U2 Telephone Calls

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Day-to-Day Office

Unit 2 : Telephone Calls

1. This is _________ speaking. - is a formal or polite way of identifying who is

speaking on the phone.

2. Hold for a moment - used to tell someone to wait or to stop for a brief time.

* Can you please hold for a moment?

3. Available - (of a person) not otherwise occupied; free to do something.

* I’ll check to see if she’s available.

4. Leave a message - to leave information for someone you haven't been able
to meet or talk to.

* Would you like to leave a message for her?

5. Direct a call - to make a telephone call outside the local area without the
assistance of an operator.

* How may I direct your call?

6. Reservations - an arrangement whereby something, especially a seat or

room, is booked or reserved for a particular person.

* I’d like to make a reservation in the restaurant.

7. Expect - believe that (someone or something) will arrive soon.

* When do you expect him back in?

8. In regards to - as concerns; with respect to.

* I’m calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday.

9. Return a call - to telephone somebody after they have telephoned you.

* Please have her return my call.

10. I didn’t quite catch that - I didn't hear what you said.

11. I’ll get back to you - to talk to someone again, usually on the phone, in
order to give them some information or because you were not able to speak
to them before.

* Can I take your number and have him get back to you?

12.Confirm - to establish the truth, or to verify something.

* I just want to confirm, your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N, is

that correct?

13. Makes an arrangement - to prepare to get it or prepare to do it.

* He makes all the arrangement for our executive accounts.

* Is the Director of Human Resources available?

* What did the operator/ speaker offer to help the caller?

* What did the operator/ speaker promise to the caller?

* What was the telephone call all about?

Verifying Information

Sometimes you have to verify an order, or double check a figure. If you have the
information and you just want to verify that it is accurate, then you can use
these types of sentences.

"Hi Debra, I'm analyzing the log files and noticed entry 14 was negative 42. Can
you confirm if this is accurate?"

"I see that our April 2003 revenue was 1.2 million dollars. Can you double check
that this figure is accurate?"

"I am going to meet with the CFO in an hour. Can you look through this report
and double check my findings? It should only take you 20 minutes or so."

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