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Since population is getting bigger at every increasing birthrate every birth, it

becomes interesting to see how the world is getting smaller. As a consequence of
this, people’s self-troubles own problems and thoughts start being something
inevitably shareable. At this point, some incredible stories comes (plural, no “s”) out
to light and gets everyone´s approval. For instance, the happiness joy of a person
who just won the lottery or a successful heart transplant surgery of a little kid. Also,
or any other story deserved to be told and shown. But some other stories like the
one I’m going to tell, also deserved to be shown, going unnoticed by from people’s
daily life without the media’s worrying due to the amount of these in the whole
world. (no quiere decir nada)

It all starts with a strange fainting I suffered days before a college exams and hard
working week about five months ago. Worried about this affection affliction? I
decided to go to the hospital and get checked out by doctors. As everyone knows,
in this country one needs to stand up for long periods of time in lines to get the
medical examinations forms in order to know what affection is causing you pain.
Tired of walking all across the hospital, I just decided to wait and rest a little time
for some time sitting on a chair. Right next to me, there was an old lady who
decided to ask me what time it was about the hour for whom to which I decided to
answer politely. Obviously, the question was just the kind of breaking-the-ice
question because she starts started to ask more questions about me and my
situation inat the hospital. I consider myself as a hardly sociable person who tries
to avoid this kind (singular?) of interrogative people(plural), but that lady for some
reason inspired me confident and comfortability (for some reason that lady gave
me confidence and made me feel comfortable), so I answered all of her questions.
I told her that I was there due to the fainting, observing her surprised face because
of my youth. Of course, it isn’t common for a 20 years old guy having that kind of
health troubles.(plural?) ISSUES (not troubles)

Following the conversation, I asked about her situation in the hospital and she told
me that she needed a gallstone surgery, but she did not have hadn’t enough
money to pay for that it, and hadn’t did not have health insurance; just a SISBEN
account which is a government social program to help low-income people people
of low income. Due to that fact (or because of that) , she had to pay for some
bonds to access to the medical examinations forms, and ran out of money for her
lunch. She told me she was hungry.
At that moment I knew that she was in a terrible situation, but anyway it didn’t
concern me, so I was waiting for her to ask me for some charity money; which is
something that I don’t give away. After talking for a while, with her eyes full of
tears, she started to tell me about her life a couple of years ago and said it was a
perfect life in the countryside, but some rebels of the “Las FARC” stole that from
her when her son and husband were murdered. After that she She then lost her
properties and had to move out to the city. She never asked me for money or
charity, so I realized that she just wanted to be heard by someone. She just wanted
to take out her pain with someone (she just wanted a shoulder to cry on).

She concluded her story telling me that all that pain was causing diseases in her
body and death was all she was waiting for. I really felt terrible about it. At that very
moment I didn’t knew know what to say to make her feel better. It was a really
heart-breaking situation. The only thing I did was to give her money for her lunch
and told her: “That’s terrible, but you have to keep moving and fighting because
there’s a plan for all of us”. She thanked me and after that I just said good bye.
(beautiful, you made me tear)

I can say that is one of those situations which a person doesn’t expect to come
across with, but once it happened, it’s impossible to stop thinking about it for a long
time, and that you wish to have the power or the authority to change it.
Unfortunately, we live in a system that doesn’t allow to change these things easily.


Alex, great job. You have many mistakes, specially with the past tense. Be careful
when using the negative and the verb have in the past. Also, remember what I told
you. You are speaking in English and long sentences tied with commas do not
work. Only in Spanish…. So, be more to the point and write shorter sentences.
Beautiful story. Sadly, a reality for many people in our country. So…what ended up
happening with your fainting? Was it something serious? Maybe we can talk about
that next time we speak. Please take a look at your essay, and we will be in touch.
Let me know when you are available to meet.

Keep up the good work

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