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Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

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A 6900-year history of landscape modification by humans in lowland

M.B. Bush a, *, A. Correa-Metrio b, C.H. McMichael a, c, S. Sully a, d, C.R. Shadik a,
B.G. Valencia a, T. Guilderson e, M. Steinitz-Kannan f, J.T. Overpeck g
Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901, USA
Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Auto noma de Mexico, Mexico City, DF 04510, Mexico
Palaeoecology and Landscape Ecology, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550, USA
Department of Biology, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41076, USA
Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1040 E 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A sedimentary record from the Peruvian Amazon provided evidence of climate and vegetation change for
Received 7 October 2015 the last 6900 years. Piston cores collected from the center of Lake Sauce, a 20 m deep lake at 600 m
Received in revised form elevation, were 19.7 m in length. The fossil pollen record showed a continuously forested catchment
17 March 2016
within the period of the record, although substantial changes in forest composition were apparent. Fossil
Accepted 19 March 2016
Available online 13 April 2016
charcoal, found throughout the record, was probably associated with humans setting fires. Two fires, at c.
6700 cal BP and 4270 cal BP, appear to have been stand-replacing events possibly associated with
megadroughts. The fire event at 4270 cal BP followed a drought that caused lowered lake levels for
several centuries. The successional trajectories of forest recovery following these large fires were pro-
Fossil charcoal longed by smaller fire events. Fossil pollen of Zea mays (cultivated maize) provided evidence of agri-
Fossil pollen cultural activity at the site since c. 6320 cal BP. About 5150 years ago, the lake deepened and started to
Fossil diatoms deposit laminated sediments. Maize agriculture reached a peak of intensity between c. 3380 and
Human disturbance 700 cal BP. Fossil diatom data provided a proxy for lake nutrient status and productivity, both of which
Iriartea peaked during the period of maize cultivation. A marked change in land use was evident after c.
Maize 700 cal BP when maize agriculture was apparently abandoned at this site. Iriartea, a hyperdominant of
riparian settings in western Amazonia, increased in abundance within the last 1100 years, but declined
Forest enrichment
markedly at c. 1070 cal BP and again between c. 80 and 10 cal BP.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2003; Dobyns, 1966; Newson, 1996), though there is little agree-
ment on pre-European population estimates (e.g. Bush et al., 2015a;
Climate change and human activity have had profound in- Bush and Silman, 2007; Clement et al., 2015) After the population
fluences on forests in many regions of Amazonia. The early- to mid- collapse, a new wave of settlers arrived in Amazonia during the
Holocene was drier than the modern Amazonian climate (Mayle Rubber Boom from 1850 to 1920 A.D. (e.g.Weinstein, 1983). Over
et al., 2000). Since the mid-Holocene, however, there has been an the last century, transmigration policies have further increased
overall tendency toward wetter environments and an increase in environmental impacts (Hecht and Cockburn, 1989).
the spatial extensiveness and temporal frequency of human At finer spatial and temporal scales, the development of ancient
disturbance (Mayle et al., 2000; Mayle and Power, 2008; Neves and Amazonian cultures has been seen to be heterogeneous, as have the
Petersen, 2006). The arrival of Europeans and their diseases in the impacts of climate change. It has been suggested that indigenous
1500s led to a >90% reduction in Amazonian populations (Denevan, cultures were influenced by a c. 200-year periodicity of climatic
events (Meggers, 1994; Schimmelmann et al., 2003). Regardless of
whether such a periodicity exists, the potential for unusually large
* Corresponding author. climatic events to occur is evident by two ‘droughts of the century’
E-mail address: mbush@fit.edu (M.B. Bush).

0277-3791/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64 53

(2005 and 2010) that occurred within a decade (e.g. Araga ~o et al.,
2007; Marengo et al., 2011). It is also apparent from those events
that the influence of large climatic pulses may also be heteroge-
neous in their effect across the Amazon Basin. The full ecological
impact of such large climate events is poorly understood. It is clear,
however, that tree mortality in fragmented habitats is greater than
in intact ones (Asner and Alencar, 2010; Laurance and Williamson,
2001; Nepstad et al., 2007), and that if fire results, it induces long-
lasting changes that reverberate through the ecosystem far longer
than the duration of the event itself (Barlow and Peres, 2008;
Cochrane and Laurance, 2002).
The successional recovery post-disturbance depends on the
magnitude of the disturbance and also the conditions under which
recovery is taking place. Successional chronosequences from new
succession, e.g. regrowth along newly accreted river shorelines
appear to take c. 200e300 years to reach maturity (Foster, 1990). All
forests experience natural disturbance, such that a mosaic of
regrowth stages exists within an old growth terra firme forest
(Chambers et al., 2013; Richards, 1996). Most of the loss of above
ground biomass comes in small disturbances, e.g. >20 m2 canopy
gaps, with very little occurring as a result of large disturbance
events, e.g. 5  >30 ha blow downs (Espírito-Santo et al., 2014).
These smallest gaps do not allow enough light to reach the forest
floor to start a new succession (Hubbell et al., 1999), hence it is the
rarer larger gaps that could influence the composition of a forest.
Succession in such large gaps or following fire would be expected to
follow the classic sequence of pioneers and light-demanding spe- Fig. 1. Sketchmap showing the location and bathymetry of Lake Sauce, Peru. Coring
cies progressively giving way to shade-tolerant competitors. location is marked with a star. Numbers refer to Peruvian and southern Ecuadorian
locations mentioned in the text: 1 ¼ Lakes Ayauchi and Kumpaka, 2 ¼ Caverna Tigre
Perdido, 3 ¼ Lake Pomacochas, 4 ¼ Lake Sauce, 5 ¼ Lake Pacucha, 6 ¼ Lake Huaypo,
1.1. Amazonian climatic variability and human activity in the mid- 7 ¼ Lake Gentry; 8 ¼ Huagapo Cave.
and late-Holocene

