-turn lane, and there is sufficient cyclist demand to justify the
• The speed environment is very low (e.g. 50 km/h) and cyclist demand is significant.

These conditions may exist within the business centres of cities or activity centres and may be associated
with particular precincts (e.g. universities or sporting recreational areas).

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Bicycle lanes on signalised intersection approaches

The types of lanes that may have to be incorporated into traffic routes, and therefore signalised intersections,
• wide kerbside lanes
• bicycle lanes adjacent to car parking lanes
• exclusive bicycle lanes.

Wide kerbside lanes provide additional width for cyclists to share the left lane with motor vehicles but without
any designated space being marked on the road surface. It is desirable that wide kerbside lanes be carried
through intersections as a reduction in the width of the left lane at intersections to allocate space for other
uses (e.g. provide a painted right-turn lane) creates a squeeze point for cyclists.

Where a bicycle lane exists or is planned on roads leading up to a signalised intersection the design should
assist the safe passage of cyclists through the intersection. Ideally, visually separated operating space
should be provided within each of the six elements illustrated in Figure B 8. However, where space is
constrained and all elements cannot be satisfactorily addressed designers should meet as many of the
requirements as possible. Design options for the six elements are shown in Figure B 9 and Figure B 10.

Figure B 8: Provision of a bicycle operating space at intersections – the six elements

Source: Based on Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Figure B 9: Design options for signalised intersections (mid-block, transition and approach)

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Figure B 10: Design options for signalised intersections (waiting, through and departure)

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Figure B 11 shows two common examples of bicycle lanes marked through signalised intersections where
the width between kerbs is approximately 13 m and parking is provided. In the car side option no separate
left-turn lane is provided for cyclists resulting in them having to make the left-turn from the vehicle lane and
the expanded storage box. Cyclists using the kerbside option can turn left or proceed straight through the
intersection from the bicycle lane.

Figure B 11: Examples of bicycle lanes through signalised intersection – car side and kerbside

Note: All dimensions are in metres.

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Head start and expanded storage areas

These storage areas are provided to position cyclists in a highly visible location while they are waiting to
proceed through the intersection thereby improving safety. Figure B 12 shows four combinations of head
start and expanded storage areas at signalised intersections. The treatments in each of the four examples
can be used in isolation or in any combination. A summary of the various treatments is given below.

Example (a)

The purpose of the treatment in this example is to store a cyclist in advance of a motor vehicle driver in the
adjacent left-turn lane or through lane so that the cyclist can be easily seen by a stationary driver at the stop
line. This is particularly important where the vehicle is a van or truck in which case the cyclist would
otherwise be hidden from view below the left side window. This treatment:
• reduces the potential for conflict between cyclists and traffic using the left lane
• is suitable where cyclist numbers are relatively low
• allows cyclists to pass on the left side of a queue of vehicles waiting to turn left
• has an area that is only as wide as the bicycle lane on the approach
• has a bicycle stop line that is located 0.2 m in advance of the pedestrian crosswalk line and 2.0 m
(i.e. storage length for one bicycle) beyond the motor vehicle stop line
• may be placed to the left of a left-turn lane, a through lane, or a combined through and left-turn lane.

Example (b)

This treatment locates the bicycle lane between the left-turn lane and through lane and provides additional
storage width and length. Cyclists travelling straight ahead travel to the right of queued or moving left-turning
vehicles. However, left-turning vehicles are required to change lanes across the bicycle lane at the start of
the left-turn lane. Cyclists intending to turn left should desirably share the left-turn lane with motor vehicles.
However, it is likely that some left-turning cyclists will use the bicycle lane to pass the queue and access the
storage box.

Example (c)

This illustration includes two treatments, the first being a bicycle lane for cyclists travelling straight through
the intersection. In this case left-turning cyclists are expected to share the left-turn lane with motor vehicles.
The second treatment is a right-turn expanded storage area for high volumes of bicycle turning traffic. These
are rarely used and are not intended for use in higher speed zones (> 60 km/h) because of the difficulty and
conflict associated with cyclists crossing traffic lanes to access the right-turn bicycle lane. However, these
treatments may be appropriate in lower speed zones (≤ 60 km/h) where bicycle volumes are high and the
turn is made into a single lane mixed function road that does not have marked bicycle lanes (e.g. inner city

Where bicycle lanes are provided in the intersecting road and bicycle turning volumes are not high, it is more
acceptable to install a head start storage area only in the right-turn bicycle lane. In this instance it is also
necessary to include additional turning lines within the intersection to guide right-turning cyclists and
delineate the cyclists’ path for drivers.

Example (d)

This example also shows two treatments. The hook turn storage area, provided to accommodate cyclists in a
safe position while they are waiting for a green traffic signal phase for the intersecting road, can be used
generally throughout the road system. The second treatment, an expanded storage area shared by left-
turning, through and right-turning cyclists is suitable only for lower speed areas (e.g. 50 km/h).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure B 12: Head start and expanded storage areas

LHS denotes length of head start area.

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

In high traffic locations or where the number of bicycle turning movements is significant, or compliance by
motor vehicle drivers is poor (i.e. encroachment into the bicycle storage area) it may be necessary to
improve the delineation of the storage area by paving it with a green surface. It should be noted that:
• Not all jurisdictions use head start areas across multiple lanes, particularly through lanes.
• A head start area may be used where there is no bicycle lane on the intersection approach.

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The treatment in Figure B 12a is not suitable for use where a green left-turn arrow is provided on the
approach as the treatment encourages cyclists to store at the stop line. Even without the treatment left-turn
phases are problematic for through cyclists waiting in the vicinity of the stop line.

The bicycle lane for the through cyclist movement depicted in Figure B 12c can remove this conflict and
should be used where a left-turn phase is provided.

In practice many cyclists intending to turn right ride to the left of motor vehicles which are turning or intending to
turn right in order to avoid conflict with this traffic stream. This means that they may be exposed to conflict with
through traffic. The right-turn bicycle lane shown in Figure B 12c creates space for cyclists, providing protection
from moving motor vehicles and enabling cyclists to easily advance to the head of the right-turning queue.

If the volume of cyclists is high then consideration may be given to providing a larger storage area as shown
in Figure B 12b and c.

Hook turn storage boxes and hook turn restrictions

Under the Australian Road Rules (National Transport Commission 2012) cyclists on an approach at a
signalised intersection can use a hook turn as an alternative to a conventional right-turn from the centre of
the road. Cyclists undertake a hooked turn by travelling straight at the intersection and waiting at the far
corner of the intersecting road. Where the aim is to encourage the use of hooked turns, or to ban a
conventional right-turn that may be hazardous to cyclists, a hook turn storage box can be provided as
illustrated in Figure B 12d and Figure B 13.

The hook turn box should not be located as illustrated if the left-turn lane has a signalised left-turn arrow. In
this case the box may be placed in front of the adjacent lane if the signal phasing permits. Additional in-
ground signal detection in the hook turn box should be considered where the box is placed at a side street
approach to a major road to ensure that cyclists can call a phase.

It should be noted, however, that the box turn may be illegal in some states and the traffic signal phasing at
some intersections may not suit a hook turn. For instance, waiting cyclists who have performed the first stage
of a hook turn manoeuvre could be in conflict with an exclusive left-turn phase for the intersecting road or a
diagonal pedestrian crossing phase.

Figure B 13: Bicycle hook turn box detail

In this case the hook turn box is located in the area between the crossing line or vehicle stop line and the crossroad kerb line.
The hook turn box should not be located in this position if the left lane has a signalised turn phase. In this case the bay
may be located in front of the adjacent traffic lane if signal phasing permits.
Additional in-ground signal detection should be installed in hook turn boxes where the box is located at a side street
entrance to a major arterial road with signal priority.

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Left-turn bypass treatment

Left-turn access through signals may be provided for cyclists where a major bicycle route turns left through a
signalised intersection as shown in Figure B 14. This treatment has a bicycle lane in the intersecting road.
Where there is no bicycle lane in the intersecting road the bypass should be designed as a free-flow
arrangement where the bicycle lane is directed into an off-road path parallel to the intersecting road to join it
with a protected transition (kerb extension).

Figure B 14: Bicycle lane left-turn bypass at a signalised intersection

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

Bypass of T-intersection

In order to limit the delay to cyclists at T-intersections, circumstances may permit the construction of a
bypass of the intersection for cyclists opposite the discontinuing leg of an intersection, as shown in
Figure B 15. The bypass may be separated by channelisation as shown or a separated path treatment can
be used where the bicycle path is raised and adjacent to the footpath. A disadvantage of the channelised
treatment may be the accumulation of debris and the consequent maintenance.

This treatment may be appropriate where:

• Property access does not exist opposite the discontinuing leg of the intersection.
• Pedestrian activity in the vicinity of the intersection is limited and the number of pedestrian crossing
movements of the bicycle path is low.
• The proportion of elderly, vision-impaired, and other disabled pedestrians is low.

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Where the bypass lane/path passes over a pedestrian crossing, the crossing should be designated in a
manner that is consistent with local practice and should incorporate one or a combination of:
• warning signs
• zebra crossing (AS 1742.10-2009)
• raised platform
• give-way controls.

