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Complete the dialogue below

1. Jacob : Morning Michele. How are you? Michele : Morning Jacob. l am okay. What
about you ?
Jacob : _____My father passed away last week.
Michele : Really sorry to hear that
Jacob : Thank you
A. Very nice
B. Excellent
C. l am so bad
D. l am very happy

Complete the dialogue below

2. Teacher : Hi Richard
Student : Hi mam.
Teacher : could you please tell me your favorite food?
Student : Well mam. l have so many favorite food, but, l prefer something spicy
Teacher : What is it ?
Student : lt’s a ______
A. Dessert
B. lce cream
C. Smoke beef
D. Hot grill chicken

3. Teacher : what time does your father go to work Alan ?

Alan : He always goes to work at ________
A. Half past eight
B. A quarter to eight
C. Half to eight
D. A quarter past eight

Read the following text below and choose the best answer
Elephants are the largest animal in the world. They are from Asia and Africa. They are
herbivores. They eat grass, fruit, and branch. An elephant has a big body with four legs. It
has long nose called trunk, large ear, and small eyes. By the ears, they can hear sounds from
a distance about ten kilometers. Its skin is grey, brown, and hairless. Their habitats are in
the forest. Now, their population remains little in their habitat.

4. From the text above, the elephants are …

A. Big animal and have small ears
B. Grey animal and have no hair
C. From Asia only
D. Brown and long animal

Read the text below and choose the best answer

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born in Fulham, London 24 years ago. He is the only child of
Alan Radcliffe Family. He has white skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes and pointed nose. He
is loyal, shy, down to earth, and humorous person. He is also intelligent and somewhat
mysterious. He loves football formula one racing and gymnastics.

5. The word “down to earth” has closest meaning to …

A. Sensible
B. Responsibility
C. Friendly
D. Impractical

Read the following text carefully

Today is my birthday. My father gave me a dictionary. It is very thick. It has six hundred
and seventy pages. There are pictures on some pages of the dictionary. They make the
dictionary special. The color of the cover is bright red and the pages are white. The pictures
are in black and white. It is new edition.

6. What makes the dictionary special?

A. It is the latest edition
B. It has many pages
C. It is a birthday gift
D. It has many colors

Read the following text and choose the best answer

There are two giant gouramis in my tank. They are a female and a male gourami. They are
now 4 years old. The female is about 45 cm long and the male is 50 cm long. The male is
pale in color. The female is golden yellow with silvery pale blue stripes running vertically
along its body. The female has thicker lips.

7. The fact thing below is correct, except ….

A. The gouramis are big fish
B. They are 5 cm different long
C. The female is pale with yellow stripes
D. The male is longer than the male

Text for no 8 – 11

Once upon a time, there was a very bad king who was hated by all his people. One
day, he was taking a walk by the river and decided to go for a swim. When he got into the
water, he suddenly got a cramp and started to drown.
When two farmers, working in a field nearby, saw him drowning, they jumped
into the river and rescued him. He was so grateful and thanked them by giving each
farmer one wish.
The first farmer asked for a pair of water buffaloes. The king gladly agreed to this
request. Then the king asked the second man about his wish. The second farmer, a wise
old man, thought for a while. Finally, he said, “Do not tell anyone that I helped to save
your life”

8. What does the text tell us about?

a. A king who saved by two farmers
b. A king who drowned into to the river
c. Very kind farmers
d. A wise old man

9. How did the king thank to the farmers?

a. He asked the farmers for some helps
b. He gave the farmers wishes
c. He did not tell anyone that he drowned
d. He felt so grateful

10. Where did the story probably take a place?

a. In the farm
b. In the pond
c. In the river
d. In the garden

11. The intention of the text above is …

a. To inform about the king
b. To describe about the king’s hearted
c. To entertain the reader
d. To retell the king’s experience

