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Research II
Quarter 1 - Module 5:
Sources and Guidelines in
the Selection of Research

CO_Q1_Science8_Module1 (Sample Only)

Research II - Grade 8
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Sources and
Guidelines in the Selection of a Research
First Edition, 2021
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Published by the Department of Education-Region 10

Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Schools Division Superintendent: Edilberto L. Oplenaria, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Teresa B. Rizon

Editor: Page Ann A. Legario
Reviewer/ Validator: Dr. Rhea F. Confesor
Illustrators: John Rimmon I. Taquiso
Teresa B. Rizon
Layout Artist: John Rimmon I. Taquiso
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Quarter 1 - Module 5:
Sources and Guidelines
in the Selection of a
Research Problem
Introductory Message:
Welcome to the Research 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Sources and
Guidelines in selecting a research problem.

To the Teachers:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
schools to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the learners meet the standards
set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress and allow them to manage their own learning for
optimal development and understanding. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in this module.

To the Parents:

This module was designed to provide your children with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at their own pace and time.

As vital partners in education, your support to your children’s learning at home is a great
factor to ensure that they will become successful in what they do. As parents, you are
expected to monitor your children’s progress as they accomplish the tasks presented in this
module and ensure that they will practice learning independently.

To the Learners:

This learning resource hopes to engage you into guided and independent learning activities
at your own pace and time. In other words, your success in completing this module lies in
your own hands. You are capable and empowered to achieve the competencies and skills
presented in this material if you will only learn, create and accomplish to the best of your

Be rest assured that this material is entirely learner-friendly for this aims to help you acquire
the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration your needs and circumstances.

It is our objective, therefore, that you will have fun while going through this module. Take
charge of your learning pace and in no time, you will successfully meet the targets and
objectives set in here which are intended for your ultimate development as a learner and as
a person.

- From the Research 8 Module Development Team

Different Sources of
1 Research Problem

What I need to know

In this lesson, you will be introduced to the
  different sources of research problem and
          to identify them as you go along the
process in selecting your problem or topic.

  After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the different sources of research problem; and
2. describe the different sources of research problem.
Learning Competency: SS_RS8-RPM-Id-e-7

                                                          W hat I Know

Direction: Identify the source of research problem stated in each situation. Choose the
CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

A. Personal experiences F. National and social Concerns

B. Practical experiences G. Brainstorming

C. Literature searches or published materials H. Intuition/Insights

D. Existing Theories I. Consultations from experts

E. Previous Research

1. Students in research class were assigned a topic about Environmental issues in

their locality. They were asked to gather information on the causes and effects from
experts such as DENR.

2. You are thinking of buying something but have not because you have been unable to
decide between two different brands.You are not completely sure how to decide, so
you decided based on your gut feeling.
3. You are given an assignment from your English teacher to generate ideas based on
the question , What are your feelings during the time of COVID-19 pandemic?

4. Early in the cold morning, you observed that your fathers’s tricycle wont start. You’re
wondering why has this happened? This incident may provide you ideas to identify
some possible causes maybe lack of gasoline or a low battery.

5. Mrs. Cruz, an English teacher observed one of her students in class name Peter.
She noticed that Peter frequently disturbed students who sat around him. He also
had trouble working in cooperative learning situations. So, Mrs. Cruz think creatively,
what would be a good plan on how to stop Peter’s poor behavior in class.

Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not, Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Sources of topics are suggested (such as COVID-19 pandemic) by more global
contemporary social or political issues of relevance to the health care community is
an example of research problem from insights.
2. Day-to-day practical experience of a researcher may serve as a good source of ideas
to formulate a research problem.
3. Published materials such as books and articles relating to the subject of our interest,
including research reports, opinion articles, and summaries of clinical issues,
pertinent questions may arise in our mind
4. If an existing theory is used in developing a researchable problem, a specific
statement from the theory must be isolated.
5. Brainstorming sessions are good techniques to find new questions, where an
intensified discussion among interested people of the profession is conducted to find
more ideas to formulate a good research problem.
6. Consultation from inexperience person may help in finding a current problem of
discipline to be solved, which may serve as basis for formulation of research
7. During research work, researchers get variety of experiences, which may provide
plenty of ideas to formulate research problems.
8. Usually, at the end of a research, further research problems are suggested, based on
the shortcomings of previous research, which can be investigated.
9. Everyday personal or professional experience may lead us to identify a problem for which
we would like a solution.
10. Discussion among friends can often spark our interest in a problem or provides us
with the reinforcers for pursuing a question, is an example of practical experience.

W hat’s In
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the identification of a research problem
which is the first and the most important step in the research process. Generally, a broad
area is selected and then a broad topic is delimited or narrowed down to a specific one-
sentenced statement of the problem. This step of the research process is considered as the
most difficult, challenging and need lots of time.

Based on what you have learned previously, describe your experiences when choosing a
research problem.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Try the next activity to guide you about what are sources of research problem.
W hat’s New
Direction: Study each picture inside the box and identify some sources of research
problems/topic and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Sources of research problem:

(no particular order)
1. _____________________
2.   _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________

Where you able to identify sources
of research problem? Great! The
picture tells you about some sources
of a research problem. You may now
proceed to the next to learn more
about sources of research problem.
Have fun!

W hat is It

Research is an adventure towards discovery. Before discovery takes place, a researcher

needs to identify the sources of research problems to begin a study. It takes considerable
time and effort to figure it out. What are the sources to generate research problems? Can
you identify them?

Different sources of Research Problem

Day to day personal experience of a research may serve as good

source of ideas to formulate a research problem. For example you
Personal notice that the stems of some of your indoor plants bend toward the
Experiences window. You turn the plants away from the window, but a few days
later, the plants are bent back toward the window.This experience
may provide ideas such as the direction of a light source affects
the direction of plant growth.

Professional experience may lead to identify a problem for it

Practical provides a solution. Alternatively, it may encounter a question or
Experiences questions that would like to answer. For example a teacher
classroom experiences such as teaching style, teacher effectiveness,
student’s behavior etc. can guide a teacher the research.

Literature gives an idea of areas which have been explored and

Literature those which are partially explored. Literature and published
Searches or materials such as journals are rich with reports of problems studied
Published by other researchers. When you critically study books and articles
Materials relating to the subject of interest, personal questions may arise in
your mind by stating what additional research is needed.

In science, theory is an explanation of natural world that has
been repeatedly tested and verified using scientific method. An
Existing idea/ ideas about how things relate to each other. Research is a
Theories process of theory development and theory testing. An existing
theory is used in developing a researchable problem. Example is
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution such as the evolution of horses,
elephants etc.
National Topics are suggested by more global, social, or political issues of
social relevance to the general public. General concerns among the
Concerns community or by government include COVID-19 pandemic, air and
water pollution, era of technology, waste management , result to
newer research or exploration.  
Brainstorming sessions are good techniques for intensive  
discussions among interested people to find ideas to formulate a
Brainstorming good research problem. Discussion among friends can often spark
your interest in a problem or provides you with the reinforcer for
pursuing a question. For example, ideas for studies may arise
from reviewing research priorities by having brainstorming
session with other researchers.  

The simplest source of a problem to solve is to have it given to

Consultation you as a class assignment, as a directed research project.
from Experts Experts are believed to have sound experience of their respective
field, who may suggest a significant problem to be studied. They
also help in finding a current problem of discipline to be solved,
as a basis for formulation of research problem.
Intuitions are considered good sources of knowledge as well
as sources to find new research problems. It is believed that
Research the reflective mind is a good sources of ideas, which may used to
problem from formulate a good research problem. You research a topic simply
insight because it occurred to you and it seemed important. The
systematic development of the idea is lacking. This is “intuitive”
or good guess research. It is fun because you get to do what
interests you at that moment.  
A body of knowledge should be developed on a sound
Previous foundation of research findings. Usually, at the end of a research,
Research further research problems are suggested, based on the limitations
of previous research, which can be investigated and serve as
basis for formulation of research problem.
                                                                  W hat’s More
Activity 1.2: LIKED OR DISLIKED!
Direction: Decide whether the description of each source of research problem is true or
false. Thumbs up if the statement is true and thumbs down if it is false.Write the letter only.

