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Materi job interview

1. What is a job interview? (Apakah wawancara kerja itu?)

an interview to select an applicant (wawancara untuk menyeleksi pelamar)

2. Who interviews the applicants in job interview? (Siapakah yang mewawancara

pelamar pada wawancara kerja)

HR Officer (bagian personalia)

3. What is applicant? (Apakah pelamar itu?

The one whom applying (orang yang melamar)

4. Where can we find the job advertisement? (Dimanakah dapat kita temukan iklan

In the newspaper (di koran)

5. Who can apply the job? (Siapakah yang bisa melamar pekerjaan?)

All people that fit in the qualifications (semua orang yang cocok dengan

6. What are the things in job advertisement? (Apa saja yang terdapat pada iklan

Both a and b (Kedua jawaban a dan b, yaitu posisi dan persyaratan)

7. What are going to be happened in the job interview? (Apa yang akan terjadi
dalam wawancara kerja?)

Asking and answering related to the job position (menanyakan dan menjawab hal-
hal berkaitan dengan posisi pekerjaan tersebut)

8. What do the applicant bring in the job interview? (Apa yang pelamar bawa ke
wawancara kerja?)

Curriculum Vitae (Data diri)

9. What do the applicant do before having the job interview? (Apa yang pelamar
lakukan sebelum wawancara kerja?)

Sending job application letter (mengirimkan surat lamaran pekerjaan)

10. How should the applicant be during the job interview? (Bagaimana seharusnya
pelamar bersikap selama wawancara kerja?)
The applicant should answer the questions well. (pelamar harus menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan dengan baik.)

Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris

1, Okay, Please introduce yourself briefly? (Baiklah, Tolong perkenalkan diri
anda secara singkat?)

You: My name is Rahman, I am twenty five years old. I have graduated from Gadjah
Mada University, majoring in Computer Science. My Activity right now is writing on
my Personal English Blog, I am also active in several communities that related to my

2. What department do you apply and why do you interested on it?

(Posisi apa yang anda lamar dan kenapa anda tertarik melamar posisi itu?)

You: I want to apply for the System Analyst position, I am interested working on
that position because that is my passion and I am also love working with computers
since I was a kid.

3. Why did you leave your previous job? (Mengapa anda meninggalkan pekerjaan
anda yang sebelumnya?)

You: I leave my previous job because I want more challenge and new experience.

4. What if in this new place you feel the same as you did in your last
work/office? (Bagaimana jika rasanya bekerja di tempat barumu sama saja
bekerja di kantor lamamu?)

You: It is okay for me, because I think it will be different from my previous job,
also as I mention before, I love to gain new experience.

5. When were you most satisfied in your work? (Kapan anda merasa sangat puas
dengan pekerjaan anda?)

You: It’s When I completed my job properly and on time, also when I get a job that
related to my passion.
6. What are your strengths, please specify each of three? (Apa kelebihan
anda? tolong jelaskan tiga)

You: My strengths are I love to learn new things, I have a good analytical thinking,
and I like to pursue my target.

7. What are your weaknesses, please specify each of three? (Apa kelemahan
anda? tolong jelaskan tiga)

You: My weakness are, I often to lose focus when I have too many distractions.
Next, I am a perfectionist, so, sometimes it takes a long time to finish a job,
because I want to finish it perfectly, and the last is I am easily to get bored.

8. Why should we hire you? (Kenapa kami harus mempekerjakan anda?)

You: Because I have enough experience in this field and this field is my own
passion, so I have a very strong spirit for this field.

9. How much salary do you want in every month? (Berapa gaji yang anda inginkan
setiap bulannya?)

You: I am expecting my salary is two and half million rupiahs per month.

10. Do you have any strategies to increase our business income? (Apakah anda
memiliki strategi untuk menambah pemasukan bisnis kami?)

You: Yes, I have some great ideas to increase the income, such as create a new
flavor for your product or by doing a new type of promotion.

11. What course did you attend? (Kursus apa yang sudah anda hadiri?)

You: I have been Attended many courses of this field, one of them is the national
course about programming and programming analyze that held in Jakarta a month

12. Could you mention any computer software that you expert in it? (Bisakah
anda menyebutkan program komputer apa yang anda kuasai?)

You: Besides of programming, I am also an expert of Microsoft Office dan also an

expert for design software, like Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.
13. Can you work with a team and under pressure? (Bisakah anda bekerja dalam
tim dan dalam tekanan?)

You: Yes, I can, I also don’t think it’s a pressure because it’s the responsibility of
my work and it’s also a great change to improve the quality of myself.

Anda: Ya saya bisa, saya juga tidak berpikir kalau itu adalah sebuah tekanan, karena
itu sudah menjadi tanggung jawab pekerjaan saya dan itu juga dapat menjadi
kesempatan besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri saya sendiri.

14. What do you know about our company? (Apa yang anda ketahui tentang
perusahaan kami?)

You: Yes, your company is a company that engaged in digital services 

15. Why do you want to work in our company? (Kenapa anda ingin bekerja di
perusahaan kami?)

You: Because your company have a good reputation and of course to get the great
experience to work in here. 

16. What are your goals? (Apa tujuan anda?)

You: To become a better person and more professional.

 What can you do for us that other candidates cannot offer? (Apa yang dapat anda
lakukan untuk kami tapi tidak dapat dilakukan oleh kandidat yang lain?) 

18. What three positive things would your last boss say about you? (Apa 3 hal
positif tentang anda yang diucapkan oleh bos anda yang sebelumnya? 

19. Do you have any ambitions in your life that you want to achive? (Apakah anda
mempunyai suatu ambisi di dalam hidup anda yang ingin dicapai?)

20.Do you have working experience in this position? (Apakah anda memiliki
pengalaman kerja pada posisi ini?) 

21. Do you have questions about this job? (Apakah anda punya pertanyaan
tentang pekerjaan ini?)

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