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Special Journal


Chapter 3
Social Science Theories and Their
Implications to Education
Intended Learning Outcome:
At the end of the Chapter, the students must be able to explain
three social science theories and their implications to education.

I learned that the structural- fuctional theory focuses how

education serves the need of society through the development
of skills encouraging social cohesion.

I learned that in conflict theory there are two opposing side in

complex situation where the conflict occur by people take side
between maintaing the status quo and arrive at an agreement.

I learned that the symbolic interaction theory emphasizes

how people interact in people's behavior is determined by the
meanings they give to various objects.
The society is like a human body each organ of the body has
its own unique function these parts these organs must work
together to make the body perform well.

In conflict theory the unequal group usually have conflicting

values and agendas causing them to compete one another and this
form the basis for the ever-changing nature of society

In symbolic interaction theory there are many things to consider

in giving symbol to the other person in communication because it
can lead to misinterpretation that will cause conflict.

Three Favorite Quotes/Passages/Lines

Let us continue to teach for meaning. Let us
promote and create opportunities for genuine
interaction among our students, teachers, between
students and teachers.
Education is a powerful means of maintaining power
structures and creating a docile work force for
In a high tech world, educational institution must
teach adults. the new skills to relate to the tech-savvy
young and the world and to be more effective in
the workplace.
This chapter mentions three theories: structural-
functional theory, conflict theory, and symbolic
interactionism theory. I can identify to all of this because I
see it in my parents on a daily basis. For instance, in my
family, there is a structural functional theory where my
mother is the provider and my father is assigned in the
management of the house. Despite the fact that they are
not typical parents, they still work together to maintain the
household and in some ways there are times when my
parents will be having a conflict and they meet in between
to maintain the harmony by giving a solution or symbol that
they both understand the pros and cons. That's how we live
a happy family.

Gee Ann C. Dirige

FEB. 21,2023

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