Figure B 15: Cyclist bypass lane at a signalised T-intersection

B.6.2 Crossings


It is often necessary to integrate off-road bicycle facilities with other road user requirements at signalised
intersections. The design should ensure that the movements of cyclists are managed and regulated to
ensure the safe interaction of cyclists with pedestrians and motor vehicles.

The facility to be integrated may be a shared path, an exclusive bicycle path, or a separated path. Where a
shared path passes through an intersection cyclists are expected to share the marked foot crossing with
pedestrians. Where a bicycle path or a separated path is to be accommodated the cyclists and pedestrians
will usually be separated on the crossing.

Separated path crossings

An example of a multilane road intersection with a shared path, is shown in Figure B 16, and off-road bicycle
paths, in Figure B 17 in a constrained road reservation. In this case the various paths adjoin and cross
parallel to the intersecting roads. For this type of treatment it is desirable to have separate detection and
lanterns for cyclists and pedestrians (AGTM Part 9 (Austroads 2016e)).

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Figure B 16: Example of a shared path at a signalised intersection

In-path or other remote detection is recommended for bicycle paths.
The width of the marked crossing for separated paths should match the width of the paths on the approach.
At intersections where the volume of cyclists and pedestrians is high it is advisable to provide contrasting surfaces to
delineate the use and priority of movement.

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Figure B 17: Example of a two-way bicycle path at a signalised intersection

In-path or other remote detection is recommended for bicycle paths.
The width of the marked crossing for separated paths should match the width of the paths on the approach.
At intersections where the volume of cyclists and pedestrians is high it is advisable to provide contrasting surfaces to
delineate the use and priority of movement.

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

Where off-road bicycle routes are required to pass through major intersections, signal control should be
considered for left-turn slip lanes. The designer should aim to provide a similar level of service through the
intersection for cyclists as for motor vehicles. Desirably the signal phasing and timing should enable cyclists
to pass through the intersection in one stage. Where practicable pedestrian and cyclist crossings should be
separated; however, where this is not possible cyclists will have to share the crossing with pedestrians.

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It is important that:
• The design and markings are designed to minimise conflict between cyclist and pedestrians.
• Where appropriate bicycle detection loops are provided.
• Where provided, bicycle activation buttons (similar to pedestrian buttons) are located in a convenient
position close to the crossing approach or holding line.
• Adequate queuing and storage space is provided for cyclists.
• Additional width is allowed for cyclists starting up at the signals.

Right turns from off-road bicycle paths

The treatment shown in Figure B 18 is similar to that used at large signalised intersections to assist bicycle
hook turns. Up to four bicycles can be accommodated in this area while waiting for a green right-turn arrow.
If the cyclist volume is high, green pavement surfacing should be considered on both the holding area and
the bicycle crossing.

Figure B 18: Example of a right turn from an off-road bicycle path to an on-road bicycle lane

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Appendix C Cyclist Crossings

C.1 Unsignalised Crossings

C.1.1 General

This section covers crossing treatments to assist cyclists to safely cross the road at unsignalised
intersections between bicycle paths or shared paths. Path terminal treatments are not included as they are
discussed in AGRD Part 6A (Austroads 2017b).

C.1.2 Low Volume Streets

Unsignalised crossings of two-lane two-way local streets or collector roads may require cyclists to give way
to road traffic, and in low volume streets (< 3000 vpd) need not provide a refuge for cyclists in the middle of
the road. In such situations the treatment provides for a straight crossing of the road using kerb ramps on
both sides of the road with a suitable terminal treatment.

If the intersection is designed in accordance with the criteria described above then the intersection and
priority will be easily identified and give-way or stop signs for cyclists should not be necessary.

However, care is required for give way requirements where a path for cycling intersects with a footpath
located adjacent and parallel to a road.

Space is often not available to provide separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists within the verge of a
road. However, where this arrangement is possible it is particularly important to clearly define the priority that
applies in order to reduce the likelihood of conflict between cyclists and pedestrians. Where space is
available the treatment shown in Figure C 1 may be suitable.

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Figure C 1: Bicycle path crossing of a two-way two-lane road and separated paths

Optional median refuge to assist

bicycle crossing where road has
more than two traffic lanes or
traffic volumes are high

Area between the

bicycle path and
the roadway must
be kept clear of
any obstacles
which hamper

Source: Adapted from Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

C.1.3 Refuges away from Intersections

Where an off-road path crosses a busy local street or an arterial road away from an intersection it may be
necessary to provide facilities to aid the cyclists to make a safe crossing. These facilities may be in the form
of controlled crossings as discussed previously, or physical refuges. Physical refuges in the centre of the
road are recommended to enable a staged crossing where volumes are greater than 3000 vpd. A typical
refuge is shown in Figure C 2 for a shared path crossing a two-way, four-lane road. Separate areas may be
provided within the refuge for cyclists and pedestrians if sufficient space can be made available.

Figure C 2: Example of a cyclist and pedestrian refuge at a mid-block location

Desirable lane widths for an arterial road.

Ensure wide kerbside lanes dimensions
maintained for road cycling

Notes relating to numbers circled in Figure C 2:

1 Width for pedestrians to be equivalent to connecting paths and be able to cater for the expected pedestrian volumes.

Note: Where required tactile ground surface indicators should be provided on paths and ramps in accordance with
AS/NZS 1428.4.1-2009 and jurisdictional guidelines.

Source: Based on AS 1742.10-2009.

In order to accommodate a bicycle which is typically 1.75 m long, it is desirable that a refuge be at least
2.0 m wide. However, 1.8 m may suffice in tight situations. Where there are concentrated cyclist demands at
certain periods of the day (e.g. secondary schools) a greater width and length may be required to provide
additional storage and separate areas provided for cyclists and pedestrians.

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Some further information on the use of refuges is provided in Commentary 13.

[see Commentary 13]

Refuges should be furnished with a holding rail to allow a stationary cyclist to remain mounted within the
refuge area. Rails should be located clear of the gap although where the gap is wide (i.e. greater than 2.0 m)
the rails can be located within the gap, on the left hand side. Refuges should also be provided with adequate
street lighting to enhance visibility of the island and cyclists using it at night.

C.1.4 Refuges within Unsignalised Intersections

A refuge may be placed within an intersection to accommodate the crossing movements of both pedestrians
from footpaths and cyclists from bicycle lanes in the side roads while restricting motorists to a ‘left-turn in/left-
turn out’ arrangement. An example of this type of a treatment is shown in Figure C 3.

Figure C 3: Example of a refuge within an intersection and cyclists in bicycle lanes

Warning signs 50-80 m in

advance of the intersection

Green pavement colour

used when traffic volumes
in the side street are high

to corner
to alert the

Warning signs 50-80 m in

advance of the intersection

If the road being crossed by the bicycle route (horizontal road) is narrow and
carries light traffic, the central refuge is not required. When a refuge is not
used, straight-through movements are permissible for all vehicles

Source: Based on Roads and Traffic Authority (2005).

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C.1.5 Cyclist Priority Treatment at Path Crossings of Low Volume Streets

The occurrence of low-volume local streets frequently intersecting with paths that have a significant network
role can result in a poor level of service for commuter cyclists, or an inferior riding experience for recreational

Many local authorities invest considerable resources into local area traffic management schemes and into
bicycle and pedestrian path networks. An opportunity often exists to improve the continuity of paths for
cyclists and pedestrians while simultaneously providing a ‘device’ to control speeds in local streets. The
preferred treatment is a path crossing that is raised with appropriate give-way sign controls erected to
regulate road traffic. A suggested treatment is shown in Figure C 4.

Figure C 4: Example of a cyclist priority treatment for use at low-volume street crossings

Alternative position where symbol on

the path is obscured due to the
vertical alignment of the road

Therefore some care needs to be taken before implementation to ensure any proposed treatment would
conform to relevant requirements.

This treatment is generally appropriate where:

• It conforms to the details in Figure C 4.
• The speed environment is below the general urban speed limit, or where a local area traffic management
scheme is proposed that would achieve suitable crossing conditions.
• It is located in an urban area.
• Good visibility at the crossing point exists for both road and path users.
• It is located away from intersections of roads.
• The priority that would be assigned to the road is consistent with that elsewhere along the road, in the
vicinity of the crossing.
• Not more than two lanes of traffic exist (both directions).
• The proportion of commercial traffic is low.
• A warrant for a higher form of road crossing is not satisfied, such as a pedestrian actuated signal
crossing, which should then be used as an alternative (AS 1742.10-2009 or relevant road agency

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

C.2 Signalised Mid-block Crossings

Road crossings for cyclists can be coordinated with signalised or unsignalised pedestrian crossings and
school crossings. Cyclists are usually required to dismount at formal pedestrian crossings including school
crossings. Where a bicycle route crosses a road at a signalised crossing care should be taken to ensure that
activation buttons are located to avoid the need for cyclists to cross in front of oncoming path users and are
within easy reach for a mounted cyclist. Induction loops can also be installed to facilitate detection.

Traffic lanterns displaying bicycle symbols should be provided where the crossing serves both pedestrians
and cyclists provided jurisdictional traffic regulations permit this treatment. Where road rules permit, a green
bicycle signal allows cyclists to ride across the crossing. Where pedestrian and cyclist demands are both
heavy there is a tendency for pedestrians to move to the front and block the progress of cyclists using the
crossing. In such cases consideration should be given to segregating cyclists and pedestrians as shown in
Figure C 5 (i.e. separate and well delineated crosswalks for pedestrians and cyclists).

