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Innovative and Eco-friendly Solutions for the Seismic

Retrofitting of Natural Stone Masonry Walls with Textile

Reinforced Mortar: In- and Out-of-Plane Behavior
P. D. Gkournelos1; L. D. Azdejkovic2́ ; and T. C. Triantafillou, M.ASCE3
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Abstract: The application of textile-reinforced mortars (TRM) on masonry walls constructed with natural stones was studied through a set of
medium-scale experiments. Fourteen experiments were carried out in total, including in- and out-of-plane cyclic tests as well as two different
strengthening configurations. The first consisted of a TRM made of a natural hydraulic lime (NHL) mortar, combined with a natural flax-fiber
textile, while for the latter, a novel alkali-activated material (AAM) geopolymer mortar combined with basalt textile was employed. The use
of such low-carbon footprint materials instead of conventional ones makes these systems environmentally friendlier, in line with the modern
requirements for lowering CO2 emissions. Both solutions led to a substantial increase of the load-bearing capacity, up to 70% for both in- and
out-of-plane experiments. Stiffness and energy dissipation characteristics of the masonry elements were improved as well. If some durability
related issues of both configurations and feasibility ones of AAMs are addressed, they could provide good candidates for application in real-
life structures. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0001173. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Alkali-activate materials; Basalt; Flax; In-plane loading; Masonry; Natural fibers; Natural stone; Out-of-plane loading;
Seismic retrofitting; Textile-reinforced mortar.

Introduction and Background and diagonal compression capacity of stone masonry specimens ret-
rofitted with cement/lime-based grouts has been demonstrated (Vint-
Before the widespread adoption of reinforced concrete (RC), unrein- zileou and Tassios 1995; Kalagri et al. 2010). Moreover, the use of
forced masonry (URM) was the main building material for thousands transversal steel and glass fiber–reinforced polymer (GFRP) ties
of years. Natural stones played the role of the bricks, and low-strength, has also been explored via vertical compression tests and found to
lime-based mortars often provided the connection between them. be effective in increasing the capacity and reducing deformations
Nowadays, the few pure-masonry structures that are constructed are (Valluzzi et al. 2001; Oliveira et al. 2012). Recently, shake-table
made of industrially produced clay bricks of well known properties. tests were performed to assess the out-of-plane behavior of retrofitted
Nonetheless, several natural-stone masonry buildings still exist, and stone masonry walls (Giaretton et al. 2017); grout injection in com-
often constitute a significant part of each country’s cultural heritage, bination with transversal steel ties resulted in a three-fold increase of
thus making their preservation for future generations quite important. the maximum achieved peak ground acceleration. Finally, grout in-
The lack of an engineered approach to the design of such structures jection has also been applied as a repair technique in rubble stone ma-
has led to structural damage and failures on several occasions in the sonry specimens, previously damaged by in-plane tests (Miranda
past and has made clear their need of structural retrofitting. et al. 2017). The strengthening scheme not only restored the initial
Various strengthening techniques have been proposed over mechanical characteristics of the specimens, but also improved
the past decades. Experimental research has focused almost exclu- their behavior under cyclic loads.
sively on three-leaf walls, in which the two outer leaves are made A viable alternative is the global improvement of a building’s
of stone masonry blocks and the middle one contains a much weaker behavior via the enforcement of a box-type response. Such a re-
filler material; this is the most common configuration found in prac- sponse can be achieved only if the floor and roof diaphragms are
tice. The most widely used strengthening scheme is the injection of a stiff enough and well connected to the walls they are supported
cementitious grout inside the body of masonry, to fill all the voids, on. Moreover, reliable wall-to-diaphragm connections can also pre-
particularly in the middle, weaker layer. Numerous experiments vent out-of-plane failures so that the full in-plane capacity of the
have been performed and a considerable increase in the vertical walls can be realized. Shaking table tests have been carried out
on full-scale, 2-story specimens and have verified the efficiency
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Patras, Patras of this retrofitting technique (Magenes et al. 2014).
26500, Greece (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000 The application of a reinforcing layer on top of the outer faces of
-0002-9054-3900. Email: panagiotisgournelos@gmail.com a masonry element is another way to enhance both its in- and
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Patras, Patras out-of-plane behavior. RC plastering and shotcrete constitute two
26500, Greece. Email: lazar@upatras.gr very logical choices in this direction. Because only the outer wall
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Patras, Patras 26500, segments are practically affected, pairing this technique with trans-
Greece. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0263-3955. Email: ttriant@
versal steel ties is highly recommended. Experimental testing has
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 4, 2021; approved on
shown that this strengthening scheme can effectively improve the
September 8, 2021; published online on November 10, 2021. Discussion resistance, ductility, and postcollapse behavior of retrofitted ele-
period open until April 10, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted ments subjected to in-plane cyclic loading with axial compression
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites (Pinho et al. 2012). Innovative materials of fibrous nature (sheets
for Construction, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268. and textiles) can also be employed as external reinforcement.

