06 - AES20008 - Statement of Work - GK Diesel Fuel - 20 MAY 20

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Version 4.0





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Version 1.0 15 07/05/2020 Draft NSPA review

Version 2.0 15 13/05/2020 Customer review (LWSDP)

Version 3.0 12 14/05/2020 NSPA review

Version 4.0 12 20/05/2020 NSPA review

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1. Scope .................................................................................................................................5

2. Applicable Documents ........................................................................................................5

3. Command and Control .......................................................................................................5

4. Planning Factors / Constraints............................................................................................6

5. Description of the Services Required..................................................................................6

6. Schedules, Milestones and Operating Hours ......................................................................8

7. Contractor Human Resources Required, Qualifications, and Language Skills ....................8

8. NSPA / Customer Furnished Facilities, Equipment, Tools and Supplies .............................8

9. Contractor Furnished Facilities and Equipment, Tools and Provisioning of Supplies ..........9

10. Security and Safety Requirements .....................................................................................9

11. Environmental Requirements .............................................................................................9

12. Data and Reports .............................................................................................................10

13. Quality Assurance and Performance Measurement ..........................................................10

14. Mobilization / Demobilization ............................................................................................10

15. Templates and Forms.......................................................................................................10

16. Summary of Plans, Reports and Delivery Dates ...............................................................10

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Annex A - Requirements/Locations/Volumes.

Annex B - Seasonal product requirements.

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1. Scope

1.1. This Scope of Work shall cover fuel requirements (supply and delivery) for NATO E-3A
Component at Geilenkirchen, Germany.

1.2. Services. The Contractor shall provide and sustain specific services as prescribed within this
SOW and as required in forthcoming Purchase Orders and Outline Agreements in order to
maintain such services to an acceptable standard.

2. Applicable Documents

2.1. The Applicable Documents listed in this SOW, and any Annexes and Appendices to this SOW,
contain the various standards, against which the requested services shall be performed. The
contents of these standards are applicable to the extent that they are relevant to the services
to be provided under this contract.

2.1.1. The most stringent applicable standard shall have precedence.

2.1.2. The Contractor shall follow the most current version of the referenced document at
time of Request for Proposal release for contract purposes. The Contractor shall make
themselves aware of any updates during the contract performance period and
address any issues that arise from these changes.

2.2. Fuel specification. Fuel specification will comply with DIN EN 590.

2.3. European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, ADR
(Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route).

2.4. Geilenkirchen Air Force Base-specific and National security and other legal regulations
pertaining to provision of Fuels services on civil and military airports and Host Nation military

3. Command and Control

3.1. NSPA is performing contract management and is the Service Integrator on behalf of the NATO
E-3A Component.

3.1.1. All matters concerning application and administration of the Contract shall be dealt
with by the appointed NSPA Contracting Officer (CO) and appointed Technical Officer
(TO), who shall have ultimate responsibility for validating contractor performance.

3.1.2. On a case-by-case basis, where there exists a potential for conflict of resources, NSPA,
in conjunction with the applicable Military Commander or Customer representative,
will provide specific direction to the Contractor where work prioritization is required.
The Contractor must immediately notify NSPA TOs as conflicts arise to request
problem resolution.

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3.2. For the purpose of this SOW and its Annexes and Appendices, the term “Military Commander”
shall be either the NATO E-3A Component Military Commander or his designated
representative, unless otherwise specified.

3.3. The Contractor Account Manager (AM) is the individual responsible for ensuring delivery of
services as specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall ensure the AM is fully empowered
to represent the Contractor in all matters related to site operational activities pursuant to
contract implementation. This empowerment shall include sufficient financial authority to
commit the company to perform contract requirements. The AM shall actively cooperate with
NSPA to facilitate service delivery and resolve issues that arise.

3.4. In the event of contractual disagreement between the Contractor and NSPA, the customer, or
even other contractors, NSPA and the Contractor shall document the nature and details of the
disagreement. NSPA and the Contractor shall negotiate in good faith, endeavoring to resolve
the issue and implement any necessary remedial action as soon as possible. Should the matter
not be resolved locally, the issue will be referred to the NSPA Senior CO as a Contract Issue
requiring resolution. Any NSPA decision, reached after due consideration, shall be binding. This
does not affect the Contractor’s ability to seek recourse in accordance with the provision of
the Contract.