The type of crossing should be determined with reference to normal warrants for pedestrian crossings using
the combined cyclist and pedestrian demand.

Figure C 5: Signalised crossing with separate pedestrian and cyclist areas

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Appendix D Crash Types at Unsignalised Intersections

D.1 Australian Study

Arndt (2004) studied the effect of unsignalised intersection geometry on crash rates. This appendix lists the
various crash types used in the study.

A total of 1091 crashes were recorded for the 206 intersections in the study. An analysis period of five years
was selected for the majority of the intersections, with a period of 10 years for several lower volume

The sample generally included crashes within 200 m of each intersection but excluded crashes at nearby
intersections or other features. The crashes were classified as shown in Table D 1.

Diagrams of the high-frequency and low-frequency intersection crash types are shown in Figure D 1 and
Figure D 2 respectively.

Intersection crashes are those where the physical presence of the intersection directly influenced the crash.
Through crashes are those where the intersection did not directly influence the crash.

Table D 1: Accident categories in Arndt (2004)

Broad accident Major accident

General accident description No. Total
category type
High frequency Angle-Minor A vehicle on the minor road fails to give way and
intersection collides with a vehicle on the major road.
accidents Rear-end-Major A through vehicle on the major road collides with a
121 694
turning vehicle on the major road.
Angle-Major A right-turning vehicle on the major road collides with
an oncoming major road vehicle.
Low frequency Rear-end-Minor A vehicle on the minor road runs into another vehicle
intersection on the minor road.
accidents Single-Minor-Turn A vehicle turning from the minor road loses control. 23
Single-Major-Turn A vehicle turning from the major road loses control. 17
Incorrect turn A vehicle undertakes an incorrect turn at the
intersection and collides with another vehicle. 109
Overtaking- An overtaking major road vehicle collides with a
Intersection right-turning major road vehicle.
Sideswipe-Major- A major road vehicle moves from a deceleration lane
Auxiliary and collides with another major road vehicle.
Other 8
High frequency Single-Through A through vehicle loses control and is involved in a
through single vehicle accident. 167 167
Low frequency Head-on A through vehicle loses control and collides with an
through oncoming vehicle.
accidents Pedestrian A vehicle collides with a pedestrian or cyclist crossing
the road.
U-turn A vehicle undertaking a U-turn (not at the
33 121
intersection) collides with another vehicle.
Changed lanes An accident resulting from an unsafe lane change. 16
Single-Object A vehicle collides with or avoids an object or animal. 16
Overtaking An accident resulting from unsafe overtaking. 7
Other 10
Total 1091

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Figure D 1: High-frequency intersection and through accident types

Figure D 2: Low-frequency intersection accident types

D.2 New Zealand Study

Substantial research has also been undertaken in New Zealand on the modelling of crashes at different
types of intersections, for example Crash prediction modelling down-under: Some key findings (Turner &
Wood 2009).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Appendix E Access Spacing

E.1 Introduction

This Appendix expands on information provided in Section 7. The information is intended to be informative
and discusses methods for considering the spacing of unsignalised minor intersections and driveways on
various bases which may be used by road agencies to specify a suitable outcome in any given situation.
Much of the information is sourced from Transportation Research Board (2003), modified where necessary
to reflect Australian conditions.

Ideally arterial roads should have no intersecting driveways and minor streets and sub-arterial roads should
have this level of access limited. Furthermore, major intersections on these roads should be spaced to
support traffic signal coordination which will identify windows in the time-distance profile that allow suitable
access at other locations along the road.

Each major intersection has a functional area (Section 7.2.1) on approaches and departures within which the
provision of any driveway or minor intersection is undesirable and should not be permitted. In effect, the
space available between the functional areas is what is available for minor accesses. Driveways and
unsignalised minor street connections have similar traffic characteristics and should be treated in a similar

As mentioned in Section 7, the spacing of unsignalised access (streets and driveways) can be assessed by
• safety
• stopping sight distance
• intersection sight distance
• functional area
• left-turn conflict overlap
• influence distance
• egress capacity.

E.2 Safety

Separating conflicts and minimising conflicts are the usual ways to improve safety. Transportation Research
Board (2003) gives relative crash rates as shown in Table E 1 where the base for comparison is 10 access
connections per mile (6 per km). Even this base rate could be up to 80% greater than a road with zero
access points per km (Austroads 2000a).

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Table E 1: Relative crash rates for unsignalised access spacing

Unsignalised access points per km(1) Average spacing (m)(2) Relative crash rate
6 330 1.0
12 165 1.4
18 110 1.8
24 80 2.1
30 66 2.4
36 55 3.0
42 48 3.5
1 Total access connections on both sides of the roadway.
2 Average spacing between access connections on the same side of the roadway.

Values converted from the original imperial units with minor rounding.
This table is consistent with the findings of Austroads (2000a).

Source: Transportation Research Board (2003).

It should be noted that:

• An increase from 0 to 10 commercial access points per kilometre on two-lane urban roads can add about
80% to the accident rate.
• An increase from zero to 20 access points per kilometre can double or treble the rate.
• Providing sufficient spacing between connections to allow turn lanes to be developed in the median will
improve the level of safety. This would indicate a minimum spacing of 120 m to allow development of
adjacent right-turn lanes in the median, assuming no storage is required and the approach speeds are
low (< 60 km/h).

E.3 Stopping Sight Distance

Desirably, a driver can clear the intersection or access connection and have at least stopping sight distance
available to react to a potential conflict and come to a stop. Thus a downstream access connection should
not be less than the stopping sight distance from the downstream side of the previous connection or
intersection. Details of stopping sight distance are available in AGRD Part 3 (Austroads 2016c). It is
numerically equal to approach sight distance that is described in AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).

E.4 Intersection Sight Distance

This sight distance is required to allow a driver to enter or cross a major roadway. Section 3 of the AGRD
Part 4A provides details on the derivation of intersection sight distance and gives tables of appropriate

Providing intersection sight distance will result in greater spacing than providing stopping sight distance but a
lesser spacing than using the functional area approach (Appendix E.1).

E.5 Left-turn Conflict Overlap

An overlap occurs when the through driver must monitor more than one access at a time. Providing at least the
stopping sight distance between access points will allow a through vehicle to avoid a collision with an entering
vehicle. However, this is too conservative as the entering vehicle will be accelerating away. Table E 2 provides
the minimum distance to avoid the overlap according to the method used by Transportation Research Board
(2003). The acceleration and deceleration rates used in this method are conservative.

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Austroads uses deceleration rates from 2.5 m/sec2 (comfortable) to 3.5 m/sec2 (maximum) and implied
acceleration rates for developing acceleration lanes from about 1.0 m/sec2 to 1.4 m/sec2 (Section 5 of AGRD
Part 4A (Austroads 2017a)).

Table E 2: Minimum distance to reduce collision potential due to overlapping left turns

Speed (km/h) Minimum spacing (m)

50 60
60 80
70 105

The minimum spacing is measured centre to centre of the access connections.
A vehicle entering the traffic stream from a driveway completes a 90° left-turn and accelerates from a stop at 0.6 m/sec2.
The vehicle in the through lane does not change lanes and decelerates at 1.8 m/sec2 after a perception reaction time of
2.0 secs. No clearance is provided between the through vehicle and the vehicle entering from the driveway. This results
in a significant speed differential between the two vehicles depending on the operating speed of the through road
(30 km/h to 50 km/h).

Source: Adapted from Transportation Research Board (2003).

If it is assumed that an entering vehicle starts from zero and accelerates away from the connection at the
same time as the approaching through vehicle brakes to avoid a collision, the two vehicles coming together
at the same time (with no clearance), then the resulting distance will be the minimum spacing of driveways.
Figure E 3 illustrates the concept where vehicle A enters the roadway and accelerates while vehicle B
brakes, the two vehicles reaching the same speed before collision.

Figure E 3: Avoiding a collision with a left-turning entering vehicle

a d

a – acceleration distance acceleration (refer to Table E 3).
d – deceleration distance (refer to Table E 3).
Source: Department of Main Roads (1975) 24.

24 Department of Main Roads (1975) has been superseded and Figure E 3 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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By applying the standard equations of motion and assuming constant acceleration and deceleration rates,
the values for ‘d’ and ‘a’ can be calculated, the value of ‘d’ being the minimum spacing to avoid the collision
(Table E 3).

Table E 3: Minimum spacing of driveways based on left-turn collision avoidance

d + a (m) a (m)
Spacing Spacing
Speed C D (desirable) (minimum) SSD
(km/h) Accel. Accel. A–C B–D (m)
Decel. rate Decel. rate
rate 1.0 rate 1.5
2.5 m/s2 3.5 m/s2 (m) (m)
m/s2 m/s2
50 31 26 5 7 30 (26) 20 (19) 45
60 45 38 7 10 40 (38) 30 (28) 65
70 61 51 9 14 55 (52) 40 (37) 85
80 79 67 12 18 70 (67) 50 (49) 105
90 100 85 15 23 85 (85) 65 (62) 130
100 124 105 19 29 105 (105) 80 (76) 170

Figures in brackets are the calculated value – rounded to nearest 5 m above.
These values for spacing appear to be more reasonable than those in Table E 2.