© ASCE 04021061-1 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

Their attachment to the masonry substrate can be realized with ei- to masonry elements. The behavior of natural masonry wall ele-
ther epoxy resins or inorganic matrices. In the former case, the re- ments strengthened with alkali-activated textile reinforced mortar
sulting material is called fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), while in is investigated here for the first time.
the latter case textile-reinforced mortar (TRM). TRMs are thought In the study presented in this paper, the in- and out-of-plane be-
to be more appropriate for application on masonry elements for a havior of TRM-strengthened stone masonry walls was evaluated
number of reasons, including their better compatibility with masonry through a series of cyclic tests. Two different strengthening config-
substrates, fire behavior, and ease of application (Papanicolaou et al. urations were applied; the first made use of a natural hydraulic lime
2007, 2008). These materials can also be found in the literature (NHL) mortar combined with a flax-fiber textile, while for the sec-
under different names, such as textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) ond, a metakaolin-ladle furnace slag-based AAM mortar was de-
or fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM). veloped and used in combination with a basalt-fiber textile. It is
Usually, textile fibers are made of carbon or glass, but lately ba- interesting to point out that both proposed retrofitting schemes
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salt and natural fibers have gathered more support. Various re- are cement free, therefore considerably more eco-friendly than sim-
searchers have already applied natural fiber (e.g., flax, hemp) ilar techniques that make use of conventional materials.
textiles on masonry wallettes made of clay bricks and studied
their shear and bond behavior (Menna et al. 2015; Abbass et al.
2020; Ferrara et al. 2020; Trochoutsou et al. 2021). These studies Experimental Program
have highlighted the potential of such strengthening applications
using environmentally friendly materials. To the best of our knowl-
edge, utilization of natural fiber textiles in strengthening of stone Materials and Specimens
masonry walls is examined in this paper for the first time. Α total of 14 natural stone masonry walls were constructed by an
TRMs have been studied extensively as strengthening materials experienced mason. Stones of irregular shape, up to about
of masonry over the past years and their efficiency has already been 150 mm, were used, combined with a general-purpose masonry
proved. When used as overlays, they are extremely effective in in- mortar, which was made on site using cement, lime putty, sand,
creasing both the in- and the out-of-plane resistance of unreinforced and water, in a ratio of 1:1:5:0.75 by volume (or 1:0.5:3.6:0.27
masonry elements, as it has been evidenced by various researchers by weight). The walls consisted of two outer leaves of natural
around the world (Lignola et al. 2009; Harajli et al. 2010; Parisi stones and a middle layer that was filled with smaller stone frag-
et al. 2011; Babaeidarabad et al. 2014; Valluzzi et al. 2014). More- ments and building mortar, similar to the building practice. Three
over, they have also been successfully used to confine masonry different types of specimens were constructed, to be used in the
columns, in which case both their axial strength and deformation same number of distinct testing configurations. Five slender speci-
capacity were reported to significantly increase (Koutas and mens of 1,200 × 400 × 150 mm (height × width × thickness) were
Bournas 2020). Lately, the combination of TRMs with thermal employed in three-point in-plane bending tests. Three more speci-
insulation was proposed as a means to simultaneously achieve mens of the same geometry were used in three-point out-of-plane
structural and energy retrofitting of existing masonry elements bending tests, along with two thicker ones, which were measuring
(Triantafillou et al. 2017, 2018). The efficiency of this method 1,200 × 400 × 220 mm. Finally, four squat specimens of 1,100 ×
was demonstrated both in mechanical and economical terms 1,000 × 150 mm were constructed to be tested in in-plane cyclic
(Gkournelos et al. 2019, 2020). Specifically for stone masonry shear. All the walls were built inside the laboratory and were air-
walls, research has shown that TRM-strengthened elements exhibit cured for 6 months. Fig. 1 shows the geometric configurations of
considerably higher in-plane lateral resistance, stiffness, displace- the constructed specimens.
ment capacity, and improved postfailure behavior (Pinho et al. Two different TRM-based strengthening configurations were
2015; Tomaž evič et al. 2015). Shake-table tests have also shown employed in the testing campaign. The first used materials of nat-
that the out-of-plane response of TRM-retrofitted walls is substan- ural origin, namely a flax-fiber textile and an NHL mortar, hence
tially improved, as a two-fold increase of the maximum sustained the resulting strengthening material is referred to as natural TRM
peak ground acceleration (PGA) has been reported in the literature (NTRM). For the second, a cement-free, in-house developed geo-
(De Santis et al. 2019). polymer mortar was combined with a basalt textile; this configura-
With a constant increase of greenhouse gases emission, the tion is referred to as alkali-activated TRM (AATRM). TRM
need for a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative cementitious mate- strengthening was applied approximately 6 months after the con-
rial is growing. There has been significant amount of research dur- struction of the masonry walls using the following multistep wet
ing the last several decades for providing an alternative binder lay-up procedure. First, any protruding mortar was removed and
system to ordinary Portland cement. Davidovits (1991) first de- the wall’s surface was cleaned and wetted. Then, a first layer of
fined the now widely used term “geopolymer” for a binder system the mortar was spread and roughened using a metal trowel. The
based on a high-aluminosilicate and low-calcium content materials. first textile was bonded on the surface by hand pressure, so that
Buchwald et al. (2003) and Shi et al. (2006) defined binder systems mortar would come through between the rovings. These two last
where solid silicate powders are activated by alkaline metals, steps were repeated whenever more than one layer would be ap-
namely alkali-activated materials (AAMs). Provis (2014) provided plied. After the application of the final textile layer, mortar was
the full classification of AAMs, with respect to the chemical content used to cover the surface, which was levelled with a smooth
of the mixing materials. A significant amount of research has ad- metal trowel.
dressed the application of AAMs as a repair material and a matrix The testing campaign included three different experiment
material in TRMs. The flexural strengthening of reinforced con- types: (1) three-point, in-plane tests, (2) three-point, out-of-plane
crete beams with external reinforcing combined with geopolymer tests, and (3) shear, in-plane tests. For cases (1) and (2), slender
was carried out and tested by Menna et al. (2013), resulting in a specimens were used, whereas the squat ones were employed in
very good adhesion of geopolymer to concrete substrate and to case (3). A cyclic loading protocol was used in all the tests and
steel mesh. Tamburini et al. (2017) combined a metakaolin/blast axial loads were applied simultaneously by a second actuator.
furnace slag-based AAM grout with four different type of textiles, The type of strengthening (NTRM versus AATRM), the posi-
providing the necessary characterization data for TRM application tioning of the reinforcement (single-sided versus double-sided),

