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ROLL NO – 30903821040
SUBJECT NAME- Personality Development and Soft
Motivation, self-actualization needs, and career planning are
important topics for anyone who is interested in personal growth and
development. Here are some key takeaways that participants can
learn from these topics:
Motivation: Motivation is the driving force behind our actions and behaviors.
It is what gives us the energy and determination to pursue our goals and
achieve our dreams. There are two types of motivation - intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when we are driven by internal
factors, such as personal interest or a sense of purpose. Extrinsic motivation,
on the other hand, comes from external factors, such as rewards or
To stay motivated, it is important to understand what drives us and what we
value. Some strategies for boosting motivation include setting clear goals,
breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps, and celebrating progress
along the way. Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people can
also help in staying motivated.
Self-Actualization Needs: Self-actualization is the highest level of Maslow's
hierarchy of needs. It is the need to reach one's full potential and achieve a
sense of fulfillment in life. Self-actualization involves becoming the best
version of oneself, and it requires a certain level of introspection, self-
awareness, and personal growth.

To meet the self-actualization need, participants need to focus on

personal growth and development. They can do this by setting goals that
align with their values, interests, and passions. They should also cultivate a
growth mindset, which involves embracing challenges and learning from
failures. Self-reflection, meditation, and journaling can also be helpful in
gaining self-awareness and clarity about one's life goals and priorities.

Career Planning: Career planning involves setting goals and making decisions about
one's career path. It involves identifying one's skills, interests, and values, and finding a
career that aligns with them. Career planning is an ongoing process that requires
regular evaluation and adjustment as one's interests and goals change over time.
To plan one's career, participants can start by taking an inventory of their skills and
interests. They can also explore different career options, research industries and
companies, and network with professionals in their desired fields. It is important to set
clear, measurable goals for career advancement, such as obtaining additional
education or training, gaining relevant experience, and building a professional network.
In summary, motivation, self-actualization needs, and career planning are all important
aspects of personal growth and development. Participants can learn how to stay
motivated, reach their full potential, and achieve career success by setting clear goals,
cultivating a growth mindset, and pursuing opportunities that align with their values
and interests. By staying focused on personal growth and development, participants
can create a fulfilling and successful career path that aligns with their overall life goals
and aspirations.
Pres entation BY ARIJIT BISWAS

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