Human colonization of the Andes and Amazonia approximately

coincided with the onset of the Holocene (Dillehay et al., 2008; Denevan, 1996; Urrego et al., 2013).
Roosevelt et al., 1996). Across the span of the Holocene, Amazo- Between 3000 and 2000 cal BP agricultural activity expanded in
nian and Andean climates were strongly influenced by precessional many parts of Amazonia (Piperno, 2006). This expansion was a
forcing (Baker et al., 2001; Bush et al., 2002), such that, on a manifestation of a longer-term shift from hunter-gatherer to
millennial scale, at the nadir of wet season insolation lake levels increasingly settled communities. Intensified agricultural effort
tended to be low (Baker et al., 2001; Bird et al., 2011). For the coincided with the formation of anthropogenic soils, known as
tropical southern hemispheric Andes and western Amazonia, a terras pretas or Amazonian black earths, in central and eastern
drought-prone period began c. 9000 cal BP, peaked at c. 5500 cal BP, Amazonia (Glaser and Birk, 2012; Glaser and Woods, 2004; Neves
and ended c. 4000 cal BP (Abbott et al., 1997; Ekdahl et al., 2008). A et al., 2004), the development of complex societies in the upper
complex series of droughts formed what has become known as the Xingu and Marajo  Island (Heckenberger et al., 2008; Roosevelt,
‘Mid-Holocene dry event’. In Bolivia and Peru, lake levels began 1991), geoglyph construction in southwestern Amazonia
rising c. 4000 cal BP, and continued to rise until c. 3300 cal BP or €rssinen et al., 2009; Schaan et al., 2012), and large-scale land-
2500 cal BP, according to location (Abbott et al., 1997; Hillyer et al., scape transformation in the seasonal wetlands of Bolivian Ama-
2009; Mosblech et al., 2012). This pattern was reproduced in the zonia (Erickson, 2000). Although the scale of human disturbance of
speleothem calcite record from the Tigre Perdido Cave (van Amazonian landscapes is actively debated (Bale e, 2010; Bush et al.,
Breukelen et al., 2008), which revealed the last 3000 years to 2015a; Clement et al., 2015; McMichael et al., 2015), long-term
have been considerably wetter than the mid-Holocene, with slight human occupation and landscape modification was most likely to
fluctuations at multi-centennial to millennial scales. occur besides lakes and rivers (Denevan, 1996).
A lack of reliable historical accounts of Amazonian populations
1.2. A basic trajectory of human occupation of western Amazonia and landscape at the time of European contact has allowed a range
of hypotheses to co-exist regarding the environmental impact of
Humans have lived within lowland Amazonia for the entire pre-Columbian populations. The extent to which these pre-
Holocene (Roosevelt et al., 1996), although their role in shaping the Columbian populations influenced Amazonian ecology, particu-
forest is contentious (Bush et al., 2015a; Clement et al., 2015; larly patterns of alpha and beta diversity, is contentious. Meggers
Roosevelt, 2013). In western Amazonia, the earliest evidence of (1954, 2007) argued that Amazonian peoples were environmen-
human occupation is the presence of shell middens at c. tally determined, due to harsh climatic conditions and poor soil
10,000 cal BP in the Bolivian Llanos (Lombardo et al., 2013), while quality, to remain socially and technologically primitive. This view
the earliest known agriculture is the occurrence of maize pollen in of small hunter-gatherer groups suggested that the pre-Columbian
the sediments of the Llanos de Moxos at c. 6500 cal BP (Brugger occupants of Amazonia had almost no impact on the forests. The
et al., 2016) (Fig. 1). After that time, there is increasing evidence discovery of complex village structures representing organized
of people occupying western Amazonia, especially in riverine and societies who engaged in agriculture (Heckenberger et al., 1999,
lakeside settings (Bush et al., 2007a; Bush and Silman, 2007; 2008; Roosevelt, 1991), aquaculture (Erickson, 2000) and
54 M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