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Fig. 1. Geometry of slender and squat stone masonry wall specimens (dimensions in mm).

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of test types.

Table 1. Test matrix naming convention: the middle part of the name describes the
mortar (NHL or AAM) and the two side parts after the under-
scores indicate the number of layers and the type of textile
Axial load Strengthening used. For example, 1BF_AAM_1BF refers to a wall strength-
Test type Wall ID (kN) scheme ened at both sides with one layer of basalt-fiber textile embedded
in an AAM mortar. Finally, the trailing notation _V0 denotes a
Slender in-plane Control 30 None
Cyclic three-point 3NF_NHL_3NF 30 NTRM
specimen without axial load and _th denotes a thicker specimen
bending with constant 1BF_AAM_1BF 30 AATRM in the case of out-of-plane tests.
axial force. 2BF_AAM 30 AATRM It is important to note that the number of layers of the strength-
Wall thickness: 1BF_AAM_1BF_V0 0 AATRM ening schemes was selected so that the two configurations would
150 mm [Fig. 2(a)] yield a similar strength increase (as much as possible), while at
the same time be reasonable to apply. The preliminary material
Out-of-plane Control 30 None
Cyclic three-point 3NF_NHL_3NF 30 NTRM
characterization experiments of textiles and TRM coupons showed
bending with constant 3NF_NHL_3NF_th 45 NTRM that the basalt textile was around three times stronger in tension
axial force. 1BF_AAM_1BF 30 AATRM than the flax one (see next section); tensile test results of 1-month-
Wall thickness: 1BF_AAM_1BF_th 45 AATRM old TRM coupons were taken into account, as these were the only
150 mm | 220 mm ones available at the time of strengthening. Therefore, a three-layer
[Fig. 2(b)] strengthening (per side) was used for the NTRM configuration and
Squat in-plane Control 70 None
a single-layer for the AATRM. This resulted in similar strength in-
Cyclic shear test with 3NF_NHL_3NF 70 NTRM crease in the case of the in-plane experiments on slender specimens
axial force. 1BF_AAM_1BF 70 AATRM and the out-of-plane experiments, while in the case of in-plane ex-
Wall thickness: 2BF_AAM 70 AATRM periments on squat specimens the AATRM-based configuration re-
150 mm sulted in a considerably higher strength increase.
[Fig. 2(c)] Finally, the level of axial load was selected so that the resultant
axial stress would be equal to 0.5 MPa for all conducted tests. This
yields axial conditions similar to real-world structures for column
and the effect of axial load were parameters that were explored in and wall-like specimens due to gravity loads and corresponds to
the in-plane experiments on slender walls. The variables ex- roughly 5% of their axial capacity.
plored in the in-plane tests on the squat specimens and the
out-of-plane tests on the slender specimens were again the type NHL and Flax
of strengthening and the wall thickness. Table 1 provides details For the NTRM strengthening solution, an NHL-based mortar was
for each one of the 14 specimens. In this table, the Wall ID col- combined with a flax-fiber textile. The mortar comprised of NHL
umn reveals the strengthening configuration using the following of the highest quality (bagged NHL5) sand and water in

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J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

Table 2. Alkali-activated mortar mix design (kg per m3 of mortar)
Ladle furnace Marble
K2SiO3 KOH Water Metakaolin slag Sand filler
363.5 99.6 193.9 412.4 206.2 976.6 76.0

Table 3. Cost comparison of TRM solutions

Cost (€/m2)

(a) TRM type Description Mortar Textile Total

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Control OPC-based mortar with one layer 18.00 5.90 23.90

of glass textile
NTRM NHL-based mortar with three 10.20 43.50 53.70
layers of flax textile
AATRM AAM-based mortar with one 24.00 3.50 27.50
layer of basalt textile

