Week 8

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Contemporary Arts
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 2: Week 8


Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________


Explicates the use of materials and the application of techniques

Materials and Techniques in Contemporary Arts

In this lesson, we will discuss the materials and techniques used by contemporary
artists. By learning about the materials and techniques, you will be able to critique and justify
the materials and techniques used by artists when appreciating their works. Your knowledge
in this lesson may also be applied in your own artwork.


The substances or materials used in the creation of a work of art, as well as any
production or manufacturing techniques, processes, or methods incorporated in its
fabrication. This information includes a description of both the materials used to create the
work and the way in which they were put together.

Materials Used in Contemporary Arts

As mentioned earlier, contemporary artists
are experimental in the materials they use. With
the help of technology and expanded knowledge
from other countries, contemporary artists are not
limited anymore in using traditional materials.
Some artists salvage materials that they can
still use to make creative forms. They can combine
materials like wood and metal that can interact
with the wind to make music. There are some who
use everyday items like plastic cover for food,
paper for sculpture, mirror or yarn. Some may use
their personal things like clothes or accessories.
Impy Pilapil’s “Chime Halo” Hanging bamboo chimes

Traditional Materials
Water color paint, acrylic paint, brushes, crayons, pencils, clay, lettering pens,
weaving materials, papier mache, chalk, paper of different sizes, wood, dyes, ink, charcoal,
among many others are commonly used in creation of arts. Traditional materials are long-

established, standard substances most artists’ use.

Indigenous Materials
Indigenous materials are materials that are naturally and locally found in a specific
place or area. Indigenous materials also do not require costly processing, which consume
energy and other resources, and can be used even in their raw, untreated forms, such as
canes, grass, palms, and rattan.

Non-Traditional Materials
The use of non-traditional or found materials has to transform that material so that it
becomes something else than the novelty of the material itself. Nowadays, there are many
artists who use unconventional materials to create art. These alternative options satisfy their
desire to stretch their creative imagination. Making use of whatever materials available.

Are you ready for a week of learning and crafting?


Let’s Try!

List five (5) items under each category.

Traditional Materials Indigenous Materials Non-Traditional Materials

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5.. 5.


Using any materials available you can find inside your home and own
backyard, create your own simple collage (theme: animal). Glued in any
short bond paper sized paper or card board (8.5X11 inches). Take a photo of the following
and send them thru Facebook Messenger or email. (selected actual artwork will be collected
or submitted)
a. materials collected
b. while doing your art and
c. finished output

Criteria 5 points 3 points 2 points
Quality of The items are neatly A few barely Most items are not
Construction trimmed. All items are noticeable stray neatly trimmed.
carefully and securely marks, smudges Noticeable stray
attached to the backing. or glue stains are marks, smudges or
There are no stray marks, present. glue stains are present.
smudges or glue stains.
Nothing is hanging over the
Resourcefulness The use of available Some materials are Most materials are not
materials is appropriate to not appropriate. suitable to the project.
the project. The items are Items are arranged Items are unplanned
arranged in a planned in a partly and unfocused.
manner. organized manner.
Visual Impact Attractive in terms of Attractive, though a Poorly designed and
appearance, color and little bit messy. lacks neatness.


Processes or Techniques


The means, method, process, or technique by which a material was used in the creation of a
work and communicate the desired concept or meaning, according to the artist’s personal

Technique vs Style
The term “style” with reference to how an artist paints is often misunderstood. It’s
similar to an individual’s handwriting – an illustration of the personality of the individual,
very often expressed unconsciously.
An individual style, while part of the artist’s being, can contain a multitude of
technical approaches and variations. Thus, technique is the systematic procedure by which
the style is conveyed.
So, style and technique intermingle. The style is what you are born to do, the
technique is what you chose to do.

Some Filipino Artists and their Techniques

Fernando Amorsolo (1972) This
man is the country’s first ever
National Artist. He is known for
infusing lighting technique into his
works, making most of his designs
bright and sunny. A realist painter,
where his colorful depictions of
local people reflect the radiance of
the Philippine sun.
‘The Fruit Gatherer’, 1950 © Fernando

Hernando Ruiz Ocampo (1978)

Best known for his abstract paintings. Ocampo used bold
color palettes and biomorphic shapes inspired by both his
country’s landscape and by science fiction writing.

Hernando Ruiz Ocampo ABSTRACT 1953

Ang Kiukok (1935-2005) ‘The Fishermen’, 1981 © Ang Kiukok

Born to Chinese immigrants, Ang

Kiukok is the pioneer of
Philippine modern figurative
expressionism. Rewarded as the
country’s National Artist in 2001,
he was one of the most
successful commercial figures on
the local art scene from the 1960s
until his death from cancer in
2005. He is known for his
distinct cubist and surrealist
portrayals of the crucifixion of
Christ and mother and child. However, he is acclaimed for his series of Fishermen at Sea,
which connects both energy, faith and the struggle of fishermen under a vibrant crimson sun
laboring together to bring in the haul for the day.