A. B.

1. Experts opinion will help you identify your problem area. They will help you clarify
your thinking to achieve a sense of focus and to be clear and concise in your
research theme.
2. Theories are expressed to explain the phenomena, situations and general principles
that require research. They are good source of research problems because
relationships with variables can be predicted, tested and determined.
3. Reading literature review does not give you some research problems.
4. Discussion among friends can often spark our interest in a problem or provides us
with the reinforcers for pursuing a question.
5. There may be so many life experiences of a researcher which could not be used to
develop a research problem.
6. Intuitions are considered good sources of knowledge as well as sources to find new
research problems.
7. Usually, at the end of a research, further research problems are suggested, based on
the shortcomings of previous research, which can be investigated and serve as basis
for formulation of research problem.
8. Everyday personal or professional experience may lead us to identify a solution for which we
would like a problem.
9. Consultation from inexperience person may help in finding a current problem of
discipline to be solved, which may serve as basis for formulation of research
10. Day-to-day practical experience of a researcher may serve as a good source of ideas
to formulate a research problem.
W hat I Have Learned
Activity 1.3: YOU COMPLETE ME!
In this activity, you will identify the sources of research problem and give its description in
your own words to check your understanding on this topic.

Direction: Complete the table below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

What are the different sources of Describe each word in your own words.
research problem?

                                                                    W hat I Can Do
Activity 1.4: CHOOSE ME!
This time, you are now ready to identify which among the different sources of research
problem you think is a good source to start formulating your own research problem.

Direction: Choose ONE or MORE among the sources of research problem and give your
explanation of choosing the source/s. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

A. Personal experiences
B. Practical experiences
C. Literature and Publication materials
D. Existing theories
E. National and social concerns
F. Brainstorming
G. Intuition
H. Consultation with experts
I. Previous research

                                                                A ssessment

Direction: Identify the source of research problem stated in each situation. Choose the
CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
A. Personal experiences F. National and social Concerns
B. Practical experiences G. Brainstorming
C. Literature searches or published materials H. Intuition/Insights
D. Existing Theories I. Consultations from experts
E. Previous Research

1. Early in the cold morning, you observed that your fathers’s tricycle wont start. You’re
wondering why has this happened? This incident may provide you ideas to identify
some possible causes maybe lack of gasoline or a low battery.
2. A nurse finds that unrestricted visiting hours in surgical wards reduced the analgesic
demand among postoperative patients. In another instance, she observed that
application of ice at the site of heparin injection reduced the chances of ecchymosis.
3. You are thinking of buying something but have not because you have been unable to
decide between two different brands.You are not completely sure how to decide, so
you decided based on your gut feeling.
4. Mrs. Cruz, an English teacher observed one of her students in class name Peter.
She noticed that Peter frequently disturbed students who sat around him. He also
had trouble working in cooperative learning situations. So, Mrs. Cruz think creatively,
what would be a good plan on how to stop Peter’s poor behavior in class.
5. John, an eight-grade student reads a newspaper on the high cases of COVID-19
infection in the selected towns of their province, so he decided to stay home for


Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, replace the
underlined word(s) with the word(s) that will make the statement correct.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Consultation from inexperience person may help in finding a current problem of

discipline to be solved, which may serve as basis for formulation of research
2. Intuitions are considered good sources of knowledge as well as sources to find new
research problems.
3. Published Materials such as books and articles relating to the subject of our interest,
including research reports, opinion articles, and summaries of clinical issues,
pertinent questions may arise in our mind
4. If an existing theory is used in developing a researchable problem, a specific
statement from the theory must be isolated.
5. Brainstorming sessions are good techniques to find new questions, where an
intensified discussion among interested people of the profession is conducted to find
more ideas to formulate a good research problem.
6. Day-to-day practical experience of a researcher may serve as a good source of ideas
to formulate a research problem.
7. Discussion among friends can often spark our interest in a problem or provides us
with the reinforcers for pursuing a question, is an example practical experience.
8. Consultation with professionals in a specific field, study specialists, research
associations, and essay counselors will help you identify your problem area.
9. During field exposure, researchers get variety of experiences, which may provide
plenty of ideas to formulate research problems.
10. Sources of topics are suggested (such as COVID-19 pandemic) by more global
contemporary social or political issues of relevance to the health care community is
an example of research problem from insights.

                                                            Additional Activities

Activity 1.5: LET’S APPLY!

Directions: Identify five (5) problems that may be investigated by going to different
areas around your house or by interviewing people (family members),
reading newspaper/magazine or surfing the internet, and by observing
objects around them.

1. List down the research problem identified.

2. Classify and identify the source of each problem.
3. Present your output using the sample format below.

Sample format:

Source of Problem
  Problem or Topic
People Places Things/Objects
  Unsegregated waste Some people
doesn’t practice
  proper waste

Guidelines/criteria in the
2 Selection of a Research

  What I Need to Know


In this lesson, you will be introduced

to the guidelines/criteria in the
selection of a research problem.
Specifically you will learn internal and
external factors involve in the
formulation of research problem and
apply this in the selection of your
                            research problem.

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. discuss the the different guidelines/criteria in selecting a research problem; and
2. apply these guidelines in the formulation of research problem.
Learnig Competency:SSP_RS8-RPM-Id-e-7

Note to the Teacher
You can conduct a brief review of the previous lesson
and link it with the current one.


  What I Know

Direction: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

A. Interest H. Feasibility

B. Competence I. Facilities

C. Own resource, finance, and time G. Usefulness and social releavance

D. Researchable and solvable K. Interesting

E. Current L. Aministrative/peer support

F. Novelty of the problem M. Ethical soundness

1. A very important topic of research cannot be considered feasible until it is in

accordance with the ethical guidelines.
2. Financial and psychological support is essential to conduct research.
3. A research will be conducted with full enthusiasm and not merely for its
4. The study of the problem should make a significant contribution to the concerned
body of knowledge or to the solution of some significant practical problem.
5. Research requires certain facilities such, as well-equipped library facility, suitable and
competent guidance, data analysis facility, etc.
6. Research should be feasible in terms of time, availability of subjects, facilities,
equipment & money, and ethical considerations.
7. Every research problem should be new and unique in itself.
8. Professionals will be interested in the research conducted on the current issues of
their profession.
9. The researcher must ensure that a research problem selected for the study is
10. Consideration of researcher’s own financial capacity is quite important.
11. A researcher must have an expertise to plan and carry out a study of the problem
and possess adequate knowledge of the subject matter, relevant methodology and
statistical procedures.
12. A researcher will put a greater amount of effort when pursuing an area of personal
13. A good research problem must be based on the current problems and needs of the
profession so that the result generated will be of more use.
14. The researcher knows how to design and undertake research enterprise (including
data acquisition, data analysis, etc.)
15. A research problem must be a motivation and fascinating as well to the researcher.
W hat’s In
           In the previous lesson, you have learned about the different sources of research
problem. You were also able to identify which among those sources of research problem is
a good source to start formulating your own research problem.

Based on what you have learned previously, What is the importance of identifying sources
of research problem in formulating your own research problem?

Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Try the next activity to guide you about what are the guidelines/criteria in the selection of a
research problem.
W hat’s New

Activity 2.1: WHAT’S THE MAGIC WORD!