2 mm) and an inert marble-powder filler were used as aggregates,

providing a good workability with retention period of around 45
mins in ambient temperatures (25°C). The detailed mix design of
the AAM is presented in Table 2. It is acknowledged that the mortar
Fig. 3. (a) Flax; and (b) basalt textile. preparation procedure is quite complicated and not easy to apply in
situ. Nonetheless, the authors believe that further research and de-
velopment in the field could provide solutions in the future to ad-
proportions 1:2:0.7 (mortar:sand:water) by volume (or 1:1.5:0.26 dress these issues, such as premixed and bagged dry mixes.
by weight), resulting in plastic consistency and good workability, A commercial textile, made of PVC-coated basalt-fiber rovings
with a retention period of approximately 45 min in ambient temper- positioned in two orthogonal directions, at a mesh spacing equal to
atures (25°C). A commercial textile, made of uncoated flax-fiber 25 mm, was used in the AATRM strengthening system. This textile
rovings in two orthogonal directions, at a mesh spacing equal to is balanced in two directions, with a total weight of 350 g/m2 and
14 mm, was used. This textile is balanced in the two directions TEX 2000 (Fig. 3).
with a total area weight of 215 g/m2 and 1,500 TEX (Fig. 3). The uprising development of alkali-activated binders through-
The life cycle assessment (LCA) of lime-based mortars has been out both academic institutions and industry is driven by tremendous
studied extensively by other authors (Moropoulou et al. 2006; need for sustainable, low-carbon footprint alternatives to Portland
Kenneth and Miller 2012). The production of NHL generates cement. The environmental impact of AAMs is highly dependent
greenhouse gasses (approximately 0.8 kg of CO2 per 1 kg of on the mix design of the mixture. Thus, through the utilization of
binder) of similar amount with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) waste materials, the environmental impact of AAMs is significantly
(Huntzinger and Eatmon 2009; Kenneth and Miller 2012). How- reduced. Authors that analyzed the LCA of AAMs consent that this
ever, in the case of NHL-based systems, calcium hydroxide slowly group of materials have a lower global warming potential (GWP)
absorbs the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with a potential to than OPC (Habert and Ouellet-Plamondon 2016). Geopolymer
reabsorb up to 90% of the CO2 emitted during the calcination process mixes comprising fly ash and blast furnace slag have a greenhouse
(Berge 2009). The environmental impact of textiles made of flax fibers gas emissions reduction of 45% and 80%, respectively, when com-
has been analyzed thoroughly by Le Duigou et al. (2011). This study pared with OPC-based materials (Habert et al. 2011). In the case of
has shown superiority of flax-fiber textiles when compared with glass- metakaolin-based geopolymers, this reduction is 25% (Heath et al.
fiber ones in most of the environmental indicators analyzed (e.g., 2014). Further development of AAM technology combined with
greenhouse gasses, acidification, ozone layer depletion, terrestrial design that takes into account the environmental impact of the mix-
and fresh water ecotoxicity). Therefore, the NTRM-strengthening ture could lead us to an eco-friendly alternative to OPC (Weil et al.
scheme comprised of NHL and flax-fiber textile is environmentally 2009). The design of the geopolymer mix used in the AATRM
friendlier compared with a conventional strengthening scheme consist- strengthening scheme (Table 2) was carried out focusing on me-
ing of OPC-based mortar and glass-fiber textile. chanical characteristics, yet 33% of the total precursor mass is an
unprocessed waste material, collected from a landfill.
AAM and Basalt
For the AATRM-strengthening solution an in-house developed mix Cost Comparison
of AAM was combined with basalt-fiber textile. Metakaolin A basic cost comparison was carried out between the two strength-
(commercial, bagged material) and ladle furnace slag (a local ening solutions as well as a control one, currently popular in the
waste material) were used in 2:1 weight ratio as precursors. Potas- Greek market, consisting of a commercial cement-based mortar
sium silicate solution (K2SiO3) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) and one layer of glass textile. The number of layers adopted for
pellets were chosen as activators. Activators were dissolved in this comparison were chosen according to the assumptions pre-
water and mixed at least 1 day before preparing the mortar, in sented earlier; one layer of glass textile was assumed for the control
order to cool down. The mortar preparation was done by mixing configuration, as, according to the manufacturer, its characteristics
precursors with the activator solution first. When a homogeneous were similar to those of the employed basalt textile. The results are
paste had been formed, aggregates were added and everything presented in Table 3.
was mixed, forming a fresh AAM. To obtain better rheological The considerably increased final cost of the NTRM solution is
properties, siliceous river sand (with maximum particle size of attributed to the high cost of natural-fibers textile, a material that