hundreds of geoglyphs in the Bolivian Amazon (Pa €rssinen et al., sediment depth of 10 m, and then using a 30 mm-diameter core
2009; Schaan et al., 2012), undermined the generality of Meggers' barrel to obtain the next 9.7 m. Two parallel cores were obtained,
argument. On the opposite extreme from Meggers, some have with a third core to capture the mud-water interface. Cores were
argued that all of Amazonia was transformed by human activity, sealed in the field and shipped to the Florida Institute of Technol-
and as we are just one tree generation away from the population ogy. In 2009 and 2015, a team revisited the lake to collect limno-
collapse associated with human arrival, Amazonia is not a natural logical data using a YSI multimeter and mud-water interface cores.
wilderness, but an abandoned parkland (Bale e, 2010; Clement et al., Total carbon and nitrogen were measure in the Department of
2015; Roosevelt, 2013). One of the key suggestions of the parkland Geological Sciences, University of Florida, using a Carlo Erba
advocates is that forests were enriched with useful species as a NA1500 CNHS elemental analyzer. Dried samples were combusted
result of generations of people encouraging trees that bear edible and a thermal conductivity detector measured the size of the pulses
fruits and removing species deemed useless (Bale e, 1989; Clement, of N2 and CO2.
2006). Sediment subsamples of 0.5 cm3 were removed for pollen
Here, we present a high-resolution 6900-year paleoecological analysis at every 20 cm of core depth, and at every 1 cm for charcoal
reconstruction from lacustrine sediments collected beneath Lake analyses. Processing of pollen samples followed standard protocols
Sauce in the lowland Amazonian forests of Peru. We employed a (Faegri and Iversen, 1989) with the addition of exotic Lycopodium
combination of sediment descriptions, pollen, charcoal, and diatom spores (Stockmarr, 1972) allowing calculation of concentration of
data to 1) identify major climatic events present at the lake setting, the subfossils. Pollen counts were made to a sum of 300 grains,
2) identify the timing and intensity of human activity around the although Cyperaceae and other aquatics were excluded from the
lake, and 3) assess the vegetation response to major climatic events pollen sum. Extended counts were made to find maize pollen in
under increasing and decreasing human pressures through the every sample. The residues of alreadyecounted samples were
time series. filtered at 60 mm, then mounted on a slide and scanned for Zea or
Manihot grains. Zea pollen was identified by it size (88e100 mm in
2. Material and methods water) and surface pattern (Holst et al., 2007).
Zonations for fossil pollen and diatom data were drawn based
2.1. Site description on a CONISS constrained clustering analysis performed using the R
package ‘rioja’ (Juggins, 2012). Multivariate analysis using both
Lake Sauce lies at 600 m elevation (6 420 17 S, 76 130 04 W) Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) (Hill, 1979) and Non-
within a seasonally dry region of Amazonia at the base of the Andes metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) (Kruskal, 1964) were
(Fig. 1a). The origin of the lake is unknown, but it may have been also employed on the fossil pollen data using the ‘vegan’ package
formed by tectonic activity. The lake is shaped like a tadpole with (Oksanen et al., 2013) in R.
the tail and the body connecting across a ledge that is about 16 m Samples for charcoal analysis (0.5 cm3) were gently dis-
deep (Fig. 1b). The main basin of the lake is c. 2.7 km  1.5 km, with aggregated in 10% KOH, and then sieved at 60 and 180 mm. The
a flat-bottom that is c. 20 m deep, while the 2 km  0.5 km tail is retained fraction was placed in a petri dish and charcoal identified
steep sided and 40 m deep. The main basin has small inlet streams and quantified under a stereomicroscope. Image J software was
arriving on the eastern shore, and an outlet to the north. The lake is used to calculate area of charcoal in each sample (Clark and Royall,
accessible by road and is currently used for recreation and 1996).
aquaculture. Samples (0.25 cm3) for diatom analysis were oxidized using
Annual precipitation to the site is c. 1475 mm, with MarcheApril H2O2 prior to dilution to 10 ml with distilled water. Battarbee
as the wettest bimester averaging 320 mm of precipitation. The techniques were followed to allow calculation of diatom concen-
other wet season peak occurs between September and October trations and influx (Battarbee, 1986). Samples were mounted in
with 285 mm. The driest time of the year occurs between naphrax and counts of 500 valves made at 1000 magnification.
November and December with an average of 180 mm (monthly Diatoms were identified using (De Oliveira and Steinitz-Kannan,
data from 1964 to 2002 for Sauce meteorological station, Servicio 1993; De Oliveira et al., 1986; Lange Bertalot, 1998, 2000) and the
Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, Perú). online databases of algaebase.org and westerndiatoms.colorado.
The vegetation surrounding Lake Sauce is heavily disturbed, but edu.
remnants of a diverse seasonal tropical forest were evident on the Samples for 14C dating were based on macrofossils where they
steep-sided sections flanking the tail of the lake. Under natural could be isolated, otherwise on bulk samples. Accelerator Mass
conditions the landscape would be expected to support a closed- Spectrometry (AMS) dating of samples was conducted at the
canopy forest rich in Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. Ages were calibrated
Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, and Sapotaceae (Gentry, using the IntCal 13 calibration curve and a chronology, based on
1988). Disturbance events such as tree fall gaps would support 13 of those ages, was constructed using Bacon R-code, which uses
pioneering taxa such as Cecropia, Miconia, and members of the Bayesian statistics to reconstruct accumulation histories for
Araliaceae. Poaceae could have occurred either in disturbance gaps sedimentary deposits (Blaauw and Christen, 2011).
or in marshland around the lake along with Cyperaceae, Asteraceae
and semi-aquatics such as Onagraceae, Alismataceae, and 3. Results
3.1. Limnology
2.2. Field and analytical methods
The modern lake is c. 27  C at the surface and 25  C at its base,
In May 2003, a series of cores were raised from the deepest showing no strong thermal stratification. Oxygen concentrations
point of the main basin of Lake Sauce in 20 m of water. A pontoon decline from 7 mg l1 at the surface to 0.2 mg l1 between 7 and
raft was built on site with two 6 m Maravia Cataraft hulls providing 8 m water depth. Salinity was constant throughout the vertical
buoyancy. A tripod supported a 1-tonne come-along winch for core profile at 0.3 ppt. The presence of aquaculture pens that may have
extraction. Coring was conducted using a 50 mm-diameter contributed to recent eutrophication, and local people told us of
Colinvaux-Vohnout piston sampler (Colinvaux et al., 1999) to a repeated fish kills damaging their business; suggesting that
M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64 55

periodically the lake becomes anoxic from top to bottom. Our approximately one band per 2e5 mm. Between c. 18.7 m and
observation of modern anoxia in the bottom waters, probably also 18.5 m depth, laminations were evident, but were distorted by
applied to the past as the recovered sediments smelled strongly of turbidite flows. Between c. 18.5 m and 16.8 m depth the sedi-
H2S, and copious amounts of gas bubbled from the bore-hole for at ment comprised a massive gray gyttja. A transitional zone be-
least 3 days post-drilling. tween 16.8 and 16.7 m depth showed more structure, but a
marked change was evident at 16.7 m (c. 5100 cal BP) depth
when the sediment transitioned to laminated gyytja. In the
3.2. Core description and chronology lower 10 m of the core most of the laminations were dark green
or gray gyttja alternating with mid-green gyttja. Occasional rust-
The stratigraphy showed no sign of slumping or perturbation, red bands also occurred. Above c. 9 m core depth (c. 1850 cal BP)
and for much of the sequence exhibited fine laminations. The broad the laminations generally consisted of varying shades of green or
flat-bottom of the lake reduced the probability of dealing with gray alternating with pale green or pink-white bands. The pink
slumped material. The 14C AMS ages were broadly consistent, and the white bands appear to be clay-rich layers, while the
suggesting a rapid rate of sediment accumulation. Three of the green bands derive their color from algal content. The sediment
14 AMS dates were ‘too young’ for their stratigraphic position, but above c. 1.1 m (c. 130 cal BP) was a dark green-black gyttja with
in two of the cases, the reversals were not sufficient to warrant some banding, but not the highly resolved structure of most of
exclusion from the Bacon-derived chronology. Only one date was the core. Near the surface the core was very loose and semi-
rejected, that of the lowermost sample, which was based on a very liquid. During transit the top 10e15 cm of the core were so
small sample size. The age-depth plot and the inferred chronology sloppy that they became mixed. We consider the portion below
(Fig. 2) showed an approximate doubling of the sedimentation rate 20 cm depth to be intact, but to err on the side of caution the
between c. 10.9 m (2200 cal BP) and 6.8 m (1500 cal BP) depth. uppermost sediment included in this analysis lay at 30 cm core
Sample 102,755 was incorrectly reported as having a depth of depth. A mud-water interface sample collected from very close
17.82 m in Correa et al. (2010) and this has been corrected to to the original coring site in 2015 is provided in both the pollen
18.82 m. and diatom data.
Rates of sedimentation in the basal 3000 years of the record Carbon and nitrogen and nitrogen curves appeared to be
were roughly constant at 1e2 mm per year, but these rates accel- broadly coupled with the strongest divergence being a peak of
erated after c. 3400 cal BP reaching a peak depositional rate of c. carbon at c. 4320e4130 cal BP that had no corresponding peak of
7.5 mm per yr at c. 1600 cal BP (Fig. 2). Thereafter, rates declined nitrogen (Fig. 3). This anomaly reflected samples rich in charcoal.
back to c. 2 mm per annum at c. 500 cal BP prior to a surge of
deposition in the last century, where rates could have been as high
as 16 mm per year. 3.3. The fossil pollen data
The total length of the core recovered from Lake Sauce was
19.7 m, with an inferred basal age of c. 6900 cal BP (Fig. 3). The The fossil pollen samples were rich in pollen from lowland
basal meter of sediment was coarsely laminated with seasonal forest taxa. Asteraceae, Brosimum, Caesalpinia, Cecropia,