Direction: Read the situation and give the magic word. Write your answer in separate sheet
of paper.

Mrs Rizon, a grade 8 science teacher assigned her class a topic about
Conservation of Natural Resources. She instructed the class to select a particular
endangered animal found in the Philippine forest that draws their attention. Furhermore, the
class were instructed to gather information and prepare a report of the endangered animal of
their choice.

Based on the situation above, What word is associated of the phrase draws their attention?
The word is consists of 7 letters. The first and the last letter is done for you. Guess what’s
the magic word!

I_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ T

Did you know that this
word is one of the
guidelines in the
selection of research

W hat is It

The formulation of a research problem is very important, as it defines the quality and
validity of the contents of a research report. As you begin to focus on a specific topic within
the general subject area, you should evaluate the possibilities according to the following
guidelines/criteria. What are the guidelines in the selection of a research problem? Can you
identify them?

Guidelines in the Selection of Research Problem

I Reseacher’s interest
Researcher’s competence
Researcher’s own resource, finance and time

Researchable and Solvable


Novelty of the Problem

  Usefulness and Social Relevance
  Administrative/peer support
  Ethical Soundness

A. Internal
1. Researcher’s Interest- The chief motivation in the way of selecting research
problem is the personal inclination of the researcher. If a researcher has personal
interest in the topic, he would select that problem for his research work.He will put a
greater amount of effort when pursuing an area of personal interest. It oftentimes
require a lot of hardwork and time consuming. It helps if the researcher chooses a
topic which interest and challenges him/her. Otherwise it might become difficult for
the researcher to develop and sustain necessary levels of perseverance and
. 2. Researcher’s competence- Mere interest in a research problem is not enough. The
researcher must know how to design and undertake research enterprise (including
data acquisition, data analysis, etc.)    He/she must have an expertise (or be
competent) to plan and carry out a study of the problem and possess adequate
knowledge of the subject-matter, relevant methodology and statistical procedures. A
researcher should be capable to handle a given research problem.

. 3. Researcher’s own resource- In the case of researcher-funded research, consideration

of researcher’s own financial capacity is quite important, If it is beyond researcher’s
financial capability, researcher may not be able to complete research work, except
he/she gets supported financially. Time as a resource is more important than finance.
Research is a time – consuming process and the ability to allocate sufficient time to a
given research should be properly considered when formulating the problem.  

. B. External

. 4. Researchable and Solvable- The problem should be researchable. It is considered

good only if it is solvable so that chances of insolvability of problem should be
minimized. It will enhance relevant results. For example, a researcher selects a
research problem to know the existence of God in this universe. These sorts of
problems are ambiguous and impossible to solve. Therefore, the researcher must
ensure that a research problem selected for the study is solvable.

. 5. Current - A good research problem must be based on the current problems and needs
of the profession so that the result generated will be of more use. Furthermore, more
number of the professionals will be interested in the research conducted on the
current issues of their profession.

. 6. Novelty of the problem – The problem must have novelty. There is no use of wasting  
one’s time and energy on a problem already studied thoroughly by others. Every
research problem should be new and unique in itself. Therefore, it is the key
responsibility of a researcher that an innovative knowledge is used for selecting a
research problem, so as to extend the growth of existing body of knowledge.

. 7. Feasibility – Feasibility is an essential consideration of any research project. Research

should be feasible in terms of time, availability of subjects, facilities, equipment &
money and ethical considerations. A problem may be a new one but if research on it
is not feasible, it cannot be selected.  

. 8. Facilities - Research requires certain facilities such, as well-equipped library facility,
suitable and competent guidance, data analysis facility, etc. Hence the availability of
the facilities relevant to the problem must be considered.  

. 9.   Usefulness and Social relevance- The study of the problem should make a
significant contribution to the concerned body of knowledge or to the solution of some
significant practical problem. It should be socially relevant and have significance to
the profession or discipline. A research problem is significant for a discipline when it
is directed to develop or refine the body of professional knowledge. It should be
relevant to the profession, time, need & the competency of the researcher.  