© ASCE 04021061-4 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

Table 4. Compressive strength of masonry materials Table 5. NTRM mechanical properties
Average Standard Average values after (standard
Dimensions in compressive deviation CoV Num. of deviation in parentheses)
Material mm (b × t × h) strength (MPa) (MPa) (%) specimens each
Material Property time 1 month 3 months 6 months
Stones 40 × 34 × 88 85.7 4.9 5.7
41 × 33 × 85 Flax Ft (kN/m)a 4 16.0 (1.0)
29 × 39 × 71 textile ft (MPa)b 54.1 (3.4)
ɛtu (%)c 1.4 (0.1)
Building 24 × 41 × 50 11.8 2.6 22
mortar 45 × 40 × 50 NHL ft (MPa)d 3 1.5 (0.1) 1.3 (0.3) 1.5 (0.3)
25 × 33 × 52 mortar fc (MPa)d 6 4.2 (0.2) 3.8 (0.7) 4.5 (1.1)
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Wallette 400 × 140 × 485 12.6 4.8 38 NTRM Ft (kN/m)a 4 8.1 (1.4) 6.5 (0.4) 5.8 (0.7)
400 × 140 × 474 ft (MPa) 27.4 (4.7) 22.0 (1.4) 19.6 (2.4)
400 × 140 × 403 ɛtu·s (%)e 5.9 (1.0) 5.3 (1.9) 3.1 (0.8)
Tensile strength per running meter for one layer of textile.
Tensile strength for one layer of textile, based on a smeared fiber
is not produced in large quantities and is not used in the construc- distribution.
tion sector. The cost of the AAM mortar is also higher than the c
Tensile strain at rupture.
other two due to the high concentration of the activating chemicals; d
Tensile and compressive strength, respectively.
further optimization of the mix design could lower this price con- e
Tensile strain at initiation of slippage.
siderably. In any case, it is noted that the reported prices are prac-
tically limited to the specific experimental campaign and may differ
The TRM experiments were repeated three times, after 1, 3, and
significantly for applications in different countries.
6 months to examine the effect of the alkaline environment on
the textile’s properties. Moreover, the NHL mortar was tested in
Material Characterization and Durability Assessment flexure and compression according to EN 1015-11 (CEN 1999a)
to evaluate its tensile and compressive strength. Table 5 gives the
Many tests were performed in order to fully characterize all the ma- evolution of material properties over a 6-month period.
terials that were used in the experimental program. Moreover, the It is important to note that in all the TRM experiments the ob-
TRM configurations were also assessed in terms of their durability served failure mode was slippage of the textile, thus the fibers
performance, to identify whether there is any drop in the tensile were not fully activated. This is mainly attributed to the fact that
strength of textiles after their exposure to strongly alkaline environ- the fibers were uncoated and the connection between the longitudi-
ments. The drop of strength of basalt-fiber textile was observed dur- nal and the transverse ones was extremely weak; perpendicular rov-
ing the cyclic tests of natural stone walls strengthened with ings were simply held together with weak stitching. Apart from
AATRM and, therefore, investigating the durability of both that, there seems to be a clear declining trend for the TRM’s tensile
strengthening solutions had become a logical addition to material strength with time (30% drop after 6 months), which implies that
characterization. The sections that follow provide all the details the already insufficient connection between the individual rovings,
for each different material. and the mortar weakens even further with time. This behavior con-
stitutes a major issue, which must be addressed thoroughly to fully
Stone Masonry Walls verify the viability of the proposed strengthening system. Develop-
All the different materials that make up the final wall assemblies, ment of coating-based solutions could potentially mitigate this
namely stones, building mortar, and small wallettes, were tested in problem.
compression. The specimens were extracted directly from the larger
control specimens, after they were tested. All control specimens ex- Basalt and AAM-based TRM
hibited a single flexural crack at the section of the maximum bending The same set of experiments were performed to assess the behavior
moment, where all damage was concentrated, and a stable postcrack- of the basalt AATRM. TRM and mortar testing was done in shorter
ing response. Stones and mortar were carefully retrieved away from intervals, namely after 7, 14, 28, and 90 days, as the evolution of
those sections and formed into a prismatic shape using a diamond- the material degradation was faster in this case. The results from
saw cutter, while the wallettes were formed using the two intact the respective tests are summarized in Table 6.
parts (close to the supports) of the in- or out-of-plane tested slender Contrary to the NTRM experiments, the failure mode observed
walls, which were tested in three-point bending. For all cases, three in all the AATRM tests was fiber rupture. It is interesting that the
specimens were used, and testing was carried out shortly after testing tensile strength measured in the TRM tests was significantly
the walls themselves. Stone and mortar specimens were tested in a lower, even after 1 week of exposure compared with strengths ob-
servohydraulic testing machine in displacement control mode at a tained from the textile tests. High concentration of activators in the
constant loading rate equal to 0.01 mm/s. Wallette compression mix caused high alkalinity of the mortar in fresh state (measured pH
tests were carried out according to EN 1052-1 (CEN 1999b), using close to 14). This led to a substantial decrease of strength during the
a 4,000 kN loading-capacity testing machine. The results of the com- first 7 days of curing, while later tests did not reveal any further
pression tests are presented in Table 4. The increased standard devia- strength deterioration. Therefore, the PVC coating did not prove
tion values of the building mortar and wallette strengths are attributed to be an appropriate protective measure for such applications.
to the geometric irregularities of the bed and head joints, as well as to The results of basalt textile tensile tests were quite scattered, but
the fact that mortar mixing was done manually. degradation of basalt fibers due to the exposure to alkaline environ-
ment was unquestionable, similar to the findings of other authors
Flax and NHL-Based TRM (Tang et al. 2018). However, if a proper alkali-resistant coating is
The flax textile was tested in tension both alone and as a single- provided, textiles of any kind could potentially be combined with
layer TRM, that is in combination with the NHL-based mortar. AAM mortars of low hydroxide concentration.

