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B_ Share the project Work with the woman 1D. Finish the project himself Esk for the woman's help 10 Man What do you think of my drawing? Woman It’s amazing, but | think you should erase the scribbles over here, Do you want me to do it? Man Sure. Thank you, Woman My pleasure From the dialogue above, the woman is A. ashing for assistance B offering a help . giving a help 1D declining a help E_ requesting for help HL Andy > Shall close the door? Budy don't think so From the dialogue above we can conclude that ‘A, Bludy wants the door open, B. Andy wants the door open CC. Budy wants the door close D_ Budy lets Andy close the door F5_ Andy closes the door for Budy Text 03 (for questions number 12-13) Dear Son, 1am really sorry but | don’t think | can arrive home quickly because I have lots of work to finish before 9 p.m. May | buy you carbonara spicy pasta and pepperoni pizza for your dinner? If there's anything you want, please chat me soon! With love, Mom 12. Who is the recipient ofthe letter above? ‘A mother A housemaid The wniter's son. The writer's husband ‘The writer's daughter 13, What does the writer offer? A. Chatting anytime. B. Cooking food for dinner C. Cooking pasta and pizza D_ Buying some food for dinner E, Going home as soon as possible Teat 04 (for questions number 14-17) Dear Mrs. Ross J am very excited to submit my application for the position of kindergarten teacher at Stars Playhouse School was advertised in Wide News last week. Along with my Bachelor's Degree in elementary education and 6 month-experience of handling children in day care, | have the capability to become the most valuable teacher in your school. In the past two years | have worked inthe library, helping teachers and students to find and Use the resources there. This experience has given me the abillty 10 deal with the needs of all types of people | am a dilgent person. tan also adapt well In addition, my studies and my experiences have shaped me ta be an accurate person, s0 | would not disappoint you. | look forward to hearing from you Sincerely, Fatimah 18. Why did Fatimah write the lewer? A. Toapply for a job 1 To alfer for a job, C. To-ask for some information D. To introduce himself to Taylor E. To explain his educational background 19. How did the waiter know the vacancy? A. From the radio B. From his friend C. From the website D_ From the television E, From the newspapers 20. What is the writer's qualification? A He can teach well B. He can lead his team well C. He can speak three languages D. He can operate computers well E_ He can manage the company’s account 21. *Lhave recently graduated from the Australian Business School in Sidney.” (paragraph 2) The underlined word has the same meaning as, A. gone B. passed C. received D. advertised FE, experienced Tea! 06 (for questions number 22-25) HOTEL WORK: ONE MONTH TRAINING COURSE Suitable young men and women are invited to apply for places on the one- month training course on hotel work organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel Management. ‘Tuition is free of charge and students who successfully complete the course will be offered employment in the Colony’s leading hotels. The Training Course will take place from Monday 21st July to Friday 22nd August, from9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturdays and Sundays. ‘Applications for places on the course are welcome for students now in thelr third year at secondary school, who have good knowledge of English, and have forthe burned area to continue to spread. Location conditions aso made I dificult fr firefighters ta get to the spot af the fre, A. Spread fire B Burned forest C. Difiicult condition D_ Unseen photo gallery E. Potential land clearing 31. What is the synonym of *potentiat”? A. possibility B_ impossible C. unlikely D helpless E absurd 32, What will happen if the fire cannat be stopped? A. There will be more fatalities B. The burned area will spread. ©All the trees will be burnt D_ All the arca will be cleared up E_ There will be more home losing ‘Teat 09 (for questions number 33-35) Qi mwseenne 2AM wes Sena von ne pre tangant A, Imciala'ge Th ean aie en wo 175 9348 144 et Ta ich ronge mest het carpeon ofthe se Fd (8} Pree te nSanenan centre Naty alee egarrash crams Ceebnenta crm may BETH PETES) rachaeslesom #atenga eines Indonesia Is the general champion of ASEAN Para Games 2022 and successfully surpassed the proposal medaltarget The rad and white team won 175 gold, 144 sitverand 107 bronze medals after the completion of the athletic series on Friday (5/8). Previously, the indonesia contingent had a target of at least 104 gold medals In the mult-eventsparts event for people with disabilities this time 33, What ss the caption about? The ASEAN Para Games 