Fig. 2. The stratigraphy and chronology developed for the sediments of Lake Sauce. Upper left panel depicts the Markov Chain Monte Carlo iterations for the Bayesian Bacon model.
Also shown are the prior (black curves) and posterior (grey histograms) distributions for the accumulation rate (middle panel) and memory (right panel). The lower panel shows the
calibrated 14C dates and the age-depth model (darker greys indicate more likely calendar ages; grey stippled lines show 95% confidence intervals; dashed curve shows single 'best'
model based on the weighted mean age for each depth) (Blaauw and Christen, 2011; p6). The Chronology is derived from Bacon using the IntCal 13 calibration curve.
56 M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

Fig. 3. Sedimentary characteristics of the core raised from Lake Sauce, Peru, showing a 20-cm long core section, the overall stratigraphy, rate of sedimentation, Total C, Total N, and
the ratio of C:N.

Celtis, Melastomataceae, Moraceae, Paullinea, Poaceae, Trema, were some of their lowest values in the sequence at this time. Con-
abundant in most samples and distinct peaks of Iriartea, Meliaceae, trastingly, Vismia and Socratea became relatively abundant, and
Lecythidaceae, and Cyperaceae, were documented. Zea mays was Cyperaceae and spore types exhibited strong peaks of abundance
identified consistently in samples aged between 750 and 3380 cal between 2000 and 1000 cal BP. An unknown pollen type (a small,
BP and in more scattered samples back as far as 6320 cal BP (Fig. 4). psilate, tricolporate listed as Begonia-type) showed an initial spike
Micro- and macro-charcoal fragments were found in almost all of abundance (12e18%) between c. 1700e1650 cal BP, and an even
samples. Three zones for fossil pollen and four for diatoms were higher spike of c. 30% between 1410 and 1380 cal BP. Zea mays was
recognized. recorded regularly from 3200 BP until c. 750 cal BP, but only rarely
The multivariate analysis of both pollen and diatom data was thereafter. Herbaceous and weedy taxa reached their highest
inconclusive. The NMDS of the pollen data had cut-levels that were values of the record with >20% of the pollen sum at c. 1170 cal BP,
only marginally acceptable, and the ordination failed to produce although Zea mays was not recorded in that sample. A spike of small
clear patterns (SOM Fig. 1). The NMDS of the diatom data produced charcoal particles was evident at c. 900 cal BP, but overall the period
unacceptable cut-levels. The DCA analysis (SOM Fig. 1) of the fossil c. 1100e500 cal BP had the lowest charcoal abundances of the
pollen data was similar to that of the NMDS, but provided priori- entire sequence. After c. 700 cal BP few samples contained Zea mays
tized axes. Axis 1 showed a steady trend of increasingly positive and Cecropia and other forest taxa increased in abundance.
values (Fig. 4).
The basal zone SAP-1 (19.7e18.5 m; c. 6860e6200 cal BP) in the 3.4. Fossil diatoms
fossil pollen record, started with a large peak of disturbance taxa
and a fire event. This zone had the highest values of the entire No diatoms were recovered from the basal sediments of this
record for Poaceae, weedy taxa (Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Aster- core (19.7e19 m depth). Above this depth, however, diatoms were
aceae, Lamiaceae, and Polemoniaceae), and Cyperaceae. Spores generally abundant and well-preserved. Diatom assemblages were
were also very abundant in the basal samples. Zea mays pollen was frequently dominated by Discostella spp., Ulnaria spp., and Nitzschia
first documented by the presence of two grains (88 mm in length) at cf amphibia (Fig. 5). Aulacoseira spp., which generally thrive in well-
6320 cal BP. mixed lakes (Haberyan et al., 1997), tended to occur in pulses.
Pollen zone SAP-2 (18.9e11 m; c. 6450e2200 cal BP) spanned a In the basal zone, SAD-1, a sequence of Aulocoseira granulata,
major change in the appearance of sediments as they transitioned Fragilaria tenera, Nitzschia frustulum and Cyclotella meneghiniana
from massive to laminated sediments at c. 16 m (c. 5000 cal BP), but gave way to Discostella stelligera. Discostella stelligera/pseudostelli-
there was no pronounced shift in the pollen signature at that time. gera represented about 80% of frustules for the remainder of this
Between c. 6450 and 4500 cal BP the pollen reflected a transition zone At c. 5200 yr BP, zone SAD- 2 began with an abrupt decline in
from fast growing trees, e.g. Virola and members of the Urticaceae/ D. stelligera/pseudostelligera and increases in Encyonema minutum
Moraceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae and weedy species, giving way to var. pseudogracilis and Ulnaria delicatissima. Toward the top of this
Iriartea, other Arecaceae, Hyeronima, Connarus, Alchornea, Lecythi- zone, subaerial or benthic taxa diatoms, e.g. Hantzschia amphioxys,
daceae, Melastomataceae, Meliaceae and Brosimum. This same Luticola mutica, Planothidium rostratum, Cocconeis placentula, Dia-
progression apparently repeated after another large fire event at c. desmis contenta, and Nitzschia fruticosa, increase in abundance as
4500 cal BP. most of the planktonic species decline in abundance. These peaks of
Zea mays pollen occurred sporadically throughout the base of benthic diatoms coincided with strong decreases in diatom con-
zone with grains as large as 100 mm (measured in water prior to centration (two orders of magnitude).
mounting). The proportion of samples that included Zea doubled Diatom zone SAD-3, begins at c. 3600 cal BP and was marked by
after c. 3380 cal BP. the return of Nitzschia cf amphibia, shortly followed by a decline of
The third pollen zone was from 11 m to 0 m depth (c. 2200 e the subaerial or benthic taxa. Isolated peaks of Nitzschia frustulum,
0 cal BP), and occurred where there was a doubling in the sedi- Fragilaria capucina and F. tenera occurred as there was a more
mentation rate of the core (Figs. 2 and 3). Many woody taxa, e.g. general oscillation between Nitzschia cf amphibia and Ulnaria
Brosimum, Moraceae/Urticaceae, Cecropia and Alchornea exhibited delicatissima.
M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64 57

