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GROUP MEMBERS : ( ghi tên các thành viên của nhóm, 1 bạn trong nhóm đại diện nộp

1. Trương Trọng Tấn
2. Phạm Thị Thanh Trúc
3. Nguyễn Ngọc Quỳnh Hương
4. Đỗ Vũ Hoàng Duy
5. Nguyễn Ngọc Mai Quỳnh
6. Mai Xuân Thủ
7. Vũ Thị Thảo Loan
8. Nguyễn Hoàng Trâm Anh


Unit 3: Public Art (Audio 1)

Reminder: - you can’t and it’s not necessary to write down every word by the speaker
- use abbreviations and symbols, shorten words when possible
- be organized and systematic

Topic: …Modern Art- Public Art…………..……………………………

Pub. art = art illustrate 3 common types : pop art, realism , surrealism……………………………..
Pub. art becomes > popular…Many business + city leaders…..put up art in …parks + gardens…….., near
office buildings…,…so on…
Reasons of pub. art in cities:
- art helps…make cities look > beautiful and interesting…………………………………
- having art in pub. places lets > people enjoy art every day……………………..
1st example of pub. art: “ A …silver spoon…. & … a red cherry……………………….’
+ huge: 29 ft wide + over 50 ft long…………….………
+ made of …moral steel…………….. ……………….& …aluminum………….
+ painted …silver + bright red…………….. to look like …spoon w/ red cherry on it……….
 good example of pop art
pop artists like to make art that shows pplr things – things pp …see in their every day lives….…
This artist likes……to take common objects.., like…food….& make …them into huge sculptures
Students’ opinions about the sculpture:

SS1: ……it’s great, really unusual, like it b/c its simple + easy to understand…….
SS2: art chat out in puble, should be st important + beautiful / means st. not be every day
thing, like a spoon

Purposes of pub art:

- Add …beauty to public places -> everyone can enjoy…………….…..…
- Illustrate …ideas/concepts -> shw sm kind of meaning……………………………………….…
= instead of using words  artists … send messages through their art to ppl ………………
 artists … own beliefs ; e.g : concept of peace …
Sculptures made to promote concept of peace:
1. A large- about …16 foot tall………… that shows …young woman on a horse…………
(features of ……the woman + the horse ………….look …real……&…lifelike.… )
- …the woman…in sculpture = a …symbol for peace…………
- It’s so…realistic…  called …realism……….
2. It’s made of …metal…… & looks like …a gun…… It’s about …6ft wide + 13ft long….
It looks like …a gun………until you notice that …it’s tied into a knot at the end…………
& can’t be …fired…….  illustrate …the concept of peace……………………..….. ….
(……a gun itself doesn’t…. not symbolize…peace……………. )
 This sculpture is a great example of …surrealism…………………..

Unit 6: Too Old to Learn? (Audio 2)

Rinder: - you can’t and it’s not necessary to write down every word by the speaker
- use abbreviations and symbols, shorten words when possible
- be organized and systematic

Follow this guided note-taking exercise.

Date: Topic: Critical period (CP) in language learning……………………………….
1.Defining the critical period
2. Some examples of a critical period in animals
3. Evidence for a critical period for language learning in humans ……………………..

I. Critical period (CP)

CP= a theory that explains why it is easier for child to learn langs than 4

CP = …a critical period comes from the study of animals………………………….

Critical period:
starts …in 1st week or mouth of animal life……………….
ends when ……animal gets older…………………………………CP ends………..
 There’re …many skills……………….. when animal’s …young…………..; if not, they
II. Examples:
a. Songbirds
learn to sing…1st few mouths after it’s born………………………………….
by listen’g to its…parents song………..&…repeating it…………..
can only learn…when it’s baby………………………………………………….
If…baby bird…………….removed fr. its …parent……….. …… not hear the
not …learn to sing………………………………………
b. Cats
learn to use …its eyes in 1st few weeks of its life……………….
If …all the lights in room……removed …cat grow up in the dark…
won’t be able to …use its eyes……………………….…
 won’t be able to……see well………………… when it’s …learn to see…………….
III. CP for language learning
Child. learn new languages ……easily………………& ……quickly…………………..
One theory = that there’s a CP for lang. learn’g
( Theory): Pp’s brains change when …they’re adolescents……………………..& these
changes make …it more difficult 4 audlts…….. ….. to learn new lang. than for child
Unlike …child…………………, adults can learn to speak new lang. though
they may not speak it …perfectly…………………
There’s …evidence.............4 CP for learn’g 2 …speak w/ a native
Adults : (learn new lang. after adolescence speak w/ a foreign
never learn to speak w/ …… native accent
4 ……………………. though how hard they
try ……………….….
hear … the correct accent………………………… but …can pronounce the sound
UNIT 5: Violence on TV (Audio 4)

Topic: ……Impact of TV violence on children……………………………….