3.5. On a case-by-case basis, if external factors, not of the Contractor’s making, create a potential
conflict in resources, affecting the Contractor’s ability to deliver any required service, the
Contractor must immediately notify the Customer POC or the appropriate NSPA TO. NSPA will
provide specific direction to the Contractor to prioritize activities as necessary.

3.6. All references, within this SOW and associated Annexes, to the Contractor, contractor
personnel, contractor employees, staff, etc. refer to all personnel working in support of this
contract. This includes personnel hired by the prime contractor, those working as sub-
contractors and local civilian hires. The prime contractor shall hold full responsibility for all
personnel employed in support of this contract at all times.

4. Planning Factors / Constraints

4.1. In accordance with ADR.

4.2. The Contractor shall provide all resources and management necessary to fulfil contractual
obligations in accordance with specific requirements established in the relevant SOW Annexes
and as stipulated in the Contract Terms and Conditions. The Contractor shall provide a
management structure with the authority, capacity and capability to monitor and ensure
contractual service standards are achieved.

5. Description of the Services Required

5.1. The Contractor shall provide on demand support to the NATO E-3A Component (as further
defined in Annex A).

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5.2. The Contractor shall deliver the following services:

5.2.1. Contract Management (AM).

5.2.2. The type of diesel fuel for high performance engines shall need to be in accordance
with DIN EN-590 requirements and the proper value of CFPP during winter periods
(Cold Filter Plugging Point), as per Annex B.

5.2.3. Diesel Fuel transportation: Diesel Fuel vehicles shall be comply in accordance to European Agreement

concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
Drivers shall have a valid ADR certification. The storage capacity of Diesel Fuel vehicles shall be minimum of 30,000
Liters. The Diesel Fuel shall be delivered in tank trucks equipped with a calibrated
mounted flow counter at 15° C. Transportation and delivery shall be coordinated and agreed with

Customer POC.

5.3. Specific Requirements for Diesel Fuel deliveries:

5.3.1. The Contractor shall provide Diesel Fuel supply capability to the NATO E-3A Component
in Geilenkirchen, Germany.

NATO AFB Geilenkirchen

- POL Section, Bldg. 31/176 -
Lilienthalallee 100
52511 Geilenkirchen

5.3.2. The Contractor shall provide proof of each transaction in the form of a delivery note
containing the proper information according to the provided Service by including the
Requisition reference. Furthermore, on each invoice the vendor shall make explicit
reference to the product delivered and the associated delivery note.

5.4. Provision of Service.

5.4.1. The request of the Service shall be provided electronically via e-mail. The Contractor
shall keep the corresponding Requisition reference in all relevant documentation
throughout the performance of the Service.

5.4.2. In the event that a request for fuel provision cannot be met, partially or in full, or by
the due date or time, the Contractor shall notify the Customer POCs immediately.

5.4.3. NATO reserves the right to request Petroleum, Oil and lubricants from other sources /
suppliers, as it deems necessary to satisfy Customer mission requirements.

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5.4.4. In the case of the Diesel Fuel Delivery, the point of sale will be at the connection to the
receiving tank.

5.4.5. In all cases, the Diesel Fuel shall remain the property of the Contractor until be
dispensed into Military tanks.

5.5. Meters and Fuel Quantity acceptance.

5.5.1. The Customer shall confirm quantity of fuel ordered/received. The meter of record
will be the Contractor’s temperature-compensated meter.

5.5.2. The Contractor shall provide meters that are calibrated and certificates that
substantiate they are calibrated IAW ISO standards. The Contractor shall provide
temperature-compensating meters (to 15 degrees Celsius) to enable accurate
accounting. The Contractor shall ensure that all volumes are expressed net (i.e.
compensated to 15 degrees Celsius).

6. Schedules, Milestones and Operating Hours

6.1. The Contractor shall ensure services are commensurate with the exercise/operational
requirements and may be required to adjust service posture swiftly in response to developing
situations. The Contractor shall mitigate the effect of holidays and maintain continued fuel
distribution to meet with contract requirements.