11. From the text, we know that Leona’s little sister is a . . . girl
A. Lazy
B. Tough
C. Creative
D. Cheerful
12. The card is sent to . . . .
A. Inform Leona’s sister that she was accepted in a good school
B. Congratulate Leona’s sister on her graduation
C. Show Leona’s happiness over her graduation
D. Encourage Leona’s sister to study harder
13. Putri : What are you doing here?
Sigit : I . . . the grass. This is my monthly chore
A. Trim
B. Trimmed
C. Am trimming
D. Was trimming
Riska is my neighbor. She is a secretary. She works at Bright Company. As a
secretary, she has daily routine. She leaves for the office at eight in the morning by bus,
and she comes home at four in the afternoon. She helps her director manage a schedule
of meeting. She has to make and receive business calls for the director. Besides, she
types important documents related to business and kinds of business letters. She is very
responsible to her job. I am proud of her.

14. What is Riska?

A. A director
B. The writer’s neighbor
C. The owner of Bright Company
D. A secretary
15. What time does Riska go to work?
A. At 7.00 a.m.
B. At 8.00 a.m.
C. At 07.00 p.m.
D. At 8.00 p.m.
16. How does Riska go to work?
A. On foot
B. By car
C. By taxi
D. By bus
17. Which one is Riska’s routine in the office?
A. She is helped by her director to type business letter
B. She makes and receives business calls
C. She asks her director to type important documents
D. She observes how the workers work in the office

18. Syaiful : I get a hundred for the English test

Iwan : That’s good. I only get eighty
Which one is correct based on the dialogue?
A. Iwan’s score is higher than Syaiful’s
B. Syaiful’s score is higher than Iwan’s
C. Syaiful’s score is lower than Iwan’s
D. Iwan’s score is as high as Syaiful’s

Yesterday was Sunday. Kamila’s parents took her to the zoo in

the town yesterday. Kamila was glad because she could see a few
animals at the zoo. Besides seeing the animals, she took some
photographs with a cockatoo. She also fed the monkeys there. She gave
them some bananas and peanuts. After seeing all the animals, she
decided to ride on an elephant. At first she felt a little nervous, but she
enjoyed the riding at last.

19. Why did Kamila feel glad?

A. Yesterday was Sunday
B. She saw a few animals at the zoo
C. She got some bananas
D. She ate some peanuts

20. Whom did Kamila take picture with?

A. Her parents
B. An elephant
C. The monkeys
D. A cockatoo
21. “She gave them some bananas and peanuts”
The underlined word has the same meaning with the word . . . .
A. Provided
B. Took
C. Threw
D. Bought

“We Are the Champions”

By Queen
I've paid my dues No pleasure cruise
Time after time I consider it a challenge before
I've done my sentence The human race
But committed no crime And I ain't gonna lose
And bad mistakes
I've made a few And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are
I've had my share of sand the champions, my friends
Kicked in my face And we'll keep on fighting till the end
But I've come through We are the champions
And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions
We are the champions, my friends No time for losers
And we'll keep on fighting till the end 'Cause we are the champions of the World
We are the champions We are the champions, my friends
We are the champions And we'll keep on fighting till the end
No time for losers We are the champions
'Cause we are the champions of the World We are the champions
I've taken my bows No time for losers
And my curtain calls 'Cause we are the champions of the World
You brought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it Sumber: Musixmatch
I thank you all
Penulis lagu: Freddie Mercury
But it's been no bed of roses
Lirik We Are the Champions © Queen Music Limited

22. What is the song about?

A. Victory
B. Broken heart
C. Failure
D. Falling in love
23. What is the message of the song?
A. We don’t need to be a winner
B. We may not give up though it’s hard
C. We may not kick sand to someone’s face
D. We have to regret our bad mistakes

24. In – your – the – best – speech – on – congratulation – contest – performance!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 7-4-9-1-2-3-5-6-8
B. 7-6-2-4-9-1-3-5-8
C. 7-6-3-5-8-1-2-4-9
D. 7-1-3-5-8-6-2-9-4
The following text is for questions 26-28