Jose Joya (1931-1995)
A Filipino pioneer of Abstract
expressionism, multi-media painter
José Joya uses bold and vibrant
colors with a variety of painting
techniques, layering, loose impasto
strokes and controlled drips. His
harmonious colors are influenced by
Philippine landscapes and tropical
wildlife. His mastery lies in gestural
paintings, where the paint is applied
spontaneously on canvas, sometimes
directly out of the tube or through
the use of broad strokes with
‘Granadean Arabesque’, 1958 © Joya
Victorio Edades (1976)
Edades is tagged as the Father of Modern Philippine Painting. He is known for his dark and
subdued shades in his art pieces.

Cesar Legaspi (1990)

This artist is the Philippines’ first neo-realist. He indeed used the geometric technique in his
daring-themed arts.

Arturo Luz (1997)

As a painter, a sculptor, and a designer for over 40 years, he elevated the Filipino aesthetic
vision through serious expression and form in his art.

Onib Olmedo (1996)

A Filipino artist best known for his expressionistic figurative painting s. He
represented marginalized members of Filipino culture, including prostitutes and
musicians, using the techniques of Cubism and Expressionism to contort their
bodies and faces.

Major Styles in Visual Arts

In realism its subjects painted from everyday life in a naturalistic manner; however,
the term is also generally used to describe artworks painted in a realistic almost photographic
way. It is the style many people think of as "true art." Only when examined close up do what
appear to be solid colors reveal themselves as a series of brushstrokes of many colors and

The artist uses perspective to create an illusion of space and depth, setting the
composition and lighting such that the subject appears real.
Impressionism sought to capture light, not through the detail of realism, but with
gesture and illusion. Objects retain their realistic appearance yet have a vibrancy about them
that's unique to this style.

Expressionism or Fauvism
Both are characterized by their use of bold, unrealistic colors chosen not to depict life
as it is, but rather, as it feels or appears to the artist.

The subject or point of the painting is the colors used, the textures in the artwork, and
the materials employed to create it.



You can also paint in the styles they used. By learning about these styles
and seeing what the artists working in them created and then experimenting with different
approaches yourself, you can begin to develop and nurture your own style.
In any short bond paper sized base (8.5X11 inches), draw, color or paint a portrait using any
of the styles in visual art (except abstract). Let our known Filipino artists be your inspirations.
(selected actual artwork will be collected/submitted)

Criteria 5 points 3 points 2 points
Originality and Represents ideas and Shows some developing Similar to other
creativity created the project ideas. Work somewhat work. Shows lack
applying own style and unique and interesting. of interest.
techniques, resulting to
new and unique work.
Visual Impact Attractive in terms of Attractive, though a little Poorly designed
appearance, color and bit messy. and lacks neatness.



Identify the style and techniques used by the following Filipino Artists. Write
your answer on the space provided.

Artist Style Technique

Jose Joya 1.

Cesar Legaspi 2.

Ang Kiukok 3.

Hernando Ruiz Ocampo 4.

Fernando Amorsolo 5.



See link below for reference:


After watching the video, write a reaction paper. (Minimum of 10 sentences.)



Search for a picture of painting of any of our Filipino artist in the internet,
Copy and paste it in MS Word. Then, write the important details about the
picture/painting. Look closely and write an essay about what you see and what does it
tells you. Share your insights.


Check the appropriate box that corresponds to your experiences.

Learning Outcomes Yes No

1 I can identify correctly the different materials used in arts.
2 I understand the lesson.
3 I can differentiate the styles and techniques in arts.
4 I can critique an artwork.
5 I can appreciate and value other’s artworks.
6 I can create my own work of art using the available materials.
7 I performed my task with enthusiasm and inspirations.
8 I do my activities and tasks right away on my own.
I always wash my hands before and after doing my activities and crafts
especially if I handle different things needed for my task.
I clean my work place and put things back to proper places after using

Major Painting Styles
Famous Filipino Artists and their Masterworks

Answer Key

Let’s Try
Traditional Indigenous Non traditional
Pencil Grass Glass
Crayons Rattan Bottle caps
Paint Bamboo Pins
Brushes Abaca Nails
Paper Buri Rubber bands
Wood Twigs Stones
And others And others And others

Activity No. 1 (rubric)

Activity No. 2 (rubric)
Activity No. 3
Artist Style Technique

Jose Joya 1. Abstract expressionism uses bold and vibrant colors with a
variety of painting techniques,
layering, loose impasto strokes and
controlled drips.
Cesar Legaspi 2. neo-realist used the geometric technique

Ang Kiukok 3.figurative cubist and surrealist portrayals

Hernando Ruiz Ocampo 4. abstract used bold color palettes and
biomorphic shapes
Fernando Amorsolo 5. realist infusing lighting

Activity No. 4
Learner’s own opinion
Activity No. 5 (rubric)

It depends on the learner’s standing (Self-assessment).

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