Source: Department of Main Roads (1975) 25.

E.6 Influence Distance

The influence distance of a driveway (or minor access street) is defined as the sum of the impact distance
(comparable to the manoeuvre distance in Appendix E.1) plus the perception/reaction distance:
• d1 – distance travelled during perception-reaction time of driver
• d2 – impact distance is the distance upstream where the brake lights of a following through vehicle are
activated and is comparable to the distance travelled while the driver manoeuvres laterally and
decelerates to a stop (lateral movement of 1.2 m/sec in urban areas; 0.9 m/sec in rural areas)26 at an
intersection (Transportation Research Board 2003).

Three conditions can occur:

• A through vehicle is not influenced by a turning vehicle.
• A through vehicle is influenced by a turning vehicle.
• A through vehicle is influenced by a turning vehicle at or upstream of two or more driveways.

When a vehicle is influenced by a left-turning vehicle at an access, it is referred to as ‘spill back’, and the ‘spill
back rate’ is the percentage of vehicles that experience this influence. The higher the road classification, the
lower the spill back rate should be. Transportation Research Board (2003) suggests that for a major roadway, a
spill back rate of less than 2% may be appropriate but 15% may be acceptable on major collectors in residential
areas. Table E 4 provides appropriate distances for a range of spill back percentages.

These distances can be used as a guide to suitable spacing of access connections but it is only one of the
possible methods for deciding this.

25 Department of Main Roads (1975) has been superseded and Table E 3 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).
26 These lateral movement rates are as shown in Transportation Research Board (2003) and differ from the values contained in
Section 7.2.1.

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Table E 4: Driveway influence distances

Speed Spill-back rate

(km/h) 2% 5% 10% 15% 20%
50 115 102 90 80 75
55 120 110 95 85 80
60 130 115 100 90 85
70 155 130 115 100 95
80 190 160 130 115 105
90 225 185 150 130 120

All distances in metres.
Values rounded to nearest 5 m.

Source: Modified from Transportation Research Board (2003).

E.7 Egress Capacity

Egress capacity refers to the ability of vehicles to exit from an access into the traffic stream. Transportation
Research Board (2003) quotes research from Australia (Major & Buckley 1962) to derive a spacing based on
the capacity to exit from an access. This research showed that the capacity increases with increasing
spacing of the access points until the spacing is 1.5 times the distance to accelerate from a stop to the
average speed of the through traffic. This criterion results in the values in Table E 5.

Table E 5: Distances to maximise the ability of cars to re-enter the through traffic stream from an unsignalised

Speed (km/h) Minimum access spacing (m)

20 30
30 45
40 75
50 115
60 170
70 240

Source: Transportation Research Board (2003).

E.8 Consideration of Other Methods

Other methods of assessing appropriate driveway spacing and intersection clearances were provided in the
Urban Road Design Manual (Department of Main Roads 1975) (superseded). These methods are based on
queuing theory, acceleration rates, appropriate headways, and logical analysis of vehicular movements in
several situations.

Three situations are considered:

• blockage of an intersection due to vehicles queued to enter an adjoining driveway
• diagonal movement of a vehicle leaving the access and proceeding diagonally across the through lanes
to turn at the next intersection
• simultaneous entry to the through road from two adjoining points.

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Intersection blockage from an adjoining driveway can be analysed in accordance with the principles in AGTM
Part 3 (Austroads 2013c) by assuming that the driveway is an intersection. This is not dissimilar to the
‘functional area’ of an intersection concept or the factors considered in assessing the required corner

The diagonal movement is addressed by assuming a lateral rate of movement of a vehicle once it has
entered the major road. The minimum distance is when the movement can be accomplished as a straight
diagonal movement. The traffic volumes would have to be low to allow this to happen but it could also be
possible if a sufficient gap occurred after the platoon of vehicles cleared the intersection.

The minimum distance to cross three 3.5 m lanes is 30 m, and two 3.5 m lanes, is 20 m. If the manoeuvre
had to be performed in the presence of approaching traffic, a significantly greater distance would be required
because of the slower lane change rate. These minimum distances would place the access within the
functional area of the intersection and would not be allowed.

The simultaneous entry approach assumes that the spacing of the driveways must be such that a vehicle
entering the roadway from a stop and accelerating to a terminal speed of 50 km/h will not need to adjust the
speed because of the vehicle entering from the next driveway. Both vehicles start from the same speed and
have a common acceleration rate. In analysing the possible combinations, the approximate spacing required
is 25 m between successive driveways (on the same side or on opposite sides).

To assess the required distance downstream of an intersection to avoid any interruption from an entering
vehicle from a downstream driveway, the assumption is that the vehicle turning from the intersection starts at
25 km/h while the vehicle starts from a stop at the driveway (i.e. 0 km/h). The required headway for the
vehicles is 1.75 seconds. Using appropriate acceleration graphs, the distance required can be calculated.
For the conditions specified, typical distances amount to about 110 m (left turn to a downstream driveway)
and 75 m (right turn to a downstream driveway). Once again, the functional area of the intersection must be

E.9 Summary of Access Spacing Methods

The methods described above could be used to develop general guidelines to access spacing that may be
suitable for roads of different types. The specific requirements for a particular road where the operating
speed and traffic volumes are known can be assessed for those conditions and appropriate conclusions
drawn and access conditions specified.

For the general cases in a table of values to be used as guidelines, the typical conditions expected on the
road types specified must be acknowledged. The following factors should be considered:
• Longer spacing is generally required on roads of higher classification.
• Higher classification roads will generally have higher operating speeds than lower classification roads,
although this will not be true of any lower classification rural roads where the topography and geometry
encourage high operating speed.
• Higher classification roads tend to carry higher volumes of traffic than other roads.
• Vehicles entering or leaving an access cause interference to the through traffic stream, the degree of
interference increasing as the traffic volume increases.
• Roads with speeds greater than 70 km/h are usually more critical than roads with speeds less than
70 km/h.

A summary of the spacing assessments is shown in Table E 6.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table E 6: Summary of spacing assessments

Criteria used to assess driveway spacing

Urban Road Design Manual methods (Department of

Speed Left-turn Main Roads 1975)
overlap Influence Egress
(km/h) (Transportati distance capacity Diagonal Simultaneous
on Research (m) (m) Intersect.
movement(5) entry(6)
Board 2003) blockage(4)
a (m) b (m)
50 60 75(1) 115 # 20 75, 110, 25
60 80 90(2) 170 # 20 75, 110, 25
70 105 100(2) 240 # 20 *
80 - 160(3) 300 # *(7) *
90 - 185(3) 375 # * *
1 20% spill-back rate.
2 15% spill-back rate.
3 5% spill-back rate.
4 # denotes – ‘depends on the traffic volumes’.
5 Based on crossing a two-lane roadway.
6 75 m – right turn to downstream driveway; 110 m – left turn to a downstream driveway; 25 m – adjacent driveways.
7 *denotes – ‘not an appropriate situation’.

Source: Based on Department of Main Roads (1975) 27.

For roads operating above 90 km/h (Table E 7), access points should be treated as intersections and
spacing should be at least the safe intersection sight distance (SISD). Suitable spacing could also be
assessed as being the sum of the distance required to fully develop acceleration from the first driveway to
the design speed of the road and the distance to achieve deceleration from the design speed to zero for the
next driveway; however, this condition may seem excessive in some situations.

Table E 7: Alternative spacing assessments for high-speed roads

Acceleration Deceleration
Design speed SISD distance distance
(km/h) (m) (m) (m)
90 215 330 125 450
100 250 450 155 600
110 300 610 185 800

Source: Derived from Department of Main Roads (2006) 28.

For roads with these speeds, the SISD criterion could be regarded as the minimum and the (A+B) condition
as providing the desirable spacing.

27 Department of Main Roads (1975) has been superseded and information contained in Table E 6 has not been carried forward into
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).
28 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Table E 7 has not been carried forward into Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

E.10 Corner Clearance

Corner clearance is the distance from the intersection to the nearest driveway. The distance required
depends on the type of road and the traffic volumes on that road, as well as available sight distance to the
driveway. If the distance is not sufficient, then the access connection can be blocked by vehicles queuing
from the intersection; and/or the vehicles entering or exiting from the access can cause traffic to block back
into the intersection itself.

One way of determining a suitable corner clearance to a driveway is to decide what proportion of the signal
cycles that will block the driveway is acceptable. This will depend on the volumes of traffic on the road. At a
stop controlled intersection, the probability of the driveway being blocked can be determined. These
measures can give a guide to the required corner clearance.

The required corner clearance can also be assessed using the same methods as described in Appendix E.2
to Appendix E.8. That is, the functional area of the intersection, the influence distance, egress capacity and
visibility can be used to assess appropriate distances. The methods described in Appendix E.4 could have
application in some road classifications.

While it is possible to adopt the same standard spacing requirements for the corner clearances as for other
access connections, this does not take account of the differences between intersections. It is preferable to
analyse the requirements for each intersection, but in the absence of detailed information, the standard
access connection spacing could be adopted in the first instance.

