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Module/ Chapter Outline

Students can use this outline to keep track of their learning and the resources available to them in this module. Each module is
designed to support the development and refinement of the assignments and learning in relation to the learning objectives
and institutional learning outcomes. You can use this template to keep notes of what you think is relevant to remember for
test taking in each module for the chapters that are being covered. However, if this is not an acceptable way of taking notes for
you, students are able to take notes however they choose as long as it is legible, in the English language and states what
chapter it is one so that the instructor may easily see its contents.

Key Ideas from the Instructor

Use the space below to write down the key ideas you have learned after viewing the instructor’s demonstration and hearing
about the topic through the recorded PowerPoint Lecture.

Key Words
Any bolded words in the chapter should be written here and defined so that you will know the meaning of the words
and it will allow for easy recall later for testing purposes.
Observe and Analyze
What did you learn from the module this week? What did you learn from the chapter reading this week? Which
activity or activities did you find most helpful in understanding the reading? Explain.

Summary of Thoughts for the Module/Chapter for the Week

Write your overall thoughts on the chapter this week and what you felt was most relevant in the chapter.

(ACUE 2021)

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