© ASCE 04021061-5 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

Table 6. AATRM mechanical properties
Average values after (standard deviation in parentheses)

Material Property Num. of specimens each time 7 days 14 days 28 days 90 days
Basalt textile Ft (kN/m)a 4 47.9 (17.6)
ft (MPa)b 846 (310)
ɛtu (%)c 1.64 (0.30)
AAM mortar ft (MPa)d 3 5.9 (0.8) 6.8(0.3) 5.8 (0.5) 7.0 (0.5)
fc (MPa)e 6 43.0 (2.3) 48.5 (2.7) 49.2 (3.4) 53.9 (2.5)
AATRM Ft (kN/m)a 4 27.7 (1.2) 33.4 (1.3) 27.4 (0.5) 27.0 (5.0)
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ft (MPa)b 489 (21) 590 (23) 484 (9) 477 (88)

ɛtu (%)b 1.5 (0.1) 1.3 (0.2) 1.4 (0.1) 0.8 (0.3)
Note: a–eAs in Table 5.

was used for the testing of squat specimens. The squat walls
were tightly inserted in a U-section steel beam, which was then
filled with epoxy resin, thus providing reliable fixing conditions.
The axial load was applied using a stiff, steel I-section beam and
the vertical actuator. Finally, horizontal displacements were im-
posed at the top of the wall using the horizontal actuator and a
set of steel rods.
In all the experiments performed, the same displacement time-
history was used as given in Fig. 5. The tests started with two
slow cycles at 0.02 mm/s, followed by three faster ones at
0.1 mm/s, and the final ones at 0.5 mm/s. The displacement incre-
ment was held constant and equal to 2 mm, which translates to a
0.2% of equivalent drift added per cycle.
Load measurements were obtained directly from the actuators’ load
(a) cells, while displacements at locations of interest were measured using
a videoextensometer in combination with a potentiometer for redun-
dancy purposes and to validate the videoextensometer readings. A
camera was placed 3 m in front of the specimen and connected to a
computer, which via a dedicated software tracked in real-time the dis-
tance between two specified points; one was placed on the element at
the point of interest (notice the black marks in Fig. 4) and another at a
fixed place on the strong frame. That way, the displacements were ac-
curately monitored externally and not affected by local failures or
cracks that would occur during the experiments. The complete testing
configuration is presented in Fig. 6.


Fig. 4. (a) Test setup for slender; and (b) squat specimens. Experimental Results and Discussion

The results obtained from the main experimental program are thor-
oughly discussed in the following sections. An overview is also
Experimental Procedure and Setup presented in the Table 7, which includes the peak load values,
The primary experimental program presented in this paper con- the displacements at failure (defined at the point of abrupt load
sisted of cyclic in- and out-of-plane tests, performed in a strong drop, or a 20% load reduction, in case of a gradual postpeak behav-
frame, using simultaneously two servohydraulic actuators. The ior), the dissipated energy at the end of selected cycles, and the ob-
first actuator was operated in force control and was used to keep served failure modes.
the axial load constant, while the second one was operated in dis-
placement control, and was employed to impose the lateral dis- In-Plane Tests on Squat Walls
placement time history. Slender and squat specimens were tested
using two different setups, as shown in Fig. 4. The former speci- The control specimen [Fig. 7(a)] exhibited a stable rocking behav-
mens were subjected to three-point cyclic bending, using the hori- ior, resulting in typical, flag-shaped load-displacement hysteresis
zontal actuator for the application of the axial load and the vertical loops. A flexural crack appeared at the base of the wall, as soon
one for imposing the lateral displacements. A set of metallic hinges, as tensile stresses, due to the lateral loading, overcame the axial
sections, and steel rods ensured the rotational freedom at the sup- compressive stresses due to the applied axial force. From that
ports and midspan, and also made possible the application of neg- point on, the load reached a plateau, and no further increase was
ative (upwards) piston displacements. That same configuration was observed. Stable loops with a gradual drop of load followed until
used for both in- and out-of-plane tests. Α simpler configuration the experiment was terminated.

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Fig. 5. Time history of the piston displacement.