Figure E 4 and Figure E 5 illustrate the dimensions that should be determined.

Figure E 4: Corner clearances

Major road



Minor road

A – Upstream on major roadway – equals or exceeds the functional distance of the intersection (Section 7.2.1).
B – Downstream on the major roadway – equals or exceeds the downstream functional distance; or the influence
distance; or the left-turn conflict overlap; but is not less than the stopping distance.
C – Approach side on minor roadway – assess by queuing analysis.
D – Departure side on the minor roadway – 40 m (unchannelised – as shown).

Source: Modified from Transportation Research Board (2003).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure E 5: Corner clearance – channelised intersection

Source: Transportation Research Board (2003).

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Appendix F Derivation of Sight Distance Requirements at

Railway Level Crossings

F.1 General
Before detailing the procedures used in the derivation of the formulae used in this Part, it is important that users
note that sight distance requirements at railway level crossings have historically varied between jurisdictions.

It is necessary to consider two scenarios in the evaluation of sight distance requirements at railway level
crossings. Case 1 addresses the sight distances required for an approaching vehicle considering two critical
situations (necessary to establish whether the give way control is adequate); and case 2 addresses the sight
distance along the railway for a vehicle stopped at a stop sign (necessary to establish the adequacy of stop
sign control). The geometry and associated notation for cases 1 and 2 are depicted on Figure F 6 and
Figure F 7 respectively.

F.2 Case 1: Sight Distance Required for Give Way Control

Case 1 allows a motorist approaching the crossing at distance S1 to sight a train at distance S2 from the
crossing and either:
• Case 1(i) Decelerate and safely stop at the stop or holding line, or
• Case 1(ii) Proceed and clear the crossing with an adequate safety margin.

When motorists reach a crossing and see a train approaching, they must decide whether to decelerate and
stop, or proceed and clear the crossing. There is a finite distance required between the vehicle and the rail in
order to reach a decision and act in safety. This distance, assuming a level grade crossing site, comprises
four components:
1. The distance travelled during the perception/reaction time is given by Equation A1:

(RT + BT )VV A1
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
BT = Brake delay time (sec), refer to Table F 1
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed limit plus
VV =
10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is not known (km/h)

Table F 1: Vehicle parameters

Perception time Acceleration a (m/sec2)

Gross Brake
Length and time to Normal Cautious
Vehicle type(1) combination delay time
L (m) depress clutch driving driving
mass (t) BT (sec)
J (sec) behaviour behaviour
Semi-trailer 20.0 50 1.0 2.0 0.52 0.37
B-double 26.0 69 1.0 2.0 0.40 0.31
Pocket road train 30.0 85 1.5 2.5 0.39 0.30
Double road train 36.5 91.5 1.5 2.5 0.36 0.29
B-triple 42.0 91.5 2.0 2.5 0.36 0.28
AAB-Quad 53.5 143 2.0 2.5 0.27 0.22
AAB-Quad 60.0 150 2.0 2.5 0.26 0.21
1 More information on the types of vehicles can be found on the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator website,
Source: Based on AS 1742.7-2016.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

2. Braking distance is given by Equation A2:

VV 2 A2
V2V �3.6� V2V
= = metres
2a 2gd 254d
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
the 85th road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed limit plus
VV =
10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is not known
a = rate of deceleration (= g x d)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2

3. Distance of the driver from the front of the vehicle (Ld metres)
4. Clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line, to the nearest rail (Cv metres).

Table F 2: Coefficient of deceleration

Vehicle approach speed (Vv) km/h

Vehicle type L (m) GCM (t)
60 80 100
Level 1 – Semi-trailer 20.0 50 0.30 0.30 0.29
Level 2a – B-double 26.0 69 0.32 0.31 0.30
Level 2b – Pocket road train 30.0 85 0.33 0.31 0.30
Level 3a – Double road train 36.5 91.5 0.42 0.37 0.30
Level 3b – B-triple 42.0 91.5 0.37 0.35 0.34
Level 4a – AAB-Quad 53.5 143 0.33 0.32 0.31
Level 4b – AAB Quad 60.0 150 0.29 0.27 0.25

Source: AS 1742.7-2016.

Thus, to stop on level ground, require S1 as given by (Equation A3):

(RT + BT )VV V2V A3

S1 ≥ + + Ld + Cv
3.6 254d
minimum distance of an approaching road vehicle from the nearest rail when the
S1 =
driver of the vehicle can see an approaching train (m)

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In order to stop on sloped ground, Equation A3 subsequently becomes that given in Equation A4:

(RT + BT )VV V2V A4

S1 ≥ + + Ld + CV
3.6 254 (d + G)
minimum distance of an approaching road vehicle from the nearest rail when
S1 =
the driver of the vehicle can see an approaching train (m)
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
BT = brake delay time (sec), refer to Table F 1
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed limit plus
VV =
10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is unknown (km/h)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2
Ld = distance from the driver to the front of the vehicle (general case assumption = 1.5 m)
clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line to the nearest rail (general case
CV =
assumption = 3.5 m)
G = grade, negative for downhill, positive for uphill (m/m)

F.3 Case 1(i): Decelerate and Safety Stop at the Stop or Holding Line

The time required for a motorist (at a distance S1 from the nearest rail) to stop at the stop or holding line,
• perception/reaction time (RT)
• braking time in seconds is (Equation A5):

� � VV
gd 35.3d
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed
VV = limit plus 10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is
not known (km/h)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/sec2

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Therefore, for the motorist to safely stop, the train would have to be sighted at a minimum distance, S2 from
the crossing as given by Equation A6:

S2 = �(RT + BT )+ � metres
3.6 35.3 d
minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road
S2 = vehicle when the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching in order
to safely stop at the stop or holding line (m)
the speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of
VT =
trains, as advised by the rail authority) (km/h)
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
BT = brake delay time (sec), refer to Table F 1
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed
VV = limit plus 10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is
not known (km/h)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2

Note that the distance S2 is measured from alternate datum points which are contingent upon whether a train
approaches from the left or right. For a train approaching from the left, the point of impact is at the road edge
line, while, for a train approaching from the right, it is at the road centre line. For a field survey, distances S2L
and S2R are required to be calculated separately as a common datum point is referenced.

Sight distance S2L adjustment

For the case of a train approaching the crossing from the left, the sight distance S2 is calculated from the left
edge line of the road (or the road pavement if there is no edge line). In order to measure distance S2L from
the referenced datum point, an adjustment needs to be incorporated in the S2 equation (Equation A7).

The datum point referenced in the field survey is the intersection of the centre line of the road and the
mid-point of the rail tracks at the crossing.

0.5 WR A7
Adjustment for S2L equation=
sin Z
minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road
S2L = vehicle, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees (to the left) a train
approaching in order to safely stop at the stop or holding line (m)
width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of
WR =
vehicles) at the crossing (m)
Z = angle between the road and the railway at the crossing (degrees)

In the case of a train approaching the crossing from the right, the sight distance S2R is equal to that adopted
for S2, as the potential point of impact is at the datum point.

The minimum distances, S2L and S2R, where an approaching train is first sighted in order for a driver of an
approaching vehicle to safely stop at the stop or holding line, are calculated from relationships Equation A8
and Equation A9 respectively. Equation A8 is the sum of Equation A6 and the adjustment given in
Equation A7.

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The minimum distance for a train approaching from the left of the crossing, to enable the driver of a road
vehicle to decelerate and safely stop at the stop or holding line is given in Equation A8:

0.5WR VT VV A8
S2L(1) ≥ + �(RT + BT )+ �
sin Z 3.6 35.3 d
minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road
S2L = vehicle, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees (to the left) a train
approaching in order to safely stop at the stop or holding line (m)
width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of
WR =
vehicles) at the crossing (m)
Z = angle between the road and the railway at the crossing (degrees)
the speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of
VT =
trains as advised by the rail authority)
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
BT = brake delay time (sec), refer to Table F 1
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed
VV = plus 10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is not
known (km/h)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2

The minimum distance for a train approaching from the right of the crossing, to enable the driver of a road
vehicle to decelerate and safely stop at the stop or holding line is given in Equation A9:

S2R1 = �(RT + BT ) + �
3.6 35. 3 d

The calculated distances S2L and S2R are then compared to the distances obtained in the case of a driver of
a road vehicle safely proceeding and clearing the crossing, Case 1(ii) described in Appendix F.4. The larger
value (i.e. the distance required to stop compared with the distance required to proceed safely through the
crossing) is adopted as the critical case.