Fig. 4. Percentage occurrence of the most abundant fossil pollen taxa recovered from the sediments of Lake Sauce, Peru, plotted against time. Upper panel shows arboreal taxa,
whereas lower panel shows herbaceous taxa, spores, concentration values and two charcoal size fractions. The values of the DCA Axis 1 sample scores are also plotted against time.

The boundary between SAD-3 and SAD-4 is marked by a spike scale paleoecological changes and human activity in the basin
of Aulacoseira granulata at 1690 cal BP, followed by an increase in over the last 6900 years (Fig. 3). The 20-cm sampling interval
the abundance of Discostella stelligera, attaining values of >90%. provided c. 30e40 year sample interval for much of this record,
Brief spikes of other planktonic diatoms, e.g. Cyclotella mene- while the 2-cm sampling for charcoal provided decadal to sub-
ghiniana at 725 cal BP, and A. granulata at c. 100 BP, occurred. The decadal resolution throughout the record. The modern lake may
penultimate samples from the core were dominated by Fragilaria occupy an ancient basin, but this sediment core had a basal age of
radians and had sizable spikes of charcoal. The modern mud- c. 6900 cal BP. The basal sediments were unusually rich in Poa-
water interface sample was once again dominated by Dis- ceae and Cyperaceae pollen, which could represent either the
costella stelligera/pseudostelligera (hereafter Discostella spp.). termination of a drier, grassier landscape, human activity, or the
initial filling of the basin to form the modern lake. The shallow
4. Discussion lake that existed prior to c. 6500 cal BP did not support silica
preservation, a common phenomenon in lowland shallow low-
Sediment depositional rates that averaged 3 mm per year at land Amazonian lakes (Bush et al., 2000; Velez et al., 2005).
Lake Sauce provided an exceptional opportunity to analyze fine- Overall, this catchment illustrated a continuous history of forest
58 M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

Fig. 5. Percentage occurrence of the most abundant fossil diatom taxa recovered from the sediments of Lake Sauce, Peru, plotted against time.

cover, albeit heavily modified by human activity. broadly coincide with wettest signals in the Tigre Perdido data.
Although Poaceae can be both a wetland plant and a disturbance
4.1. Climate change indicator (Bush, 2002), it appears negatively related to the wetter
isotopic values at both Tigre Perdido and Huagapo caves (Kanner
Isotopic records from Caverna Tigre Perdido (c. 153 km from et al., 2013). A Cyperaceae:Poaceae (Cyp:Poa) ratio can be used to
Sauce) suggest a transition to wetter climates at c. 5000 BP (van indicate wet versus dry times (Turney et al., 2004). Burrows et al.
Breukelen et al., 2008), which is consistent with evidence from (2014) found that in the humid tropics of northern Australia a
multiple Amazonian sites suggesting that the mid- Holocene (c. ratio >3 indicated wet events. At Sauce, Cyp:Poa ratios were
8000e5000 cal BP) was dry relative to the late Holocene (Bush commonly 1e5 throughout the period from the onset of sedi-
et al., 2007c; Mayle et al., 2000; Mayle and Power, 2008). In mentation until 1700 cal BP (Fig. 4); thereafter values were
the Sauce record, Cyperaceae is the most abundant pollen type commonly >10. The transition to markedly wetter conditions at
that could reflect changes in lake level, and its peak abundances 1700 BP coincided with the boundary between SAD-3 and SAD-4
M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64 59