2022 medals The Indonesian contingent for Para Games 2022 The success of Indonesian Para Games Contingent The number of medals got by Indonesian team ‘The ASEAN Para Games moments mons> Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minist istda bey PHA) « Minister of State-oumed Enterprises Erick Thohir has said that Mawhd, the y of Prophet Muhammad. is a momentum to accelerate the sharia (Islamic) economy Thohir, who curently serves as said that deeds 0 cara the national shana Economic Community (MES) chairperson, sania I: 3 day of blessings for Musims to optimize ned effort In corsicting good the Ree aNd a Special moment for Muslims. The spin of Mawhd fs a perfect momentum for ;S 19 enhance its collaboration to accelerate the sharia economy and help improve the People's welfare,” the minister said here, Saturday We underlined some achievements in the national sharia economy development conceived by MES, they included the IDX-MESBUMN 17 indox, a joint infiative between the MES, the Indonesian Stock Exchange, and national state-owned erlerpnses, and roadshows to promote 'slamic financial tteracy and inclusion. “(The programme) has successfully recorded 18,965 beneficiaries in 64 events at 30 cities i fie countries, as well a 320 new investors” the minister noted He also highlighted the MES’ success in establishing organisational networks in 22 countries. tps ten antarariws com/news'253057imawi momantumtoaccserate-shana-economyminste-thoht 43. Which of the following is NOT the stated by Erich Thohir? A. Mawlid is a momentum to accelerate the sharia (Islamic) economy B. MES’ success in establishing organisational nerworks in 22 countries C His success in conducting MES and improving people's welfare, D. Mavlhid is a day of blessings for Muslims to optimize their effort in conducting good deeds. FE, Highlighting some MES achievements in the national sharia economy development. 44. What is MES? A. The national sharia econorme community B. An international organisation for economic reforms C_ Anorganisational economic network for 22 countries D_ A national economic organisation in Indonesia EA national shana economy development 45. What is the main idea of the 2" paragraph? A. Enick Thobir isthe chairperson of MES. 1B Mawlid isa day of blessings for Muslims CC. Mawlid is a special moment for Muslims to optimize their effort in conducting yood deeds Mavslid 1s a perfect momentum for the M Some achievements in the rational sharia economy development conceived by MES favslid is @ day of blessings for Muslims to optimize their effort in conducting good deeds” ‘The underlined word has similar meaning with efforts actions moments momentum achievements mone ‘Text 12 (for questions number 47-50) India (BBC) A wilago in India's Maharashtra state has deciared “independence” from two modem-day addictions - television and mobile internet. At least, for a couple of hours every day. {A siren goos off al Tpm every avaning in Vadgaon village in Sangli district, an indication to all residents to switch off ther TV sets and moble phones, The two instruments of “addiction” can be swilched on when the village councé sounds the siren again al 8 30pm "We decided at the village meeting on 14 August - the eve of India’s Independence Day - that we needed to stop this addiction,” Vijay Mohie, president of the village council, told BBC Hind "From tho next day, all lelevision sets and mobiles were shut down when the siren went off" D rescuer E authority Teat U1 (for questions number 39-42) j, hata (10/4) Indonesia's hopes of hosting work! sports events infuure vil depend on the chalets nets vestigation into the weekends tootbal stadium disasler and safety reforms, args have warmed, The tragedy on Saturday in Matang lef 125 people dead and more than 300 slampen Polo fred tear gas in a packed stadium to quella pitch invasion by fans, tiggering @ Stampede Iwas one of the deadliast disasters in the history of football Analysts said that while there have been similar tragedies In other countries — although Farely on such a scale — it vl I undoubtedly affect Indonesia's reputation when it comes to hosting big Chetallonal Compettions. could nol have come at a worse {me ~ Indonesia has bd to replace Ghia aS hosts for next year's Asion Gup football and a decsion Is dein two weeks. Indonesia will iso host the FIFA U-20 World Cup in ay, There have been calls online for Indonesia to be strieped Suns Mant. Indonesia, which defied wamings about poot preparations to stage the Asian Games in 2018, has also expressed an interest in hosting an Olympics forthe frst time 2036 “It Certainly tarnishes the reputation of the country and tamishes the reputation of football there. They cant escape that," Los Angeles-based crowed management expert Paul Wertheimer told AFP. “But itis what they