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Mamarinta, Norhanima A.

P. E 4

10 Netiquette guidelines every online student needs to know (Summary)

1. As persons existing on the internet, we are not just all alone with ourselves; there are

also other people with whom we interact, so as much as possible, we should be polite to

them through the use of proper capitalization and avoid yelling or shouting by typing with

all caps lock.

2. Avoid jokes that might be misunderstood by other parties, such as those involving other

people's names that might ruin their reputation.

3. The chat box must be used for its main intended purpose, which is primarily for learning

facilitation matters; avoid off-related topics because they might divert the class's


4. As students, we are provided with the syllabus for every subject for the main setting of

the course, so we should refrain from asking questions directly to our teacher. We must

first look for the answer for ourselves and then ask our teacher for an answer when we

didn't find one.

5. Since we often get to relay our ideas and messages through written words, there is a

need to observe proper grammar so that the reader can understand it fully.

6. We should always show respect by using words of greeting.

7. Observe proper formatting according to the teacher's instructions when submitting an


8. Read to comprehend, not to give feedback. So, we must always calculate our reading

first with ourselves before responding or reacting to discussions.

9. Learn to proofread what you are sending and scrutinize everything you are typing to

avoid confusion and misinterpretations.

10. Neither we nor those who interact with us in the digital world are very familiar with

each other, which is why we should always show respect to them and practice proper

decorum when dealing with them virtually.

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