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Indi an Jo urnal of Experimental Biology

Vol. 42, June 2004, pp. 632-635

Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Moringa reduction of 5-HT synthesis, release and metabolism,

oleifera induced potentiation of where total insomnia lasting for several days is seen 2 .
Several studies reported that 5-HT plays an essential role
pentobarbitone hypnosis in albino rats
for the production of sleep4.5.
Kausik Ra/, Rimi Ham}l , Pratip Kr Debnath 2 & Moringa oleifera (Ver Sajnae; MO) a perennia l
Debjani Guha l • plant is found and cultivated in West Bengal. Flowers
IN e urophy siology Laboratory, Depa rtme nt o f Ph ysio logy,
and leaves of the plant possess depressant propertl· 7
Uni versity of Calcutta, 92, A.P.C. Road. Ko lkat a 700 009 , Indi a whereas root of the pl ant is used by tribal groups of
2 J B Roy State Ayurvedi c Medica l Co ll ege and Hospital s, India as antiepileptic agentS .Majumdar el a/ 9 reported
170-172. Raja Dine ndra Strcet, Ko lkata 700004. India that crude methanolic extract of MO possess less
·s N Pradhan Centre fo r Ncurosc ie nces, Unive rsity of Calcutta, toxic action (LD 50 : 2.8g/kg, i p) in mice. Ray et 011 0
244B A.J.C. Bose Road. Kolkata 700 020,India
reported that MO decreased the locomoto r activity
Received 4 Septelllber 2003; re l'ised 16 March 2004 and pe nicillin induced convulsion by alte ring brain 5-
HT, dopamine and norepinephrine. Thus it seemed
The role of 5-hydroxytryptaminc (5- HT) in pe ntobarbi lO ne
(PB ) sleeping time, g ross behaviour, e lec tri cal activity o f th e brain
pertinent to explore its effect on pe ntobarbitone (PB)
and scrum 5-HT leve l was studi ed in Ho ltz man strain adult albino induced hypnosis a nd electrical acti vi ty. An attempt
rats foll ow in g treatmc nt w ith M. oleijera (MO). MO (350mg/kg) has been done to relate the effect with 5-HT.
ca used inhibition of awareness. to uc h response, mo tor acti vity,
ri g htin g re ne x, and g rip stre ngth. It sig nifi can tl y increased the PB
Preparation of extractlO-The root pieces (I kg) of
sleeping time. serum 5-HT level (P<O.OOI) and a-wave activity. MO were purchased from the locally. The plant
These o bse rvation s indicate that the aqu eo us ex trac t o f MO mate rial was ide ntifi ed, auth e nticated and kept in
potentiat ed PB induced sleep in g tim e a nd increased th e a-wave De partme nt of Physi o logy , Calcutta University. The
ac tiv ity throu gh 5-HT. root bark was di scarded and the root was sundried,
Key words: Moril/ga ole(fera. PB sleepi ng tim e, Scrotonin , EEG. grinded a nd spread over tray w ith shifting o f materials
every day to avoid growth of fungu s. The powder was
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) IS a monoam1l1e soa ked in water overnight and th e so luti on was
neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. It is filtered with Whatm a n No. I filte r paper and
present primarily in the raphae nucleus , hippocampus, subjected to lyophilization. The final y ield was 13 %.
amygdala, blood platelets, and mast cells. Besides
AHilllals and treatment-Adult Holtz man strain
neurotran smission , 5-HT plays an impoltant role in a
albino rats of either sex(l08) weighing I 50± 109 were
variety of physiological responses like mood, appetite,
used . The rats were ho used in groups in cages at an
sl eep, depression and cognitive dysfunction. That central
5-HT has a role in the process of sleep is strongly ambient te mpe rature of 25 °±1 °C and 45 .5% RH , with
supported by ev idence that p-chlorophenylalanine, a a 12: 12 hr LD cycle. T he animals had fre e access to
selective 5-HT sy nthesis inhibitor regul arly precipitates standard laboratory di et and tap water ad IibilulIl . All
nearly total insomnia in cats u . Similarly, reserpine a animal studies were performed in accordance wit h
central monoamine depletor, produces insomnia in cats. institutional ethical committee and all procedures
5-hydroxytryptophan restores sleep temporarily in p- were followed as per rules and reg ulat io ns.
chlorophenylalanine pretreated cats t and on chronic . In the first set of ex periment, be havioural effect
administration, preve nts p-chlorophenylalanine and PB s leeping time were noted . Fifty four (54) rats
in somnia' . Conclusive ev idence for serotonergic were divided into 9 groups-control (group I) and 8
med iation of sleep in cats, has been provided by experimental groups (group II-IX) . Each group
destructive lesions of raphae areas, which lead to marked consisted of 6 animals. Group I rats were treated with
saline (5mllkg, po) . Groups II-IX rats were treated
*Correspo nde nt author with MO orally usin g orogastric cannula in the doses
Pho ne: 091-033-2223-2084
Fax: 091 -033-2223-2084
of SO, 100, I SO, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400mg/kg
Email: debjaniguha @rediffmail. co m respectively between 0900-1 IOOhrs and 30 min later