do now that will delormine whether the reputation sticks or not — whether ‘hey can leam trom this tragedy and produce standards of care that will impress the world,” said Wertheimer, who heads the consultancy Crowd Management Strategies, “The first thing | thought was. why was tear gas being used?" he added, also highlighting overcrowding and failure in crowd ‘management as among the possible missteps FIFA, footbarrs world governing body, prohibits the use of croved control gas by police or stewards at pitch-side. "I think everything has lo be reassessed," Wertheimer said, adding there also ‘needs to be retraining of personne! on managing crowds as well as “an educational component that focuses on the fans and the public, whal their roles and responsibiltios are for tha safety of thomsetves and everyone else". The govemment has formed a task force to investigate the tragic events al Kanjuruhan stadurn, where 32 children were among the dead JP (04th phatapotcon/pert2022 1804 Gunter a elt heck o-denesas spring anions Ml} 39 What does the news tell us about? ‘A Indonesia should evaluate the safety system and procedure at stadium 1B. Tragedy at Kanjuruhan stadium and its effect to Indonesian on host sport comptetition ‘The government has formed a task force to investigate the tragic events at Kanjuruhan stadium D. Tragic event at Kanyuruhan was one of the deadliest disasters in the history of football E_ The tragedy will undoubtedly affect Indonesia's reputation on footbal comptetion According to Wertheimer, what isthe probable cause of the tragedy” A. Poot preparations B. The use of tear pas, C. The failure in crowd management 1D, The use of tear gas and the failure in crowd management E. Low educational component focuses on the fans and the public 41. Who is Paul Wertheimer? The head of FIFA ‘The head of U-20 World Cup, The head of AFP News Agency ‘The chairperson of Asian Games in 2018. ‘The head of Crowd Management Strategies Consultancy 42 What should Indonesia do aflet learning from the tragedy? A. Re-educating components that focus on the fans and the public 18 Forming a sk force to investigate the trate events C_ Retraining of personne! on managing crowds D_ Managing a good fowtball team, E Aand Care night Wg International c 40 monw> Vadgaon has a popuaton of about a ser re Nah cay eu 2.20 pela, made up fret of trmers an sa il had become d hones for enline classes dun 1@ dependent on TV and mobia phones for Feared and the Covit 19 pandemic, As educational insteutons reopened this year, chido luned to regular classes in schools and colleges. se ee sated tem lst] io eter pay on ht mabe phones ot and watch lesion he sad at many ads were alo sprang op much neon ter Ocean ro es mori trt ‘elated io Vijay Mohite) sald she was finding it dificult to supervise her two “since ths new ncn 'eY Would be focused completely on playing with the phone or watching TV" "WOM began. itis tar easier for my husband to retuin home from work and NeIp ‘them study and | can peacefully do my work in the kltchan,* she added, anne tment 10) 47. What is the text about? A. Educational institutions in India reopened this year B. Intemet and television beyin to be prohibited in India village. CA village in India's Maharashtra state has declared "independence" D_ Onc of India villages goes offline daily to help people talk cach other E_ Students return from class to either play their mobile phone oF watch television. 48. What is the goal of switching off television and mobile internet for a couple af hours every dyin Vadgaon, India? A. To help people interact each other B. To help people study and do their work © To tedace the chiens addiction to thos things Db Tosmake easy fr parents to supervise thir hen 1. To make it easy for hushands to return home from work 49. Which tru aecardng othe tec? {A Wadzaon has patton of about 3.100 poole B. Vijay Mohite is the president of the Sangli village council C. Allresidents in Vadyaon have to switch off their TV sets and mobile phones for a couple days: i. Theetuiren nnd are fess competely en plying with he phone or wating TY E, The parents in Vadgaon are finding it difficult to supervise ther children after school $0. When should all residents in Vadguon switch of their mobile phone and television? A For acouple uf days B_ When the siren is off C, Fromm Tp 8 pm everyday D. Fora couple of days every week [From 7pm to 8 30pm every Sunday. PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GASAL BAHASA INGGRIS WAJIB KELAS XII SEMUA PEMINATAN, Direction: Please choose the best answer for each question! ‘Text 01 (for questions number 1-4) Receptionist: Good morning, Sanitka Hotel Semarang. there anything ! can do for you? Man Yes, | hope so My family and will stay in this hotel for a couple of night Can we book some