F.4 Case 1(ii): Proceed and Clear the Crossing with an Adequate Safety Margin

It is also important to consider the case in which a motorist at distance S1 from the crossing decides to
proceed (even though he/she could safely stop) and attempt to clear the crossing prior to the arrival of the

Referring to Figure F 6 the distance a motorist has to travel to clear the crossing is given by Equation A10:

S1 + + + CV + CT + L - Ld
tan Z sin Z

Substituting S1 from Equation A3 into Equation A10 results in Equation A11:

(RT + BT )VT V2V WR WT A11

+ + + +2CV + CT + L
3.6 254(d + G) tan Z sin Z

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Therefore, the distance travelled by the train for the motorist to proceed and clear the crossing is given by
Equation A12:


S2 = � + + + 2CV + CT + L�
VV 3.6 254 (d + G) tan Z sin Z
minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road
S2 = vehicle, when the driver of the road vehicle can first see the train approaching the
crossing in order to proceed and safely clear the crossing (m)
the speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of
VT =
trains as advised by the rail authority) (km/h)
RT = perception/reaction time (general case assumption = 2.5 sec)
BT = brake delay time (sec), refer to Table F 1
85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed
VV = plus 10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is not
known (km/h)
d = coefficient of deceleration, refer to Table F 2
clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line to the nearest rail (general case
CV =
assumption = 3.5 m)
clearance or safety margin from the stop or holding line on the departure side of
CT =
the crossing (general case assumption = 5 m)
length of road vehicle (i.e. design vehicle for the road, refer to Table F 3 for
L =
width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of
WR =
the vehicles) at the crossing (m)
width, outer rail to outer rail, of the rail tracks at the crossing (1.1 m for single
WT =
track, 5.1 m for double track)
Z = angle between the road and railway at the crossing (degrees)

Table F 3: Examples of vehicle lengths

Vehicle route Vehicle type and length

Roads not on nominated route Medium car – 5.2 m
Prime mover and semi-trailer – 19 m(1)
B-double route B-double – 26 m
Road train route – Type 1 Type 1 road train – 36.5 m
Road train route – Type 2 Type 2 road train – 53.5 m
1 A semi-trailer may be 20 m long in some jurisdictions.

Note: Length used should be for the appropriate design vehicle for the road concerned.

Source: Austroads (2013b).

As discussed in Case 1(i), distance S2 is measured from alternate datum points to correspond with the potential
point of impact for the left and right train approaches. In order to carry out a detailed survey of a crossing,
distances S2L and S2R are required to be calculated separately, as a common datum point is utilised.

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The minimum distance (S2L) of an approaching train from the intersection of the centre line and the mid-point
of the rail tracks, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching from the left, in order to
safely proceed and clear the crossing (considering the sight distance S2L adjustment indicated in Case 1(i)) is
given in Equation A13:

0.5WR VT (RT + BT )VV V2V WR WT A13

S2L = + � + + + + 2CV + CT + L�
sin Z VV 3.6 254 (d + G) tan Z sin Z

The minimum distance (S2R) of an approaching train from the intersection of the centre line of the road and
the mid-point of the rail tracks, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching from the
right, in order to proceed and clear the crossing is given in Equation A14:


S2R = � + + + +2CV + CT + L �
VV 3.6 254 (d + G) tan Z sin Z

In order to obtain the critical sight distances, S2L and S2R, the larger distances from Cases 1(i) and (ii) should
be adopted.

Figure F 6: Approach visibility at railway level crossings – Case 1(i) and Case 1(ii)

Case 1(i) Motorist approaching crossing sights train, decelerates and stops at the holding line.
Case 1(ii) Motorist approaching crossing sights train, proceeds and safely clears the crossing.

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The notation for Figure F 6: (units and/or general case assumptions) are:

S1 Minimum distance of an approaching road vehicle from the nearest rail when the driver of the
vehicle can see an approaching train (m)
S2 Minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road vehicle, when
the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching (m)
S2L Minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the
mid-point of the rail tracks, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching
from the left (m)
S2R Minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the
mid-point of the rail tracks, when the driver of the road vehicle first sees a train approaching
from the right (m)
VT The speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of trains, as
advised by the rail authority (km/h)
VV The 85th percentile road vehicle speed in the vicinity of the crossing. The road speed limit plus
10% is a reasonable approximation where the 85th percentile speed is not known
CV Clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line to the nearest rail (general case assumption =
3.5 m)
CT Clearance or safety margin from the vehicle stop or holding line on the departure side of the
crossing (general case assumption = 5 m)
L Length of road vehicle (m)

Ld Distance from the driver to the front of the vehicle (general case assumption = 1.5 m)
WR Width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of the vehicles)
at the crossing (m)
WT Width, outer rail to outer rail, of the rail tracks at the crossing (1.1 m for single track, 5.1 m for
double track)
X1L Vehicle driver viewing angle measured from distance S1 on the road centre line, where a driver
must first see a train approaching from the left at distance S2 from the crossing
X1R Vehicle driver viewing angle measured from distance S1 on the road centre line, where a driver
must first see a train approaching from the right at distance S2 from the crossing
Z Angle between the road and the railway at the crossing (degrees).

F.5 Case 2: Sight Distance Required for STOP Sign Control

When motorists are stationary at a crossing controlled by a STOP sign, they require adequate sight distance
to determine whether or not it is safe to cross the tracks before the train arrives. This section presents a
method by which the time taken to complete this manoeuvre can be ascertained. The time comprises:
• perception time and time required to depress clutch (J)
• time to clear the crossing by a safe distance is given by Equation A15):

1� A15
W WT 2
� R + + 2CV + CT + L�
tan Z sin Z
�2 �

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The distance travelled by the train during this time is (Equation A16):

1� A16
⎧ W WT 2⎫
VT ⎪ � R + + 2CV + CT + L� ⎪
tan Z sin Z
S3 = J + �2 �
3.6 ⎨ a ⎬
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭

Field testing has confirmed that the influence of grade on vehicles accelerating from a stationary position is
not accurately modelled by the application of simple physics principles (Lay 2009). Grade correction factors
in Table F 4 can be obtained from AS 1742.7-2016: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 7:
Railway Crossings.

Equation A16 subsequently becomes (Equation A17):

⎧ W WT 2⎫
VT ⎪ � R + + 2CV + CT + L� ⎪
tan Z sin Z
S3 = J + GS �2 �
3.6 ⎨ a ⎬
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road
S3 = vehicle when the driver of the road vehicle must first see an approaching train in
order to safely cross the tracks (m)
the speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of
VT =
the train, as advised by the rail authority) (km/h)
sum of the perception time and the time required to depress the clutch, refer to
J =
Table F 1
grade correction factor, refer to
GS =
Table F 4
L = length of road vehicle, refer to Table F 3
clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line to the nearest rail (general case
CV =
assumption = 3.5 m)
clearance or safety margin from the stop or holding line on the departure side of
CT =
the crossing (general case assumption = 5 m)
width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of
WR =
the vehicles) at the crossing (m)
width, outer rail to outer rail, of the rail tracks at the crossing (1.1 m for single
WT =
track, 5.1 m for double track)
Z = angle between the road and railway at the crossing (degrees)
a = average acceleration of the vehicle in starting gear, refer to Table F 1

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Table F 4: Grade correction factors (Gs) for start up

GS figures for ‘normal’ driving behaviour Gs figures for ‘cautious’ driving behaviour
by grade (m/m) by grade (m/m)
Vehicle type
–0.06 –0.04 –0.02 0 +0.02 +0.04 +0.06 –0.06 –0.04 –0.02 0 +0.02 +0.04 +0.06
Level 1 – Semi-trailer 0.80 0.86 0.92 1.00 1.07 1.23 1.82 0.77 0.84 0.93 1.00 1.08 1.21 1.76
Level 2a – B-double 0.74 0.81 0.89 1.00 1.09 1.31 1.77 0.72 0.79 0.88 1.00 1.09 1.31 1.72
Level 2b – Pocket road train 0.72 0.80 0.89 1.00 1.14 1.31 1.85 0.72 0.79 0.88 1.00 1.16 1.31 1.80
Level 3a – Double road train 0.71 0.78 0.87 1.00 1.11 1.35 1.91 0.71 0.76 0.87 1.00 1.11 1.35 1.87
Level 3b – B-triple 0.70 0.80 0.87 1.00 1.20 1.42 1.64 0.70 0.78 0.89 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.67
Level 4a – AAB-Quad 0.64 0.72 0.83 1.00 1.24 1.58 2.36 0.63 0.7 0.83 1.00 1.25 1.58 2.33
Level 4b – AAB-Quad 0.63 0.72 0.83 1.00 1.28 1.69 4.01 0.62 0.70 0.82 1.00 1.27 1.63 3.90

Source: AS 1742.7-2016.

Sight distance S3L adjustment

A sight distance adjustment is necessary to calculate S3L (refer to Equation A18) for the common datum point
used in the field survey. The datum point referenced in the field survey is the intersection of the centre line of
the road and the mid-point of the railway tracks at the crossing.

0.5 WR A18
Adjustment for S3L equation=
sin Z

Therefore, the minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the
mid-point of the rail tracks, when the driver of a road vehicle must first see a train approaching from the left in
order to safely cross the track from a stopped position is (Equation A19):

1� A19
⎧ W WT 2⎫
0.5 WR VT ⎪ � R + + 2CV + CT + L � ⎪
tan Z sin Z
S3L = + J + GS �2 �
sin Z 3.6 ⎨ a ⎬
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭

The minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the mid-point
of the rail tracks, when the driver of a road vehicle must first see a train approaching from the right in order to
safely cross the track from a stopped position is shown in Equation A20:

1� A20
⎧ W WT 2⎫
VT ⎪ � R + + 2CV + CT + L� ⎪
tan Z sin Z
S3R = J + GS �2 �
3.6 ⎨ a ⎬
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭

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Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure F 7: Approach visibility at railway level crossings – Case 2

Note: Case 2 Motorist stopped at crossing requires adequate time to accelerate and safely clear the crossing.

