Task 1

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1. A group of 3 students randomly chosen will be called in at a time.
2. A member draws a lot to get one of the topics. Students are not allowed to change
the topic.
3. Each group has at most 10 minutes to get prepared together and at most 10
minutes to act out the discussion. One member will be appointed as group leader
to lead the discussion.
4. Pre-prepared notes are not allowed in the exam room.

1. Pronunciation & intonation 2m
2. Fluency 1m
3. Language functions 2m
4. Group interaction 1m
5. No serious grammar mistakes 1m
6. Relevant & interesting ideas & solutions 3m

Topic 1.
Situation: The authority is considering banning the consumption of dog meat in certain
areas in the country, which causes strong arguments among the citizens
especially those who make a living from slaughtering and selling dogs.

Discussion: What are some arguments from each side?

What is the best solution to this issue?

Topic 2
Situation: A parent is angry about a bruise on her son’s arm. She insists that it was caused by his
teacher in the primary school. She is also concerned about class activities and the teacher’s
performance during the lessons; therefore, she wants the school to set up a camera in the
classroom to enable parents to watch their kids and the teacher at all times.
Discussion: • Who might be affected if the school principal agrees to set up the camera?
• What are the possible consequences of the action?
 Decide whether the possible consequences are more beneficial than harmful, or
more harmful than beneficial.

Topic 3
Situation: A university student usually comes to class with scanty clothes which show lots of her body
and are not appropriate for an academic environment. Her professor has told her to wear
more sensible clothes, but she argues that her clothes make her comfortable and confident
and that there are no rules on clothing in the student regulations.

Discussion: Discuss the situation in term of the professor’s point of view and the student’s point of
What is the best way to deal with this problem?


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