rooms, please? Receptionist Alnight How many rooms do you need, Sit? Man 5 superior rooms and I prefer those which have connecting doors Receptionist» When will you start to stay in our hotel, Sic? Man We are on the way to Semarang righ! now, so we will stay tonight, Is i okay? Receptionist Wait a minute, Sir So, you will be check in today, October 10, and will check out next October 12.15 that correcy? Man Yes, you are right. Oh... we need to have bed and breakfast rooms Receptionist. Noted, Sir Let us chéek the room's availability first Would you mind waiting for some minutes? Man No problem Receptionist. Thank you for waiting, Sir, but I'm really sorry that all our superior rooms are Tully booked for tonight We only have 2 deluxe rooms and 3 twin rooms, What do you think, Sit? Man ‘Ob no, we don't ike deluxe or win rooms Receptionist: If you don't mind, you can say at deluxe or twin room for tonight, and then you'll move to superior rooms for tomorrow Man T'd love too but it will be annoying as we bring so many big luggage and there are 2 babies with us. Receptionist: Our staff will always be ready help you with that, Sir ‘The superior and detuse rooms are in the same floor, so it will he very easy on moving. Man That's what [really need Thank you Receptionist: My pleasure, Sir 1 What is the diaiog about? A. [talks about booking some hotel rooms. 1. Iaalks about some new hotels in Semarang, ©. [tis about room typesin Santika Hotel Semarang D. It's adialog between hotel manager and a customer FE. Ittalks about the facility of Santika Hotel Semarang What rooms are available for the first night? A. 3 superior rooms and | twin room B83 deluxe rooms and 2 twin rooms C3 rooms with connecting door D_ 2 deluxe rooms and 3 win wooms 1 twin room and 2 superior rooms 3. "1d love too but it will be annoying as we bring so many big luggage and there ate 2 babies With us. The underlined word can be best replaced by ‘A. exhausting 1 trusting, © pleasing D_ tempting B. interesting 4. What does the receptionist offer when there is no superior rooms for the first night at the hotels? A. He asks the man ta cancel the booking. B. Fle asks the man to come tomorrow. C. He offers deluxe and twin rooms. D_ He offers the man to modify the booking F He offers the man to reschedule the booking 102 (for questions number 8-7) ~~ ( HOLIDAY SHELTER FOR BIKES AND SCOOTERS: \ Established since 2020 ‘Do you want to enjoy your holiday and go around this amazing stand without driving your cars? WE ARE YOUR SOLUTION We are the best rental shelter for bikes and scooters. We provide you any kinds ‘of bikes and scooters with reasonable price. Come to us and choose which one do you prefer, then, you can ride along and enjoy your trip. Contact us at: \ 0812 345 6789 J 5. What isthe advertisement about? A W'sa bikes and scooters rental shop. 1 W'san island promo tour C. Wsa tour provider D_ W's tip to enjoy tips E_ W's how to drivea scooter. 6 How can we rent the bikes or scouters” ‘A. Come and meet the island's manager. B._ Send messages to the island’s owner CC. Send email to the rental’s owner D_ Meet the rental’s owner [Call the rental’s owner, What is the synonym of the word reasonable price? usual price cheap price Jatest price special price discount pri rong The following diatogs (number 9-11) don's have any retation to each other! 8. Woman: You look so gloomy. What's wrong? I wonder if there is something I ean do for you Man Well, | forgot to bring my daily journal Woman You can borrow mine if you want Man “Thank you, I'd love to What is the dialogue about? A. The woman's daily journal B_ The man’s daily journal C. The man’s gloomy day D. The woman's sympathy to the man E. The woman's offer of help to the man 9 Woman: Would you like me to help you with your mathematics task? Man Don't worry. I'l do it What does the woman intend to do? ‘A. Help the man ‘Those who successfully complete the course will be given A. fice tition B. afurther training course . jobs in big hotels in the cotony 1D. achance to stayin the colony's leading hotels for one month E, membership of the long Konginstitute of Hotel Management 3. What requirement is needed by an application to apply for the hotel work training? A. Able to speak Mandarin B. Secondary schoo! graduate C. Good knowledge of english D. Reputable university graduate E. 2year experience in hotel work “Tuition is fice of charge and students who successfully .."