S3 Minimum distance of an approaching train from the point of impact with a road vehicle, when the
driver of the road vehicle must first see an approaching train in order to safely cross the tracks
S3L Minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the mid-
point of the rail tracks, when the driver of a road vehicle must first see a train approaching from the
left in order to safely cross the track from a stopped position at the stop or holding line (m)
S3R Minimum distance of an approaching train from the intersection of the road centre line and the mid-
point of the rail tracks, when the driver of a road vehicle must first see a train approaching from the
right in order to safely cross the track from a stopped position at the stop or holding line (m)
VT The speed of the train approaching the crossing (the allowed operating speed of trains, as advised
by the rail authority) (km/h)
L Length of road vehicle (m), (refer to Table F 3)
Ld Distance from the driver to the front of the vehicle (general case assumption = 1.5 m)
CV Clearance from the vehicle stop or holding line to the nearest rail (general case assumption = 3.5 m)
CT Clearance or safety margin from the vehicle stop or holding line on the departure side of the
crossing (general case assumption = 5 m)
WR Width of the travelled way (portion of the roadway allocated for the movement of the vehicles) at
the crossing (m)
WT Width, outer rail to outer rail, of the rail tracks at the crossing (1.1 m for single track, 5.1 m for
double track)
X2L Vehicle driver viewing angle measured from the stop line to a train approaching from the left at
distance S3 from the crossing
X2R Vehicle driver viewing angle measured from the stop line at the road centre line to a train
approaching from the right at distance S3 from the crossing
Z Angle between the road and the railway at the crossing (degrees).

Austroads 2021 | page 173

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 1
C1.1 Intersection Function

A road network provides for the movement of people and goods. Its relationship to land use is fundamental.
Traffic is a function of land use and land use is a function of access. A road network is an integral part of land
use and cannot be considered independently.

Traditionally, roads have had two basic functions. A typical road provides for both through traffic movement
(movement function) and the movements necessary to support the adjoining land use (access function). This
can lead to a reduction in the service provided for both functions, particularly delays for arterial road traffic
and crashes involving vehicles entering and leaving the road.

When traffic volumes are low, the dual function can be accepted. However, as traffic volumes increase, the
problems associated with this duality of operation become very important. Effective traffic management
requires an appropriate balance to be achieved between the movement and access functions for the
particular road or route. It is not always necessary for a road to provide both a movement function and an
access function. Current practice is to allocate functions to roads, based on a road hierarchy, as listed in
Table C1 1.

Table C1 1: Components of the road hierarchy and their functions

Type Movement function Access function

Arterial (fwy) Sole function Nil
Arterial (n/fwy) Major Minimal
Sub-arterial Significant Minor
Collector Minor Significant
Local Minimal Major

(fwy) = freeway – full access control.
(n/fwy) = non-freeway – partial or no access control.

Austroads 2021 | page 174

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure C1 1: Road hierarchy showing functions, characteristics and major sources of funds

Increasing through traffic Note: (nac) = non-access control

Decreasing local traffic (fac) = full-access control
Movement function

Table C1 1 plots the road hierarchy in terms of the relationships between access and movement functions,
characteristics and the major sources of funding. The structure of a road hierarchy is more fully discussed in
AS 1348-2002.

Intersections are a fundamental part of a road hierarchy. They are the nodes of the system, and determine
how effectively the network operates. They govern how effectively each road can perform its allocated
function in the hierarchy. Because of this, each intersection has a profound influence on land use and
development options.

An intersection is not an entity in itself. It must have a purpose defined by the network. In turn, the road
network is an integral part of community land use, and cannot be developed independently.

Figure C1 2 shows that there are intersections which connect facilities of the same rank, i.e. arterial to
arterial, sub-arterial to sub-arterial. These are shown by the open circles. As well, there are intersections
which connect facilities at different levels in the hierarchy, such as arterial to sub-arterial, sub-arterial to
collector, collector to local road. These are shown by shaded circles. Other intersections within the hierarchy
may be inappropriate. These are shown by the dashed lines.

It should also be recognised that pedestrian movements and bicycle networks intersect with each other and
motor vehicle movements, and must be identified and managed.

Austroads 2021 | page 175

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Figure C1 2: Appropriate and inappropriate intersections as determined by the hierarchy

Freeway Non- Sub-

type freeway arterial Collector
arterial arterial (Note 1) (Note 1) Local

(Note 1)

(Note 1)


Source: Adapted from Bovy (1972).

[Back to body text]

Commentary 2
Extended footpaths involve the widening of footpaths to the edge of the traffic lane and consequently
providing indented parking bays. This form of treatment reinforces the existence and prominence of a
pedestrian crossing (where provided) and the presence of pedestrians to other road users. It reduces the
width of the road pedestrians have to cross, improves the inter-visibility between pedestrians and motorists
and discourages illegal parking. Extended footpaths:
• are the most appropriate locations for use on collector roads and local streets and in strip shopping
centres, where pedestrian traffic is high and the restriction on vehicular traffic can be accepted
• may be used at minor intersections and at mid-block locations where there is kerbside parking,
particularly angle parking
• are commonly used at mid-block sites where a pedestrian crossing facility exists and are becoming more
common in local area traffic management schemes in conjunction with a road hump or slow point
• can also be appropriate where primary arterial roads pass through rural towns and along which there is
unlikely to be a requirement for parking bans and clearways
• are not appropriate where the kerbside lane is used for moving traffic during peak periods, when parking
is prohibited or clearways are utilised (e.g. on many urban arterial roads).

Austroads 2021 | page 176

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Other factors to consider include:

• Pedestrians are able to stand within the widened zone which also accommodates the kerb ramp.
• A footpath extension treatment is often formed in combination with the embayment of parking, typically
retrofitted in older commercial areas but is now becoming common practice in new street design.
• The provision of footpath extensions in combination with a central pedestrian refuge island offers a less
expensive alternative to a signalised crossing, although without the other benefits offered by traffic
• The design of these treatments in conjunction with special paving for traffic management or aesthetic
purposes can cause uncertainty for pedestrians as to who has the right-of-way. This type of treatment
should be avoided, but if used, special attention needs to be given to defining the roadway. An advisory
sign such as pedestrians give way to traffic can be used in such locations, to emphasise the need for
pedestrians to give way to vehicular traffic.
[Back to body text]

Commentary 3
A railway line with large volumes of rail traffic increases the chances of a rail level crossing crash. Under
these conditions it is possible that sharp horizontal curves on the roadway, which slow motorists approaching
the crossing, will decrease the potential these crossing crashes. Whether or not the savings in rail level
crossing crashes outweighs the increase in single vehicle crashes likely to be associated with the sharp
curves is unknown. A literature review and research would be required to determine the optimum
arrangement for various levels of exposure. However, provision of a substantial clear zone around the
outside of the sharp horizontal curves would help to minimise any negative effects of errant vehicle crashes.

In situations where the roadway has significant vehicle volumes, but the railway line has little volume, it is
likely that sharp horizontal curves would lead to single vehicle out-of-control type crashes. Under these
conditions it is extremely unlikely that a rail level crossing crash would occur because of the low exposure of
rail traffic. In this case, it is likely that the provision of sharp horizontal curves on the roadway would result in
a higher total crash rate than if a straight approach was used.
[Back to body text]

Commentary 4
Arndt (2004) found that:
• Some BAR turn treatments (and AUR treatments) in the study included a narrow median. The rear-end
major vehicle crash rate was found to decrease substantially with median width, regardless of the type of
median (painted, raised or depressed). The median enables the right-turning vehicle to be positioned further
away from the point of conflict in the through lane, lowering the probability of the vehicle being struck.
• Providing a median at a BAR turn treatment is unlikely to be a practical design consideration in many
cases. However, there may be scope at some existing BAR treatments to consider introducing such a
median by reducing the shoulder width. This may be a low-cost option of achieving a reduction in the
rear-end major vehicle crash rate.
• MNR turn treatments record the highest rear-end-major vehicle crash rate of all the turn treatments (100
times higher than CHR turn treatments). This result likely reflects the fact that MNR turn treatments,
unlike any other turn treatment, provide no specific facilities for through vehicles to avoid turning vehicles.
• Type AUR turn treatments record a rear-end major vehicle crash rate 30 times higher than do CHR [and
CHR(S)] turn treatments.
[Back to body text]

Austroads 2021 | page 177

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 5
C5.1 Number of Stand-up Lanes on the Minor Road at Unsignalised Intersections

Arndt (2004) showed that the angle-minor vehicle crash rate at unsignalised intersections with two stand-up
lanes on the minor road is significantly higher than for one stand-up lane. A free left-turn lane did not
constitute an additional stand-up lane. The higher crash rate can be attributed to vehicles in the offside
stand-up lane blocking visibility for vehicles in the nearside lane, and vice versa as illustrated in Figure A 5.

The angle-minor vehicle crash rate was found to be 1.5 times higher for those conflict points where there
was an adjacent minor road stand-up lane in the direction of the relevant oncoming major road vehicles.