as Ulnaria delicatissima gave way to Discostella spp. The highest crops are recorded in the sedimentary sequence. Furthermore,
Cyp:Poa ratios (25e84), occurred between c. 1030 and 700 cal BP. although people are growing crops, the lake records do not show
This period overlapped, within radiocarbon dating error, the es- corresponding peaks of charcoal, just a consistent low presence.
timate of Colinvaux et al. (1985) for highstands of western Several competing hypotheses can be raised to explain the charcoal
Amazonian rivers in Ecuador (c. 1200e770 ± 100 cal BP) and wet pattern and the agricultural lag. The first is that people managed a
events in the Quelccaya ice cap (Thompson et al., 2013) that have landscape by burning and hunting, with each fire leading to a more
been linked to the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly (c. 1000e700 cal open forest until patches became farmable. This explanation,
BP). however, does not explain the decreasing trend in charcoal after an
initial event. A second is that different groups managed the land.
4.2. Crops and forest modification Hunter-gatherers produced more charcoal in game drives or
opening the forest for improved hunting than agriculturalists who
Paleoecological data indicate that fires in western Amazonia are used fire, but also practiced fire suppression. Again this hypothesis,
strongly indicative of human presence. Indeed lake sediments, does not account for the long decline in charcoal. A third expla-
where humans have no known history of presence contain no nation is a modified Signor-Lipps effect (Signor and Lipps, 1982) in
charcoal (Bush et al., 2007a). The presence of both fire and crop which the first occurrence of a rare taxon, in this case the poorly-
pollen can be taken as firm evidence of human activity in the dispersed pollen of a crop such as Zea (Kennedy and Horn, 1997;
landscape (Bush et al., 2007b; Carson et al., 2015; Iriarte et al., Lane et al., 2010), is hard to detect. If some critical mass of land
2012). Both of these factors are evident through the majority of clearance, particularly connecting the lake edge to field systems,
the Lake Sauce record. The presence of charcoal, with a major spike has to be achieved before the crops are detectable, this could ac-
of fire activity at 6700 cal BP is consistent with human presence and count for fire preceding the agricultural signal. This hypothesis
provides a similar age to the onset of fire at Lake Ayauchi (450 km needs to be tested further.
north of Lake Sauce), Ecuador, where charcoal was recorded at c. Two further hypotheses could be combined with any of the
5900 cal BP and was suggested to have been a result of human preceding ones, but aim to answer why charcoal abundance
activity (Bush and Colinvaux, 1988) (Fig. 5). Sediments from Lakes declines progressively after a major fire event. The first is that
Gentry and Parker, Peru (1100 km to the southeast of Lake Sauce), droughts follow a pattern of an immense megadrought, followed
and soils adjacent to those lakes also recorded frequent fires from at decadal-scale intervals by droughts that diminish in intensity
7500 to 5500 cal BP, though the onset of agriculture was not through time. Bond Cycles (Bond et al., 1997) in the Atlantic
evident until 4000 cal BP (Bush et al., 2007a; McMichael et al., Ocean could perhaps induce such a rhythm, but the timing of
2012) (Fig. 5). events at Sauce does not match the pattern of hypothesized Bond
The only portion of the Sauce record to show signs of turbidite Cycles. Further work is needed to evaluate the drought history of
activity follows the first peak of fire activity in the record and Amazonia and how it relates to possible forcing mechanisms
could represent increased inflow activity as the landscape was (Wanner et al., 2011). The last hypothesis offered here, which is
opened. Human settlers would probably have used fires on a not mutually exclusive with any of the foregoing, is that forest
daily basis to cook, and more sporadically to clear land (Smith, succession leads to less flammable forests. After an initial giant,
1980). The great majority of fires used to clear land or reduce drought-induced, fire (probably sparked by human activity), the
vegetation density near habitation would have died out as they biomass of fallen wood on the forest floor is greatly reduced, the
encountered mature forest (Nepstad et al., 2001). Nevertheless, recovering forest is more prone to fire than a mature forest
the presence of human-induced fire in the catchment greatly (Barlow and Peres, 2008; Barlow et al., 2003). If fire intervals are
increased the probability that during strong droughts these local far enough apart that succession continues, the forest becomes
uses of fire could have escaped to form wildfires (Cochrane and cooler, more humid, and composed of species less likely to burn
Laurance, 2008; Nepstad et al., 2001). A single fire escaping (note this is not the same as fire tolerant) (Holdsworth and Uhl,
into the forest would have caused some tree mortality (Barlow 1997). The less intense fires do not consume fallen, moist, woody
et al., 2003), but probably not enough to register in the pollen biomass, but rather it is likely to decay due to high temperature
record of a 3-km diameter lake (although the charcoal might still and moisture. A drought, however, would induce mortality, in-
be found). Under strong drought conditions, fires may have crease coarse woody debris and reduce decay, substantially
repeatedly burned the landscape, and these induced enough increasing fuel on the forest floor. Thus temporal pattern to
alteration of forest composition (Barlow and Peres, 2008; Barlow obtain large charcoal signatures may reflect the time needed for
et al., 2003), to be seen in the pollen record. Crown fires are succession coupled with periodic, unusually intense, drought.
exceptionally rare in Amazonian systems, but repeated fires These are preliminary observations about an emerging pattern,
coinciding with strong droughts may have created the conditions but ones that may lead to a deeper assessment of the interaction
where stand-replacing fire events could have occurred on a between people, climate, forests and fire in Amazonia.
landscape scale, i.e. the lake catchment area. Such intense fires
would have damaged soils and would have been consistent with 4.3. Maize agriculture at Sauce
the kind of disturbance documented at Lake Sauce at 6700 and
between 4500 and 4270 cal BP. We cannot rule out the possibility At Sauce the lag between the first large fire and evidence of
that these were large, deliberately-induced fires, by indigenous maize cultivation is almost 400 years, enough time for a forest to
people. Given, however, that these actions were not repeated regrow. The occurrence of maize microfossils provides indisputable
during the succeeding 4000 years of landuse, we find an expla- evidence of human presence. The pollen sample from 6320 cal BP
nation based on climatic extremes to be more parsimonious. includes two Poaceae pollen grains (88 mm in length) that are
In prior studies in Amazonia and Central America, the inferred identified as maize. These grains provide some of the earliest evi-
initiation of human action is often marked by a large spike in dence of maize yet documented from the Amazon Basin. The ages of
charcoal, e.g. at Lakes Ayauchi (Bush and Colinvaux, 1988), Gentry, maize microfossils at Lakes Sauce, Lake Ayauchi, Ecuador (Bush
and Geral (Bush et al., 2007b), Granja, (Carson et al., 2014), and La et al., 1989) and the and the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia (Brugger
Yeguada (Bush et al., 1992). Intriguingly, that charcoal spike is et al., 2016) overlap (given two standard deviation ranges), and
almost always followed by a lag of hundreds of years before the first are c. 400 years younger than maize cobs recovered from coastal
60 M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

