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What were your expectations/ assumptions at the beginning of Intro to Psych, and were
they met throughout the conduct of the course? How?
- At the beginning of Intro to Psych I expect that a lot of people, specifically proponents and
well-known people in this subject will be discussed. Throughout my High School years,
people that usually involved in the subjects were discussed for the students to be familiar
with their deeds. Philosophers and Psychologist were one of my expectations to be discussed,
and their Philosophy as well. Throughout the conduct of this course, those expectations of
mine were met because we have discussed different Philosopher and Psychologist and the
etymology of different theories that came from these proponents. We also learned how they
came up with their theories, and it was very fascinating especially the processes they did to
make their works famous.

2. How have your initial perceptions regarding the science of psychology changed?
- I have gained broader perception and learned different psychological perspectives and
approaches. My expectations have changed a bit because of its different scientifical methods
it was a step-by-step basis, though I already expected those kinds of approaches but this time
it is more precise with the methods and processes. I also learned different methods how to
study people behaviors, cognitive, and their perceptions as well. Science as we always know
is precision, empirical, based on experiments, it is same with the science of psychology
where approaches have step by step process before conclusion ends.
3. What concept/ topic in Intro to Psych was most significant/interesting/ relevant to you.
- For me our topic about motivation is the most interesting and relevant to myself because I
have learned things related to the motivation process which I needed also to understand what
motivates person. This topic gave me a lot of interesting recognition of different terms. It
helps me to recognizes my strength and weaknesses, and how I will overcome things that
preventing me to be motivated to achieve my goals. Frustration is one of the barriers that
block our path toward achieving our goals. It is very relevant to me, because I experienced
lack of motivation due to pandemic, I become frustrated also, and suffer from anxiety, and
now I have understood several necessary knowledge that makes me feel fulfilled and focused
on my goals rather than feed my frustrations that will just lead me to failure.

4. After learning about the basics in Intro to Psych, how will this impact your personal and
professional development? / Ask yourself, so what if I’ve learned about Intro to Psych?
- After learning these basic topics of Intro to Psych, I have realized that Psychology is broad
and has vast area of understanding theories, principles, environment, society, and human. For
me, everything I learned from this fundamental to Psych is very important to keep and
absorbed because learning it will provide a strong foundation that eventually support what
you will learn in the future. It will lead me toward series of progress of gaining broader
perspective, by this doing, it will benefit me from my professional development. Therefore,
Intro to Psych is very important to learned and recognized because you can’t proceed to a
higher learning if you don’t have enough knowledge about fundamentals of Psych.

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