PPMP Mooe and Co01640020230116152510

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FINAL PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (PPMP) FY 2023 END-USERUNIT; SPECIAL AREA FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (SAAD) PROGRAM- MOOE ok, 2338 (Charged to General Appropriation Act (GAA) (SAAD FUND) - Projects, Programs and Activities (PAPs) Dovasoror oops senor icon on mcnpct coat | ssa] Spin | Eo Te SRC sonore ee, Gn | sama La “say eS = P| Sapa | ae = Seegises | en rman a Fed ec mond? Sopa zona ooo == Sane ine nen Seep alae aan Tir Fed ane mecond? ae 19.30.00) Sa = i ee, lon rat waa | 70.0000 CURE IAATAT OFFICE Receives ty, Kirn (o eta fas “Third Flood @ nels nd? mack wth | 55 ae free breakfast) @ 2,000.00/pax ia “Fourth day: Fllboard (2 meal and 2 nach with poem S8pae 7000000 Fi dy: Food Ger spl: I mel and? = snacks) @ 350.00pax ae oe [Line Item No.2: Provision of Food and [Accommodation for the conduct of Various Competitive $10500200074000 4 tvties and Trainings for Sultan Kadarat Goods 318500.00) Biaing Province: Strategic Planning FY 2024-2028 for 3 days 159,250.00 “Pint dy Pilbcnd(@ eal and Panaclwih | 55 a fre recast) @ 2000.00/pae ba " ~Second day: Falboard 2 meals and 2 nacls ith free breakasd @ 2,000 Nia cee omen Third doy: @ 350,pax (1 meal and 2 snacks) 38 pa 18,250.00 ~ Agri Enterprise, Development Training and Project Proposal Making for 3 days ao -Pirat day: Pllboard (2 meal and 2 nackswith| 9 =e re brea) @ 2.000 O0fpax ea “Second ay: Falboard 2 meals ond? acs 1 ith fre breaks @ 2,000.00%pae bilan! one “Phir day: Food (fers | meal and 2 7 sees 35 pac 1925000 [Line Item No.: Provision of Food and [Accommodation for the conduct of Various Competitive 4000) 00ds 760,000.00 710500200074000|civiies and Trainings fr South Cotabato an Ce 1760,000.00) Bidding ISarangani Province: + Strategie Planning FY 2024-2028 for’S ae days: “Ft day: Fallboard (2 meal and? snacks with ree brekfas @ 2,00000/p0e 65 pax 130000000 Second day: Falboard (2 meals and? snacks With fre brekfax) @ 2.00000}pae Spa cee “Phin day: Food tuff T meal and? pum 1 snack) 550.00 or ee ~ Agri-Enterprise, Development Training and a Project Proposal Making for 3 days: ome “Fist day: Pallboard 2 meais and 2 sacks with] free breakfast) @ 2,000.00ipax 70 pax eee Page “Second day: Fullsoard (2 meals and 2 snacks sth fee breakfast) @ 2.000 00/pax ae shamed Phir days Food (fet syle: I meal and 2 a eae iene 70 pax 38,500.00 _Tesnng os Upland Rice rodeos or sss 75000| 8 -First day: Falléoard 2 meals and? snacks with ickeane a aon 65 poe 130,000.00 “Second day: Fullboard 2 meal and 2 nacks 5 ith fee breabfaxd @2,000.00/pae opm aera “Third day: Falloard (2 meals and ? snacks with fe breabfasy @ 2,000 00/pax a meee Fourth day: Fullboard (2 meals and ?enacks ith free breakfas @ 2,000.00/pae eee mee “Fifth day: Food (bf spe: 1 meal and 2 a Seaman 65pox 35,750.00) - DA-SAAD National Program Management Office (NPMO) Field Visit and Monitoring to 182,000.00) SAAD Sites in Region 12 for 3 days: Fist day: Flboand (2 meals andl? sacks with = ‘NiSbioo| fre brealfasy) @ 2,000.00 pa ea “Second day Fulboard (2 meals and 2 snacks a wth free breakfast) @ 2,000.00'pa lent iad “Dhrdl dey: Food (buffer ple: 1 meal and 2 — i snacks) @ $50.00/pae tet oom = Quartery Peformance Review for 2 days 20400000 so “Fiat dig: Flloard @ meal and Ponacks | gy aay eames free brecfas) @ 2000.00ipar ‘fO pani et ~Sicond day: Food (bffetspie: Teal and? = 5 snacks) @ $50.00/pae fleet eee ~DA-12 SAAD Year-End Assessment for 2 iapenee days: “First day: ullboard (2 meals and? snacks with ial ree breolfss) @ 2,000.00 pa Ppa Second dey: @ $80/pax (I meal and 2 snacks) | 40 pax 22,000.00 = DA-I2 SAAD Mid-Year Assessment for 2 saaeeaso| days: Page 3 | Firat day: Fulboard 2 meals and? aacks with ree breakfast) @ 2000.00/pae pa 80,000.00 Second dey: @ $50/pax (1 meal and 2 snacks) 40 pee 22,000.00 '310800200074000] Standardized Training Modules for Livestock, Line Item No. 4: Provision of Food and ‘Accommodation for the conduct of Crafting of Corn, Rice and Vegetable Production for 5 days: Goods 342,000.00 “Fist day: Fallooard (2 mals and 2 snack wi Sree breafes @ 