 TV has huge impact on children:
- 98% families have TV
- 52% children have TV in bedrooms  watch whenever
- Kids watch TV: ≈ 3 to 4 hours every day ≈ 1500 hours a year
- Kids spend in school : ≈ 900 hours a year
 Kids spend> time on TV than in school
 How much violence is on TV
- Some pp feel that violence on TV is teach’g kids > violent
Q: “ link between violence children see on TV and real violence?”
Research: focus on counting number of acts of violence on TV in avg day
(incl. act- could heart or kill ppl in real life )
Research shows: cartoons 4 children have most violence
( ” have 32 violent acts/hr, eg: characters hit each other on head, shoot each other)
Other kids’shows have a lot of violence as well ; eg: many kids’ shows have characters that fight
each other
 Kids ‘ll have seen ≈ ………………………………..
 The impact of TV violence on children
1. Immediate effects of watching TV violence: what happens after children watching violence
1st study: group children saw a TV show
The show: a child hitting and kicking doll
After the show: a child left alone in room w/ same type of doll
The result: all children hit and kick doll as TV
Conclusion: there is a strong link b/t what see & do
2. Long-term effects: what happens years after a child watching violent TV
2 nd study:
1960: studied 8 years old children in typical American city
Studied how much violent TV children watched &
Whether children acted violently at home or school
10 yrs later: studied same children at 18
The result: watching much violence at 8 were more violent in 18
& vice versa
Conclusion: there is link b/ TV violence and real violence  watching violent TV has long-
terms impact on kids

Topic: Ethics (Audio 5)

Ethics = rules ppl. follow to decide _____what is right and what is wrong___________________________
2 ethical principlesto ___analyze____________sit. & justify ___our decision about what to do_________
Situation: a dying woman w/ no family. She has _$10000______________________________________
Her wishes: _to buy a lot of flowers_____________________________________________________
w/ ___________________________&__most expensive________________________coffin
Friend’s last decision (after wo. die): __simple funeral______________________________________
& __give most of it to a school for homeless children___________
 friend ___lies____________________
1. Principle of individual rights:
Source: Immanuel Kant’s writing- __Immanuel Kant__________________________________________
Kant’s belief: most imp. right as human = ______think_ _________&_make decisions__________
(≠ ani. ) each person has ____make choices________________________________________ &
To be ethical: pp ___respect other pp right to think and make decision________________________
(using this prin.)  friend’s lies = ____ethically wrong___________.
Lying = wrong cuz when we lietake away other person think and make decision_

2. Prin. of common good.

Source: Jeremy’s writng,___lived in England_____, ___17th 18th centuries_______________
Common good = __choosing whatever good 4 most ppl______________________________________
(i.e: It’s ok to _______hurt ppl some time__________________ but only if
_________same action helps more ppl_____________________
 help most pp.+ hurt fewest pp
+ If friend tells truth wo. gets ________mad____, friend gets______hurt____________
& school _____does not money__________________________
+ If friend lies  wo. not ____her wish__________but many child. helped
(chid. w/ _______better education_________  __better ppl_________ earn > $
& give _____more 2 society________________ )
(using this prin.)  friend’s lies = ______________more ppl than hurt____________
( friend can _______justify_________ the lie to dying wo.)
Unit 12. The Electronic Brain (Audio 6)

Topic: The first electronic computer

1. …Reasons why computer = built…

ENIAC: started in …July 1943..., in……middle of Worldwar II …
was …secret project….. paid for by …US army…
( Before ENIAC): …army had groups of young women….. = ‘…computers..’
” did calculations for …scientific projects …hand…
 slow + errors
US army wanted …faster & better way 2 do calculations …
try to build electronic computer
2. …2 engineers on project (men who designed computer) …
a. 1st …engineer…:
John Mauchly = physicist
...35... yrs old
interested in…building computer… b/c he wanted to
…predict weather…
But calculations = …impossible…
 Became interested in ideas of doing calculations electronically
b. 2nd …engineer...:
J. Presper Eckert: ...24... yrs old
Ph. D. student studying … electrical engineering…
loved to …design complex electronic machines…
was …idea guy…( had great ideas )  found…way 2 make ideas work…
Both men: most …important elements of project …
worked well together, …= brave enough…; ...crazy enough….to try st totally new
3. Description of ENIAC
ENIAC = big, filled an …18 hundred square foot…room(≈ size of a large …3 bedroom apartment … )
had 40 diff. elements , in U shape around the room
had thousands of …electronic parts….
did calculation & not …make errors….
could do …5,000 calculations/sec….

( comps. today do…100,000,000 calculations in 1 sec … )

4. What happened to the computer and the engineers

- ENIAC finished & shown to …public…in …February 1946…
- …Newspapers…&…magazines all over the world…. wrote articles abt it
- Eckert & Mauchly: had ideas for new, better comps
started…their own company…, design’g … build’g & sell’g computers …
will always be …remembered as 1st computer engineers…


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