A long time ago, there lived a farmer in a remote area. One day, a big flood hit the area and
destroyed all of the farmer’s properties including his rice field and cattle. The farmer instantly became
A few days later, an old man came to his house. He gave him a goose and said, “this goose
will be useful for you. So, keep it well.” A week later, the goose laid an egg. Astonishingly, it was a
golden egg. It made the farmer happy.
The goose that laid golden eggs helped the farmer improve his life. However, his newfound
fortune made him a sloth and a squander.
The goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer couldn’t wait
longer, so he killed his goose to look for golden eggs in its stomach. However, he didn’t find any. He
regretted his folly very much, but it was already too late.

26. What is the story about?

A. A joyful moment
B. A greedy farmer
C. A poor goose
D. A wise man
27. What is the intention of writing the text?
A. To amuse the readers
B. To ask readers to love geese
C. To tell readers about a magic goose
D. To inform the readers about goose farming
28. ‘… his newfound fortune made him a sloth …’ (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. A lazy person
B. A foolish person
C. A diligent person
D. A motivated person
The following text is for questions 29-32
The name lavender comes from the Latin root lavare, which means ‘to wash’. Lavender may
have earned this name because in the past people used it to bathe with. Now, lavender is a common
ingredient in sachets for scenting clothes, soaps, and shampoos.
This flower is originally from the mountainous zones of the Mediterranean regions. It grows
well in sunny and stony environments. Today, we can find the flower throughout southern Europe,
Australia, the United States, and Indonesia.
Lavender is a heavily branched sport shrub. It can grow up to 60 centimeters. Its broad
rootstock bears woody branches with upright rod-like leafy green shoots. A silvery down covers the
grey-green narrow leaves, which are oblong and tapered, attached directly at the base and curled
spirally. The flowers are arranged in spirals of 6 to 10 blossoms.
Essential oil is extracted from the fresh flowers and used for medicinal purposes. It has been
used as a remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to depression and fatigue.
Research has confirmed that lavender produces slight soothing, calming, and sedative effects when its
scent is inhaled.
29. In which paragraph did you find the characteristics of the plant?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
30. How do people get lavender oil?
A. By extracting it
B. By inhaling it
C. By mixing it
D. By drying it
31. ‘… and sachets for scenting clothes.’ (paragraph 1)
The synonym of the underlined words is …
A. Perfuming
B. Washing
C. Wetting
D. Drying
32. ‘It has been used as a remedy….’ (paragraph 4)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Essential oil
B. Fresh flowers
C. The lavender plant
D. Medicinal purpose
the following text is for questions 33-34
a. Advantageous
Questions for
33. What type of the text is it?
a. Announcement
b. Brochure
c. Notice Label
d. Label
34. What is the amount of cholesterol in percentage?
a. 2%
b. 7%
c. 0%
d. 13%
The following text is for questions 35-36
Ali Baba
Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a
cave. They went in the cave by saying” Open Sesame” to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali
Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went
toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden
treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother
wanted to know how he became rich.
Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him,
and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the
cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go
back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning, he found a lot of money in the
cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his
house, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told
everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Baba’s house.
After finding Ali Baba’s house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the
thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to
Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together.
After lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that
there were thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of
them. The boss of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid
who became his wife shortly after.
35. How did Alibaba enter the cave?
A. He hid in a jar
B. He followed the cruel thieves to the cave
C. He said the magic word open the cave
D. He asked his brother to open the cave
36. “Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasure …”
The underlined word refers to …
A. 40 cruel thieves
B. Treasure
C. Money
D. A cave
Text following text for question 37- 39 !
There once lived a young couple in a small village. One day, the wife made a hundred hats
for her husband and asked him to sell the hats at the market. The husband excitedly wore one
of the nice hats and went to the market.
To reach the market, he had to pass a dense wood. Tired from the long journey, the
man resterd under one of the big trees in the woods. He put down his bag full of hats on the
ground and went to sleep.
He slept so soundly that he didn’t realise that a lot of monkeys in the trees were watching
him. Soon, they climbed down from the trees, put on the hats, and climbed back up.
When the man woke up and saw that the monkeys had stolen his hats, he got angry. He
threw some stones at the monkeys, hoping they would return his hats.. Surprsisingly, the
monkey imitated what he did. They threw fruits at him. The man got an idea. He dumped his
ha ton the ground and the monkey did the same. They dumped their hats on the ground. The
man quickly collected the hats and went on his way.
37. The man ... hats were stolen by the monkeys was very angry.
A. who
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
38. ‘Surprisingly, the monkey imitated what he did.’ (last paragraph)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. copied
B. watched
C. listened to
D. talked about
39. ‘They dumped their hats on the ground.’ (last paragraph)
The underlined word refer to ...
A. fruit
B. the man
C. the monkeys
D. the man’s wife