At T-intersections, this may not be a major problem because angle-minor vehicle crash rates for the various
conflicts are generally low (except for one conflict type which is not affected by the visibility restrictions due to
adjacent vehicles).

At cross-intersections, however, visibility restrictions due to adjacent vehicles will substantially increase an
already high angle-minor vehicle crash rate for conflicts involving through movements from the minor road.

For the above reasons, only one stand-up lane should be provided on minor road approaches at
unsignalised intersections, particularly at four-leg intersections with heavy through movements from the
minor legs. Where two lanes are required for capacity reasons, installation of a left-turn slip lane or
signalisation of the intersection should be considered.
[Back to body text]

Commentary 6
C6.1 Warrants for Unsignalised Intersection Turn Treatments

This section briefly discusses the development of warrants for turn treatments on the major road at
unsignalised intersections (excluding roundabouts and seagull treatments) as detailed in Arndt and
Troutbeck (2006). The warrants are for both urban and rural roads.

C6.2 Development of the Warrants

According to Arndt and Troutbeck (2006) the warrants were created to:
• improve the limitations and ambiguity of the previous warrants
• base the warrants directly on the measured safety performance of each turn type
• ensure that higher-order turn treatments are not warranted until higher traffic volumes occur on lower-
speed roads
This is because turn treatments on lower speed roads record far fewer rear-end-major vehicle accidents
(generally rear-end type accidents resulting from a through driver colliding with a driver turning right from
the major road (see Appendix D for more details) than do turn treatments on high speed roads.
• ensure that higher-order right-turn treatments are provided at lower traffic volumes than for higher-order
left-turn treatments
This is because lower-order right-turn treatments record far more rear-end-major vehicle accidents than
lower-order left-turn treatments.
• incorporate CHR and AUL turn treatments with short length right-turn slots as such treatments have
significant safety benefits over lower-order turn treatments.

Austroads 2021 | page 178

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

The warrants have been produced by identifying the location at which the benefits of providing a higher-level
treatment (the reduction in estimated accident costs) are made equal to a proportion of the additional
construction costs. This proportion is the benefit cost ratio (BCR) and applies for an assumed design life. The
benefits and costs of a higher-level treatment are compared to the base case (the minimum turn treatment).

For the right-turn treatments, a design life of 10 years and a BCR equal to one is assumed in the
calculations. For the left-turn treatments, however, using BCR values of one with a design life as high as 50
years, the warrants produced are such that traffic flows, on even the busiest roads, would never be high
enough to justify using higher-level left-turn treatments. Omitting higher-level left-turn treatments in all
circumstances would not meet driver expectations and would cause operational problems, especially on the
busier roads. Therefore, an alternative method of determining warrants for left-turn treatments was

For the left-turn warrants, the curves produced for the right-turn treatments are adopted. As the major road
traffic volume on the X-axis of the warrants is based on all relevant major road traffic flows, higher-order
right-turn treatments are required at lower traffic volumes than for higher-order left-turn treatments. This
process ensures that these warrants reasonably match driver expectations set through the previous

The warrants show that it is not beneficial to provide AUR turn treatments. Instead, channelised right-turn
treatments with reduced length of right-turn slots [CHR(S)] are the preferred treatment. Basically, CHR(S)
treatments offer significantly better value for money (in terms of the safety benefits versus the construction
costs) than do AUR turn treatments.

C6.3 Application of the Warrants

The warrants are based on the construction of intersections on new roads (i.e. greenfield sites). Therefore,
their most appropriate application is to the selection of turn types for intersections on new roads. However,
the warrants may also be used for the following:
• as a reference for the construction of new intersections on existing roads
• as a reference for intervention levels when upgrading existing intersection turn treatments
• although not intended for direct application to accesses and driveways, they may be used as a reference.
[Back to body text]

Commentary 7
The realignment of minor road approaches at a staggered T-intersection requires drivers travelling through
from a minor leg to initially turn onto the major road followed by turning onto the opposite minor road leg.
Conflict points (involving through movements from the minor legs) generated by staggered T-intersections
are deemed to be safer than those generated by four-way intersections.

At four-way intersections where the minor legs are fully aligned, drivers can overlook the presence of the
intersection and can perceive the minor road continuing straight ahead. This can be especially true in a rural

Arndt (2004) suggested that a left-right stagger may be safer than right-left stagger, due to less hazardous
conflict points being generated.

[Back to body text]

Austroads 2021 | page 179

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 8
If the island nose does not control the path of exiting vehicles the following will occur:
• The observation angle to approaching through traffic will be exceeded where the through approach is
straight for a distance less than five seconds of travel at the design speed.
• An inadequate acceleration taper will result.

These points are illustrated in Figure C8 1.

Figure C8 1: Incorrect and correct treatment of an unsignalised three centred kerb return using an island

Observation angle exceeded.
No acceleration lane.
High relative speed at point of conflict.
Observation angle requirements.
Adequate and protected acceleration lane.
Low relative speed at point of contact.
Details of nose treatment are given in AGRD Part 4A (Austroads 2017a).

Source: Adapted from Department of Main Roads (2006) 29.

[Back to body text]

29 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure C8 1 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 180

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 9
Figure C9 1 shows an intersection where one approach intersects at an oblique angle, space is limited and a
minor fifth leg has to be accommodated. The oblique leg complicates the design in that the through
movement is not obvious from the layout and a shared right-turn/through lane is created. This geometric
layout requires the use of the four signal phases as illustrated in Figure C9 1 and the use of appropriate
signal displays (e.g. arrows inclined in the direction of the movements).

Figure C9 1: Intersection where the geometry influences signal phasing

Source: Austroads (2016a).

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Austroads 2021 | page 181

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 10
Arndt (2004) found that angle-major vehicle crash rates (crashes resulting from a right-turning major road
driver failing to give way and colliding with an oncoming vehicle – refer to Appendix D) can be up to three
times higher on multi-lane roads where queuing occurred on the opposite major road leg. Such queues
typically formed due to a blockage downstream of the unsignalised intersection (e.g. an intersection with
traffic signals). A diagram of this scenario is shown in Figure C10 1.

Figure C10 1: Queuing through an unsignalised intersection due to a downstream blockage

Source: Adapted from Department of Main Roads (2006) 30.

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Commentary 11
The warrants and guides given in AS 1742.10-2009 are not necessarily applied rigidly by all road and traffic
agencies. They are accepted as a guide and are applied with flexibility depending on the value judgements
and other relevant circumstances in each jurisdiction. For example, in Western Australia, the warrant for
installation of a pelican crossing uses a pedestrian volume of 150 pedestrians per hour rather than the value
of 350 as quoted in AS 1742.10-2009.

It is desirable to ensure that such control devices are only provided where sufficient pedestrian demand
exists, as drivers who use the route regularly will tend to ignore the presence of a device if they never see it
used. Similarly, pedestrians tend to ignore or misuse a device if vehicle volumes are so low as to make its
use unnecessary on most occasions. However, frequent random interruptions to a dense traffic stream may
create congestion and increase the likelihood of vehicle accidents. These factors highlight the need for care
in the setting and observance of pedestrian volume guidelines for each type of crossing facility.
[Back to body text]

30 Department of Main Roads (2006) has been superseded and Figure C10 1 has not been carried forward into Queensland
Department of Transport and Main Roads (2016).

Austroads 2021 | page 182

Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General

Commentary 12
It has been demonstrated in Western Australia that where the warrants were met and traffic islands and
pedestrian refuges were used instead of zebra crossings, there has been a dramatic reduction in accident
rates at 25 sites examined (Main Roads Western Australia 1989). This study showed that pedestrian
accidents had reduced to one fifth of their original level and vehicular accidents had reduced to one sixth of
their original level as had overall accidents, while before and after pedestrian volumes were not significantly
changed. The replacement of zebra crossings with refuge islands was initiated on the premise that many
pedestrians assume right-of-way at zebra crossings while crossing at pedestrian refuge islands with more
caution. There is also a perception amongst the elderly and people with disabilities, that the removal of the
zebra crossings reduces their ability to cross the road.

As the safe operation of these facilities is dependent on drivers having good visibility of pedestrians, street
lighting is critical. As with other types of pedestrian crossings, it is important to provide and maintain high
skid resistance on the approach to crossings. Safety can be further improved by the provision of footpath
extensions (as discussed in Section 8), to improve sight distance and reduce the carriageway width at the
crossing point. There may be a need to provide significantly improved identification of the crossings by more
effective traffic signs. Where a zebra crossing is installed on an arterial road or where there is poor visibility
the provision of flashing yellow lights should be considered.
[Back to body text]

Commentary 13
Refuges may also be provided at shared path or bicycle path crossings to provide for pedestrians and
cyclists to wait in the centre of roads. They are generally beneficial because they:
• allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road in two stages
• provide physical protection for cyclists and pedestrians
• increase motorists’ awareness of the crossing
• can be installed at relatively low cost.

Refuges are appropriate where:

• motor traffic volumes and speeds make it difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to cross two-way motor
traffic flow
• the combined pedestrian and cyclist demand justifies special treatment
• sufficient road width exists or can be readily achieved to enable the installation of the refuge treatment
(such that the resultant road width does not create squeeze points for on-road cyclists).
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Austroads 2021 | page 183

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