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Several prestigious American scientists have discovered a hidden secret related to the

territory of our country. The oldest copper metallurgical activity in the world is also
recorded in Oltenia and was almost 10,000 years ago, and the oldest writing in the
world, the Tartary tablets, is also recorded in
Romania, more precisely in Alba county and dates from the years 5-6,000 BC
According to research carried out by foreigners, the bow was also invented in
Romania and the first furnaces in Europe appeared. It seems that other IndoEuropean
peoples left and formed from this Romanian land and not only such as: Iranians,
Carians, Italics, Phrygians, Scythians, Cimmerians, Iberian tribes, Basques,
Sarmatians, Hellenes (Achaeans and Dorians), Phoenicians...etc.
The Thraco-Dacians represent the oldest and highest culture on Earth, prior to the
Sumerian civilization, and also the most numerous (180-200 tribes). They could be
found all over Europe (Balkans, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria,
Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, European Turkey, Asia
Minor, Africa……even the Boers of South Africa are also a Dac race, of which
Burebista himself was a part.
Writing, and with it history, appeared first in the Thracian space and only later in the
Greco-Roman space, probably taken there by the tribes that migrated from here. The
Thraco-Dacians had the oldest agriculture in Europe, (Neolithic) and among the
oldest in the world. In their time, they were the only people in the world who used the
circle to measure time, according to
Starting in 1995, after long studies, but intentionally kept underground, a number of
prestigious American scientists came to the conclusion that the Flood described in the
Bible took place on the western shore of the Black Sea, where an unexpectedly
developed population lived, ( maybe who?). Incidentally, Olympus, the legendary
mountain from Greek mythology (ULIMP- Light or Splendor, in the Thracian-Dacian
language), was nothing but the Bucegi mountain on which, not coincidentally, the
second Sphinx on Earth stands. The historian Homer said that only the Thracians
knew how to fight on horseback and with the bow starting from the fifth millennium
before Christ.
The Thraco-Dacians were noted for their perfect correctness, all conventions being
concluded verbally and then kept with sanctity. The absence from home was signaled
by a stick left at the gate, which was more than enough. The Tracho-Dacians were the
only civilization in the world that did not use slavery in any form.
Around the year 1400 BC, the first school with an independent premises on
Earth, called the Andronicon, was built in North-Danube Thracia, where the
Zamolxian priests taught all university subjects starting with theology (the cult of the
Sun God and the 12 constellations).
According to the testimonies left to the posterity of Plato and Socrates,
Pythagoras himself completed his studies at the Zamolxian school, and they also
affirmed that at that time in Dacia there were the most important doctors of the time.
The historian Herodotus, considers the Cimmerians originally from the NorthEastern
slope of the Carpathians, (today's Moldova). Then some of them moved to the South,
in Anatolia, where they were known as Cimiry. Migrating later to Italy, Spain,
England and Ireland they were known as Celts.

The North-Danube area (today's Romania) has long been considered a terrestrial
paradise. A land rich in almost all the riches of the earth, with agricultural lands (the
later Granary of Europe), extensive pastures, all forms of relief, an incredible natural
hydrographic system, an area well defended against most natural disasters...etc. As a
unique miracle of history, the inhabitants of this area could not be expelled from their
ancestral hearth nor denationalized.

Romanians still preserve the language, manner, customs and traditions of their
ancestors from 7,000 years ago. The detailed blood analyzes demonstrate another
miracle: despite numerous invasions, including the highly distorted Romanian
occupation, we have preserved our genetic purity, specific to our ancestors.

Romania remains a miracle, for which a messianic future was foreseen. The Indian
prophet Sundhar Singh wrote in 1922 that the Romanians will become a people loved
and respected by all the peoples of the world.

A legend claims that the Carpathian Mountains are crossed by underground tunnels
so long that they reach hundreds of kilometers. No one can say whether they were
made by the hand of man or by the force of nature. And such tunnels would also exist
in Bucegi.

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