the gross behavioural respo nses were noted. For PB Recordings were taken approximately every 5 mm
sleeping time, MO was given orally 4hr prior to PB throughout the session for a period of 5-6 hr. ' 5
admini stration in experimental rats. Biochemical estimatioll of 5-HT' o, '6 -Blood from
In the second set of experiment, electrical activity jugular vein was collected for serum separation . Serum
and serum 5-HT were noted. Another fifty four (54) (2 m1) was mixed with 5m1 of 10% heptane and 2.5 m1
rats were divided same as the first set of experiment i.e; of O.003N HC!. It was then shaken for 5 min and
control and experimental group.The control rats were centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 min. Acid layer
treated with saline (5ml/kg,po) and experimental ' rats (2.25ml) was eluted and mixed with 100 mg alumin a
were treated with MO (50-400mg/kg , po) and 30 min and 0.5ml of 2M sodium acetate. The mi xture was
later electrical activity was recorded (8 Channel EEG shaken for 5 min and centrifuged at 2000 rpm for
Medicare & Recorder, Chandigarh) for 5-6 hr without IOmin .The supernatant was used for the estimation of
interruption. After EEG studi es, rats were sacrificed 5-HT. Supernatant was mixed with 1.5 ml of 10%
and blood was collected from jugular vein for serum isobutanol , shaken twice with I ml of salt saturated
separation and 5-HT was estimated. buffer.Then I ml of 10% heptane was added to the
Behavioural effects"-The effects of MO on butanol phase and 2 .5 ml of 0.1 N HCI was added and
awareness, grip strength , touch response, righting shaken well and 0.5 ml of 0.3N HC I was added with
refl ex and spontaneous motor acti vity were observed repeated shaking This was taken for estimation of 5-
by conventional methods. HT spectroflurometrically.
PB induced sleeping time'2·IJ-The PB (40mg/k g, Statistical analysis-The results were analysed
ip, Abbott India Ltd) induced sleeping time was stati stically using Student' s ' t' test. Difference below
measured as the time interv al between the loss and the the probability level 0 .05 was considered stati sti call y
regain of the ri ghting reflex. The ri ghting re flex was significant.
considered to be lost when the animal placed on its Studies of gross behavioural changes after treatment
back fail ed to regain its no rmal posture within 10 sec. with MO in different concentrations (50-400mg/kg) are
The control rats received o nly PB. The experimental summarized in Table l. MO in graded doses prod uced
rats were treated with aqueous ex tract of MO and after gradual increase in the depressive effect as indi cated by
4hr PB was given intraperi toneally . a reduction in behavioural response. With doses 50-
Surgical procedures for electroencephalographic 150mg/k g there was no appreciable change in
studies-Prior to surgery all the animals were fasted behavioural response. But 200-400mg/kg doses
overnight but had free access to water. Under produced behavioural changes in awareness , touch
pentobarb ital anaesthes ia (40 mg/k g, ip; Abbott India response', ri ghting refl ex, grip strength and spontaneo us
Ltd) rats were mounted o n the stereotaxic apparatus moto r acti vity. Howeve r MO in the dose of 350mg/kg
(lNCO, Indi a Ltd). Care was taken to prevent the produced significant depress ive effect. There was
damage of the tympanic membrane. Head was fixed in reduction in the spontaneous motor acti vity, grip
such a positi on that lambda and bregma were in the strength and touch response with changes in the
same hori zontal plane. The scalp was incisio ned in the awareness and the ri ghting refl ex.
midline and the pericranial mu scles were retracted MO potentiated PB s leepi ng time in a dose
laterally. After retracting th e nuchal musculature the dependent (50-400mg/kg) manner. The onset of acti on
overlying bone was drilled at the specific loci (surface was after 1-2 min and the durati on of action varied
cortex). Bipolar electrodes were impl anted on the from 4-9 hr depending upon th e dose o f the extract. At
sUlface of the cortex through trephined holes and fixed 50-150 mg/k g doses there was no appreciable change
with dental cement''' . A reference electrode was in sleeping time , However at 200 and 300mg/kg it
implanted over the frontal bo ne and all electrodes were produced a mild potentiation of sleeping time but at
then so ldered to a multipl e plug which was fastened to 350 mg/k g dose there was marked potentiation of the
the calvarium with dental cement. Penicillin (10,000 s leeping time. However at 400mg/k g dose there was no
IU) was inj ected intramuscularly o n the day of further increase of sleeping time (Table 2),
operation and for the next two consecutive day s as The normal EEG pattern showed predom inance of
antibiotic meas ure. The electrical activiti es from low voltage fast waves or f3-waves in normal saline
cerebral cortex were monitored through an 8 channel treated control rats. MO was administered orally, 30
EEG machine (Recorder & Medicare, Chandigarh). min before EEG studies. In 50-150mg/k g dose there
634 INDI AN J EX P BI OL, JUN E 2004