Text following text for question 40- 43 !

Nowaday, cats are among the most popular pets aside from dogs. The carnivorous mammals
prey on smaller mammals such as insect, mice, and birds. They like tos talk and pounce on
their prey. Unlike digs that have great stamina and can chase preyy over long distances, cats
are extremely fast, but can only cover short distances.
One of the most interesting things about cat sis that they are flexible and can pass
through any small space into which their heads can fit. This is because their forelimbs are
attached to the shoulder by clavicle bones that can move freely.
Cats produce a variety of sounds such as mewing, hssing, purring, grwling, grunting,
clicking, chirpinggg, squeaking,and trilling for communication. A mother cat is protective of
herr kittens. She will warn anything that might harm them by hissing and showing her claws
as well as making herself look bigger by arching her back and making her hair stand on end.
40. What does the text tell us about ?
A. How cats communicae with each other.
B. How cats hunt their prey.
C. Cats in general.
D. Kinds of cats
41. What does the last paragraph tell us about ?
A. How cats behave if they sense threats.
B. How a mother cat protects her kittens.
C. How a mother cat and her kittens communicate.
D. How cats use different sounds for communication.
42. Where do you probably find the text?
A. In a dictionary
B. In a story book.
C. In a drawing book.
D. In an encyclopedia.
43. Cat make themselves look bigger ... scare their opponents.
A. in order to
B. as a result
C. although
D. because

Text following text for question 44 – 45 !

44. What is the benefit of reading the label above?

A. We can buy the product easily.
B. We will know how to make the product.
C. We know where to get the product easily.
D. We get the detailed information of the product.

45. What should you do before drinking the juice?

A. Shake well the bottle.

B. Keep in the refrigerator.
C. Consume within 3 days.
D. Squeeze the whole orange.

Text following text for question 46 – 50 !

A colourful butterfly card is suitable for written greetings and wishes on a special occasion
such as birthday and Mother’s Day.
- Colourful paper
- Pencil
- Hole punch
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Markers
- Glitters
1) Prepare two pieces of paper in different colours. Fold them in half.
2) Draw a butterfly wing and cut along the line. Now, you have two butterflies.
3) Fold one of the butterflies wing in half again. Make a line to make a smaller butterfly
wing. Cut along the line again. Now, you have a small and large butterfly.
4) Make holes along the edges of the butterfly wings with a hole punch.
5) Glue them together on the folded line.
6) You can decorate the butterfly card with some decorations.

46. From the text, we can conclude that the ... material to make this craft is paper.
A. secondary
B. optional
C. main
D. last
47. ‘Make holes along the edges of the butterfly wings with a hole punch.’ (step 4)
The underlined words mean ...
A. a container of glitter
B. a tool to make holes
C. a pack of colourful paper
D. a hole where a thread goes

48. Glue them together on the folded line.’ (step 5)

The underlined word refers to . . . of the butterfly.
A. the wings
B. the head
C. the legs
D. the tail

49. How many colours are suggested for the wings of the butterfly?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
50. Cut along the lines while keeping the two cards together . . . you will have two
butterflies. (Step 2)
A. but
B. so
C. or
D. if


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