Table 7. Overview of test results

Displacement at
Peak load (kN) failure (mm)a,b
Dissipated energy
Specimen ID Push Pull Push Pull (kN mm) Failure mode
In-plane squat Cycle 4 Cycle 10
Control 44.0 46.2 — — 457.4 3,046.6 Rocking
1BF_AAM_1BF 74.8 65.2 4.1 4.3 650.7 3,096.4 Textile rupture (push)
2BF_AAM 72.1 66.3 5.9 4.4 717.3 3,467.8 Textile rupture (push)
3NF_NHL_3NF 54.8 53.9 22.3 25.0 604.1 3,784.8 Fiber slippage
In-plane slender Cycle 3 Cycle 7
Control 31.2 35.0 — — 358.7 1,804.8 Rocking
1BF_AAM_1BF 52.5 52.7 2.3 2.0 554.6 2,798.3 Textile rupture (push)
2BF_AAM 49.7 49.6 4.0 3.6 391.4 1,923.2 Textile rupture (push)
3NF_NHL_3NF 54.1 54.1 17.3 19.2 480.7 3,239.9 Fiber slippage
1BF_AAM_1BF-V0 32.1 25.8 1.3 2.5 252.8 — Textile rupture (push)
Out-of-plane Cycle 3 Cycle 10
Control 16.4 17.6 13.9 20.1 192.9 1,945.3 Flexure/Crushing
1BF_AAM_1BF 27.1 24.9 10.0 4.3 295.4 2,588.3 Textile rupture (pull)
1BF_AAM_1BF_th 44.0 37.0 8.1 3.7 384.3 3,842.3 Textile rupture (pull)
3NF_NHL_3NF 26.0 24.7 24.7 36.0 317.7 3,053.6 Fiber slippage
3NF_NHL_3NF_th 56.0 46.7 13.9 — 696.3 6,969.4 Textile rupture (push)
Corresponding to sudden load reduction or to displacement at 80% of the peak load in case of gradual postpeak reduction.
Top displacement for in-plane squat tests; midspan displacement for all the other tests.

Specimens 1BF_AAM_1BF and 2BF_AAM [Figs. 7(b and c)] different, as no rupture but rather fiber slippage occurred. This
behaved similarly. Their lateral load capacity and initial stiffness agreed with the material characterization tests, which also dis-
were significantly higher, when compared with the control speci- played fiber slippage and no rupture. This behavior, although it
men, by 60% and 270%, respectively. However, in both experi- means that the material cannot be fully activated, is much more
ments, a sudden drop of load was observed at the third and gradual and controlled. Fig. 8(b) shows the single flexural crack
fourth cycle, as the textile fibers started to break. From that point that was formed during the experiment and around which slippage
on, the behavior became identical to that of the control specimen, of the fibers occurred.
with a stable, gradually decreasing response. The fiber rupture is Regarding the energy dissipation characteristics after ten cycles,
clearly easily visible in Fig. 8(a). all specimens behaved quite similarly. The NTRM solution slightly
Finally, specimen 3NF_NHL_3NF had a quite different re- outperformed the AATRM ones, with the single-sided configura-
sponse. Compared with walls with the AATRM-strengthening tion being marginally superior to the double-sided one. The satis-
scheme, it exhibited a 26% lower capacity and 20% lower initial factory behavior of the single-sided configuration is very
stiffness; still those values were higher than the control specimen important and promising as it can be much more easily applied
by 20% and 220%, respectively. The failure mode was also on existing buildings.

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Fig. 6. Experimental testing configuration.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


(f) (g)

Fig. 7. In-plane squat specimen results: (a–d) load versus displacement hysteresis loops; (e) envelope curves; (f) stiffness; and (g) cumulative energy
versus loading cycles.

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(a) (b)
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Fig. 8. Failure modes of (a) NTRM-; and (b) AATRM-reinforced in-plane squat specimens.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 9. In-plane slender results: (a–e) load versus displacement hysteresis loops; (f) envelope curves; (g) stiffness; and (h) cumulative energy versus
loading cycles.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 10. Out-of-plane results: (a–e) load versus displacement hysteresis loops; (f) envelope curves; (g) stiffness; and (h) cumulative energy versus
loading cycles.

In-Plane Tests on Slender Walls Specimens 1BF_AAM_1BF and 2BF_AAM [Figs. 9(b and c)]
The slender control specimen [Fig. 9(a)] behaved very similarly have shown similar behavior to the respective squat wall speci-
to the squat control specimen in the sense that after crack forma- mens. The lateral load capacity and initial stiffness were also signif-
tion, it exhibited a stable rocking behavior, resulting in typical, icantly higher, when compared with the control specimen, by
flag-shaped load-displacement hysteresis loops. A flexural crack approximately 150% and 200%, respectively. A sudden drop of
appeared at the midspan, as soon as tensile stresses, due to the load was observed during the second cycle due to fiber rupture in
vertical displacement of midspan, overcame the axial compres- case of 1BF_AAM_1BF, while in case of 2BF_AAM specimen
sive stresses due to the applied horizontal force. From that the textile fibers started to break during the third cycle, resulting
point on, no further increase was observed and stable loops in a significant load drop, proving that single-sided configuration
with a gradual drop of load followed, until the experiment was behaves in a more ductile manner compared with the double-sided
terminated. one. From that point on, the behavior became identical to that of the

