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“Crab Stick And Cucumber Salad

With Soyu Mayo And Strawbery Coulis”




“Roasted Pumpkin Soup”




“Chicken Lyonaise”

(Grill Chicken Breast Served with Mashed Sweet Potato And Brocoly)




Indonesian dessert served with tropical fruit and coconut milk


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Crab Stick 35 gr Rp. 50000/kg Rp. 1800

2 Cucumber 30 gr Rp. 9000/ ½ kg Rp. 550

3 Iceberg Lettuce 10 gr Rp. 11000/kg Rp. 110

4 Tobiko 3 gr Rp. 145000/ ½ kg Rp. 900

5 Alfafa 3 gr Rp. 45000/50 gr Rp. 2700

Total Rp. 6060


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Mayonaise 250 ml Rp. 24000/ltr Rp. 6000

2 Kikoman Soya 30 gr Rp. 32000/150 ml Rp. 6500

3 Sugar 15 gr Rp. 13000/kg Rp. 200

4 Lime Juice 50 cc Rp. 3300/2 pcs Rp. 1650

5 Sesame Oil 15 gr Rp. 32500/195ml Rp. 2500

Total Rp. 16850


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Fresh Strawbery 100 gr Rp. 38500/kg Rp. 3850

2 Sugar 40 gr Rp. 13000/kg Rp. 550

3 Balsamic Vinegar 50 ml Rp. 70000/ 500 ml Rp. 7000

4 Water 100 ml Rp. Rp.

Total Rp. 11400


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Sweet Pumkin 200 gr Rp. 7000/kg Rp. 1400

2 Potato 50 gr Rp. 9000/kg Rp. 450

3 Carrot 30 gr Rp. 22500/kg Rp. 700

4 Onion 20 gr Rp. 7500/ ¼ kg Rp. 600

5 Garlic 5 gr Rp. 3300/ ons Rp. 165

6 Butter 25 gr Rp. 126000/ 5 kg Rp. 630

7 Salt 25 gr Rp. 11000/kg Rp. 300

8 White Pepper 5 gr Rp. 25000/kg Rp. 125

9 White Sugar 10 gr Rp. 13000/kg Rp. 130

10 Water / Ice water 300 ml Rp. Rp.

11 Sour Cream 10 ml Rp. 23000/200 gr Rp. 1150

12 Dill / parsley 1 gr Rp. 5000/100 gr Rp. 50

Total Rp. 5700


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Chicken Breast 200 gr Rp. 53000/kg Rp. 10600

2 Mustard 5 gr Rp. 32500/245 gr Rp. 700

3 Salt 8 gr Rp. 11000/kg Rp. 90

4 Pepper 4 gr Rp. 25000/kg Rp. 100

Total Rp. 11500


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Butter 20 gr Rp. 126000/5 kg Rp. 504

2 Onion 125 gr Rp. 7500/ ¼ kg Rp. 3750

3 Red Wine /Hatten Wine 30 ml Rp. 151000/ 750 ml Rp. 6040

4 Chicken Gravy 200 ml Rp. 25000/ ½ kg Rp. 10000

5 Salt 10 gr Rp. 11000/kg Rp. 110

6 Pepper 5 gr Rp. 25000/kg Rp. 125

7 Cream 20 gr Rp. 28000/200ml Rp. 2800

8 Chop Parseley 1 gr Rp. 5000/100 gr Rp. 50

Total Rp. 23379


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Sweet Potato 200 gr Rp. 7000/kg Rp.1400

2 Butter 300 gr Rp. 126000/ 5 kg Rp. 7560

3 Cream 100 cc Rp. 28000/200ml Rp. 14000

4 Salt 3 gr Rp. 11000/kg Rp. 33

5 Pepper 5 gr Rp. 25000/kg Rp. 125

6 Onion 15 gr Rp. 7500/ ¼ kg Rp. 450

7 Garlic 5 gr Rp. 3300/ ons Rp. 165

8 Brocoly 150 gr Rp. 15000/kg Rp. 2250

Total Rp. 26000


No Nama Bahan Jumlah Harga/Unit Harga

1 Pisang 2 bh Rp. 27500/sisir Rp. 4600

2 Nangka 2 pcs Rp. 11000/bks Rp. 1000

3 Kolang Kaling 50 gr Rp. 13500/kg Rp. 675

4 Dawet 100 gr Rp. 3000/bks Rp. 300

5 Singkong 1 pcs Rp. 7000/kg Rp. 3000

6 Santan 300 cc Rp. 39000/ltr Rp. 11700

7 Gula Pasir 170 gr Rp. 16500/kg Rp. 2805

8 Daun Pandan 1 lbr Rp. 1000/ikat Rp. 200

Total Rp. 24280

Harga Pokok Set Menu 3 Porsi : Rp. 125. 169 (Rp. 125.200)

Harga Jual Set Menu 3 Porsi Dengan Besar Keuntungan 50%

= Harga Pokok + 50%

= Rp. 125.200 + Rp. 62584

= Rp. 187.784

= Rp. 187. 800

Keuntungan 50% diambil berdasarkan :

10% : biaya bahan bakar

5% : biaya penyusutan alat

15% : biaya air dan listrik

20% : upah pegawai

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