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List of the various Provisions and Stores furnished to the Frigate " Nooara,"
before her departure from Trieste.

Coals—23 tons (at 260 pounds daily consumption) for 198 days.
Water—86 tons (the daily consumption was furnished by the distilling
Biscuit—50,965 pounds (Vienna weight) „ 145 „
Wine—(light red Istrian wine), 8777 mass ( = 3510 gallons) „ 50 „
Rum—7913 mass ( = 3165 gallons) , 226 „
Salt Beef—17,800 pounds for 105 days }
Preserved Meat (in tins) 122 „ !• Meat (boned) „ 264 „
Pork—5760 pounds weight 87 „ J
Rice—6850 pounds 77
1 (for Soup) „ 135
Essence—3184 pounds 68
Melanges d'Equipage, 40,000 rations 114 days.'
Sour-crout, 16,000 rations 46
Vegetables „ 298
Cabbage, 16,000 rations 46
Potatoes, 32,000 rations 92
Cocoa—10,290 pounds (Vienna weight) „ 610
Sugar—3494 „ 156
Salt—1000 „ „ 100
Vinegar—831 mass ( = 332j gallons) „ 95

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