. 10. Interesting - A research problem must be a motivation of the researcher and it should
be fascinating also.Thus a research will be conducted with full enthusiasm and not
merely for its accomplishment.  

. 11. Administrative/peer support - Many researches require administrative support.

Financial & psychological support is essential to conduct research. A climate of
shared interest among the professional members promote research activities

. 12. Ethical Soundness – The research problem selected should be cleared by the
ethical committee without undue pressure. A very important topic of research cannot
be considered feasible unless it is in accordance with the ethical guidelines. You
should always consider the possibility of inflicting harm on others while carrying out
research. Always consider whether there are relevant ethical issues to be concerned

What’s More
Activity 2.2: TELL THE TRUTH!
Directions: Decide whether the description of each source of research problem is true or
false. Check (✔) the box if the statement is true and (✖) if it is false.

☐ 1.Feasibility is an essential consideration of any research project.

☐ 2.Every research should be new and unique in itself.
☐ 3.A research problem should not be fascinating to the researcher.
☐ 4.The consumers/stakeholders benefit from the research findings is an example
of usefulness and relevance of research.
☐ 5.A researcher should be incapable to handle a given research problem.
☐ 6.Financial and psychological support is essential to conduct research
☐ 7.The availability of the facilities relevant to the problem should not be
☐ 8.A researcher should be knowledgable about the topic he/she wants to conduct
the research study.
☐ 9.A very important topic of research cannot be considered feasible unless it is in
accordance with the ethical guidelines.
☐ 10.A climate of shared interest among the professional members does not
promote research activities smoothly.

W hat I Have Learned
Activity 2.3: YOU COMPLETE ME!
In this activity, you will list down the different guidelines in the selection of a research
problem and give its description in your own words to check your understanding on this

Direction: Complete the table below. Write your answer in a separate sheet.

What are the guidelines/criteria in the Describe in your own words.

selection of research problem?

                                                                    W hat I Can Do
Activity 2.4: CHOOSE ME!
This time, you are now ready to apply the guidelines in the selection of research problem.
Which among the guidelines you will consider in the selection of your research problem?

Direction: Choose ONE or MORE among the guidelines in the selection of your research
problem and give your explanation of choosing the guideline(s). Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.

J. Researcher’s interest H. Facilities

K. Researcher’s competence I. Usefulness and relevance
L. Researcher’s own resources/finance and time.
M. Researchable and solvable J. Interesting
N. Current K. Administrative/peer support
O. Novelty of the problem L. Ethical soundness
P. Feasibility

                                                                A ssessment

Direction: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

A. Interest H. Feasibilty

B. Competence I. Facilities
C. Own resource, finance, and time G. Usefulness and social releavance

D. Researchable and solvable K. Interesting

E. Current L. Aministrative/peer support

F. Novelty of the problem M. Ethical soundness

1. A research problem must be a motivation and fascinating to the researcher.

2. The study of the problem should make a significant contribution to the concerned
body of knowledge or to the solution of some significant practical problem.
3. A research will be conducted with full enthusiasm and not merely for its
4. Financial and psychological support is essential to conduct research.
5. A very important topic of research cannot be considered feasible until it is in
accordance with the ethical gideliness.
6. Research requires certain facilities such, as well equipped library facility, suitable and
competent guidance, data analysis facility, etc.
7. Research should be feasible in terms of time, availability of subjects, facilities,
equipment & money and ethical considerations.
8. Every research problem should be new and unique in itself.
9. Pofessionals will be interested in the research conducted on the current issues of
their profession.
10. The researcher must ensure that a research problem selected for the study is
11. Consideration of researcher’s own financial capacity is quite important.
12. A researcher must have an expertise to plan and carry out a study of the problem
and possess adequate knowledge of the subject-matter, relevant methodology and
statistical procedures.
13. A researcher will put a greater amount of effort when pursuing an area of personal
14. A good research problem must be based on the current problems and needs of the
profession so that the result generated will be of more use.
15. The researcher knows how to design and undertake research enterprise (including
data acquisition, data analysis, etc.)