was occasional occ urrence o f a -acti vity (high voltage Thi s corroborates earli er studi es showing th at PB
slow waves). At 200-300mg/kg doses the a -wave induced sleeping time is a 5-HT medi ated response and
acti vity increased predo mina ntly, but at 350 mg/kg prolongation of sleeping time may be due to elevati on
dose the frequency o f a -wave activity increased and of 5-HT level 19. 20.
persisted for nearly more than 5 hI'. At 400mg/kg dose 5-HT is mainl y found in pl atelets, enterochromaffin
the a -waves decreased w ith gradual increase in the /3- cell s (EC cell s), throughout the GI tract and in specific
wav or the low vo ltage fast waves (Fig 1). region of the CNS . Thus increase in serum 5-HT leve l
may be due to the tri ggering o f the secreti on of 5-HT
Serum 5-HT level was signifi cantly increased at
from platel ets and EC cell s by MO and may be
300-400mg/kg doses as compared to control groups.
responsibl e for prolongatio n of sleeping time. There is
T he most effecti ve changes in 5-HT level were found
considerabl e ev idence which links brain 5-HT w ith
at the 350 mg/kg dose (Tabl e 2).
sleep mechani sm 19. 5-HT has direct excitatory and
The results o f the present study indicate that MO inhibitory acti on and the 5-HT released from
decreases touch response, ri ghting refl ex of rat in di encephalon and cerebral cortex plays an essenti al
co mpari son with respecti ve control groups probably inhibitory role to cause normal sleepS. From the present
due to its depressant acti on II . Reducti on of awareness, results the exact mechani sm by which MO causes
spontaneous motor acti vity and depressant acti on may depress ion of loco moto r acti vity and potenti ati on of the
be due to the action of MO on central nervous system PB induced hypnos is is not clear. However it is we ll
(CNS )17. Takah ashi et a / 18 reported th at 5-HT plays an known that Reticular-activating system (RAS) pl ays an
important role in animal beha vior such as locomotor important role in sleep mechanisms. It has also been
depression. In the present study MO prolonged the reported earli er that 5-HT is mainly associated with
sleeping time with an increase in serum 5-HT level. production and prolo ngation of sleep mechani sm




Fig I-EEG study showing (A) low vo ltage waves in norma l co ntro l rats and (B) after trea tme nt with MO (350 mg/kg), there was hi gh
vo ltage slo w waves (occ urrence o f a-waves) .

T able I-Effect of aqueous ex tract of MO on behav ioura l profil e in rat

Behaviour Control MO (mglkg)
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Awareness 0 0 0 0 + + 3+ 4+ 2+
Touch Respo nse 0 0 0 0 + + 3+ 4+ 2+
Ri ghtin g Reflex 0 0 0 0 + + 3+ 4+ 2+
Gri p Strength 0 0 0 0 + + 3+ 4+ 2+
Motor acti vity 0 0 0 0 + + 3+ 4+ 2+
0= no effect: + = slight depressio n: 2+ = moderate depression; 3+ = strong depression: 4+ = very stro ng depression.
MO (50- 150mg/kg) had no e ffec t on the awareness. touch response, ri ghting reflex. gri p strength and spontaneolls motor ac ti vit y.200
and 250 mg/kg indicate slight depression effect. At 300mg/kg showed strong depression effec t whereas at 350mg/kg the depressaI1l
effec t was very strong and effecti ve. At 400lllgikg there was a moderate de pression effect.

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