6.2. The fuel shall be provided during working hours (from 08:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday).

6.2.1. In the event of exceptional circumstances, the Customer shall be able to request a
Diesel Fuel delivery outside the working hours (i.e. weekends, bank holidays,…). The
exceptional request shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Transportation and
delivery shall be coordinated and agreed with Customer POC.

7. Contractor Human Resources Required, Qualifications, and Language Skills

7.1. The Contractor shall provide qualified and competent personnel in suitable numbers and with the
required qualifications in order to perform all the requirements of this SOW.

7.2. The language of this contract (both written and verbal) is English.

7.3. The Contractor’s staff shall have the necessary language skills to communicate effectively with
NSPA and the final customer either in English or German.

8. NSPA / Customer Furnished Facilities, Equipment, Tools and Supplies

8.1. Not Applicable. If necessary, will be coordinated with the Customer.

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9. Contractor Furnished Facilities and Equipment, Tools and Provisioning of Supplies

9.1. The Contractor shall supply all Equipment and Supplies required to perform the service. The
Contractor shall provide connections (regular German Connector DN80) to conform with NATO
STANAG 3756.

10. Security and Safety Requirements

10.1. The Contractor shall comply with NATO E-3A Component and Host Nation security directives
and guidance.

10.2. The Contractor, their staff, and any persons assigned by them to execute the Contract shall fully
comply with the provisions of any instructions that relate to security.

10.3. The Contractor, their staff, and any persons assigned by them to execute the desired services
shall not discuss affairs, especially military operations, routines, personnel, vehicle and aircraft
strengths and movements, type and number of arms and equipment, etc. during and after
termination of any contract. They shall not release any information on casualties.

10.4. The Contractor, their staff, and any persons assigned by them to execute the Contract shall only
be permitted to enter and / or work within military facilities after having been registered,
processed, and approved by the applicable NATO E-3A Component or Host Nation authority.

10.5. The Contractor, their staff, and any persons assigned by them to execute the Contract shall
abide by all security instructions while on any military facility.

10.6. The Contractor shall immediately inform the NSPA TO or security office of the applicable NATO
or Host Nation about all security issues, to include trustworthiness of employees, suspicious
incidents or behaviors, criminal and / or police investigations, and any contact or dealings with
any security or intelligence services that effects compliance with this contract.

10.7. The Contractor shall immediately inform both NSPA and Customer POCs of any accidents /
incidents, injury, or suspected injury, occurring in general or to Contractor personnel on station.
This includes work related events.

11. Environmental Requirements

11.1. The Contractor shall carry out all operations in accordance with Host Nation, ADR, NATO and
European Union law and accepted international guidelines and best practice

11.2. If the military or civil authority elects to conduct an investigation of the accident or mishap, the
Contractor shall fully cooperate and assist military or Host Nation civilian authorities in the
conduct of an investigation until the investigation is completed.

11.3. Waste disposal will be the responsibility of the Custodian of the product in the moment it was

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12. Data and Reports

12.1. NSPA may request reporting and data to support management and assist with audits.

13. Quality Assurance and Performance Measurement

13.1. The Contractor shall be certified to the ISO 9001 standard (Quality Management System).

14. Mobilization / Demobilization

14.1. Not applicable.

15. Templates and Forms

15.1. NSPA will inform the Contractor of the format of possible reports and information which may
be required.

16. Summary of Plans, Reports and Delivery Dates

SOW Reference Description First delivery Remarks (and subsequent


Main Body Para As an event occurs

10.7 Accident / Incident Report within 12 hours Participate in follow-up
(including environmental with initial and reporting or investigations as
accidents) then final 7 days required.

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Summary table

Requirement Quantity Destinations


Monthly delivery Diesel fuel IAW 30,000 Liters NATO E-3A Component (Geilenkirchen, Germany)
Annex B

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Seasonal product requirements:

Period 1st Jan – 28th Feb 1st Mar – 15th Nov 16th November – 31st Dec

CFPP -220C Grade F Diesel as EN590 Diesel in accordance with EN -22 0C Grade F Diesel as EN590

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