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Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy

Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 1: Mr Tong, a lecturer at a Vietnamese public university, has a policy of giving

students a grade of zero on any in-class quizzes or tests that a student misses because of an
unexpected absence. According to his policy, the only excused absences are illness, religious
holidays, or “emergencies”.
One of his students, Lan, has asked for an excused absence tomorrow, when a quiz is scheduled.
She says that she must go to the airport with her family to say good-bye to her older brother who
will be studying overseas for year.
Lecturer Tong says that he cannot give her an excused absence for such a reason. Lan is very
upset because she does not want a grade of zero on the quiz.

1. From Lan’s point of view, is this a fair decision? Why or why not?
2. From the lecturer’s point of view, is this a fair decision? Why or why not?
3. What is the best way to deal with this problem?

Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy
Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 2: Vietnamese public and private universities forbid dating or romantic

relationships between students and lecturers, with no exceptions to this rule.
A male lecturer has fallen in love with one of his former students. This student is still a junior
(3rd year student) but she is not taking any classes from this lecturer.
A top administrator has learned of this relationship and has told the lecturer to stop dating this
female student immediately or lose his job.

1. From the professor’s point of view, is this a fair policy? Why or why not?
2. From the administrator’s point of view, is this a fair policy? Why or why not?
3. What policy, if any, should the universities have regarding romantic relationships
between lecturers and students?

Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy
Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 3: Mrs Lien has just found out that her husband, Mr Nam, has been stealing small
amounts of money from his company for the past two years. Mrs Lien has told Mr Nam that he must
stop immediately. Mr Nam, however, says that the company will never catch him and that he can’t stop
right now.

1. What is the honest thing for Mrs Lien to do?
2. What is the loyal thing for Mr Nam to do?
3. What should Mrs Lien do at this moment?

Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy
Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 4: Nurses are very upset about their low salary and poor working conditions in
public hospitals throughout the city. City officials have refused their requests for a pay raise.
They say that the city cannot afford raises for at least the next year. Therefore, nurses have voted
to go on strike.

1. Who might be affected by each action?
2. What are the possible consequences of the action?
3. What are the possible solutions for this problem?

Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy
Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 5: Le Nga is a doctor working in the emergency room. She is treating a 17-year-
old high school student, Thu Giang, who has suffered a minor injury in a motorbike accident.
During the physical examination, Dr Nga finds out that Giang is a three-month pregnant. Giang
says she has not gone to a doctor because she does not want anyone to find out she is pregnant.
Giang obsoletely refuses to tell her parents that is pregnant. Her parents are in the waiting room
of the hospital.

1. Is it ethical for Dr Nga to inform Giang’s prarents that she is pregnant? Why or why not?
2. As a doctor, what would you do, inform to Giang’s parents or not? Why?
3. As parents, what would you do, let Giang keep the baby or not? Why?

Bậc Đại học - Hệ Chính quy
Học kỳ 1- Năm học: 2020-2021
Môn: NÓI 3

1. Students are called in a group of 3 at a time.

2. Each group draws a ticket to choose one situation to discuss.
3. Each group has at most 15 minutes to get prepared and 7-10 minutes to present the ideas.
4. Criteria to access examinees as below:
_ Relevant ideas :5
_ Pronunciation :1
_ Grammar :1
_ Fluency :1
_ Intonation :1
_ Body language :1

SITUATION 6: Mr Minh believes that his wife, Mrs Trinh, has started seeing another man
romantically. Mrs Trinh told him that there is no one else in her life, but Mr Minh does not
believe in her. In fact, Minh’s fears and distrust of Trinh are running their relationship. Finally,
to discover the truth, Mr Minh hides a device in Mrs Trinh’s telephone that allows him to make
secret recordings of calls to and from his wife.


1. Is it ethical and legal for Mr Minh to make secret recordings of his wife’s telephone?
2. As a husband, what would you do if you thought that your wife fell in love with another
3. As a wife, what would you do if your husband installed a secret recording into your

Situation 7: A lot of HUFLIT students wear shorts, miniskirts, crop-tops, torn jeans to school
these days. As a result, the school administrators have just forbidden these styles of fashion in
school. Moreover, some executives suggest wearing HUFLIT uniforms to school. And of course,
these students who like these kinds of clothes oppose these rules dramatically.
Group discussion:
1. Look for the causes to support school administrators & executives.
2. Look for the causes to support these fashionable students.
3. Then give the best solutions.


Situation 8: A lecturer of HUFLIT who teaches a 6:45 a.m. class feels very frustrated because
many students regularly arrive 15 or 20 minutes late. As a result, he cannot start the lesson on
time and the learning quality decreases clearly.
The university policy is that lecturers cannot consider lateness or absences in determining
final course grades. Therefore, the professor cannot lower students’ course score simply because
they are late, only subtract within 10% of attendance.
Group discussion:
1. How can the number of tardy students be reduced?
2. How can the learning quality be increased?
3. How can the students’ awareness be improved?

Situation 9: Workers in a large manufacturing company have 2 fifteen-minute breaks per
day, but they have been stretching these breaks to last up to 30 minutes each.
Company executives say that these extended breaks are causing business to lose hundreds
of work hours per year. Workers complain that the factory work is so boring that they need
longer breaks.
Group discussion:
1. As a union leader, give some solutions to protect workers?
2. As a sales manager, give some reasons to protect the company’s profit?
3. How should the company deal with this problem?

Situation 10: After 3 weeks of class, a lot of students in a private university are very
dissatisfied with their lecturer. He does not explain materials, prepare lesson plans well
before coming to class, and answer the questions from his students clearly. This lecturer is a
longtime and official staff of this university. Moreover, he is a big shareholder of this school.
Group discussion:
1. As a school administrator, what can you do to deal with this lecturer?
2. As a student, what can you do to deal with this situation?
3. Work in group, give the best solutions for this problem.

Situation 11: Governmental officials are alarmed at the growing problem of virus Corona
(Covid-19) that can lead to the 3 rd dangerous stage in Vietnam. Therefore, the government

warns everyone to wear face masks in public places, such as, schools, supermarkets, malls,
coffee shops, disco clubs, etc.
However, a lot of Vietnamese do not care of this warning. They ignore the warning from the
government and still go out without face masks.
Group discussion:
1. As a Vietnamese citizen, tell some reasons why you do not wear face masks.
2. As a governmental official, tell some causes to have this warning.
3. What are the best solutions for this problem?

Situation12: Most news organizations have a policy of not revealing the identities of rape
victims. However, a newspaper is planning to publish the name and picture of a 19-year-old
woman who says she was raped by a famous politician.
The trial of this case is just beginning and has attracted a lot of public attention. The name
and photographs of this politician have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the
Group discussion:
1. As a normal citizen, do you support or oppose the revealing of identities of rape victims
and criminals?
2. As a news agent, do you support or oppose the revealing of identities of rape victims and
3. As a governmental official, what should the government do to deal this problem?

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