200000/pae pax 0,000.00 “Second day: Fulboard 2 meal and 2 eae with fee breakfast) @ 2,000.00/pax 40 pax 80,000.00 “Phir day: Falloard (2 meals and ? snacks ith ree breakfast) @ 2,000.00/pax Opa 000.00 “Fourth day: Pullboord 2 meals and? snacks ith free breaks) @2,00000/pa pax “Pit day: Food tuft spe: 1 meal and 2 smacks) @ 550.00) 0p 310500200074000| PROVISION OF FOOD FOR THE CONDUCT OF SAAD VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND TRAININGS i Competitive '310500200074000| [Line Item No.1: Provision of Food for the |conduct of Various Activities and Trainings for North Cotabato Province: i 146,250.00) Competitive Bidding ~ Socal Preparation; @P 450.00/pax (Packed ‘Meals - 1 meal and2 snacks) for 2 days 660 pax 297,000.00) - On-Site Training on Integrated Corn Producion with Vegetable Production and Post Harvest Equipment Suppor; @450.0/pax (Packed Meals- 1 meal and 2 snacks) for3 ays 525 pax 236,250.00) + On-Site Livelihood Training on Meat Processing: 45000/pax (Packed Meals - 1 ‘meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 120pax 54,000.00 Pages + On-Site Specialized Training on Silage Making and Production; @450,00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 120 pax 4,000.00 + On-Site Specialized Training on Eee Prodiuction; @450.00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 ‘meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 45 pax 20250.00 = On-Site Specializod Training on Dairy Prociction/By Products; @450,00pax (Packed| Meals - I meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 6Opex 27,000.00 = On-Site Operation and Maintenance ‘TrainingsBriefing cum Distribution of Various ‘Machineries for SAAD Farmer Beneficiaries 45 pax 24,750.00 += Quarterly SAAD Stakeholders Consultation ‘Meeting for I day; @P $50.00/pas (Bute Style 1 meal and 2 snacks) 15 pax/quartr 3,000.00 3100020074000] [Cine Item No.2: Provision of Food for the conduct of Various Activities and Trainings for ‘Sultan Kudarat Province: Goods 523,250.00 Competitive Bidding - Social Preparation; @P 450,00‘pex (Packed Meals - I meal and 2 snacks) for 2 days 110 pax 99,000.00 ~ On-Site Training on Intgrated Cora Production with Vegetable Production and Post, Harvest Equipment Support; @-450,00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 meal and 2 snacks) for 3 dave 140 pax 189,000.00] ~ On-Site Livelibood Training on Mallard Duck] Production with Equipment Support; @450,00(pax (Packed Meals -I meal and 2 snacks) for 3 da 30pax 40,500.00 = On-Site Specialized Training on Upgraded Goat Production with Equipment Support; (@450,00/pex (Packed Meals - 1 meal and 2 snacks) for3 days 35 pax 47,250.00 Pages - On-Site Livelihood Training on Meat Processing: @450.00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 ‘meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 40 pax 54,000.00 = On-Site Operation and Maintenance ‘Trainings/Briefing cum Distribution of Various ‘Machineries for SAAD Farmer Beneficiaries {or 1 day; @P 550.00/pax (packed meals - 1 sngal and 2 snacks) 30pex 16,500.00) ~ Quarterly SAAD Stakeholders Consullation “Meeting for | day: @P 550,00/pax (Buffet Stvle~ I meal and 2 snacks) 35 paxlquarter '310500200074000] [Line Item No: Provision of Food for the ‘conduct of Various Activites and Trainings for ‘South Cotabato and Sarangani Province: - Social Preparation; @P 450,00/pax (Packed ‘Meals ~ 1 meal and 2 snacks) for 2 days 180 pax 162,000.00} ~ On-Site Training on Totegraiel Cam Production with Vegetable Production for Sarangani Province; @450.00/pax (Packed ‘Meals - 1 meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days Span 101,250.00} + On-Site Training on Integrated Com Production with Vegetable Production and Post| Harvest Equipment Suppor for South Cotabato] Province: @450.00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 seal and ? snacks) for3 days 75 pax 101,250.00} += On-Site Livelihood Training on Meat Processing; @450.00‘pax (Packed Meals - 1 seal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 120 pax 162,000.00] - On-Site Specialized Training on Eee, Production; @450,00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 ‘meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 30pax 40,500.00 | - On-Site Specialized Training on Coffee Production; @450,00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 ‘meal and 2 snacks) for 3 days 100 pax. 135,000.00] Pages = On-Site Specialized Training on Cattle ‘Production with Equipment Support; (@450.00/pax (Packed Meals - I meal and 2 snacks) for3 days 60 pax 81,000.00 On-Site Specialized Training on Banana Production; @450.00/pax (Packed Meals - 1 seal and ? snacks) for3 days 20pax 27,000.00 = On-Site Operation and Maintenance ‘Trainings/Briefing cur Distribution of Various ‘Machineris for SAAD Famer Beneficiaries {or | day; @P 550.00/pax (packed meals - 1 seal and? snacks) 105 pax 57,750.00 Quarterly SAAD Stakeholders Consltstion Meeting for | day: @P 550.0/pax Bullet Stjle~ 1 meal and snacks) 15 paw/quarter 33,000.00 ~ Regional Project Management Suppor Oflice Monthly Meeting: @P $50.00/pax (Bastet Stvle~ I meal and 2 snacks) for 1 day 20 pax/month 132,000.00] ~ Emergeney Meeting for I day; @P 550.00/pax (Buffet Style - 1 meal nd 2 snacks) 40 pax/quarter 264,000.00) '310500200074000] [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HYBRID |CORN SEEDS ‘70 bags Goods 3,960,000.00 '310500200074000] [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF [TRADITIONAL RICE SEEDS FOR UPLAND |AREAS 300 bags Goods 900,000.00) '310500200074000] [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS INORGANIC FERTILIZERS (UREA 46.0.0, | COMPLETE FERTILIZER 14-14-14, |MURIATE OF POTASH 0.0.60) 1,680 bags Goods +4,400,000.00 '310500200074000| [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF OPV |PINAKBET SEEDS 900 packs Goods 180,000.00 Small Value Procurement '310500200001000| |SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS IPLANTING MATERIALS (2,000 Pes. Banana |(akatan). 8,000 Pes. Coffee) 10,000 pieces Goods 490,000.00] Small Value Procurement '310500200074000| |SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS [MEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS. Goods 87,250.00) Competitive Bidding Page7 [Pssue Cooker Tis 15006000 Steamer 20-units 716,000.04 [Meat Grinder 10units 100,600.00 Food Processor 10 unis 30,000.00 [Vaccum Food Sealer 10 units 15,000.00 Mixing Bowl 20 Piooes 0,000.0 [Measuring Cup and Spoon (S20 10 sets 15,0000 [Stainless Tray TO pees 30,000.00 Ike Opies 10,000.00) | Chopping Board 10 pcoes 10,000.00 Food Vaccum Bag Sioa 150 packs 2,250.00 [Apron 150 pieces 15.000.00 [Hair NeSaniary Cups Pack) 150 packs 60,000.00 Disposable Viol Gloves (Box 20 Boxes 8,000.00 Face Mask (3 pl 20 Boxes 6,000.09 JT | TOTAL BUDGET; 16,190,000.00 JNOTE: Technical Specifications foreach Item/Project being proposed shall be submitted as part ofthe PPMP Prepared By Submited By: Noted By: Pages FINAL PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (PPMP) FY 2023 -END.USER UM: SPECIAL AREA FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (SAAD) PROGRAM. CAPITAL OUTLAY. a|2 asgi™m Charged to Geral Appropriation dct (GAA) (SAAD FUND) Vi oe le Prot, Progra and dees PAP) & |SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS 310500200074000|s rvESTOCK ANIMALS [paraded Grats (Doe) head [Upgrade Goats (Buck) Zhead Native Coste 740 bead cate ‘head r (Carabao 25 head 28 head T rasan SUPPLY ANDDELIVERY OF ATLA 4 ug T |SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF RICE -310500200074000| SUPPLY ANI units | Goods | 5 ISUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CORN _310se0200074000| SUPPLY A units | Goods Siosaewy apo SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HAMIER a 7 |SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 310500200074000 41 4GE/FORAGE CHOPPER coe ele 310500200074000 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF INCUBATOR | uni | Goods [SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 2 UNITS 310500200074000|PORTABLE MILKING MACHINE ANDI | Sunita | Goods |UNTT FREEZER FOR DAIRY PRODUCTION |TOTAL BUDGET ~~3.197,000.00 ITE: Teckaleal Speciation for exch Iem/ Project being proposed shall be submited as part ofthe PPMP Engineer USKAD Fool Peson Regional Budget Officer

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