© ASCE 04021061-10 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

control specimen. In addition, specimen 1BF_AAM_1BF-V0 (same
as 1BF_AAM_1BF, but without axial load) also behaved in a brittle
manner [Fig. 9(e)], having an 81.7% load drop during the second
cycle. A peak load of 32.1 kN was recorded, quantifying the in-
crease of strength achieved by applying this strengthening config-
uration [Fig. 9(a)].
Finally, specimen 3NF_NHL_3NF [Fig. 9(d)] had a quite dif-
ferent response when compared with the case of walls with the
AATRM strengthening scheme, while its behavior was very
similar to that of the corresponding squat specimen. It exhibited
around 3.5% higher capacity and 62% lower initial stiffness
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compared with AATRM-retrofitted walls, while the strength

and initial stiffness were increased compared with the control
specimen by 123% and 170%, respectively. The failure mode
was similar to the respective squat specimen, resulting in failure
due to the fiber slippage.
Due to the premature rupture of basalt fibers embedded in the
alkaline mortar matrix, the energy dissipated by specimens
strengthened with AATRM was significantly lower than the energy
dissipated by the walls strengthened with NTRM, which Fig. 11. Fiber rupture in thick out-of-plane NTRM-strengthened
completely agrees with the squat wall testing results. Overall, it specimen.
can be concluded that walls strengthened with the NTRM-based
retrofitting scheme have a better seismic behavior.
fiber slippage, similarly to the NTRM-strengthened specimens
that were tested in-plane. Finally, the response of the specimen
Out-of-Plane Tests 3NF_NHL_3NF_th [Fig. 10(e)] was very similar to the
Out-of-plane cyclic tests were analyzed for slender thin walls 3NF_NHL_3NF specimen, with the maximum sustained load
[Figs. 10(a–c)] and slender thick walls [Fig. 10(d and e)], sepa- being 27% higher than 1BF_AAM_1BF_th. The phenomenon of
rately. The strengthened thick walls exhibited higher loads dur- late activation of fibers was observed identically to the other
ing the experiments, compared with their respective thin NTRM-strengthened specimens, which is in full agreement with
specimens. Asymmetric shape of all load-displacement dia- the material characterization tests results. Unlike the other
grams had been formed do to the high self-weight of specimens NTRM-strengthened test specimens, specimen 3NF_NHL_3NF_th
and the test setup itself. During the transition from minimum dis- failed by rupture of the natural fibers (Fig. 11).
placement (pull direction upward) to the neutral position of The walls strengthened with natural fibers have shown much
specimens in every cycle, the partial closure of cracks at the higher ductility compared with the ones strengthened with basalt fi-
top surface was recurring due to the self-weight action, forming bers. Regarding the energy dissipation characteristics after 10 cy-
irregular flag shaped diagrams, presented in Fig. 10. cles, the NTRM solution had better performance than the
Results of cyclic out-of-plane test for the slender control speci- AATRM one, having 182% and 118% higher results in case of
men are presented in Fig. 10(a). The general behavior was quite thick and thin specimens, respectively. Consequently, it can be con-
similar to the behavior of control specimens tested in-plane, de- cluded that the NTRM-strengthened walls performed significantly
scribed earlier, with a slight difference in ending cycles and the fail- better than the AATRM-strengthened ones in out-of-plane tests.
ure mode. After forming the crack, the load reached a plateau, and
no further load increase was observed. Stable loops with a gradual
drop of load followed, forming a non-symmetric flag-shaped dia- Conclusions
gram until the cumulative load drop of more than 20% was reached
due to the toe crushing at the midspan. An extensive experimental program was conducted to evaluate the
Specimens 1BF_AAM_1BF and 1BF_AAM_1BF_th [Figs. 10(b efficiency of two different TRM-strengthening configurations on
and c)] behaved similarly. The lateral load capacity and initial masonry walls constructed with natural stones. The former con-
stiffness of 1BF_AAM_1BF was significantly higher when com- sisted of an AAM-based mortar combined with a basalt textile
pared with the control specimen by 165% and 175%, respectively. and the latter of an NHL-based mortar reinforced with a flax-fiber
However, in both experiments (1BF_AAM_1BF and textile. The use of alternative materials was preferred in order to
1BF_AAM_1BF_th), a sudden drop of load occurred during the propose novel and more sustainable retrofitting solutions.
third cycle, as the textile fibers started to rupture. From that point The AATRM-strengthening scheme resulted in a significant in-
on, the load capacity gradually decreased, responding in the same crease in both strength and stiffness. However, all specimens failed
manner as the control specimen. early, during the first cycles, a development that is partly attributed
On the other hand, specimens that were strengthened with to the fact that the basalt textile lost a significant amount of its capacity
NTRM had again a quite different response when compared with within the alkaline environment of the AAM mortar. This durability-
the ones with the AATRM strengthening scheme. 3NF_NHL_3NF related issue probably stems from the fact that the textile coating was
and 3NF_NHL_3NF_th specimens [Figs. 10(d and e)] had similar not adequate in terms of its alkali resistance. Therefore, for similar ap-
initial stiffness compared with the AATRM-retrofitted walls. In plications, alkali-resistant (AR) textiles, which are guaranteed to operate
terms of strength, specimen 3NF_NHL_3NF exhibited around well in harsh alkaline environments, should be preferred.
96% of the strength of 1BF_AAM_1BF, while compared with the The idea of retrofitting existing stone masonry walls with natu-
control specimen, the strength increase was about approximately ral fiber textiles was also explored and resulted in considerable im-
160%. The failure in case of 3NF_NHL_3NF was caused by provements in strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation. Textiles

© ASCE 04021061-11 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2022, 26(1): 04021061

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