Peru (Grobman et al., 2012). 700 cal BP (n ¼ 54), c. 60% of samples contained Zea pollen,
Although the very low abundance of maize precludes a statis- compared with c. 30% of samples prior to 3380 (n ¼ 31). A shift
tical demonstration of increased intensity of agriculture, we infer toward diatoms indicative of more nutrient-rich conditions than
this to be the case based on cumulative evidence. Maize agriculture before or after the peak of Zea pollen occurrence (below) is evident
is sporadically evident in the lower section of the Sauce core (Figs. 4 (Fig. 5). Evidence of increased erosion is seen in a quadrupling of
and 6), but the proportion of samples containing maize pollen sedimentation between c. 3380 and 2000 cal BP as rates rose from
increased in frequency around c. 3380 cal BP. Between c. 3380 and c. 0.13e0.55 cm per year (Fig. 3). Taken together, we see the maize,
diatoms, and phytoliths and sedimentation records as strongly
indicative of intensification of landuse after 3380 cal. BP.
Whether humans responded to climate change through
changing landuse, or whether landuse changes came about because
of social change is actively (e.g. Binford et al., 1997; Erickson, 1999).
The inferred pattern of an increase in intensification of landuse or
adoption of maize agriculture between c. 3500e3000 cal BP is
suggested by similar metrics at lowland sites such as Lakes Ayauchi
(Bush et al., 1989), and Gentry (Bush et al., 2007c), the mid-
elevation site of Lake Pomacochas (Bush et al., 2015b) and the
montane sites of Lakes Marcacocha (Chepstow-Lusty et al., 1998),
Pacucha, and Huaypo (Mosblech et al., 2012). The adoption of maize
agriculture across 1000s of meters of elevation, and from coastal
semi-desert to Amazonian forested settings, strongly suggests that
rather than being purely climatically driven, this was a technolog-
ical adoption, perhaps fostered by climatic events.
The peak intensity of maize agriculture at Lake Sauce seems to
have been between c. 2000 and 1600 cal BP with multiple maize
pollen grains found in most samples. In contrast to this pattern,
after c. 700 cal BP a single grain of maize was found (at c. 480 cal BP)
in the next eight samples. It appears that maize agriculture, if not
abandoned, was being practiced differently prior to the time of
European contact (c. 400 cal BP). A purely local explanation could
be that maize agriculture was being practiced on seasonally flooded
wetlands prior to c. 700 BP, and that the proximity of the crops and
water draining from the fields promoted dispersal of these large
heavy pollen grains to the coring site. Thereafter, a cultural shift
caused maize to either be replaced or for maize agriculture to be
moved further back from the lake onto drier sites. The timing of this
apparent societal change at c. 700 cal BP (1250 AD) is within the
period of the rise of organized Andean cultures, such as the Wari
(Isbell, 2008) and the Chachapoyas (Church, 1994). It is possible
that increasingly sophisticated societies prompted trade and led to
local specialization that did not include maize agriculture in this
setting. Although abundant evidence exists in paleoecological re-
cords to demonstrate the collapse of human populations at the time
of European conflict, (e.g. Bush and Colinvaux, 1994; Carson et al.,
2014, 2015) some records show a cultural change of apparent
abandonment of maize agriculture considerably earlier. Poma-
cochas, Peru, which lies almost immediately upslope from Lake
Sauce at 2050 m a.s.-l., provided a record of at least 3000 years of
maize agriculture that ended c. 1200 cal BP (Bush et al., 2015b). At
Lake Ayauchi, Ecuador, a long history of maize agriculture ended at
c. 1100 cal BP (Bush et al., 1989). Thus the apparent cultural change
at c. 700 cal BP to move away from maize agriculture at Lake Sauce
was not unique, but remains unexplained. One avenue that is worth
Fig. 6. A comparison of the history of maize agriculture at Andean and Amazonian
investigating is to determine the influence on local cultures of
sites, contrasted with species potentially enriched by human activity at Lake Sauce in climate change during and immediately following the Mediaeval
the context of changing moisture availability inferred from the isotopic record from Climate Anomaly.
Tigre Perdido Cave, Peru (van Breukelen et al., 2008). From top to bottom: Pomacochas
Zea data are from Bush et al (Bush et al., 2015b). with grey circles indicating Zea
4.4. Ecological impacts of disturbance in the lake
presence from Lake Ayauchi, a lowland lake in Ecuador (Bush et al., 1989), Huaypo Zea
data are from Mosblech et al. (2012), and black circles indicate Zea presence at the
nearby Lake Pacucha (Valencia et al., 2010). Sauce Zea (this record) showing solid line One effect of human activity may have been to increase erosion
for within pollen sum percentages and ‘þ’s for Zea found in extended counts. Hollow and thereby elevate silica content in the water column and the
circles indicate Zea presence from Lake Gentry, a lowland lake in Peru (Bush et al., sediment, allowing diatoms to preserve. The most noticeable
2007a). Sauce Iriartea, Mauritia, Lecythidaceae, and Poaceae were from this study.
Tigre Perdido (van Breukelen et al., 2008) and Huagapo Cave (Kanner et al., 2013)
transitions in the diatom record occurred when Discostella spp.
isotopic reconstruction reflected moisture conditions through the Holocene for sites in were replaced by other taxa. As Discostella stelligera was charac-
Peru. All ages were recalibrated using Intcal 13 (Reimer et al., 2013). teristic of open water habitats in oligotrophic systems (Rühland
M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64 61

