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Day-to-Day Office

Unit 1 : Faxes

1. Time-sensitive - used to describe a product that has to be delivered by a

particular time, or information that is only useful for a particular period
* There are quite a few very time sensitive matters with this
case. (Time sensitive documents)

2. Get a hold of - to communicate with someone, esp. by telephone

* I haven’t talked to her in years, so I wouldn’t know how to
get hold of her anymore.

3. Briefs - is a written document that can outline several objectives,

business plans or product plans.
* I need those briefs ASAP.

4. It’s harder than you can imagine - means you are trying to do something
now that is more difficult than you imagined it would be be before you
* Getting those briefs has been harder than you can imagine.

5. Urgent - very important and needing attention immediately

* He has to sign that paper - will you tell him it's urgent?

6. Unreadable - impossible to read because not clear or messy

* This copy is unreadable. I’ll call them and ask them to relax.

7. Out of toner - ink for a printer or photocopier.

* I think the fax machine is out of toner.
(Rolodex - a desktop card index used to record names, addresses, and telephone numbers, in the form of a rotating
spindle or a small tray to which removable cards are attached.)

* What does “A” want to have by tomorrow morning?

* When “B” tried to contact Anderson Firm’s lawyer, what seems to be the
* How did they solve the problem?
* What does “A” looking for on her/his desk?
* What seems to be the problem from the faxes?
* What are the steps taken to solve the problem?


If a person said they will send information, you might have to

call them to check on the status if you haven't received it.

"Hi ________, this is __________ at ___________( company

name). Can I get a status on the fax you are going to send over?"

"Can you check on the status of the documents you are faxing to
me? I haven't received it."

"Hi ____________, I didn't receive the fax last night. Can you fax
it again? We should also confirm what fax number you have on

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