( paragraph 2-3 ) ‘The underlined word has the same meaning with A. worth B value © price D. fare E fee ‘The waining will last for. everyday A. Thours 30 minutes B. 4 hours 30 minutes © 21 hours D. 22 hours 25 ® hourshe course will be offered employment in the Colony’s leading hotels ‘Text 07 (for ques 1S number 26.29) ‘ThelakartaPost The Jakarta Post - The nation’s leading Engluh-language dally newspaper is opening applications for Reporter (REP) Brief Job Description: © Covering and wilting news and events. ‘+ Willingness to travel to damestic and international destination for news coverage. © Writing news of feature articles and other assignments, Requirements: ‘+ Individual citizenship, © University graduate, any major, Passion In journalismis key © English proficiency (minimum TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS score of 6.5 oF TOEIC score of 750). ‘© Submit a writing sample (500-800 words) in English, 26 “University graduate, any major, Passion in journalism is key." What does the sentences mean? A. The applicants have to mail their documents before having an interview 1 Notall university graduate can apply because they don’t have, passion on juralism, C_ Candidates who live in Jakarta and and graduate from any major of study is preferable D. Only shortlisted candidates who composed a writing sample will be contacted to an interview afer fulliting all the requirements. E. All university graduates have the some right to apply but those who are fond of journalism will get more consideration. 27."Please send your application (including writing sample), CV, recent photograph & TOEFLELTS/TOEIC predictive score, quoting the position code (REP) in the email subject to hrd.@thejckartapost com,” The underlined word has a closest meaning to A. mentioning B. estimating C. referring D. reciting E. whiting 28. What position is being offered? A. News Editor B. Reporter C. News Anchor D_ News Director E. News Manager 29. How should the applicant send the letter? A. Come to the office B_ Send by post C. Send by email D. Have a walk in interview E. Drop the letter to Post Deposit Box Text 08 {for questions number 30-32) Sree Chnindonesta-Forest and land fire hit the hill region of Lake Toba, Samosir island, North Sumatea, About 47 hectares of land has been burned. This fire has been happening for the past week and has potential As indicated in my enclosed resume, | am well versed in building and maintaining safe and developmental appropriate program for children with a positive attitude and fairness. | am able to manage concurrently classroom of children at different levels My abilities to utilize new ideas and concepts and dedication towards children would be of great benefit to your school. Thankyou for your time and consideration, | look forward to meeting with you soon Your sincerely, Erika 14, What does Stars Playhouse Schoo! need? A. A principal 18. A kindergarten teacher ©. Akid manager D. A baby sitter E. Atwor ter knew the yacaney from ats School teacher 1B. the school’s website C. job seekers website 1D newspaper E, a friend 16. From the letter, it can be concluded that ‘A. the applicant has a six-month baby B. the applicant is just a fresh graduate C. the applicant has ever worked in day care 1D. the applicant docsn’t enclose her resumes E_ the applicant knows the job vacancy on website 7. “As indicated in my enclosed resume, ...” ‘The underlined word can be replaced with A read Be made © taken D, stated FE. shown ‘Text 05 (for questions number 18-21) Me. Willy Cassidy Director Berkah Moslem Library (8ML) JA Yani 45 Jakarta October 9, 2022 Dear Mr. Cassidy, | would like to apply for the position of Staff in your library as advertised in your website | have recently graduated from the Australian Business Schoo! in Sidney and received high grades in both my English and Business courses. In addition, we had to use all of the Microsoft Office programs in the preparation of our finished assignments, so | am able to do mast things with eamnu 34. What shoul be the best title for the photo caption? A. Brave Athletes B. General Champion C. Medals for Indonesia D. Supportive Contingent E. Amazing Achievement 35, What does the word “completion” mean? A. achievement B. strategy C. action D target E. plan Text 10 (for qu tions number 36-38) {) Tragedy strikes rant inthe Saka Siva tn Tat heeee res Totes reinaine minnine Search and rescue workers carry the body of a victim af a ferry aceident in Makasar, South Sulawesi, on Friday. The KM Ladang Pertiwi 2 cankin the Makasar Strait on May 26 Authorities aid that as of Friday, three bodies had been recovered and 31 people rescued, while 16 others remained missing 36, Whats the caption about? A. ‘The victims of a drowned ferry 13. The tragedy of a sinking ship C. The reseue of a ferry accident D. The KM Ladang Pertiwi facilities, E, ‘The duty of search and rescue workers 37, What happened with the 16 people? A They passed away B. They were recovered C. They were being teseucd. D_ They were still net found E, ‘They were brought to hospital 3X What's the synonym of the word *vicuin'? A. worker 1B. people © fataly

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