et al., 2015; Saros and Anderson, 2015), the transition to Fragilaria The fire near the base of this record, at c. 6700 cal BP, coincided
and Nitzschia species was consistent with eutrophication (Gaiser with increased fire activity across Amazonia (McMichael et al.,
et al., 2006; Patrick and Reimer, 1966) and broadly coincided with 2012; Power et al., 2008). Lying within the period known as the
increased human activity in the catchment. Peaks of erosion were mid-Holocene dry event, this fire could have been natural, but a
marked by increased abundances of benthic species. The uptick in human ignition source cannot be ruled out. Both the local signature
benthic species, however did not appear to correspond to lowered of fire derived from particles >180 mm and the regional fire signa-
lake levels as their increase coincides with regionally rising lake ture (particles 60e179 mm) (Clark and Royall, 1996) indicate a
levels (Abbott et al., 2003; Baker et al., 2001; Burbridge et al., 2004; massive input of charcoal relative to the rest of the record, only
Mayle et al., 2000; Tapia et al., 2003). Equally, however, it seems matched at one other time in the last 6900 years. The effect of the
unlikely that the signal was solely due to flooding new shallow fire on the pollen assemblage was also much stronger than nor-
regions. If the system was simply adding more marginal habitat it mally documented following a single burn (e.g. 2006; Barlow and
might be expected that the benthic diatoms would be additive, Peres, 2008; Bush et al., 2007a).
increasing the total diatom concentration. Instead, as the benthic A successional sequence in forest composition following the
species enter the record, diatom concentrations fell by two orders 6700 cal BP fire event followed a trajectory similar to those
of magnitude (Fig. 4). To reduce lake productivity this much, the documented as the forest matures around an Amazonian flood-
most plausible scenario was that the benthic diatoms reflected plain lake (Foster, 1990). Early in the successional sequence,
inwashed marginal peats and soils that clouded the water column. Virola, Iriartea and Connarus were important components, but
Non-siliceous algae or simply turbidity could have reduced the over time these taxa were successively replaced by taxa such as
photic zone and hence led to the observed reductions in diatom Arecaceae, Hyeronima, Alchornea, Melastomataceae/Com-
concentration. The strongest peaks of benthic diatoms were aligned bretaceae and Meliaceae. What makes this observation even
to fire and maize agriculture in the lake, supporting the hypothesis more noteworthy is that a parallel sequence of forest succession
that they represented periods of land clearance or erosion. and recovery was observed after the other large fire-prone
The charcoal peaks generally tracked the abundance of the period, which began c. 4500 cal BP and built to a peak at c.
diatom Ulnaria delicatissima. In modern systems, Ulnaria spp. were 4270 cal BP. The second successional sequence may have pro-
strongly positively correlated with increasing nitrogen to phos- gressed further than the first and appears to have culminated in a
phorus ratios (Interlandi et al., 1999), while Discostella stelligera peak of Brosimum at c. 2260 cal BP. A normal succession in
were sensitive to attenuation of light as nutrient availability Amazonia leads to forest recovery such that it is hard to distin-
increased (Saros et al., 2013). In this system, Ulnaria and Nitzschia guish from mature forest within 200e300 years (Foster, 1990). In
amphibia peaks were consistent with elevated nutrient availability this record, however, the transition took about 2000 years.
that may have reflected a combination of erosion and local agri- A closer inspection of the pollen data reveals many smaller fire
cultural activity. Around 1700 cal BP, consistent with the wet events taking place, but an overall trajectory of decreasing charcoal
signature from the Cyp:Poa pollen ratio, large spikes of Aulacoseira representation between 6700 and 4800 cal BP and 4200e2000 cal
appeared in the record, consistent with large pulses of water that BP. Each of these lesser fire events appears to have impacted the
induced strengthened circulation. This system did not sustain such forest, but the post-fire recovery is led by a different taxon from
strong circulation and the characteristic taxon of the wet phases at that impacted by the fire. We suggest that these sequences repre-
Lake Sauce were Discostella spp. sent an overall succession pattern that was repeatedly being dis-
Nitzschia amphibia disappeared from the record about rupted. These minor disruptions did not reset the system, but
700 cal BP, strongly suggestive of reduced eutrophication, and rather provided a small setback. In other words, the system was
consistent with less agriculture causing erosion. Discostella spp. taking two steps forward during a recovery phase, and one step
remained the dominant diatom until modern times apart from brief backwards with each fire event. The recovery after each small fire
spikes of Aulacoseira and Fragilaria radians within the last century. was from a more mature flora than existed after the previous fire,
These spikes of abundance followed the highest accumulation rates hence there was a progression. In this way the recovery was pro-
of the entire sequence, presumably flow and nutrient pulses longed, taking almost two millennia to reach what appeared to be a
resulting from recent deforestation and disturbance of the catch- mature state.
ment (Suttle et al., 1987). Decadal-scale megadroughts have been suggested based on
ice-core and lake records in the Andes and have been related to
4.5. Ecological impacts of disturbance on land cultural turnover (Chepstow-Lusty et al., 2002; Shimada et al.,
1991). This is the first record from the lowland Amazon that
Although we zoned the diagram to aid in its description, the shows such a profound vegetation response to fire events, and
Sauce record was comprised of strong directional change rather suggests that this system climatically, edaphically or because of
than stasis within zones. Moreover, the sequence of taxa forming human land use, may have been especially prone to such intense
the directional change in the pollen record was preceded by a major fires.
disturbance, and the entire pattern was repeated within the
sequence. Two large fires, one at c. 6700 cal BP and the other at 4.6. Forest enrichment
4270 cal BP, provided the disturbance that appear to have ‘reset’ the
successional system, and triggered long-term change. It has been suggested that indigenous peoples had long tradi-
Natural fires are very rare in western Amazonian forests and tions of enhancing the proportions of ‘useful’ taxa in the forest
usually burn out within a few tens of meters (Barlow et al., 2012; (Clement, 2006; Levis et al., 2012). Such an enhancement would
Ray et al., 2005). Even in the drier forests of the western Amazon, lead to the expectation that such species would not suffer popu-
the driest month receives c. 85 mm of precipitation making it un- lation declines, but rather have a growing representation. We saw
likely to burn. Consequently, these forests are not comprised of fire- no evidence to support this hypothesis for Iriartea, or Mauritia,
tolerant species (Barlow and Peres, 2008). The arrival of humans which are potential candidates for anthropogenic species enrich-
would be expected to create positive feedbacks between the ment (Kahn and De Granville, 2012; Rull and Montoya, 2014). A
occurrence of fire and forest alteration as fire-adapted species further taxon that is often cited as being manipulated by humans is
replaced fire-sensitive ones (Cochrane and Laurance, 2008). the Brazil nut, Bertholletia (Lecythidaceae) (Clement et al., 2015).
62 M.B. Bush et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 141 (2016) 52e64

Peaks of Lecythidaceae pollen occurrence did appear to coincide Appendix A. Supplementary data
with those of Zea, but Bertholletia has not been collected from this
section of the Amazon (GBIF.org) and other members of this large- Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
tree genus are unlikely to have been cultivated. Two palm taxa, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.03.022.
Iriartea and Mauritia, which were probably used by indigenous
people for food and construction materials, appeared to have peaks References
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Jason Curtis of the University of Florida for conducting the nitrogen history of a mid-elevation Andean montane forest. Holocene 25, 1522e1532.
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