                                                                A dditional Activities

Activity 2.5: ARE YOU READY!

1. Identify three (3) possible research problems that can be used for your future research
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
2. Put a check (✓) across the criteria to which your response is yes and a cross (x)
opposite to the criteria to which your response is no. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.

Criteria Yes/No
1. Is the problem interesting?
2. Will the rserearch contribute to the solution of socio-economically
important problem?
3.Will the research generate new information?
4. Is the research novel?
5. Do I have the skills or knowledge necessary to conduct the
research or can I learn them within the time I have?
6. Is the research feasible in terms of
a. Time required to finish the research?
b. Expense involved in conducting the research?
c. Availability of materials for experimentation?
d. Accessibility of materials for experimentation?
e. Risks and hazards involved in conducting the experiment?
7. Is the research reproducible?
8. Is the research in accordance with ethical guidelines?

1. M 2. L 3. K 4. G 5. I 6. A 7. F 8. E 9. D 10. 11. B 12. A 13. E 14. B 15. K
1. ✔ 2. ✔ 3. ✖ 4. ✔ 5. ✖ 6. ✔ 7. ✖ 8. ✔ 9. ✔ 10. ✖
1. K 2. G 3. K 4. L 5. M 6. I 7. 8. F 9. E 10. D 11. O 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. B
Lesson 2
1. I 2. H 3. G 4. A 5. B
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A
1. internet source 2. Group discussion 3. Reading materials 4. Creative thinking
1. A 2. B 3. H 4. B 5. C
1. Expert 2. TRUE 3. TRUE 4. TRUE 5. TRUE 6. Personal experience
7. Brainstorming 8. TRUE 9. TRUE 10. Social/national issues
Lesson 1
A nswer Key                                                                      
Sources of Research Problem
Google Docs. n.d. Science-Investigatory-Project-Module. [online] Available at:
z4JD0/edit> [Accessed 17 August 2021].

n.d. [online] Available at: <

Demo/unit1/> [Accessed 15 August 2021].

Patidar, J., 2013. Research problem. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 15
August 2021].

Raut, B., 2018. Sources of Research Problem. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 15
August 2021].
Guidelines/Criteria in Selecting Research Problem
Campbell, W., Ballou, S. and Slade, C., 1991. Form and Style. 8th ed. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Company, pp.2-3.

Hulse, K. and McMullin, T., 1991. Science Fair Manual A step-by-step Approach. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, p.21.

Ezeogu, L., 2017. [online] Available at:

PROBLEM-By-Ezeogu/aaf740215175e6cdd02c3b05a7152cc4e85d3fd9> [Accessed 15
August 2021]. n.d. Sources of Problems to Solve. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 14 August

Jaikumar, M. ed. n. d. Criteria to Select a Good Research Problem. [online] Available at:
problem/>[Accessed 15 August 2021]. n.d. Criteria in selecting a good research problem i Topic of research

selected | Course Hero. [online] Available at:
Topic-of-research-selected/> [Accessed 14 August 2021].

Celeste, P. 2014 . Selecting and Defining Research Problem. [online] Available at:
A-RESEARCH-PROBLEM.pdf/> [Accessed 15 August 2021].

n.d. Criteria for Selecting a Research Problem. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 15
August 2021].

n.d. What are the Criteria and Sources for Identifying Research . [online] Available at:
identifying-the-research-problems/116026/> [Accessed 15 August 2021].

n.d. Guidelines in the Selection of Research Problem. [online] Available at:

[online] Available at:
research-problem-or-topic//> [Accessed 15 August 2021].

“Selection of Research Problem Criteria and Characteristics.” Study Lecture Notes, June 9,

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